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Next Xbox Reveal Set For May 21, 10:00 A.M. PST, Livestreamed

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Any smartphone owner in the WORLD who is also a gamer, should not give a Baker's fuck about whether a console primarily "focuses" on gaming.

Because your phone sure as fuck doesn't "focus" on making phone calls anymore.
I'm asking Reiko. Yes or No? There are so many insiders and "insiders" on this board its hard to tell who we can trust.

Short answer: No
Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

He's merely talking about the newest posted "specs" that were posted on pastebin on the 14th, and as a results wants the rest of you to temper or raise expectations because they could turn out to be real. But at the same time doesn't really want you to think he's the one propagating this hope or is the center of this.
Yea MS's stock is at a 5 year high because for the 5 previous years it was stagnant! Steve Ballmer is an incredibly old school/dinosaur of a CEO which is why MS isn't doing well in their new ventures, they're too slow to adapt and Ballmer still acts like they're in the 90s in terms of his style. But as long as they have Windows, Server, and Office they can afford to throw money away until they rub out a "win". But they'll never be market leaders in any venture they attempt with Ballmer at the helm. The best they can do is bundle their new ventures in with Xbox...

I'll have to disagree with Windows Phone being a "major" competitor. They got what? 3.8% of the market replacing RIM...err Blackberry as number 3 and knocking them down to 2.8%..a hallow victory if there ever was one. The sad thing is MS should have been ruling the phone market. Ballmer dismissed it as an emerging market and now they're playing catchup/third fiddle to Google and Apple. He was then again late to the tablet market dismissing it the iPad saying Windows 7 is a great tablet OS...

Saying that MS has never traditionally done well with new ventures isn't a legitimiate excuse, sugar coating what I've been saying, Ballmer isn't a great CEO. You could put any of the people in this thread in charge of MS and unless they're complete idiots and destroy Windows, Server, Office, MS will make money. But like Dubai, MS needs to start attacking these emerging markets instead of waiting until years later to try and jump in.

All this really tells me is that you don't realize where the real problem is at Microsoft. It isn't at the top. Microsoft would more or less still be exactly where they are right now or worse -- more than likely worse -- with anybody else but Steve Ballmer at the helm. You call it playing catch up, and maybe you have a point there to a degree, but there are times when it's to a company's benefit to see what's out there and then release their own solution.

Android, to a large degree, is where it is now because they observed and then did something different, because no matter how dominant one side may look, people are always searching for something new. People get tired of things, even rather impressive things. It happened to Blackberry, it's sorta happening to Apple, and mark my words, it will happen to Android. In fact, I already see signs that it's happening to Android.

The real question now becomes how proactive will Android and Apple be in preventing the inevitable? Signs so far suggest that both are being pretty damn smart to not stagnate, but Microsoft, even if perceived as being late to the party, is far less stagnant than either of those two, as shocking as that may seem. Google and Apple aren't exactly lazy, but pay close attention to Microsoft on the surface side, on the windows phone side, with outlook.com, with the improved msn.com, bing, with Windows 8 (even before Blue's arrival), with Xbox 360, with Office, Xbox music etc, and it paints an overall picture of a Microsoft more aggressive and more productive than they've ever been. And this is all without even the reveal of the new Xbox and what that will bring to the table.

Lack of adoption at the speed some would like to see isn't always a sign of an inferior product. Windows Phone right now is mighty impressive. In fact, I think it's the most impressive of all smartphone operating systems and has more or less been trending that way since the Mango update. The problems that people perceive being at Microsoft has nothing to do with the leadership at the top, but more to do with the individual teams and the leadership among those teams. It isn't true for all teams, but execution matters.

For the most part, we're dealing with some solid to fantastic products, but the execution and design of some of those products can sometimes not come anywhere close to meeting their full potential on the first go around, which is honestly true for Apple's as well Google's products also. I don't believe at all that being first is necessarily always what's most important. I think showing up and doing something slightly different and interesting enough that people are attracted to it and want to give it a shot, and the company having the ability to stick to it and properly support and update it matters far more than simply just being at or near the top of the pile for market share.

If Microsoft had turned their attention away from certain aspects of their business to venture off into different areas too soon, they would have more than likely put Windows at risk, and the wonderful release that was Windows 7 might not have even happened in the first place.

I also still think Microsoft has an extra ace up their sleeves, when they decide to release Office on iOS, something I'm sure will happen in time.
Short answer: No
Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

He's merely talking about the newest posted "specs" that were posted on pastebin on the 14th, and as a results wants the rest of you to temper or raise expectations because they could turn out to be real. But at the same time doesn't really want you to think he's the one propagating this hope or is the center of this.


Pastebin rumours......

Keep it together guys only two more days.

Different teams of people probably know different things about the development of the new Xbox, including specs and software. Any leak would be easily traced back to the offender and they'd get sacked and shitlisted.

That's one scenario anyway, lol.
It's sad because you are heavily invested in MS and perceive these "bad pieces of info" more than another person. I'm looking at the big picture. We have multiple rumors of Durango trying to be the central box in the living room with DVR and possibly teaming up with cable companies to provide a set-top box experience like Roku. Add that with the talks of integration with the Win 8 ecosystem and interconnectivity between different systems and functionality with Kinect and you can see where this is going. MS's ambition is a wider scope then just games right now. Of course they'll have games. They don't want to alienate their fanbase at the beginning of a new generation so they will give them games to placate the core while they work on what they plan to really do with Durango and that's control the living room. As for Sony, I haven't heard any rumors of Sony trying to replace your cable box have you?

Sarcasm aside, I still feel the same. MS is going to give games because they want to keep the interest of the core until they get to a point where they can do what they really want with Durango.

Sony's objective is the same - to create a strong platform in the living room to sell software and services. Don't pretend anything else.

The only real difference between them is MS have windows and sony have more horizontal integration with the ability to make music, movies and TV alongside hardware.

Both of them are chasing the same objective.

Beyond that the differences are that MS have made a much better job of it in the states, and that Sony have been terrible at integrating across their organisation. There's no good reason why Xbox Music should be better than Qriocity (or whatever they are calling it today) - other than Sony not being able to get their act together.

If / when they do though, it's going to be a really interesting ride.


Short answer: No
Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

He's merely talking about the newest posted "specs" that were posted on pastebin on the 14th, and as a results wants the rest of you to temper or raise expectations because they could turn out to be real. But at the same time doesn't really want you to think he's the one propagating this hope or is the center of this.

Lol he runs wild because there's no real consequence obviously. He dangles that spec bump over our heads like he actually knows it's true, but then acts like it's just him being hopeful and that we shouldn't doubt a significant spec bump is all. 20 CU's from 12 is pretty significant. He may just be doing wishful thinking, but his posts come across as he knows the truth and we just need to wait til the 21st.


I need all of you to gather around me. Cross your fingers, and PRAY the Surface team is behind the hardware.

Come on fuckers. Pray.
Any smartphone owner in the WORLD who is also a gamer, should not give a Baker's fuck about whether a console primarily "focuses" on gaming.

Because your phone sure as fuck doesn't "focus" on making phone calls anymore.

Weird comparison. You can improve your gaming experience with more powerful hardware, but you can't really do the same for phone calls with better hardware in mobile phones.


Different teams of people probably know different things about the development of the new Xbox, including specs and software. Any leak would be easily traced back to the offender and they'd get sacked and shitlisted.

That's one scenario anyway, lol.

But didn't kidbeta tell us that the hardware is fixed since a long time and that nothing could be changed? Where is the risk to release the specs then? :)


Any smartphone owner in the WORLD who is also a gamer, should not give a Baker's fuck about whether a console primarily "focuses" on gaming.

Because your phone sure as fuck doesn't "focus" on making phone calls anymore.

Bad analogy. Nobody buys a smartphone primarily for the phone, as there are far cheaper dumb phones that do that just as well, if not better. Heck, most people don't even check how good the call quality is on a smartphone before they buy it.

By contrast, gamers buy a new console specifically for enhanced games compared to older consoles. Anything else is icing on the cake.
by the way....#


Really not long now.

Two sleeps and one day at work.

Anyone up for some halo anniversary co op on Tuesday to pass the time?


I need all of you to gather around me. Cross your fingers, and PRAY the Surface team is behind the hardware.

Come on fuckers. Pray.
Yeah, I want the game pad to have a stand thingy that goes "click" just because. :p
Seriously, if the Surface was a hint of the console's build quality, it would be a great thing indeed.


Junior Member
But didn't kidbeta tell us that the hardware is fixed since a long time and that nothing could be changed? Where is the risk to release the specs then? :)

How long do you think it takes to make a APU.

I said its been fixed for a while because of the testing and validation it has to go through but some people seem to think this doesnt matter :/


How long do you think it takes to make a APU.

I said its been fixed for a while because of the testing and validation it has to go through but some people seem to think this doesnt matter :/

sure that it matter lol :)

but we dont know what design its been fixed :)
Bad analogy. Nobody buys a smartphone primarily for the phone, as there are far cheaper dumb phones that do that just as well, if not better. Heck, most people don't even check how good the call quality is on a smartphone before they buy it.

By contrast, gamers buy a new console specifically for enhanced games compared to older consoles. Anything else is icing on the cake.

so it is impossible for consoles to make the same transition?

Lets hope they can because they aren't going to survive in a few years when your tablet / phone streams media to every other screen in your house otherwise


Lol he runs wild because there's no real consequence obviously. He dangles that spec bump over our heads like he actually knows it's true, but then acts like it's just him being hopeful and that we shouldn't doubt a significant spec bump is all. 20 CU's from 12 is pretty significant. He may just be doing wishful thinking, but his posts come across as he knows the truth and we just need to wait til the 21st.

That is a significant spec bump, is there any substancial information behind? Like something on vgleaks an not someone's wild dreams?


Junior Member
So bkilian just confirmed that the entire VSP = 4x CU is fake and that it means what any logical person though (identical to GCN1.0). Fun times.

I guess theres some hope for a spec bump within GCN1.0 though.


So bkilian just confirmed that the entire VSP = 4x CU is fake and that it means what any logical person though (identical to GCN1.0). Fun times.

I guess theres some hope for a spec bump within GCN1.0 though.

he confirmed that marcberry is talking about a patent withtout understanding the paper


How long do you think it takes to make a APU.

I said its been fixed for a while because of the testing and validation it has to go through but some people seem to think this doesnt matter :/

Consider the context of my post - this wasn't meant to you. But somehow you seem to wait for specific posts and seem to constantly watching. Why?
I'll state what I did pages ago. If MS' specs are different from the leak, it was something MS decided back in early 2012 not February 20th of 2013. Anyone who thinks MS saw Sony's press conference was like "herpa derpa, chance the system specs!" is...well delusional.

Vapormag controller


You won't get that, Vapor Mg is incredibly expensive and not the most efficient of processes in terms of shaping.

You'll get...ABS plastic with some nice texturing. It's hella cheap and the manufacturing process is ridiculously simple, which by extension means replacement parts are cheap and easy to manufacture.


He said he's is talking crap

and marcberry's entire argument was that the VSP's are 4x as powerful

Therefore he just confirmed that its not true.

this could be..but bkillian was the one of 7970 in devkits ...so forget about 1.2tf

really i dont wanna restart


Junior Member
this could bkillian was the one of 7970 in devkits ...so forget about 1.2tf

really i dont wanna restart

What are you trying to say?.

devkits are always more powerful then the final machine. They have to use off the shelf parts at first after all.

The PS4 most likely contained a 7970 as well, so PS4 can forget about 1.8TF amirite?


What are you trying to say?.

devkits are always more powerful then the final machine. They have to use off the shelf parts at first after all.

The PS4 most likely contained a 7970 as well, so PS4 can forget about 1.8TF amirite?

in my world u dont use a 7970 to emulate a 1.2 gpu...
and no theres no any logic explanation to this coz there r more close gpu that could emulate...


Prediction: Microsoft isn't going to go the anti-consumer route that's been rumored. The nextbox will be as dev-friendly as the PS4. The key difference will be that Microsoft will also be heavily targeting casuals, unlike Sony who is focusing squarely on core gamers. I expect a lot of talk about motion controls and media hub features.

Basically, I think MS wants both the 360 owners and the Wii owners to jump on board. They might just be able to do it. I imagine a Wii Sports with realistic graphics and sound and enhanced controls would be appealing to many casuals.

That said, the console-war-loving side of me wants to see Microsoft bomb hard.


Junior Member
And then Sony announced 8 gb of gddr5 instead of 4. Amazing, isn't it?

Yep, double the density ram is amazing, because it doesn't require you actually redesign anything.

in my world u dont use a 7970 to emulate a 1.2 gpu...
and no theres no any logic explanation to this coz there r more close gpu that could emulate...

There actually really isn't. not when you take into account the bandwidth as well, they need to simulate 200GB/s ~ .
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