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Nintendo NX rumored to use Nvidia's Pascal GPU architecture

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This is interesting. How reliable has digitimes been in the past?

Shaky at best. There is some truth in there, since many of these suppliers have publicly commented on working with Nintendo on new hardware, but they often include rumor presented on other websites as corroborating information for their own articles. Hence the X1 mention here, which is now out there floating around. It is highly unlikely that digitimes would be able to uncover specifics about the NX hardware, even if they had contacts at suppliers entering pre-production. The suppliers themselves are generally only given information relevant to the component they work on to protect trade secrets. Nintendo has ninjas for a reason.

Nintendo would be showing games on 14sept of upcoming games.

Would this mean that we get a nx reveal before 14sept?

And yes another rumor that SMD posted on twitter:

But doesn't mention anything that wouldn't be possible for the nx

Hahahaha. That's Julien Chièze :")
This guy is unreliable and just looking for clicks. Down the trash it goes !


I hope Next week on Monday Nintendo puts out a PR and announce that the NX reveal will happen Thursday Sept 1st or thurs Sept 8th and select press will get invites, and also announce something for fans to win a trip to the reveal press conf.

Its time to show the thing off, that will give us less then a month of more speculation, and plenty of time to get our bodies ready.

That would be two weeks or 1 week before TGS


Unconfirmed Member
I hope Next week on Monday Nintendo puts out a PR and announce that the NX reveal will happen Thursday Sept 1st or thurs Sept 8th and select press will get invites, and also announce something for fans to win a trip to the reveal press conf.

Its time to show the thing off, that will give us less then a month of more speculation, and plenty of time to get our bodies ready.

That would be two weeks or 1 week before TGS
If anything, we will hopefully know something about the keynotes of TGS Forum 2016 next week. Last year the lineup for TGS Forum 2015 was announced on August 11.

But a press release from Nintendo before its holiday starts would be nice.


You could easily beat Wii U's CPU with a 1W budget. That would give you either 8x A53 at 1.7GHz or 4x A72 at 1.2GHz. Or you could mix and match with 2x A72 at 1.4GHz plus 6x A53 at 1.1GHz. All three of those options would be closer to PS4's CPU than Wii U's.

You could do that in a regular handheld with 3 SMs and a ~3W TDP. It's very much at the upper end of what I'd consider feasible, but you wouldn't need a tablet form factor for it.

Yeah, I did the math soon after that and came to similar conclusions. Do you think that 3W could be more likely if we're looking at a 6-inch form factor rather than a 5-inch one like everyone is assuming? Also the difference in consumption between the A72 and A53 is stupidly ridiculous based on what you're saying.

Hm... How about 4x A72 @1.1GHz for games and 2x A53 @500MHz for OS?

Shocking news.

Let's make a thread so everyone can be shocked.


Just means no games in March 2017. Take-Two's fiscal year ends on March 31st.

Logically it would make sense given the launch timing that they wait for NX versions of NBA/WWE2K until the fall instead of releasing really late ports at full price.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Just means no games in March 2017. Take-Two's fiscal year ends on March 31st.

Logically it would make sense given the launch timing that they wait for NX versions of NBA/WWE2K until the fall instead of releasing really late ports at full price.

Yep. If they do release something (and I'm not confident either way), they'll wait for fall. The whole "late ports at launch" method was a disaster for Wii U.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Just means no games in March 2017. Take-Two's fiscal year ends on March 31st.

Logically it would make sense given the launch timing that they wait for NX versions of NBA/WWE2K until the fall instead of releasing really late ports at full price.

Yeah, given the release date it's probably better to wait for the next versions of those franchises (...if they're going to get released, I mean).


Didn't they said that they habe nothing to show for 2016?

Not sure

No take two support for nx at the moment?


Well the only games that would make sense to have at launch are WWE and NBA 2K17, but in this case they would be late ports, so it's nothing too upsetting. Also this is only about the current fiscal year (which ends 3/31/2017), so hopefully if the console sells decently they'll port at least 2K18 and a bunch of other new games. No late ports.


As far as I can see 2K Games has no games coming out in the NX release time period, so unless it's a late port (those usually don't sell well or the people who want these kinda games already own them on other consoles/pc) no NX games at launch is to be expected...


WiiU Mass effect and Batman soured the ports at launch. Wait for next year's.
If your port costs about sixty bucks (in some European stores even € 70!), while the Trilogy set sits there for fifty bucks on either 360 or PS3... that tends to happen. I understand Nintendo did a lot of things wrong with the Wii U, but that one was on EA. Dummies.

I got Batman AC Arnoured Edition for free, so eh.


Nintendo is not in position to invest money with western third parties, moneyhats, exclusive DLC, or give them enough exposure with marketing efforts, just a dumb example, My Nintendo doesn't include any third party game in their rewards. They don't package special editions Wii U with a CoD bundle (for example). Now I don't think it's because doesn't have the money, it's more like they persue partnerships that doesn't end after the 3rd party received the incentive, co-developments, co-fundings seems to be a way to keep those partnerships keep going in the future, this model work the most in Japan because the bussines mechanic is different from the west.

So, it's Nintendo's fault that they are unable to keep those western games at its side. Nintendo has never actively persuing those, NEVER.


Nintendo is not in position to invest money with western third parties, moneyhats, exclusive DLC, or give them enough exposure with marketing efforts, just a dumb example, My Nintendo doesn't include any third party game in their rewards. They don't package special editions Wii U with a CoD bundle (for example). Now I don't think it's because doesn't have the money, it's more like they persue partnerships that doesn't end after the 3rd party received the incentive, co-developments, co-fundings seems to be a way to keep those partnerships keep going in the future, this model work the most in Japan because the bussines mechanic is different from the west.

So, it's Nintendo's fault that they are unable to keep those western games at its side. Nintendo has never actively persuing those, NEVER.





Certainly they could and should do more, but they've had bundles with Western third party games and have done partnerships before.


Nintendo is certainly in position to do more to court Third parties. They basically do nothing at all right now and go out of their way to make development for their devices as hard as possible.

So there is a lot that they could do that could begin mending fences. Nothing will be fixed overnight but nothing will be fixed making no effort either.


Nintendo is certainly in position to do more to court Third parties. They basically do nothing at all right now and go out of their way to make development for their devices as hard as possible.

So there is a lot that they could do that could begin mending fences. Nothing will be fixed overnight but nothing will be fixed making no effort either.

We have no idea what goes on in their meetings, discussions etc.


Interesting. So we have sources saying pascal and sources saying maxwell.

As far as I know, there is no actual "source" saying Pascal, someone correct me if I'm wrong, if there is some link somewhere.

The "speculation" was based on there being a fan in the dev kit, one article speculated that it could be to have the X1 overclocked to approximate any pascal based GPU that will eventually replace it... Of course pascal makes a lot of sense, given the better performance per watt, but I don't think there is any actual "source" just speculation


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Since there seems to be a bit of confusion or just lack of clarity, and in order to avoid not completely unbiased quotes of leaks and whatever, I'll make of this post a collection of reports and rumours from specific sources about the performance of the device, with possible explanation as a corollary, if needed. If you see something wrong in this post, feel free to debate and tell me about it: I'll correct it as soon as possible. Let's begin (it's gonna be a long one, I warn you).

WSJ: Nintendo Begins Distributing Software Kit for New NX Platform | October 16th, 2015


The exact shape of the NX hardware isn’t yet clear. People familiar with the development plans said Nintendo would likely include both a console and at least one mobile unit that could either be used in conjunction with the console or taken on the road for separate use. They also said Nintendo would aim to put industry-leading chips in the NX devices, after criticism that the Wii U’s capabilities didn’t match those of competitors.

Corollary While at start that description sounded like the ecosystem concept, right now it seems it was more an indication of the hybrid concept, given the "both a console and at least one mobile unit" tidbit. On the subject of "industry-leading chips", the article's author, WSJ's Mochizuki, went a bit deeper in response to a message from Nintengen's Trevelyan / SuperMetalDave64


Hello David,
The quick answer is “I don’t know.” Sorry!
-Several people who said who have seen a demo said what they saw is impossible to run on a computer without a “industry-leading” or “cutting-edge” chips. Cutting-edge in what way, they refused to elaborate.
-And an important thing to remember, probably you know well already, is that chip specs won’t be finalized until much closer date to the release.
hope this helps, and plz ask me follow-up questions if you have.

"Industry-leading" and "cutting-edge" can have different meanings. Tegra X1 / the next Pascal iteration are, indeed, cutting-edge components in the mobile markets. Possible explanations (already mentioned back then) about the demo itself "not running well on the computer" deal with the difficulty of Vulkan API being involved (at the time, it was still not publically released), which means bruteforcing the content on a computer result in less than ideal results.

Emily Rogers' article about NX's power | May 13th, 2016


After speaking to seven different people this week, I can say with confidence that this is false. NX is not using x86 architecture like PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The NX has special, custom-made chips and the overall design of the hardware is very modern. The chips are industry leading because they are very modern chips, but having modern chips doesn’t necessarily mean Nintendo is aiming to create the most powerful hardware on the market. Furthermore, any NX rumors on “Polaris chips” and “Polaris architecture” are all wacky. There’s a good reason why those rumors are wacky.

In terms of raw power, numerous sources tell me that NX is much closer to Xbox One than PlayStation 4. Even that might be stretching it a tiny bit. Anyone who is claiming that NX is “two times the power of PS4 GPU” is being misled by their sources. Based on what I’ve heard, I don’t believe the NX will compete directly with PS4 (Neo) / PS4K in raw power.

There will be plenty of debates over the NX’s specs because it’s not simple to directly compare two apples (with x86 architecture) to an orange (that doesn’t use x86 architecture). But everything that I’ve heard (so far) indicates that NX isn’t going to blow away any of the consoles on the market today…except for Wii U.

Corollary Around the time the EG's two-parter feature dropped, Emily Rogers clarified on the comparison with Xbox One and PS4 on Twitter

Emily Rogers ‏@ArcadeGirl64 26 lug
@real154CHI No, I never used the words "On par with Xbox One". I said it was closer to Xbox 1 than PS4. Not on par with XB1.

Emily Rogers ‏@ArcadeGirl64 26 lug
@real154CHI I used the term "Even that might be stretching it a bit" to emphasize that I wasn't confident in it reaching XB1 levels of power

So, her sources used a (bit confusing, given how most - me included - interpretated it at first) wording to say that NX < One < PS4, with the gap between NX and One possibly bigger, but with a strong certainty that NX >>> Wii U (even if, again, comparing different architectures isn't completely fair, especially when comparing NX to PS4 and One).

OsirisBlack on PS4/Xbox One ports | May 14th, 2016



Nintendo will be fine.


To add context to my previous post (I was asked via PM) without going into too much detail any game that runs on the XB1 or PS4 should run on the NX with little to no issue. What developers choose to or not to port to the console will more than likely depend on consumer support for the thing.

Corollary This is, currently, the most direct reference to the console being able to run "any game on PS4 and One" with "little to no issue". However, this was stated before the hybrid rumours hit, even if it was stated in the same thread about the just mentioned piece of rumour from Emily Rogers. While it's very direct, the alleged nature of the device makes it one of the most interesting statements on the matter in several ways.

EG's feature mentioning Tegra and fans | July 26th, 2016


Nvidia is providing the core technology that powers Nintendo's next generation NX console. Multiple sources have confirmed that the new machine is based around Nvidia's mobile-orientated Tegra processor, with development kits currently using the Tegra X1 chip found in the Shield Android TV console and the Google Pixel C tablet.

There's an additional wrinkle to the story too, albeit one we should treat with caution as it is single-source in nature with a lot of additional speculation on our part. This relates to the idea that the Tegra X1 in the NX development hardware is apparently actively cooled, with audible fan noise. With that in mind, we can't help but wonder whether X1 is the final hardware we'll see in the NX. Could it actually be a placeholder for Tegra X2? It's a new mobile processor Nvidia has in its arsenal and what's surprising about it is how little we actually know about it.

ShockingAlberto's PM to maxcriden | July 26th, 2016


In case any of you doubt the veracity of our own ShockingAlberto as a source, here is a PM I received from him yesterday evening.

I am like

99% sure on this one. Eurogamer's story is in two parts and they should cover it, too. I am not going to say anything about it because I honestly don't want to deal with the fallout if I am wrong somehow. You can be my sealed envelope on this.

- Hybrid; it's a handheld with a TV docking station.
- Carts, around 16-32 GB.
- Nintendo-made OS, not Android.
- Retailers are being shown soon, so expect pre-orders to be around when they reveal, if not that day.
- Around Xbox One in power.
- Base station will come with it
- Nvidia is doing the internals

He has given me permission to now post this. He also wanted me to mention nothing is confirmed until Nintendo confirms it.

Corollary Later, Shocking Alberto himself posted in the thread about it in order to give a better explanation on the "around Xbox One level" point of the rumour's list from his source.


That is what I have heard, that is not what I guarantee.

I am not a tech guy, my definition of what "around Xbox One in power" means is probably different from, I dunno, Durante's. It's more than Wii U, less than PS4, that's the only range I'm particularly comfortable with assuming.

So, the specs can give different impressions to different people (this could also be interpreted as the difficulty of "comparing apples to oranges").

MCV: NX potentially "much cheaper than expected" + graphical "impressions" | July 27th and more


Early online speculation about pricing for the NX expects it to be cheaper than current consoles, but from what we’ve heard it’s going to be cheaper than even the vast majority expect. This is a machine that is targeting the mass market, and Nintendo certainly plans for it to have a mass market price. Price is one Wii U mistake Nintendo is determined not to repeat. This could be NX's single biggest win.


MCV has not been able to confirm what chipset will be used, although we do understand that Nintendo is prioritising price when it comes to NX development, which leans toward a version of Tegra 1. Our source claimed that the games they had played, to their eyes, visually seemed perhaps ahead of PS3, but not approaching PS4 standards.

A price point was also speculated, although this was based on assumptions from presentation statements and not on firm numbers from Nintendo. The figure, however, was far cheaper than any recent console launch price.


Game graphics will be ‘somewhere between a PS3 and PS4’, with Nintendo targeting an audience that sits between smartphone gamers and the more hardcore users of PS4 and Xbox One.

DirectFeedGames's Twitter account (GAF's NateDrake) states it'll be a Pascal-based chip | July 29th, 2016


Direct-Feed Gaming
Since it is being discussed elsewhere, I can say with confidence that Nvidia will announce a Pascal Tegra chip for NX.

I suppose this could be it for now. In case you want me to include more references (like lherre's posts, for example) or to correct tidbits among what I've already posted, there's no problem in reporting it. I hope it can be helpful for a more informed conversation (reminder: this is a mix of articles from major publications and posts from insiders / "messengers" with good-to-great track record, so take what's in this post with the right grain of salt).
It's very possible NX to be the basis for a platform going forward/ There could be other devices built on similar architecture further down the line. That doesn't mean that it will happen all in 2017. Could be 2-3 years before another device comes. Or there could be no other device yet in development. Maybe all depends on this NX device's success.

Or maybe Iwata used platform to not give any hint about what they're working on. Why would they hint that 2-3 years before release when they're very secretive even about the games they're working on a lot of the time.

Didn't Iwata make it a point to quell rumors that Nintendo was abandoning the traditional home console for a handheld focus for the foreseeable future?



On another note if NX has a Linux based OS and uses ARM CPUs how difficult would it be to automatically recompile APKs for the system? Is that even possible?

If it's an APK with Java code, quite. If it's an APK that uses native code, less. APKs have to run in some kind of Android environment, not just Linux.
Nintendo is certainly in position to do more to court Third parties. They basically do nothing at all right now and go out of their way to make development for their devices as hard as possible.

So there is a lot that they could do that could begin mending fences. Nothing will be fixed overnight but nothing will be fixed making no effort either.

Basically do nothing? I'm sure they are doing all that they can outside of straight up writing a check to try and get games but we obviously don't hear about it. It's not sustainable to pay every major company for ports, so their best best is to license their IPs for exclusive games.

Xiao Hu

Basically do nothing? I'm sure they are doing all that they can outside of straight up writing a check to try and get games but we obviously don't hear about it. It's not sustainable to pay every major company for ports, so their best best is to license their IPs for exclusive games.

Fuck yeah, more Nintendo Dynasty Warriors or Mushroom Kingdom themed sugercoated trash...


Hyrule Warriors was a collaboration (And also very good). But he obviously meant something like when Next Level Games did Luigi's Mansion.

NLG is basically a Nintendo studio.

Hyrule Warriors, conversely, actually did well in the west and is one of the most successful Musou ever released.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Fuck yeah, more Nintendo Dynasty Warriors or Mushroom Kingdom themed sugercoated trash...

Hyrule Warriors is one of the best games on the Wii U. What is this rambling about?

Xiao Hu

Hyrule Warriors was a collaboration (And also very good). But he obviously meant something like when Next Level Games did Luigi's Mansion.

Hyrule Warriors is one of the best games on the Wii U. What is this rambling about?

I feel physically repelled by it, those games are not the type of software I would buy a console for. If Nintendo contract studios I would prefer they would work on something that is mechanically more compelling than..yeah fucking Musuo. There are a couple of very talented studios outside (like Next Level) that could foster a bigger audience or at least elevate the satisfaction rate of the current offering by catering to a more Western software portfolio.


Not sure if it's been mentioned but in terms of power consumption they could detect whether or not it's on ac power and throttle the clockspeed of the gpu/cpu accordingly.
Not sure if it's been mentioned but in terms of power consumption they could detect whether or not it's on ac power and throttle the clockspeed of the gpu/cpu accordingly.
It has been mentioned, but it's more on the cautiously optimistic side since no sources have reported in it.
Laptops have had power save and full performance settings for years so it's nothing new so I'd hope Nintendo implements it even if they just give it as an option to devs like with new 3DS and not force anyone to take advantage of it


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I must of missed that. The price point sounds like $199? Unless they don't count handheld consoles as consoles.

A rumor about a year ago was that Nintendo wanted to target an impulse buy price, and writers were speculating $149-$199.
I feel physically repelled by it, those games are not the type of software I would buy a console for. If Nintendo contract studios I would prefer they would work on something that is mechanically more compelling than..yeah fucking Musuo. There are a couple of very talented studios outside (like Next Level) that could foster a bigger audience or at least elevate the satisfaction rate of the current offering by catering to a more Western software portfolio.

Hyrule Warriors sold very well in the west and worldwide. I think it was the most successful musuo game in the west.

A Hyrule Warriors 2 would probably a better "system seller" than any games from studios you mentioned.
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