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Nintendo wants to expand into health, learning, and other quality of life products


Nintendo doesn't have infinite resources.

A look at Nintendo's internally developed output during the DS/Wii era is enough of a proof for that (and that was in pre-HD era development).

What I expect from Nintendo, under this model, is tons of outsourcing and lots of C-tier crap like Hyrule Warriors.

This is exactly what I'm afraid of in the worst case scenario. And 'C-tier' is being kind to that Warriors game. Garbage decision to whore the IP out like that.

Metal B

I have enough common sense to know that if Im in the fast food business, I wont suddenly turn around and try to peddle gym memberships to my consumers.
Funny, since McDonalds actively changed there business-model to include McCafe, which turned out as a big a huge success. Who thought that people actually wanna stay in a fast-food restaurant to drink coffee and relax. Especially since fast-food-restaurant were for some time specific designed, so that costumers don't wanna stay there.
Those who want QOL stuff will not buy an expensive gaming console to have it. People interested in a game console are not necesarily the same people that want a QOL device. I am sure a lot more people would be interested in the fit meter of Wii Fit U if it wasnt on Wii U, same for brain training 3ds,A QOL platform if it gets popular will attract a different kind of third party support than a gaming platform would. Instead of one everything device, they will have 3 devices which are more specialized at what they do. (Mobile, QOL, Home console).

Im dont think its the best idea ever, but Im not dismissing it either. At least not until I seen it.

They are barely competing in the space they have occupied for over 20 years. Not you expect them to perform in what is already a competitive space that is occupied by a wide variety of companies?

I guess its not like they haven't set a precedent with the Blue Ocean stuff. They doo have a lot of talent and experience with WiiFit stuff and it should find continued use for those investments

That said I feel like they aren't nimble and savvy enough to compete in this space either.... I dunno maybe they will surprise me...

I just dont care if this works or not honestly.


They are barely competing in the space they have occupied for over 20 years. Not you expect them to perform in what is already a competitive space that is occupied by a wide variety of companies?

I guess its not like they haven't set a precedent with the Blue Ocean stuff. They doo have a lot of talent and experience with WiiFit stuff and it should find continued use for those investments

That said I feel like they aren't nimble and savvy enough to compete in this space either.... I dunno maybe they will surprise me...

I just dont care if this works or not honestly.
That's the entire reason they're trying to leapfrog: they can't compete head-on with established products.
I have enough common sense to know that if Im in the fast food business, I wont suddenly turn around and try to peddle gym memberships to my consumers.

Nintendo have found significant success from selling fitness software in the past. A specific platform for it is not, in theory, a terrible idea.


I've often thought that one market that Nintendo could really make a move into is as a rival for Leapfrog - i.e. Nintendo themed educational devices for young kids.
What are the thoughts on this?

I was very curious why Nintendo didn't do this when the DS was booming. They could have had a whole line of software that could have captured that entire market and gotten people into the DS eco-system for life. They even did the grown-up version of Leapfrog software in Japan - English-Training, etc.

But as others noted, it's one thing to just crap out a "Mario Teaches Typing" game. It's another thing to do a "Brain Training," which is a diversion for adults, but at least based on some kind of research. It's a whole new world to deliver children education software that teachers, schools, parents, and psychologists agree is good for kids. I believe that American Pediatric Association (might be getting name wrong) still recommends kids be limited to 30-60 minutes of screen time a day.

Anyway, the DS was a low-cost piece of hardware that was extremely durable (at least the Phat was, in my experience). The 3DS is not that. I could see the 2DS being useful for kid/educational purposes, but I can't see Nintendo delivering the software. Which is too bad, because there's a lot of exciting stuff going on with software to help kids learn math, interactive history lessons would be totally sweet, an interactive virtual science lab would be amazing, etc. But I would guess Nintendo would put out a "Draw Inside the lines Mario Coloring Book!" and then wonder why people weren't buying it up.

Quick edit: One quick note on the licensing out characters to developers thing. I think Nintendo is over-estimating their brand appeal. Sure, developers would love to put out a Zelda or Mario game - but I would guess Nintendo won't just be giving out Mario and Link (Hyrule Warriors nonwithstanding). I don't think a lot of third party developers are going to say, "Well, we were going to develop a game for the huge PS4+XBone+PC marketplace, but you're saying we can develop a Captain Falcon game for the Wii U after paying extra licensing fees to Nintendo? Where do I sign up?!"


So you say that a healthy life style is keeping you from gaming?

Shit, it definitely does for me. By the time I get home from work, change and set up my home workout area, and then work out for an hour, then change/shower and cook dinner, I barely have enough time to play games.

That's the entire reason they're trying to leapfrog: they can't compete head-on with established products.

Lifestyle Products already has an industry though

At least here in the West it does on Smart devices and various other things

Heck they even had a hand in popularizing it with Wii and Wii fit.

I dunno I guess it could work out for them as a company... but for Gaming Nintendo fans... its looking like baby steps.

At least the acknowledge the issues with Unified accounts and Virtual Console


Lifestyle Products already has an industry though

At least here in the West it does on Smart devices and various other things

Heck they even had a hand in popularizing it with Wii and Wii fit.

I dunno I guess it could work out for them as a company... but for Gaming Nintendo fans... its looking like baby steps.

At least the acknowledge the issues with Unified accounts and Virtual Console

The Lifestyle Product industry right now is in it's infancy, comparable to the PalmOS/Windows Phone/Symbian OS era of "smart" phones. Basically it's waiting for it's Apple to come along and blow it up for the masses. The FitBit is the only decently popular brand that people may have heard of.

Will that be Nintendo? Doubtful, I don't think they have the smarts or the savvy to pull it off. Their name screams "kids games" to everyone, which is going to be hard for both moms and weightlifters to get behind.


...hate me...
I have enough common sense to know that if Im in the fast food business, I wont suddenly turn around and try to peddle gym memberships to my consumers.
How many gym memberships your fast food company has sold so far?

Have any idea how many non-gaming QOL-related products Nintendo have sold in the last 5-10 years?


I think the key idea is the fitness/casual market is still huge but they might not want to shell out £200+ for a games system that might cater to their needs. Having a smaller dedicated platform for these people will allow Nintendo to capitalise on that market while continuing it's core game system. I also feel that may allow Nintendo not to jeopardies the main system like the Wii U by trying to cater to both audiences and instead make it a system fully aimed at the core.


...hate me...
Whatever this is though, I hope for some level of public APIs and integration with other platforms.

Being stuck to Wii Fit U is the reason why carrying around the Wii U pedometer got really old really fast for me.


Guys the only current gen hardware I own is a 3DS and WiiU. Stop acting like a deranged mob and please explain to me how peddling Vitality Sensors will get me quality 3rd and 1st party software into my starving machines.

You say Wii Fit was a success in the past? Great, fantastic for Nintendo's bottom line. Again, did I get a GTAV or Final Fantasy out of it? Nope

And how the bloody hell is a McCafe even comparable to my analogy? McDonalds and the coffee business are firmly entrenched in the food business, they successfully complimented each other.

You guys are more concerned with investor happiness than GAMER satisfaction.


So in essence, Nintendo will branch out towards:

- Digital content
- Educational software
- Character licensing
- Healthcare

The first 3 seem like reasonable, logical endeavours for a videogame company, but I fail to see what does healthcare has to do with videogames or how it could synergize with that area. Entertainement and pleasure are almost polar opposites from "health", Wiifit nonstanding.

It is also quite puzzling to hear about "non-wearables". Perhaps some kind of external health monitor? Also, did they mention anything about their console future? Will they get out of hardware?

I mean, they pretty much acknowdegled that portables are a dying breed...


I guess non-wearable products are something along the lines of the balance board and vitality sensor? Or its some feng shui dragonball ki shit.


The Birthday Skeleton
You guys are more concerned with investor happiness than GAMER satisfaction.

This is a thread about Nintendo extending its business into QoL products.
Here are the slides from the Investors Meeting were you can read also what plans has Nintendo for Wii U on short term and for account system and software pricing on medium term.

In the end, this was a business focused conference, not an E3 and not even a Nintendo Direct.
I'm shocked by the idiocy at Nintendo. Wii U is no longer Iwata's mistake to learn from, but is now proving to be the first mistake in a long line of failures to come. This is evidence of a complete lack of leadership or even rudimentary business understanding.

Nobody is asking for this confusing pile of excersise shit - hell, Apple can't even move the units in this sector required of Nintendo to save their sinking ship.


Mario Textbooks incoming. Mario does Calculus, Mario does Physics. I can't wait.


Looks like a nice keyboard.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
Whatever this is though, I hope for some level of public APIs and integration with other platforms.

Being stuck to Wii Fit U is the reason why carrying around the Wii U pedometer got really old really fast for me.

Say what?

This is Nintendo we're talking about here!


Guys the only current gen hardware I own is a 3DS and WiiU. Stop acting like a deranged mob and please explain to me how peddling Vitality Sensors will get me quality 3rd and 1st party software into my starving machines.

You say Wii Fit was a success in the past? Great, fantastic for Nintendo's bottom line. Again, did I get a GTAV or Final Fantasy out of it? Nope

And how the bloody hell is a McCafe even comparable to my analogy? McDonalds and the coffee business are firmly entrenched in the food business, they successfully complimented each other.

You guys are more concerned with investor happiness than GAMER satisfaction.

I understand your concern. As a fan of Nintendo's, who hopes they'll stay around, I hope they will find this additional source of revenue to prop up their business. But the investor's conference did very little for the Wii U in particular.

-DS games for Wii U
-more licenses given out to whoever
-higher focus on the gamepad
-quicker start-up.

That's all there was for Wii U.

I just hope that if Nintendo is healthier in general, it will have benefits for me as their consumer. Funding more exclusives, more willingness to create new IP, better use of their current franchises, etc.
You guys are more concerned with investor happiness than GAMER satisfaction.

I'm more concerned about Nintendo proving themselves to be a sustainable business, which, by the evidence of the past few years, they haven't been.

I don't see this as a bigger betrayal of gamers than, say, Sony's life insurance branch. Diversity in business is good- one of Nintendo's biggest weaknesses lately has been its dependence on two products and two products alone. More products, (hopefully) more success, more Nintendo games.

Nintendo has been killing itself, and as nice as they would have been hardcore F-Zero or Star Fox instalments weren't going to be the things to fix that.

Also, SHOCK HORROR at an investor's conference looking to appeal to investors more than hardcore gamers.


...hate me...
Guys the only current gen hardware I own is a 3DS and WiiU. Stop acting like a deranged mob and please explain to me how peddling Vitality Sensors will get me quality 3rd and 1st party software into my starving machines.

You say Wii Fit was a success in the past? Great, fantastic for Nintendo's bottom line. Again, did I get a GTAV or Final Fantasy out of it? Nope

And how the bloody hell is a McCafe even comparable to my analogy? McDonalds and the coffee business are firmly entrenched in the food business, they successfully complimented each other.

You guys are more concerned with investor happiness than GAMER satisfaction.
I understand that.

But being able to save its own bottom line will keep it in the gaming business.

You didn't get GTA V or Final Fantasy on the Wii, but you still got a loooot more healthy line up of gaming software on Wii than on the Wii U, and Wii Fit and other non-gaming products (even Wii Sports is a "QOL product" to some extend) that helped pushing Wii HW sales and Nintendo's financial health in general, have a lot of responsibility for it.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
GAF should be ecstatic at this news.

Nintendo is finally saying that they want to take all the effort they put into attracting casuals with Wii Fit U, Brain Age, Touch generations, etc. and refocus those IPs on a new third platform that is also device-agnostic, and refocus their video game business on core content going forward.

Basically ( http://www.nintendo.com/games/touchgenerations ) will be sold as services on their third pillar - most likely a tablet with lots of add-on devices like the Balance Board, cameras to monitor heart-rate, etc. They will probably allow people to use their own smartphone as well instead of the tablet but preserve the best experience for people buying their own tablet hardware.

That frees up next-gen Nintendo gaming hardware to be more focused on games rather than casual stuff. They repeatedly emphasized that they are in this to keep building traditional platforms and packaged games. They categorically rejected F2P of their tentpole franchises.

The next Nintendo console will likely be more targeted to traditional gamers, while their handheld will continue to build on the kids market that has really kept the 3DS alive. With a single user ID they can try to cross-sell devices for different needs rather than having to do one-device fits all.

This is exactly what many people wanted Nintendo to do - build games for gamers - build QOL stuff for QOL-specific platform - rather than trying to mix the two and screwing up both at the same time.

The only people disappointed by all this news would be port beggars that desperately wanted Nintendo content for their console of choice. Really, if you are a Nintendo fan, you got everything you wanted in this Q&A - and it looks like Nintendo finally gets that they can't build the same device for every audience and wants to stop building things like the Wii U that target a casual to hardcore audience without satisfying any particular audience in question.

Now Nintendo needs to outfit the QOL device with a story/cartoon/game creation app based on Mario Paint that helps people learn how to code and make games that can be played on Nintendo gaming devices, market it to impressionable parents who want their kids to be able to code, and they should make billions of dollars.



Right now, there's nothing that can be considered as crazyness-inducing as the Wii back in 2006 (just talking about "pure" gaming consoles; otherwise, iOS and Android ARE the next big thing). 3D is not the next big thing at all, Gamepad + Miiverse neither, and certainly TVTVTVTVTVTVTVTV won't either.

I believe it's going to be something...software, not hardware. And it would be a consequence of all this recent social focus, thinking about it. Let me explain.

Social and Internet made far, far easier for people expressing their opinions on everything (especially things they don't know a thing about XD ), but it also allowed so many people to express their hobbies, or better...their talents. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter...are all full of photos/videos of people showing off their biggest abilities: how many videos of people playing piano/guitar/any instrument are on the web? What about people singing? And what about reviews/let's play/any possible video content, even short movies?

It's easy to see the impact of social in giving to people the possibility to show what they can do. But we haven't seen this in gaming yet. Or better, not in its biggest form possible: so far, just sharing gameplay videos/photos (which is still great, no doubt). And this is the reasoning that leads me to thinking that the next big thing in gaming is going to be...a game where you create your own game.

I already have many ideas about this software.

First of all, its basic tools should be very, very easy to use for creating games: 2D tools for stages, characters with a little editor, objects, and these are available once you play this software for the first time.

Then, the software should have an in-game store where you can buy other tools, through in-game currency, system coins (like the 3DS ones) or real money. Some of these tools should be also randomly distributed through free downloadable content some months later from their appearance in the in-game store (like SpotPass content).

Once completed, this games could be distibuted just through people in your friend list, or on the digital store itself (a specific section of the whole DD store of the console, called "The house of people's games", or something similar XD), where they can be downloaded by everyone with a console. In the latter case, they should be first approved by the platform holder itself, obviously (and before that, users should see the official terms for distributing content on the digital store, and agreeing with them).

When distributed publicly, games can be priced too: users should have the possibility to put them with no cost or at 0.99 as minimum, all depending by the amount of effort (and money of any kind spent).

The more these titles succed both sales wise and reception wise, the more in game money you earn, money that can be spent in the in-game store.

Another big feature of this title should be a sort of Gold Membership: paying a fee per month (between 1.99 and 2.99), users would have access to many more and better tools, especially for creating (and animating) your own character. But people who have games that sold a fixed amount on copies on the digital store could have access to the Gold Membership for free for a limited time(from 6 months to a year, depending on the amount of success).

Moreover, the games that sold huge amounts could be put outside of the specific users content channel and being highlighted like "User content of the month", for example, for gaining more revelance.

Multiplayer could be possible too, especially for Gold Members: it would allow people to create teams for their games (one doing levels, one doing music, and so on), with a fixed high amount of team members. Still, making a game all alone should be possible without problems.

The only big hurdle I can think of for this idea is the economic aspect: how could people obtain to gain from the games released without being worried of seeing their own money stolen? I thought that something like a sort of PayPal specific for the people who uses the software and releases titles on the worldwide marketplace could work: users should just use their account for registering on the official site of the software (where anyone can see the latest titles released even without entering the digital shop on the console), and they'd have a personal bank linked to their credit card / PayPal account, but it should be always the user deciding when the money can pass from the site's "personal bank" to its real life funds, every time. Obviously, releasing content on the marketplace should be available just for who is 18+ years old: children and teens can share the content created between each other.

I think THIS could be what's going to capture people's imagination in the future: a software where everyone can create a game, of any scope, from the littlest to titles with a good amount of work behind. The choice is up to the player.

Don't try to copy me, man.


This is a very good thing, from a business perspective and gamer perspective.

From a business perspective it allows Nintendo to capitalise on some of their, and other peoples biggest successes from the past few years. Rock band, wii fit, brain age, art academy etc. More inclusive, widely appealing "software" (not games). I also feel that Nintendo stand no chance in the home console market, so this is a much smarter strategy for me

It also allows Nintendo to focus on the handheld amrket and (hopefully) capitalise on their decades of quality gaming with content that is available across a range of devices (a netflix like service available on smart tv's please?)

Sony and Microsoft both released less powerful PC's. Microsoft with a camera, sony with proposed streaming technology. something different is appreciated.
Ok, I'll admit I haven't had time to go back and read this entire thread... but, non-wearables?

Like, gym equipment? health suppliments? What does that even mean?
Much of the success of this venture depends on what Iwata means by the non-wearable strategy.

The whole point of the leapfrog strategy is to provide something disruptive in the marketplace. If he's just trying to be clever and dress up a custom tablet or something as revolutionary in the marketplace, then this venture is doomed to failure. If, however, it's nothing we've seen before... well, I'm very sceptical, but that's what Iwata's promising, so we'll see.


Ok, I'll admit I haven't had time to go back and read this entire thread... but, non-wearables?

Like, gym equipment? health suppliments? What does that even mean?

The thing is Nintendo has no idea either. They looked at the upcoming trend of wearables and made a claim that they're looking beyond that. Great...
This is exactly what I'm afraid of in the worst case scenario. And 'C-tier' is being kind to that Warriors game. Garbage decision to whore the IP out like that.
These could be the dark ages for Nintendo fans. We'll see. But the last year may serve as a prelude.
Why hasn't the board issued some sort of a gag order on Iwata?

He shouldn't even be allowed to speak on Nintendo's future direction beyond the Wii U and 3DS. In fact, he shouldn't be talking about anything but the two system and solutions to improve their sales.


This is a thread about Nintendo extending its business into QoL products.
Here are the slides from the Investors Meeting were you can read also what plans has Nintendo for Wii U on short term and for account system and software pricing on medium term.

In the end, this was a business focused conference, not an E3 and not even a Nintendo Direct.

So, them wasting resources on this lunacy doesn't warrant discussion on how it will affect their video game business? You know, the reason why they're relevant in the first place?

I understand that.

But being able to save its own bottom line will keep it in the gaming business.

You didn't get GTA V or Final Fantasy on the Wii, but you still got a loooot more healthy line up of gaming software on Wii than on the Wii U, and Wii Fit and other non-gaming products (even Wii Sports is a "QOL product" to some extend) that helped pushing Wii HW sales and Nintendo's financial health in general, have a lot of responsibility for it.

Nintendo is hardly strapped for cash.

and that's like saying a starving hobo is in better condition than a starving dog. One might be better off, but bottom line is they're both still starving. And from what I've gathered this is separate from the console business, so I don't see how it'll translate to more games.

I just hope that if Nintendo is healthier in general, it will have benefits for me as their consumer. Funding more exclusives, more willingness to create new IP, better use of their current franchises, etc.

Money hasn't been a concern for Nintendo these past few years though. We've all heard legends about their infamous war chest. What did we get? Hardly any worthwhile exclusives, couple of new eShop IPs, and Mario turning tricks more frequently than a RDL dame of the night.

I'm more concerned about Nintendo proving themselves to be a sustainable business, which, by the evidence of the past few years, they haven't been.

I'm sure your stocks will be happy. Means fuck all to me if the QoL bullshit is generating millions upon millions while millions of other gamers like me will be holding our Wiimotes in one hand, dicks in the other. Maybe I can slap the Vitality Sensor on my johnson and feel some tingling sense of excitement over Nintendo again. Mmmm.

oh wait its nonwearables so I cant even do that :(
The thing is Nintendo has no idea either. They looked at the upcoming trend of wearables and made a claim that they're looking beyond that. Great...

This isn't a nebulous, pie-in-the-sky claim though. Iwata's issued a concrete timetable for getting it out next year. Whatever this is is deep in development, if not nearly finalised.


Entertainement and pleasure are almost polar opposites from "health", Wiifit nonstanding.

Well, there's no reason why caring for your health couldn't be also entertaining, though. That's why Nintendo sees potential in that particular field: Traditionally, a healthy lifestyle is more of a necessary evil to most people. It's not fun, but it needs to be done. Nintendo is searching for ways to improve people's health while also entertaining them.

I don't really believe that Nintendo will find success in that field. Actually, it feels to me like they are still hoping to attract that Wii Fit market from 5 years ago again, not realizing that the ship has sailed. But I don't think it's a completely implausible idea. It has potential. From what they said, though, it sounds random. But let's see what they've actually been working on...


I disagree with what seems to be majority opinion here, but I think could be an amazing idea from Nintendo.

I think could deliver quality products in these areas, but it seems their greatest business work comes through crazy stuff like this.


Well, there's no reason why caring for your health couldn't be also entertaining, though. That's why Nintendo sees potential in that particular field: Traditionally, a healthy lifestyle is more of a necessary evil to most people. It's not fun, but it needs to be done. Nintendo is searching for ways to improve people's health while also entertaining them.

I don't really believe that Nintendo will find success in that field. Actually, it feels to me like they are still hoping to attract that Wii Fit market from 5 years ago again, not realizing that the ship has sailed. But I don't think it's a completely implausible idea. It has potential. From what they said, though, it sounds random. But let's see what they've actually been working on...

I'd be all for this health business if it translated to more software. As proven by the Wii, appealing to the casuals and garnering a gajillion console sales does not equal more consistent quality software for gamers.
We're not going to see the fruit of this for at least a year. It just seems to me like Iwata buying time.

Just look at what he said last night. All of this amazing things he is promising are launching in 2015 or later. If Nintendo had actually had a good year, would half this stuff even exist at all?

I'd be all for this health business if it translated to more software. As proven by the Wii, appealing to the casuals and garnering a gajillion console sales does not equal more consistent quality software for gamers.

I really think Nintendo is not launching another regular console. Some kind of hyrbrid or different sets of hardware with the same internals. I can't even imagine the disaster of Nintendo trying to market and run this new stuff, a new more powerful console, and another handheld at the same time.


Why hasn't the board issued some sort of a gag order on Iwata?

He shouldn't even be allowed to speak on Nintendo's future direction beyond the Wii U and 3DS. In fact, he shouldn't be talking about anything but the two system and solutions to improve their sales.

Im sure he would rather keep it a secret but I guess the need to instill some confidence in investors considering how bad they are doing, outweighs the need to keep quiet. Beside they were so vague, its anyones guess what their actual plans are.
This whole thing makes me sad. I really hope they keep this as just another source of revenue, but who knows depending on how well it does.

It also seems it could be Japan-focused again. :(


By the time I get home from work, change and set up my home workout area, and then work out for an hour, then change/shower and cook dinner, I barely have enough time to play games.

This is almost exactly my experience as well. I find I don't really mind as much as I thought I would when I was younger. The best stuff nowadays (to me anyway) tends to be found in shorter experiences anyway. I love shit like TLoU too, but it took me like a month to get through it. I've been playing Olli Olli every day since it came out, but haven't touched Assassins Creed 4 in over a month, because it's too big and too much of a slog, I don't feel like I accomplish much at all when I put like an hour into it.
If Nintendo's business was going well, would they need to revolutionise their business?

The answer to that is a resounding "duh".

I'm not even talking about the QOL platform. I'm talking about the improvements that should have existed for at least 5 years. And if they really just realized that things were not going super well, it'll be a long time before we see much of anything. Iwata just stalled to 2015 so basically he got off for that incompetent projection.


This whole thing makes me sad. I really hope they keep this as just another source of revenue, but who knows depending on how well it does.

It also seems it could be Japan-focused again. :(
Unless you expect this to make more money than Nintendo ever has from games then I really don't know why people are thinking this is Iwata's signal to get out of gaming.
Especially when he said the exact opposite of that.
It's really like you guys only read whatever you want regardless of reality.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Just look at what he said last night. All of this amazing things he is promising are launching in 2015 or later. If Nintendo had actually had a good year, would half this stuff even exist at all?

I really think Nintendo is not launching another regular console. Some kind of hyrbrid or different sets of hardware with the same internals. I can't even imagine the disaster of Nintendo trying to market and run this new stuff, a new more powerful console, and another handheld at the same time.

He saying in the Q&A section that next console and handheld will be "at least" brothers strongly hints at the family of devices: all the same games, the same OS, same specific software features, same architecture, but different power (home device being much more powerful). It's quite probably the road they're taking. ...And you should be happy about that: much more titles, heavily reducing droughts of first party titles.
'eh... I think this is a misstep for them in a way. I don't think going after the QOL stuff is a bad idea, per se, as they've been somewhat active in that space for years and that's where technology is trending.

But at the same time, Nintendo isn't fundamentally a QOL company. They're an entertainment company. They should be getting into movies, TV, theme parks and toys. That's a more natural extension for them to branch out into and one where there isn't nearly as much (slated) competition over the next few years.

If Nintendo has shown an unwillingness to do anything, it's be actively competitive. I suspect they'll be crushed by more nimble, smaller startups that are able to blow up quickly (even if they too wind up crashing and burning just a few years later).

Fully leveraging their IPs and expanding into other media seems to me like the easy way to more money.
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