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News reporter martyrs himself to courageously spit racial truth.

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Speaking very generally, I am for reporters providing more analysis than they currently do. Their unwillingness to make even the most obvious analytical observations is not ultimately what I consider to be "objective."

But there's a big chasm between "reporters should be providing more analysis" and "reporters should be providing whatever editorial content they want."


I said before there's many factors, but I do believe that this is one of them. It's hard to raise a kid as a single parent.

Again, nobody is disputing this. But this is NOT the reason (or even a major reason) for anit-cop sentiment in inner-city neighborhoods.


Sorry, I lived in Jersey City for a number of years. Yes, I'm white. But, I don't think because I'm a certain race I should be barred from having a conversation.
What conversation are you trying to have though? You have basically written that if you're black and from a single parent household, then you will automatically be anti-police. You are doing what the reporter did and what plenty of white people do when trying to have a "conversation" about the issues affect black people in the US, placing the blame solely at the feet of black people.


Dudes a douchebag.

Exactly why I dont watch Local news. No matter the area the anchors are always douchebags who speak down to the audience,
What conversation are you trying to have though? You have basically written that if you're black and from a single parent household, then you will automatically be anti-police. You are doing what the reporter did and what plenty of white people do when trying to have a "conversation" about the issues affect black people in the US, placing the blame solely at the feet of black people.

100% false.

Go read my arguments from the beginning, I never said it contributed to "anti-police" sentiment in the community.

I merely said there was some merit to what the reporter said. Not in the sense of "anti-police" sentiment from the black community, but that single parent households are an epidemic the black community is also facing. And, I do believe that it likely contributes to crime rates, not necessarily an anti-police sentiment.


That video is like a Family Guy joke...one minute its making sense then out of nowhere you're like WTF?

Yeah that's what it reminded me of .

It's a combination of reasons of issues one being the point ignoramus brought up.

On topic of single-parenthood. I really don't think it works for the vast majority of kids. I can pretty safely assume that if my father wasn't around, i wouldn't have gone to universiity and I probably would have been a problem. This is just me comparing myself to some of the other kids I grew up with.


100% false.

Go read my arguments from the beginning, I never said it contributed to "anti-police" sentiment in the community.

I merely said there was some merit to what the reporter said. Not in the sense of "anti-police" sentiment from the black community, but that single parent households are an epidemic the black community is also facing. And, I do believe that it likely contributes to crime rates, not necessarily an anti-police sentiment.

...so then there is no merit to what the reporter said.

The reporter's comments at the end of the segment weren't just about crime rates in the black community (for which there are MANY factors). It was specifically about anti-cop sentiment. That's what the rest of us are talking about. Join the conversation.
What conversation are you trying to have though? You have basically written that if you're black and from a single parent household, then you will automatically be anti-police. You are doing what the reporter did and what plenty of white people do when trying to have a "conversation" about the issues affect black people in the US, placing the blame solely at the feet of black people.
If a criminal is white. Its the white guy/gals fault. If a criminal is black its the black guy/gals fault. People are personally responsible for their actions. If you want to look at contributing factors that's a different story. Does the racial history in this country contribute? Sure. I also think its fair to point out the problem of fatherless children that is widespread in the black community. There are many factors but at the end of the day you and I are responsible for how we behave.


I merely said there was some merit to what the reporter said. Not in the sense of "anti-police" sentiment from the black community, but that single parent households are an epidemic the black community is also facing. And, I do believe that it likely contributes to crime rates, not necessarily an anti-police sentiment.

Post data supporting your intended argument from reputable sources. I'm not being sarcastic, numbers are always helpful in these sort of conversations. Anecdotal remarks will only get someone so far on hot button topics.


Regardless of WHAT the reporter actually said, he should have been fired anyways for injecting his personal opinion - he's not a pundit, he's a reporter. He's supposed to bring you the story, not become it.
...so then there is no merit to what the reporter said.

The reporter's comments at the end of the segment weren't just about crime rates in the black community (for which there are MANY factors). It was specifically about anti-cop sentiment. That's what the rest of us are talking about. Join the conversation.

Yes, some merit. How am I wrong exactly? I'm not agreeing with the anti police sentiment, but am agreeing it leads to increased exposure to bad influences and or crime activity.

Yes, as I said before it's a complex issue with many factors.

I'm expanding the conversation to say there was SOME merit in single parents raising children in the black community. i said previously, the reporter went off about it completely the wrong way.
Yeah that's what it reminded me of .

It's a combination of reasons of issues one being the point ignoramus brought up.

On topic of single-parenthood. I really don't think it works for the vast majority of kids. I can pretty safely assume that if my father wasn't around, i wouldn't have gone to universiity and I probably would have been a problem. This is just me comparing myself to some of the other kids I grew up with.
Alternatively, my friends who were raised by a single mom are among the most successful ones I know. Funny how anecdotes work.
Plenty of serial killers had both parents in the household..some weren't even abused! Some wealthy men have beaten their wives/girlfriends..some are even famous and have directed your favorite movies. How anyone would hitch to this asshole's shit wagon with some "he's right" garbage makes zero sense and it's fucking insulting..


Yes, some merit. How am I wrong exactly? I'm not agreeing with the anti police sentiment, but am agreeing it leads to increased exposure to bad influences and or crime activity.

Yes, as I said before it's a complex issue with many factors.

I'm expanding the conversation to say there was SOME merit in single parents raising children in the black community. i said previously, the reporter went off about it completely the wrong way.

You're not expanding the conversation. You're going off topic. Literally nobody in this thread is disagreeing with the idea that being raised in single-parent households can be a negative factor when raising children. That is not why people are outraged with the reporter here, so your "...but he has a point" is completely unnecessary and unrelated to what's being talked about.
You're not expanding the conversation. You're going off topic. Literally nobody in this thread is disagreeing with the idea that being raised in single-parent households can be a negative factor when raising children. That is not why people are outraged with the reporter here, so your "...but he has a point" is completely unnecessary and unrelated to what's being talked about.

Sigh. Ok, have a nice day.
I don't disagree. Its a part of the problem.
Of course it's part of the problem, but is it the main problem behind black violence? What's the main problem behind white violence? This week has been full of stories about white people committing horrible crimes yet you would never hear a newscaster say their violence stems from the lack of fathers in rural communities or prevalent drug use. Why are blacks the only people with some innate or cultural problem with violence whereas if a white kid shoots up a school he must be a gamer or mentally ill?


I already did.

I may be missing something, apologies, but you just posted data showing that single/no-parent homes are at a higher percentage among blacks than others. How does this evidence or support the idea that single/no-parent homes directly correlate with increases in crime and/or an anti-police mentality? And if yes, to what extent, particularly in comparison to other possible contributory factors that have been mentioned in the thread?
Of course it's part of the problem, but is it the main problem behind black violence? What's the main problem behind white violence? This week has been full of stories about white people committing horrible crimes yet you would never hear a newscaster say their violence stems from the lack of fathers in rural communities or prevalent drug use. Why are blacks the only people with some innate or cultural problem with violence whereas if a white kid shoots up a school he must be a gamer or mentally ill?

Media and American society at large has taught me this

Main problem behind black violence? Culture, music, no fathers, drugs, genetically predisposed to being violent.
Main problem behind white violence? Isolated incidences, mental illness, video games.


Young black men growing up without their fathers probably plays a part. But there are young black men who grow up fatherless, and are constructive members of society also. I have no idea why he felt the need to specify 'black', also.

The problem is, because the subject is so taboo, when people do speak about it they shout about it. They don't moderate. Even a small comment that can be interpreted as racist demands an apology, so when someone is going to say something, they say the most raw, insensitive version of it. That can be as bad for sparking discussion as saying nothing at all, however.


The anticop mentality is a product of policing tactics that target black males. Look at incarcentation rates on drugs for example. Meth and heroin are the most abused drugs, yet not many people are going to jail for them as those tend to be white. But marijuana and crack. Good bye.

When you a system of policing that is based on targeting black males, of course there will be animosity.

Meanwhile, the banker robber barons remained untouched.


Black kids without fathers is not the cause of criminality but a side-effect of institutionalized racism that has spanned generations.

The constant persecution, stigmatization, and injustice leads to a life filled with stress, fear, and anger. You don't make sound choices when that is your default position.

Treat a man like a criminal and SURPRISE he will start to act like one.
Watched the video and was like "okay this isn't that bad"

"The reason…young black men growing up without fathers."

Well shit that escalated quickly!
Not to comment on the veracity of the claim, since it is outside the bounds of my knowledge, but an interesting fact: South Chicago has a ton of posters asking black men to stay around and be a father to their children. So, it seems to be perceived as a common problem in that region, at least.


Black kids without fathers is not the cause of criminality but a side-effect of institutionalized racism that has spanned generations.

The constant persecution, stigmatization, and injustice leads to a life filled with stress, fear, and anger. You don't make sound choices when that is your default position.

Treat a man like a criminal and SURPRISE he will start to act like one.
Young black men growing up without their fathers probably plays a part. But there are young black men who grow up fatherless, and are constructive members of society also. I have no idea why he felt the need to specify 'black', also.

The problem is, because the subject is so taboo, when people do speak about it they shout about it. They don't moderate. Even a small comment that can be interpreted as racist demands an apology, so when someone is going to say something, they say the most raw, insensitive version of it. That can be as bad for sparking discussion as saying nothing at all, however.


Pointing to one specific cause as the reason for why things happen never really solves anything. But that isn't to say that some of these things are PART of the issue. Growing up without both parents can definitely be detrimental to some kids, making them much easier and susceptible to influence of others --- but then again, kids with both parents who are loving and who live in suburbia can also fall to the same dangers, though the chances and statistics are much more unlikely. Again, these are just ONE part of the pie when you're trying to figure out what is the cause of stuff like this.


Nah, a feeling of disenfranchisement from the economic structure has nothing to do with it.

That and police corruption among other factors. The reporter meant well (was venting his anger), but his view is pretty simplistic for a much more complex issue.


Bro going for that Fox News correspondent money


"He's a 5 tool correspondent, we haven't seen combine numbers like this since a young Sean Hannity came into the draft" - Fox News scout


He would have hit a home run if he had said, "and why don't they have fathers at home? Well, because we throw them into prison for petty crimes for longer than white fathers who have done much, much more harm to society."


Guys, people here aren't saying that the increase in single/no-parent homes, especially among black households, isn't a significant issue. But there are also other factors to consider, most of which are likely to be much bigger contributors to the supposed anti-police sentiment and crime mentioned in the video clip- a history of systematic racism and brutality by the police towards minorities, socioeconomic issues, etc. And we can talk about that, regardless of backgrounds, and we quite well should.

The reporter may have had a point in a different case, a separate context. But not in this one, he very obviously motherfuckin' jumped the shark. He went full retard, so to speak.


Junior Member
Though the rate of single parent black households can definitely contribute to many issues within the black community, its not the sole reason behind anti-police sentiment within inner-city neighborhoods. A lot of that sentiment comes from police fucking with black people on a level approaching harassment.

I never really thought much about driving while black until my younger brother (different mother) got pulled over by the cops while following me to a car show a few years ago. My brother is in the air force, and an upstanding citizen. He's also has very dark skin, while I'm considerably lighter. These cops pull him over, have him get out of his car, frisk him, call the K9 unit because they "smelled drugs" in his car, etc. Before we knew it, my brother's car was surrounded by 3 cruisers and a paddy wagon.They find nothing, the other cops leave, and we get a tepid apology from the cop who started it all. Go through that shit a couple of times, and you really start disliking the police.


Alternatively, my friends who were raised by a single mom are among the most successful ones I know. Funny how anecdotes work.

I know, i too know many people who are very successful coming from single-parent families, even more so than me in A LOT of ways. I'm just saying a significant portion that i know.

Actually just forget my post.
Regardless of WHAT the reporter actually said, he should have been fired anyways for injecting his personal opinion - he's not a pundit, he's a reporter. He's supposed to bring you the story, not become it.

Yep. We have all sorts of opinion shows to watch, Maddow, O'Reilly, Hannity, Chris Matthews, etc. Keep the editorial out of the news shows.
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