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News reporter martyrs himself to courageously spit racial truth.

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Your link doesn't show that habitual use or selling is higher in white populations, just that white people have tried drugs more.

I'm not trying to say the incarceration rate isn't skewed, just that the report you linked just says have used drugs at a higher percentage, not continue to use. If you used drugs at any time, you were counted in that statistic, but that doesn't mean that drug users are higher in any race.

You think everybody arrested for drug use is a habitual user? I guarantee many people (especially Black people) who have been arrested for possession were not addicts in any way, and may have only tried the substance once or twice previously.
I'm also surprised that anti-cop sentiment is being framed as an exclusively black thing.

Of course, black people get the worst of the systematic discrimination/oppression on the part of law enforcement, but in LA (where I'm from) the thing that brings all of the races together in solidarity is our mutual hatred of the cops.

Very inappropriate considering the story originated out of the killing of a young cop.
Everything about this makes me angry. Last fall a police officer shot and killed a teenage boy on my university campus. The teen had driven off in his father's truck out of anger, and the father called the police to have them stop the kid. The kid tried to run from the cops and ended up crashing into a tree on campus. An officer got out and shot the kid, who was still in his vehicle showing no signs of aggression.

So if you ask me, as a young white male who grew up with a father: am I anti-cop? Yeah, can't say I'm a big fan of the police.


Everything about this makes me angry. Last fall a police officer shot and killed a teenage boy on my university campus. The teen had driven off in his father's truck out of anger, and the father called the police to have them stop the kid. The kid tried to run from the cops and ended up crashing into a tree on campus. An officer got out and shot the kid, who was still in his vehicle showing no signs of aggression.

So if you ask me, as a young white male who grew up with a father: am I anti-cop? Yeah, can't say I'm a big fan of the police.

That is insane. What state was this?
This guy may of went off with it the wrong way... but what he's saying is true.

Single parents in the black community is huge problem right now, and it is a problem. It's very difficult to raise a child while being a single mother or father.


A little bit of stat jiu jitsu

What the number for children living in two parent households? The graph above also doesn't include children who lives in same sex households (the ones that aren't married because of choice or by law at the time the graph was made), unless one is implying that sex sex parents aren't fit parents. So you really shouldn't be using this graph as it doesn't paint an accurate picture.


As you can see, the number of household that have cohabitating parents are on the rise. I'm willing to bet that when you include these families, the stats will show that black households in general are higher with children with two parents than what is shown in the first graph.
A little bit of stat jiu jitsu

What the number for children living in two parent households? The graph above also doesn't include children who lives in same sex households (the ones that aren't married because of choice or by law at the time the graph was made), unless one is implying that sex sex parents aren't fit parents. So you really shouldn't be using this graph as it doesn't paint an accurate picture.


As you can see, the number of household that have cohabitating parents are on the rise. I'm willing to bet that when you include these families, the stats will show that black households in general are higher with children with two parents than what is shown in the first graph.

I honestly doubt the stat would rise much higher. But you can find it yourself.

Besada told me to stop talking off topic, so I won't be participating in the conversation anymore.


Ok plenty of us here on GAF remember that and it was pretty obvious to everyone but a few (including you, apparently) that the kid was trying to run the cop down, after he'd already rammed the police cruiser. And he nearly ran down some pedestrians too. So go ahead with your hate, but it's misinformed if that incident's what you're basing it on.
Colin Cowherd said something similar and not a peep from espn

His message was the NBA draft has become a league where players come from a middle class with a two parent household. The NBA is not a hood dream (Don't know if he used hood dream verbatim) like it was 20 years ago (a la Jesus Shuttleworth), but you have to pay for summer camps and prep schools just to be NBA ready, not on hopes and prayers that a scout will look at you because you are good.

I think that partly has to do with the one-and-done rule.

I heard the same episode. He probably got away with it because his message wasn't about kids from a single mother household, but more of an emphasis and "observation" (as he called it) of today's NBA draftees.

The reporter in question couldn't put sprinkles on his shit and hope to call it chocolate ice cream.
I honestly doubt the stat would rise much higher. But you can find it yourself.

Besada told me to stop talking off topic, so I won't be participating in the conversation anymore.

Oh didn't know, don't wanna risk anyone getting banned. Just a different perspective of the info. Consider this the end of conversation, you don't have to respond.
Ok plenty of us here on GAF remember that and it was pretty obvious to everyone but a few (including you, apparently) that the kid was trying to run the cop down, after he'd already rammed the police cruiser. And he nearly ran down some pedestrians too. So go ahead with your hate, but it's misinformed if that incident's what you're basing it on.

So, if someone rammed your car, you would shoot to kill? Is that what you're saying?


So, if someone rammed your car, you would shoot to kill? Is that what you're saying?

I'm saying that your version of events was inaccurate. And that's all, b/c this thread's not about that incident. We had a thread for it, search for it and complain some if you like.
I'm saying that your version of events was inaccurate. And that's all, b/c this thread's not about that incident. We had a thread for it, search for it and complain some if you like.

It's just one example among many of police using excessive, often deadly force. These examples show us that "anti-cop sentiments" come from a lot more than just "young black men growing up without fathers." I used the example with the intent to illustrate this. Of course most of the cases in which police use force, the victim is not without guilt, but that's not the point. It seems that, often, officers are trained less to judge what kind of force is necessary in a given situation, and more just to use whatever force they can. It's no surprise that this makes people think unfavorably of them.

edit: looking back, the story was a grey area from my side of the argument at best. The point relevant to this thread still stands, however.


There was already something wrong with the family unit to begin with if the father was using drugs.

Not trying to sweep racial profiling in America under the rug but an unbalanced justice system is not an excuse to betray your children by resorting to substance abuse and illegal activities. Of course society should strive to be better and not punish people too harshly but men tend to feel like martyrs too often.

White, blacks, asians, latinos use drugs at the same rate and deal drugs at the same rate. Drug use is not a particular problem with black families. What is particular is that black and brown people are jailed for their addiction and drug dealing FAR FAR FAR more often than whites
I think no matter the color, poverty and police dont mix. And since a large majority of African Americans live in poverty its the most discussed/witnessed.

I grew up as a undeniably white dude of a single mother on government assistance and spent my childhood/teen years shuttling between the Camden-Trenton area.
I had my fare share of face down on the sidewalk, in a puddle, or the street. Hot summer days when they say "hands on the hood" and you play paddy cake trying not to catch a third degree burn.

To be honest, I have my own opinions on what the problems are in the black community I grew up in...but being white I feel like it doesn't mean much or if Im too judgemental I will be labeled racist or seeing things through blinders of privileged.

I think I offer a unique view tho, I lived it as a white dude.


Junior Member
Okay hold up, has anyone actually found an increase in single-parent black households? Because I can assure you it's not a recent phenomenon unique to the current generation or even the one before that. Anecdotally speaking, my parents's and grandparents' generations are pretty much the same way (I'm talking about the early 20th century here).

Anyone ever researched the actual root cause? Because I think the issue definitely predates the war on drugs. I think it has roots in the separation of black families during the slave trade, but I base that on absolutely nothing.
Yeah, us BLACKS hate the cops cause our dad's were never there to teach us to love them! I mean ... it has nothing to do with the fact that we jail more people than any other country and that this stupidly high amount of jailing is disproportionally chocolate people for crimes that are connected to this bullshit racist "war on drugs" or for crimes whites would get the benefit of the doubt for.

Has nothing to do with the loooong and lovely history of black people's relationship with cops that's TOTS never been racially biased, abusive or anything close to harassment from the side of "law enforcement". Nooope .... still nothing like that going on THESE days for sure. And I'm SURE all of these black men who are apart of our stupidly high jailing numbers has nothing to do with the lack of black dads being apart of black kid's lifes.

I guess the reason I have learned to treat cops as if they were ghost or "negative space" that I should avoid looking at or even getting the attention of at ALL COST when I'm around them is because my dad was in and out of my life a lot growing in my teens and tween years. Yeah ... that makes sense. Everything's in a nice lil bow, no one can blame outside forces that they have to live in and interact with every day they are on this planet. It's that simple ... :D
Anyone who has any experience living in a predominantly poor urban neighborhood can't deny that impoverished single parents raising 2-5 kids is huge part of the problem. As for the anti-cop mentality...it surely exists...good arguments are made as to why.

This doesn't mean it's ok for this ass to start editorializing on the fly. There's a legit story to be had and he just fucked that possibility up.
Okay hold up, has anyone actually found an increase in single-parent black households? Because I can assure you it's not a recent phenomenon unique to the current generation or even the one before that. Anecdotally speaking, my parents's and grandparents' generations are pretty much the same way (I'm talking about the early 20th century here).

Anyone ever researched the actual root cause? Because I think the issue definitely predates the war on drugs. I think it has roots in the separation of black families during the slave trade, but I base that on absolutely nothing.

Also I mean the ones raised by grandparents and parents who were alive to see this kind of shit:


Well they have their reasons for not being keen on the cops.
His message was the NBA draft has become a league where players come from a middle class with a two parent household. The NBA is not a hood dream (Don't know if he used hood dream verbatim) like it was 20 years ago (a la Jesus Shuttleworth), but you have to pay for summer camps and prep schools just to be NBA ready, not on hopes and prayers that a scout will look at you because you are good.

I think that partly has to do with the one-and-done rule.

I heard the same episode. He probably got away with it because his message wasn't about kids from a single mother household, but more of an emphasis and "observation" (as he called it) of today's NBA draftees.

The reporter in question couldn't put sprinkles on his shit and hope to call it chocolate ice cream.

That was this year. This other story was from like two years ago when he said he criticized John wall for dancing and joking around in pregame and said that it's because he was raised without a father and that he didn't think guys without fathers could be great quarterbacks or point guards.


Well, nice article, but it just says that whites are more prone to becoming addicted, doesn't actually say that use is higher, at least at a glance.
You think everybody arrested for drug use is a habitual user? I guarantee many people (especially Black people) who have been arrested for possession were not addicts in any way, and may have only tried the substance once or twice previously.
I said I wasn't trying to justify incarceration rates or anything, just saying that using a drug once doesn't necessarily mean they should all be in jail.

But, if you go through the statistics of that same study, you will see that drug use does appear to be higher in African-Americans, than in whites. Going through the same study, looking at number of days used in the past 12 months, in all categories but three, African-Americans had a higher percent that used 26 days to over 100 days. The three categories where whites used more in that same span (I did not look at tobacco or alcohol) was tranquilizers, sedatives and pain relievers.

That doesn't mean that the incarceration rate is justified, it really is skewed way more than it should be, but it also shows that whites don't necessarily 'use' drugs more than African Americans.
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