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Nintendo: Satoru Iwata won't be able to attend investor meeting this Friday


Wow I never expected it's health problems mentioned before E3 to be that severe.
I hope you get better soon, Mr. Iwata!


Get well Iwata! I really hope this letter is not sugarcoating things and he is going to fully recover.

This may also partly explain the lack of Iwata Asks:(.
I hope he gets well soon.

It just goes to show you, no matter how financially well off you may be, cancer is a bitch. It hit Jobs, and now Iwata.

I really hope it doesn't come back.


When I read the thread title I was worried his condition was getting worse. Glad to hear he's dealt with it and just needs more time to recover. Hopefully this "growth" (a tumor? cancer?) never reappears again.
I hope he gets well soon.

It just goes to show you, no matter how financially well off you may be, cancer is a bitch. It hit Jobs, and now Iwata.

I really hope it doesn't come back.

I'm really crossing my fingers that Mr. Iwata doesn't have cancer or any early forms of cancer...or that he won't have to deal with other growths in the future.


I'm sorry to hear that, it's a little more serious than I imagined when we heard he wasn't going to be at E3. Sounds like everything went well though, hopefully the recovery goes smoothly and he can get back to his normal life as soon as possible.
Glad he is recovering fast.
Get well soon, Mr. Iwata! I need more information on games, and I need it to be delivered directly to me.


Get well Iwata! Miyamoto and co. did a great job with E3, I'm sure they can handle a few hours in a meeting.
Wow, so it really was a serious issue :(. I hope he will recover soon.

I had a bad feeling it wasn't just a cold.

Mr. Iwata has gone to important industry events and powered through simple colds before...but surgery is a completely different beast. :-(
Oh man the stress of the the 3DS/WiiU must not be doing good on him.

Didn't Miyamoto develop heart problems because of the Gamecube selling poorly? Hope things better for him all around.
Get well soon, Iwata!

On a speculative note: will this have a positive/negative affect on the board's vote to keep him as President?


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Oh god when I read growth my heart almost sunk, thank god he caught it early, get well soon Iwata.


I'm happy to hear that they got rid of the bile duct growth.I hope he is doing okay and I hope this problem does not get worse.
Wow, that's definitely a serious issue. Seems people were right to expect more than a cold when he announced his E3 absence. He may have really lucked out by catching it early, though.

Hoping for a speedy recovery.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
...thinking about it, that parody Direct video where the fake Iwata says "Wii U is selling like boxed cancer" won't ever be the same for me :(


Weren't there those who were discussing Iwata should be fired or such months ago, or was that another Nintendo head? Or maybe those were silly ramblings...

Well either way, hope he gets better, but damn Reggie don't pull no punches.

I don't think this thread has anything to do with that dude, we're talking about a guy's health, business decisions are irrelevant.


Weren't there those who were discussing Iwata should be fired or such months ago, or was that another Nintendo head? Or maybe those were silly ramblings...

Well either way, hope he gets better, but damn Reggie don't pull no punches.

Wishing someone to get fired, and wishing someone to get well from decease are not mutually exclusive.


We're pulling for you Iwata-san!

We don't really want you to get fired from Nintendo :( only when we're hurt and frustrated by unsuccessful business strategies


oh god he ended it with a please understand

oh my


...thinking about it, that parody Direct video where the fake Iwata says "Wii U is selling like boxed cancer" won't ever be the same for me :(
Maybe it's just me, but I really really dislike jokes that involve cancer in any shape or form, especially on such light matters like videogames. :-\

But let's not digress, right now I only want to wish all the best to Mr. Iwata, hope he fully recovers as soon as possible.


Really lucky they found it so early and the surgery went well, as that could have been catastrophic.

Hope he recovers quickly. Gaming needs a man like him in this era of microtransactions and fleecing. He's responsible for so much of the fun I have had gaming.


I guess the lesson to take away from this is to never cheap out on the physicals. One of my old professors would fly across the country to get a physical at John Hopkins every December.

Catch it early.

Best of luck to Iwata.


Good thing he spotted this during early stage.

Get better, Iwata! Come back to us full of energy and ambition!
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