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New York Cops Beat up Man as he tried to surrender

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Junior Member
How is it possible for America not to be at a complete uproar, already? I was thinking that I was certain an uprising would be starting against the police, and a movement would actually manage to make a difference like six years ago, when I thought shit was out of control. Little did I know the extent it would be today.

Get that shit together, USA.
How is it possible for America not to be at a complete uproar, already? I was thinking that I was certain an uprising would be starting against the police, and a movement would actually manage to make a difference like six years ago, when I thought shit was out of control. Little did I know the extent it would be today.

Get that shit together, USA.

Because the status quo doesn't fucking care about non-whites being victimized by out of control authority figures, and will fall over themselves to deny such a situation is even taking place.

The bolded will never happen.
Thank god they included this in the article:

He was no angel, guys.

Also, can you believe that's ACTUALLY his boy's name?
The same people who will tell people that they need to pick themselves up by the bootstraps will excuse any bullshit that happens to a person who has priors on their record. It's gross as fuck.


Unconfirmed Member
Not by the cops, but yes, you go around pulling knives on people over a dollar, you deserve an asskicking. Unfortunately that's not the cops job, so they both need to go to jail.

So you're saying you didn't read the article in the OP that stated the DA was dismissing the case against him because no robbery even occurred in the first place?

Got it.


Kills Photobucket
Not by the cops, but yes, you go around pulling knives on people over a dollar, you deserve an asskicking. Unfortunately that's not the cops job, so they both need to go to jail.

Had he pulled a knife on the cop, I'd agree that the cop was in their right to take him down violently.

But that's not what happened. The only relevant thing the knife has to due with this case is the first officers very cautious handling of the situation.

Lone Wolf

You can get 2 slices and soda a lot of places in NY for $2.75.

Anyway it's so amazing how many of these instances are caught on camera these days. I'm hoping for every incident that gets caught on camera, it stops two potential incidents from happening in the future. Hoping.

I'd take 30 days in jail over a hefty fine any day, especially if I'm desperate enough to be committing petty theft in the first place. Just my two cents.

It was not petty theft, it was armed robbery.

Winter John

So you're saying you didn't read the article in the OP that stated the DA was dismissing the case against him because no robbery even occurred in the first place?

Got it.

It seems you didn't read the article in the OP either because it didn't state the DA was dismissing the case. It stated Jenning's lawyer expects the case to be dismissed because she believes no robbery took place.

The D.A.’s spokesman said the “entire case,” from the purloined pizza to the alleged beatdown, is under investigation.


Even if you somehow think a beating is a just punishment for theft (which I very much disagree with), these officers weren't at the store when it happened. There had been no trial to determine his guilt. They beat a man who they thought had been accused of a crime. That could have been done to any of you.
Even if you somehow think a beating is a just punishment for theft (which I very much disagree with), these officers weren't at the store when it happened. There had been no trial to determine his guilt. They beat a man who they thought had been accused of a crime. That could have been done to any of you.

Not me. I'm white.

Sorry. :(
Even if you somehow think a beating is a just punishment for theft (which I very much disagree with), these officers weren't at the store when it happened. There had been no trial to determine his guilt. They beat a man who they thought had been accused of a crime. That could have been done to any of you.

Plus, even if he commited a crime the cops aren't meant to "punish" anyone, that's what the courts are sopposed do.

Some people are happy when cops beat on someone is exactly the attitude that is an enabler for this sort of thing.
I mean, the guy is suspected of a knifepoint robbery. I can see why they would be so wary of him and wanting to get him restrained quickly. But why keep hitting him with his hands behind his back?
You don't ever get in close range in a suspected knife call. Ever, not while they went on the ground with hands on head


I noticed that these police officers are not white, and I think that's important.

Not because I think white people are above this (obviously they aren't) or because I want to defend "my people," but because it shows that the problem of police brutality isn't specific to white people as police officers. It seems to be a problem with the police as an institution, rather than white people as a race, and examples like this illustrate that.


Ah I was waiting until the racism thing came out. Eventually it always evolves into the actual bigots pulling the racist card on anyone who doesn't agree with them.

I want to live in a society where I don't risk getting stabbed while doing my job if I tell someone they're a dollar short.

The coppers are not there to mete out street justice. They are there to catch bad guys and put them into the criminal justice system. Also, they beat the wrong guy.
I noticed that these police officers are not white, and I think that's important.

Not because I think white people are above this (obviously they aren't) or because I want to defend "my people," but because it shows that the problem of police brutality isn't specific to white people as police officers. It seems to be a problem with the police as an institution, rather than white people as a race, and examples like this illustrate that.

Actually, David Simon (former Baltimore Sun reported an writer of The Wire) noted that in his experience in Baltimore, it's actually worse when the officer is minority.

What did Tom Wolfe write about cops? They all become Irish? That's a line in “Bonfire of the Vanities.” When Ed and I reported “The Corner,” it became clear that the most brutal cops in our sector of the Western District were black. The guys who would really kick your ass without thinking twice were black officers. If I had to guess and put a name on it, I’d say that at some point, the drug war was as much a function of class and social control as it was of racism. I think the two agendas are inextricably linked, and where one picks up and the other ends is hard to say. But when you have African-American officers beating the dog-piss out of people they’re supposed to be policing, and there isn't a white guy in the equation on a street level, it's pretty remarkable. But in some ways they were empowered. Back then, even before the advent of cell phones and digital cameras — which have been transforming in terms of documenting police violence — back then, you were much more vulnerable if you were white and you wanted to wail on somebody. You take out your nightstick and you’re white and you start hitting somebody, it has a completely different dynamic than if you were a black officer. It was simply safer to be brutal if you were black, and I didn't know quite what to do with that fact other than report it. It was as disturbing a dynamic as I could imagine. Something had been removed from the equation that gave white officers — however brutal they wanted to be, or however brutal they thought the moment required — it gave them pause before pulling out a nightstick and going at it. Some African American officers seemed to feel no such pause.

What the drug war did, though, was make this all a function of social control. This was simply about keeping the poor down, and that war footing has been an excuse for everybody to operate outside the realm of procedure and law. And the city willingly and legally gave itself over to that, beginning with the drug-free zones and with the misuse of what are known on the street in the previous generation as ‘humbles.’ A humble is a cheap, inconsequential arrest that nonetheless gives the guy a night or two in jail before he sees a court commissioner. You can arrest people on “failure to obey,” it’s a humble. Loitering is a humble. These things were used by police officers going back to the ‘60s in Baltimore. It’s the ultimate recourse for a cop who doesn't like somebody who's looking at him the wrong way. And yet, back in the day, there was, I think, more of a code to it. If you were on a corner, you knew certain things would catch you a humble. The code was really ornate, and I’m not suggesting in any way that the code was always justifiable in any sense, but there was a code.

That doesn't help in areas of predominately white police forces, but police brutality and misuse of power isn't a white-only thing. The point is that force is largely aimed at minorities, with little chance of restitution of justice for being wronged.


It's frightening to think that some people actually believe that jail time should be a consequence of petty theft.

There is nothing petty about using a switchblade to steal from someone just trying to make an honest living for quite likely low pay. Threaten another human being with grave bodily injury or death because you don't want to pay a whopping $3 for pizza, then yes sir, you do deserve some time in jail.


well, thats a whole nother level of conspiracystiupidity. o_O

guys, you all should calm your tits a little.
facts right now:
-the dude was an accomplice in an armed robbery. he didn't just steal something. (and yes there is a big diffrence if i steal something because i have no money for food or rob someone with a blade)
-the cops handled the situation wrong with a senseless beating to a guy that surrendered and was no threat.

i don't even get why you guys are still discussing this. powertripping cop should be fired. but plz stop playing the victim down like he didn't do anything.


This is not wrong BUT people who want to defend the cops will latch on to even the smallest possible wrongdoing by the victim and say "don't do the blah blah if you don't want to get beat." Anything will make it excusable. Whether it's him owing child support, him running, him passively resisting and he deserved it 100%. The cop shouldn't have done it like that but the guy had it coming because he peed himself and it got on the officer.
Yeah, racial bias isn't limited in that way there was an episode of Through the Wormhole that went into it a few months back and performed a reaction test.


Shame the whole episode wasn't up, IIRC it went into how these ideas spread and become engrained through a culture with a tribal mentality and have since ancient times when our ancestors were still nomadic.
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