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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix


Have a question for GAF about growth charts. My 6 week old son is in the 94th percentile for height and 90th percentile for weight. His weight for length percentile is only 65th though. Should I be a little concerned? It seems he should be heavier given his height.


Have a question for GAF about growth charts. My 6 week old son is in the 94th percentile for height and 90th percentile for weight. His weight for length percentile is only 65th though. Should I be a little concerned? It seems he should be heavier given his height.

Our unborn daughter was like bottom 5th percentile for thigh length. Obviously, a baby can be many different shapes and sizes, but we learnt that chances are nothing is as easy or editable.

Edit: Some magic autocorrect going here, I think. I have NO idea what I was trying to say from a few days ago.


So...any other parents have experience with Plagiocephaly here?

I sent some 4 month old pics to my family, one of which who is in pediatric orthopedics, and emailed me and noticed her head was really flat on one side.

He basically urged me to take my kid to an expert and get a starband helmet, which run like $3k if insurance won't cover it.

She's still young enough to take care of this with lots of tummy time and maybe the helmet, but my wife doesn't like what she's hearing from my brother (who likes bad news?) and it's compounding the situation.

The 3k isn't an issue...it's getting my wife on board with this and almost my poor kid having to wear this helmet 23 hours a day for 3+ months.

Then again, I don't want her to have cranial issues later in life. My brother also seems to think our doctor will not do much to help us, which sounds like I need to do a lot of this on my own.

Just trying to process this all. =(


Have a question for GAF about growth charts. My 6 week old son is in the 94th percentile for height and 90th percentile for weight. His weight for length percentile is only 65th though. Should I be a little concerned? It seems he should be heavier given his height.

Shouldn't he be taller given his weight?


So...any other parents have experience with Plagiocephaly here?

I sent some 4 month old pics to my family, one of which who is in pediatric orthopedics, and emailed me and noticed her head was really flat on one side.

He basically urged me to take my kid to an expert and get a starband helmet, which run like $3k if insurance won't cover it.

She's still young enough to take care of this with lots of tummy time and maybe the helmet, but my wife doesn't like what she's hearing from my brother (who likes bad news?) and it's compounding the situation.

The 3k isn't an issue...it's getting my wife on board with this and almost my poor kid having to wear this helmet 23 hours a day for 3+ months.

Then again, I don't want her to have cranial issues later in life. My brother also seems to think our doctor will not do much to help us, which sounds like I need to do a lot of this on my own.

Just trying to process this all. =(

I'd say see an expert first. Your family member who is in pediatric orthopedics probably has a slight bias towards the "positive" in flat-headedness. At any rate, the diagnosis was from a single photo?

There is at least one other poster here who has experience with this I think.


So...any other parents have experience with Plagiocephaly here?

I sent some 4 month old pics to my family, one of which who is in pediatric orthopedics, and emailed me and noticed her head was really flat on one side.

He basically urged me to take my kid to an expert and get a starband helmet, which run like $3k if insurance won't cover it.

She's still young enough to take care of this with lots of tummy time and maybe the helmet, but my wife doesn't like what she's hearing from my brother (who likes bad news?) and it's compounding the situation.

The 3k isn't an issue...it's getting my wife on board with this and almost my poor kid having to wear this helmet 23 hours a day for 3+ months.

Then again, I don't want her to have cranial issues later in life. My brother also seems to think our doctor will not do much to help us, which sounds like I need to do a lot of this on my own.

Just trying to process this all. =(

My 1st son was developing a flat spot from being on his back too much. We considered it but decided against it, our pediatrician said it was very mild and cosmetic, it corrected itself by just making sure he wasn't laying on the same spot all the time.

Unless it is severe I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just make sure she is not always in the same position.


I'd say see an expert first. Your family member who is in pediatric orthopedics probably has a slight bias towards the "positive" in flat-headedness. At any rate, the diagnosis was from a single photo?

There is at least one other poster here who has experience with this I think.

He had me take a few more from different angles then really got on my ass about giving her more tummy time. She hates so we don't force it on her if she's wailing but he said make her do it. =(

We have a regular checkup for her next week so I will mention all of this but my brother seems convinced regular pediatricians downplay this and will delay things.

He seemed pretty adamant about getting this corrected before its too late.

Btw she was by this is not from laying in the same position, her head was really diagonal or flat on her left side when she was born. We dismissed it as regular conehead from a vaginal birth but this seems to be a reality now that something else is going on.
So I put my son in daycare 3 days a week starting this week. Oh man it's been horrible so far but the teachers say it's going to happen and that it's an adjustment period for all three of us. They said it takes about 2-3 weeks for childrent to get accustomed to their new surroundings. He just turned 1 on March 1st. Here's an updated pic of him.



He had me take a few more from different angles then really got on my ass about giving her more tummy time. She hates so we don't force it on her if she's wailing but he said make her do it. =(

We have a regular checkup for her next week so I will mention all of this but my brother seems convinced regular pediatricians downplay this and will delay things.

He seemed pretty adamant about getting this corrected before its too late.

Btw she was by this is not from laying in the same position, her head was really diagonal or flat on her left side when she was born. We dismissed it as regular conehead from a vaginal birth but this seems to be a reality now that something else is going on.

We gave our kid lots of tummy time. And when she became 6 months, she started sleeping face down. She rolls all over her cot.

But yeah, definitely get stuff checked out, if not just for peace of mind.

Happy Birthday to the 1 year-olds! We're a few months off, but it will feel like tomorrow, before we know it! So damned fast!
Have a question for GAF about growth charts. My 6 week old son is in the 94th percentile for height and 90th percentile for weight. His weight for length percentile is only 65th though. Should I be a little concerned? It seems he should be heavier given his height.

I'm late to this but as long as your Pediatrician is OK with it then I wouldn't be concerned.


Junior Member
He had me take a few more from different angles then really got on my ass about giving her more tummy time. She hates so we don't force it on her if she's wailing but he said make her do it. =(

We have a regular checkup for her next week so I will mention all of this but my brother seems convinced regular pediatricians downplay this and will delay things.

He seemed pretty adamant about getting this corrected before its too late.

Btw she was by this is not from laying in the same position, her head was really diagonal or flat on her left side when she was born. We dismissed it as regular conehead from a vaginal birth but this seems to be a reality now that something else is going on.

There are other options besides tummy time. Baby-wearing will help build neck muscles and core strength while keeping her from laying on the flat side, and most babies tolerate it a hell of a lot better than tummy time. There's no point in forcing something your baby hates for a problem that you seem to think is maybe not related anyway.

If it is a positional thing or her positioning is exacerbating an existing problem, there are other areas that can be worked on as well - turning her head when she's napping or sleeping for the night, using sleep positioners, not using the carseat as a baby carrier...


Be careful wearing your baby.....my daughter now won't take naps unless she is in physical contact with one of us. She's almost 1 year old.
Have a question for GAF about growth charts. My 6 week old son is in the 94th percentile for height and 90th percentile for weight. His weight for length percentile is only 65th though. Should I be a little concerned? It seems he should be heavier given his height.

Nah, I wouldn't worry. My girl was the same. She's always been big in both categories which is crazy considering she's Asian. We've always called her our "gentle giant" because of it. In all likelyhood it will change over time, but even if it doesn't, I wouldn't worry about it too much. The only thing that sucks is damn they're way heavier than other kids at the same age or even kids way older than them and it can strain your arm when they become a toddler. It's worse than carrying a heavy bowling ball around you all the time.
Doctor suspects my 18m old might be autistic(or one of the other spectrum disorders). We are just crushed right now, we don't know what to think right now. He doesn't meet the classic symptoms but something is definitely off.

The big thing is he doesn't point at things. He'll sometimes look but I don't think he understands what it means.

Then again it might be nothing, he's been late with most of his milestones, didn't start walking til 14m.

Anyone have any experience with ASD? I always thought they don't diagnose this stuff til later.
Doctor suspects my 18m old might be autistic(or one of the other spectrum disorders). We are just crushed right now, we don't know what to think right now. He doesn't meet the classic symptoms but something is definitely off.

The big thing is he doesn't point at things. He'll sometimes look but I don't think he understands what it means.

Then again it might be nothing, he's been late with most of his milestones, didn't start walking til 14m.

Anyone have any experience with ASD? I always thought they don't diagnose this stuff til later.

Yes, I have experience. My son got his diagnosis (PDD-NOS) when he was two and change. I know what you're going through, it's DEVASTATING at first, it's hard to explain. MY advice would be to have him evaluated and if you get a diagnosis to dive into the therapy. The earlier you start the better. My son is doing great today (he's 7 now), he's in a mainstream school, very bright, sweet etc. He sometimes struggles with play and socializing with other kids but he's made tremendous progress and I think in the long run he'll be fine. I know right now all you're seeing are worst case scenarios and as a parent it's difficult not to. Just start with the evaluation and go from there.

PM me with ANY questions that you may have. My wife an I have been through this, there's alot of wonderful people in the system. Are you in the US, if so, what State? We're in PA.
Edit: I see you're in Canada
Also understand that there's the possibility that he's typical and perfectly fine, just a little late in development. Best to get it checked though, earlier the better.


Deep into his 30th decade

My baby is 8 months old in 2 days! Check out those teeth!

He has been really unhappy the past 2 weeks, we think more teeth are coming.
T-minus 1 month until my first child. Everything has gone so fast and I've been incredibly busy trying to get the house ready for a baby to live in. My wife and I are so ready for this to happen yet I feel like I am not in the slightest ready for this at the same time.

Also, we did end up getting the breast pump thing figured out. Our doctor is writing a prescription for one and my wife says she found a place online to get one from (don't remember where, I'll try and post that when we make the purchase)


Sleepless nights is happening now for me...4 month old is getting up every 2-3 hours to eat for the past 2 nights and it's absolutely wrecking me. Growth spurt?

Doctor gave us the go ahead to introduce cereal but every time we try to feed it to her she goes ballistic.


Junior Member
So my wife is do pretty much at anytime.

Anyone got any old wives tales on how to get this labor jump started?

Sex, pineapple, lemon drop cupcakes (google 'lemon labor cake' for recipes), evening primrose oil inserted in the vag, light nipple stimulation, walking on uneven surfaces (one foot on the road and one on the curb, for example), castor oil...

My water broke after we played Dance Central.


Twins Gaf, any tips for a first time dad with 2 on the way?

I pooping more than the babies will be!

I'm a twin myself, and my parents said that they sometimes lost track of who got fed at times because of the lack of sleep.

That being said, our grandparents helped us out a lot so try to leverage your extended family just in case. Feeding two new mouths is substantially harder than one.
Twins Gaf, any tips for a first time dad with 2 on the way?

I pooping more than the babies will be!
High five! My twins are due in June. We totally freaked out when we first found out. I can't imagine having twins as the first go around. My wife and I have one son already (4 this May) so we know what to expect with newborns, although we are definitely out of practice. Hopefully the experience will be the same but doubled. So far what I've learned is you have to buy two of everything. Not necessarily clothes, mind you, but car seats, cribs (thankfully we still have our son's old crib so we only had to by one), mattresses, and crib sheets. Basically stuff we only had to worry buying one of before.


Just had a baby girl! Overwhelmed but I love it. Still real early to tell how she'll be. I thought I'd chime in to thank the guys who posted about breast pumps. My wife bought a cheap one that didn't work and she was frustrated. So we got a rx for one and got one of the 400 dollar medela pumps and blue cross will pick up most of it.


Just had a baby girl! Overwhelmed but I love it. Still real early to tell how she'll be. I thought I'd chime in to thank the guys who posted about breast pumps. My wife bought a cheap one that didn't work and she was frustrated. So we got a rx for one and got one of the 400 dollar medela pumps and blue cross will pick up most of it.

Congrats chief. Our baby girl will be born Thursday morning via a scheduled c section.


Being a guy I always wanted a boy. But it's amazing how that changes when the baby comes. I love her so much already. I can handle having a little girl be my partner in crime lol.

Congrats on your girl too. They really are a blessing.


Thank you. She was a week late but 6 lbs 6 oz. With this breast pump now we can for sure get the milk output up.

We (and by we I mean she) used the Medela electric pump for a while too. So much better than those shitty hand pumps, there's no comparison.


Anybody in here have experience with jogger/bike trailer combos, me and the wife in the market for one, obivously safety is #1 concern but also something relatively inexpensive. My little girl is 10months old now and she loves being out in the trails, currently I have a baby carrier and while its fine, I'd like to get back into biking


We (and by we I mean she) used the Medela electric pump for a while too. So much better than those shitty hand pumps, there's no comparison.
I feel pretty good I have insurance that'll cover almost all of it. In this country having a baby can break you w/o insurance. It's a shitty system that needs to change.


Anybody in here have experience with jogger/bike trailer combos, me and the wife in the market for one, obivously safety is #1 concern but also something relatively inexpensive. My little girl is 10months old now and she loves being out in the trails, currently I have a baby carrier and while its fine, I'd like to get back into biking

I've got a Chariot Cougar 2 trailer and I've towed my 9 month old daughter at the beach and around the neighborhood. Still waiting for her to be a little stronger before taking her on any longer trips. It converts really easily between a trailer and stroller which is nice. Attaches to the bike securely. It also has a suspension so the ride should be smoother for the baby. A little pricey for sure (it's more expensive than the bike I'm towing her with lol), but if I'm putting my kid in it, I don't want to be cheap. Burley also makes some nice trailers as well that are a bit more affordable. Definitely worth it imo.

As far as safety goes get a trailer that has a ball joint for attaching to the bike. That way the trailer stays upright even if the bike falls over. Also, be sure to use the safety flag that's included. I added a mount for my rear bike light as well for extra visibility.
Anybody in here have experience with jogger/bike trailer combos, me and the wife in the market for one, obivously safety is #1 concern but also something relatively inexpensive. My little girl is 10months old now and she loves being out in the trails, currently I have a baby carrier and while its fine, I'd like to get back into biking

I've got a Chariot Cougar 2 trailer and I've towed my 9 month old daughter at the beach and around the neighborhood. Still waiting for her to be a little stronger before taking her on any longer trips. It converts really easily between a trailer and stroller which is nice. Attaches to the bike securely. It also has a suspension so the ride should be smoother for the baby. A little pricey for sure (it's more expensive than the bike I'm towing her with lol), but if I'm putting my kid in it, I don't want to be cheap. Burley also makes some nice trailers as well that are a bit more affordable. Definitely worth it imo.

As far as safety goes get a trailer that has a ball joint for attaching to the bike. That way the trailer stays upright even if the bike falls over. Also, be sure to use the safety flag that's included. I added a mount for my rear bike light as well for extra visibility.

Chariots are great, expensive but worth it. We have one and used it alot. When we were shopping around we found that most of the cheaper ones were very narrow and our two kids would have had a hard time fitting in there. The Chariot is/was big enough for both. Something that f0nz0 might want to consider, you'll get alot more use out of it longer if you go bigger.

Senger's right about all that safety stuff, get a helmet for your kid too.


Being a guy I always wanted a boy. But it's amazing how that changes when the baby comes. I love her so much already. I can handle having a little girl be my partner in crime lol.

Congrats on your girl too. They really are a blessing.

We currently have a two and a half year old daughter. Really wanted a boy, but I guess it just wasn't in the cards. I'm happy either way.


aka andydumi
Twins Gaf, any tips for a first time dad with 2 on the way?

I pooping more than the babies will be!

Our twins Jack and Elena came on February 28. Its real tough, no joke. We sleep in 1.5-2 hour increments between feedings, on top of doing all the other house stuff like make food for ourselves. They are our first so we are sort of clueless. But its true what someone said, you need a lot of everything and thankfully our moms were here for the first two weeks.

Also, Jack is smaller, so he gets supplemented, so my wife breastfeeds, then he gets a bottle, and she pumps, so the whole feeding process takes a good hour, and we do it every three hours for now. In a few weeks, when they are a bit bigger we can probably push it to four hours so we can sleep more. And when he gets a good size, we can stop the supplementing which should reduce the time a lot.

A lot of it is trial and error and a lot of what you read/hear about dealing a single is not necessarily applicable to twins because they are probably more than twice the work.

Right now I wish I had a couple of extra arms.


Less than 3 days until my second son is born (due date). I wish it would just happen now though. I really don't feel like going into work the rest of the week.


Deep into his 30th decade
Our twins Jack and Elena came on February 28. Its real tough, no joke. We sleep in 1.5-2 hour increments between feedings, on top of doing all the other house stuff like make food for ourselves. They are our first so we are sort of clueless. But its true what someone said, you need a lot of everything and thankfully our moms were here for the first two weeks.

Also, Jack is smaller, so he gets supplemented, so my wife breastfeeds, then he gets a bottle, and she pumps, so the whole feeding process takes a good hour, and we do it every three hours for now. In a few weeks, when they are a bit bigger we can probably push it to four hours so we can sleep more. And when he gets a good size, we can stop the supplementing which should reduce the time a lot.

A lot of it is trial and error and a lot of what you read/hear about dealing a single is not necessarily applicable to twins because they are probably more than twice the work.

Right now I wish I had a couple of extra arms.

That sounds tough, after our first one was born, I had stress dreams that we had twins.


Our twins Jack and Elena came on February 28. Its real tough, no joke. We sleep in 1.5-2 hour increments between feedings, on top of doing all the other house stuff like make food for ourselves. They are our first so we are sort of clueless. But its true what someone said, you need a lot of everything and thankfully our moms were here for the first two weeks.

Also, Jack is smaller, so he gets supplemented, so my wife breastfeeds, then he gets a bottle, and she pumps, so the whole feeding process takes a good hour, and we do it every three hours for now. In a few weeks, when they are a bit bigger we can probably push it to four hours so we can sleep more. And when he gets a good size, we can stop the supplementing which should reduce the time a lot.

A lot of it is trial and error and a lot of what you read/hear about dealing a single is not necessarily applicable to twins because they are probably more than twice the work.

Right now I wish I had a couple of extra arms.


It's a bit worse for me because my wifes mum lives in another country and my parents live on the golf course....

I'm screwed!

High five! My twins are due in June. We totally freaked out when we first found out. I can't imagine having twins as the first go around. My wife and I have one son already (4 this May) so we know what to expect with newborns, although we are definitely out of practice. Hopefully the experience will be the same but doubled. So far what I've learned is you have to buy two of everything. Not necessarily clothes, mind you, but car seats, cribs (thankfully we still have our son's old crib so we only had to by one), mattresses, and crib sheets. Basically stuff we only had to worry buying one of before.

We're September, I'm scared.


aka andydumi
That sounds tough, after our first one was born, I had stress dreams that we had twins.

I am semi-sleep walking sometimes. When its time to get up for a feeding, I shuffle through the sheets for a few minutes looking for the babies in a non-responsive state. Then I wake up. Of course they are in the crib, but I guess subconsciously I think I need to get them out of bed. Lol. Its the lack of REM sleep from what I understand.


It's a bit worse for me because my wifes mum lives in another country and my parents live on the golf course....

I'm screwed!

We're September, I'm scared.

It's doable, just be ready to be tired. And even getting help for a few days goes a long way because if your wife has a c-section, she will be very limited in mobility for a few days (plus she can't lift anything). So getting through the first week or two will go a long way.


19 hours till the c section. I am thanking the almighty that my mother in law is here to help us with our two and a half year old.

I had an accident at work a year ago that resulted in my left arm for all intensive purposes, being destroyed. I am able to use it somewhat, but it gets very hard sometimes. Having that extra set of hands will be a godsend.
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