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Nioh Walk Through (TGS 2015)


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.

Long story short you play a character base loosely on an actual historic figure who was half Japanese half Caucasian

I understand that but still i would have prefered an asian guy, anyway game looks great.

Just checked the wikipedia page and saw this key art, looks like it will have a deep



Looks good, but really not a fan of that black & white effect going on with the boss at the end. Something about it is off and ruins the look of the game.

Since this is the same build from TGS I'm hoping they improved or changed it, but if not I really hope this effect is a one time thing rather than something that happens with multiple enemies or bosses.


Looks great. More people should copy dark souls and add more things to the table. I want it. The first game that blew my mind when I had a PS2 was Onimusha. I want that again.


The fact that people think this is a souls rip off shows how few of you played Ninja Gaiden.

Team Ninja are veteran developers who have proven their prowess when it comes action combat long before the Souls series did.

And yeah..People need to play Ninja Gaiden Sigma.Its a masterpiece by Team Ninja.

These people know what they're doing which is why this game looks good.


The fact that people think this is a souls rip off shows how few of you played Ninja Gaiden.

Team Ninja are veteran developers who have proven their prowess when it comes action combat long before the Souls series did.

And yeah..People need to play Ninja Gaiden Sigma.Its a masterpiece by Team Ninja.

These people know what they're doing which is why this game looks good.

This is why I have faith that the combat will be amazing since Team Ninja have a strong lineage in this area.
The fact that people think this is a souls rip off shows how few of you played Ninja Gaiden.

Team Ninja are veteran developers who have proven their prowess when it comes action combat long before the Souls series did.

And yeah..People need to play Ninja Gaiden Sigma.Its a masterpiece by Team Ninja.

These people know what they're doing which is why this game looks good.

The fact that people are praising Team Ninja's action prowess show how few of you have played Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. The Team Ninja that made classic action games has been dead since Itagaki left.

also, Black is the masterpiece. Sigma is still great but a worse version.

And still, all this NG talk is out of left field with these slow as hell enemies and stamina bars.
The fact that people are praising Team Ninja's action prowess show how few of you have played Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. The Team Ninja that made classic action games has been dead since Itagaki left.

also, Black is the masterpiece. Sigma is still great but a worse version.

And still, all this NG talk is out of left field with these slow as hell enemies and stamina bars.

Given how Devil's Third turned out you'd think people would reconsider how much credit they give to Itagaki. NG3 may have been a clunker, but it's not Devil's Third.


The fact that people are praising Team Ninja's action prowess show how few of you have played Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. The Team Ninja that made classic action games has been dead since Itagaki left.

also, Black is the masterpiece. Sigma is still great but a worse version.

And still, all this NG talk is out of left field with these slow as hell enemies and stamina bars.

I've played Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge and I think the combat is great in it.
Given how Devil's Third turned out you'd think people would reconsider how much credit they give to Itagaki. NG3 may have been a clunker, but it's not Devil's Third.

nobody mentioned devil's third, it has nothing to do with this conversation. And if it's gonna devolve into this kind of industry figure worship stuff instead of actually comparing the games we were discussing, then I'm definitely out.

He works as a reference point, a before and after of their output of action games. That's it. Devil's Third vs. NG3 is an argument that's not even worth having. The most I can say about that is that DT is actually interesting in how bad it is where NG3:RE is just incredibly boring and one-note. yay lol


I always enjoyed the combat in the Souls games, and I'm currently playing through Ninja Gaiden Black for the first time, so, yeah, I really want this to be good.

I just hope it doesn't feel too much like a clone, Toukiden was just like Monster Hunter but without all the enjoyment and depth (for me). It hurt my impression of this game a lot because they were clearly aping MH without really seeming to grasp all the details that make that series so good.

Will follow this closely for sure. NGB is absolutely incredible and I hope this title has a similar snappy feel to it, without the sometimes exhausting speed of NGB.


nobody mentioned devil's third, it has nothing to do with this conversation. And if it's gonna devolve into this kind of industry figure worship stuff instead of actually comparing the games we were discussing, then I'm definitely out.

He works as a reference point, a before and after of their output of action games. That's it. Devil's Third vs. NG3 is an argument that's not even worth having. The most I can say about that is that DT is actually interesting in how bad it is where NG3:RE is just incredibly boring and one-note. yay lol

Well you were the one who first mentioned Itakagi and how suppossedly "bad" TN became after he left so it was only natural that people would mention Devil's Third.
Well you were the one who first mentioned Itakagi and how suppossedly "bad" TN became after he left so it was only natural that people would mention Devil's Third.

natural on this forum, sure. People who actually know the games and the team's history would be able to actually discuss the games.

also i didn't say the team became bad. I like DOA5 better than previous DOA games. I think X3 will probably kick the crap out of X2 handily, since X2 is their worst game. I said NG3 is bad, even after Razor's Edge. It's not that controversial of opinion. none of this is lol

edit: and to reiterate the whole overall point: talking down to people for comparing it to souls instead of comparing it to NG then elevating Team Ninja as some infallible action gods was ridiculous.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Looks good!

4x weapon slots, 5 armour slots, 2 accessory slots, 3 shortcut slots, 3 guardian spirit slots. Gonna be so much gear to loot and hunt!
Yeah, Fashion Ni-Oh gonna be fun. Too bad there's no character creator and you're stuck with samurai Geralt. xD

Perhaps you missed my mention of Onimusha. I called it a Dark Souls clone because of it's slower looking combat. It's menus looking very similar. The user interface. The sword sticking out of the ground working like a bonfire lol. Doesn't mean it's bad, just that it is heavily inspired by the Souls games to the point that it looks like a copy for me.
A copy? Come on, it has plenty of significant differences.

Hopefully, the combat depth is a bit better then Souls gameplay. I want more combos that actually encourage an offensive style rather then the 'avoid, avoid...quick, go for that opening' style of Souls gameplay.
Have you played Bloodborne?


edit: Oh damn, the classic mistake that I can't believe Japanese devs keep making. Ni-Oh's stances are all fine except for one, where he holds his sword to the side with his elbow stretched out, you know, the classic Hollywood style like we see in Star Wars and such, while actually he is supposed to keep his elbows DOWN to make himself a smaller target, like this:

It hurts me when I see it, because I remember that once I also had my elbow like that and my master gave me a really hard hit to the elbow so that I would never do that again and called me a "wannabe Hollywood samurai". I honestly don't know if some school actually teaches this form but I know my master gets furious whenever he sees it.
I know what you mean, in kendo it's the same, I was taught to keep the elbow close for hasso no kamae (and honestly it makes sense, sticking out your elbows like that has no advantage whatsoever and it actually puts extra, useless tension in your whole arm), but I've seen some pictures where they do it like that. I have no idea if the people posing for these pictures know what they're doing or not, though. xD
Since there is so much bad kendo shown on the Internet, all over youtube (you can find some really good kendo too, of course), I'm guessing these people are just not doing it right.

The fact that people are praising Team Ninja's action prowess show how few of you have played Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. The Team Ninja that made classic action games has been dead since Itagaki left.
What's wrong with Razor's Edge?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
The fact that people are praising Team Ninja's action prowess show how few of you have played Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. The Team Ninja that made classic action games has been dead since Itagaki left.

We got a badass overhere don't we?

Razor's edge is a decent game, and how much of a HUGE improvement over the garbage of the original game Razor's edge is literally cannot be overstated. they basically changed the entire combat system to be more similar to the second game

Again, this allows players to actually play the game like Ninja gaiden


you want the short version or the deluxe breakdown of almost everything that makes NG3:RE a shitty NG game? it's going to be a huge, off topic wall of text guaranteed.

I really want to hear your opinion on this because I played all the modern Ninja Gaiden games and Razor's Edge is by far my favourite.
We got a badass overhere don't we?

Razor's edge is a decent game, and how much of a HUGE improvement over the garbage of the original game Razor's edge is literally cannot be overstated. they basically changed the entire combat system to be more similar to the second game

Again, this allows players to actually play the game like Ninja gaiden

I really want to hear your opinion on this because I played all the modern Ninja Gaiden games and Razor's Edge is by far my favourite.

Just give us the summary, mate.

first, no we don't got a bad ass, i've just paid attention to this one series in particular. The "bad ass" was the person I was responding to shaming people for not having played Ninja Gaiden and incorrectly stating that Ni-Oh is more like NG than Souls. (Side note: it's okay that it shares lots of similarities and mechanics of souls games. fighting against that is just gonna turn that into an annoying point of contention in every ni-oh thread.)

The summary of NG3:RE is that first, all the cinematic stuff--the long cut scenes, QTEs, kunai climbs, the token support girl talking to Ryu through his bluetooth headset, etc.--is just not executed well at all, so it's all completely unnecessary. I haven't seen anyone argue that it needs to be in there or helped the game at all. Team Ninja themselves pretty famously called it a "Japanese hamburger." i.e. a shitty attempt at westernizing the series that they should not have tried.

More importantly, the combat is still watered down NG3 with some NG2 de-limbing on top of it and some new weapons that they thankfully didn't try to sell you this time around. You're still fighting endless waves of boring enemies who don't actually have good AI, they just random dodge a lot for "difficulty" (past games reward you with guaranteed punishes after you've recognized patterns and put yourself in position to punish. It's a pretty basic thing that all action games do.) You're still gonna lose max HP from little knicks and throws from enemies because the health system is still total nonsense, so you're still gonna be constantly put in a position of fishing for Steel On Bone because you still need ninpo to regain health because ninpo regains health now because...wait why the hell does ninpo regain health again? Sure, you could fight normally to get ninpo meter, but it's about 1/10th as fast using SoB and might not even get you enough meter to use a ninpo.

So there's that--the brainless insta-kill mechanic is more rewarding than fighting normally and putting yourself at big risk. But really, why is losing max HP even a mechanic to begin with? It has you at a disadvantage constantly. It'll put less experienced players in unrecoverable situations. That's real arbitrary crap that turns off anyone not experienced. That's not fair-but-challenging difficulty in the sense of any other action game or even a Souls game.

Aside from that, the enemy variety is minuscule compared to previous games and the enemies they've thrown in from previous games are watered down to fit this game's combat engine. The boss fights are improved from 3 but still far worse than previous games. If we get into the nitty gritty of the combat engine, we can discuss lovely things like dropped inputs, the feel of the slide kick vs. the dodge in NG2 vs. the roll in NG1, the abusability of the AI/combat engine. There's also the matter of the uninspired boss fights, the non-existent level design that has you hopping from flat arena to flat arena, the TURRET SECTION that freezes up regularly, the crappy particularities of the encounter design that just get magnified in the worst way on harder difficulties, the final boss that's a reskin of a NG2 Sigma statue fight, the nonsense score system, etc. etc. There's a lot to go on about. Star Wars prequel levels of shit that is wrong.

I'm not saying you can't enjoy it, but I'm not alone in saying that the game is a huge disappointment for fans of the series and doesn't do a whole lot to draw new people in.

And because of that, yes, lets think twice before we take it for granted that Ni-Oh is gonna be on the level of a classic NG game.

And yes, this was the short version lol
Team Ninja themselves pretty famously called it a "Japanese hamburger." i.e. a shitty attempt at westernizing the series that they should not have tried.

But I think that shows that the issue isn't necessarily that the old Team Ninja is no more, it shows that they just took a direction that didn't pay off in the end. The design philosophy between NG3 and DoA5 is telling in their end quality. NG3 was designed to try to attract casual gamers. DoA5 on the other hand was the first real attempt to make DoA into a viable competitive fighter. In order to do that you obviously have to be pushing it more toward the hardcore gamer. NG by its own nature isn't something that should ever be pushed as a casual experience. It's just not what the series has ever been. I can understand why they tried. Everyone that makes character action games wants them to be as big as God of War, which is the benchmark for the genre as far as sales go. But Jaffe even admitted that while DMC was part of the inspiration for GoW, the other idea for it was how do you turn that into something that casuals will accept. As such the basic concept of GoW will never allow it to be something like DMC, Bayonetta, or Ninja Gaiden. Just as those games can't really work in terms of going into GoW's direction. So I think when/if they do another NG, it's going to revert back to the style that we know from the franchise.

We still need more info on Ni-oh, but from what footage we have it doesn't seem like they're going in the NG3 direction with it. You aren't constantly getting button prompts to hit over and over. The first player death in the trailer happens with William at half health. It takes two hits to kill him at that point. And the end fight with the Oni shows that he would've died in three hits if it weren't for a healing item. So the game is very punishing in terms of how much damage is dealt to the player. That's something that you don't do if you're pushing toward a casual audience.

This game will be a big moment for the studio. Other M and NG3 disappointed, while DoA5 and apparently Dissidia are solid. But this will be their chance to once again prove themselves in the action field. I'd say everything they've shown so far for the game is very promising. And that's a big change from NG3 where immediately people were noticing that the direction they were going in wasn't one they liked.



You sound like you've only played the story mode in both NG3 and RE. They've really improved a lot (which you can see a lot more in the trial mode), but some people sound like they expected a whole new game. You can't do that in a short time.
It's at least on the level of the Sigma games which, while being worse versions of B/2, are still good games. A shitty NG would be Yaiba. RE is basically going from a 4/10 to a 7/10, keeping some bad parts (story, original bosses, some systems, etc) while bringing (back or not) some good ones (multiple characters actually working, weapon/moveset diversity, SoB being good when it works, etc).
Again, the trial mode is the best in the series thanks to bringing back old enemies/bosses/mechanics, and this alone would put it above Sigma 1, and arguably at the same level as S2. Criticizing RE for exploits is also pretty laughable, since it's conveniently forgetting how B and 2 had some pretty exploits as well.

But hey, let's not transform that into a NG thread when there's been tons on the subject.
Nioh really shows some NG DNA through its animations and quick fights. The Souls DNA comes from the ARPG part and the "tactical" aspect before a fight (or move) actually happens. That's a good mix.

Yep, pretty sure NG3 was made to try to attract a bigger audience, which some people don't understand how crucial this can be for studios. This is something that is really hard to do, and obviously, they fucked up and showed with RE and trying to fix as much as they could without making a new game that they won't go in this direction again with 4. Hayashi probably wanted to go in a different direction than Itagaki too, and necessarily because he thought it was better.

For Nioh, I wouldn't say they aren't aiming for casuals. They're aiming for an audience in between Souls and more classic action games, which can lead to simplification on some sides. We still haven't seen too much footage yet to see what they're aiming for in the end, and the true difficulty of the game (you can never see that in TGS/E3/etc demos) but it's really promising at least, which is a lot more than previous "Souls clones" we've seen from other companies.
I'll just agree to disagree, particularly about RE being better than Sigma 1+2 (never actually heard anyone say this before.) Also, the core mechanics don't change in Trials and bringing back old enemies is meaningless when they're as nerfed as they are in RE. Also, I can't care about their intent or how much time they had, etc. That makes no difference on my end. Original NG 1+2 were already million+ sellers (Sigma 2 got hammered, not sure how sigma 1 did), they just had to keep pace with those in quality, which I guess is no easy task, particularly when the guy who designed and directed them is gone.

I'm on wait-and-see with team ninja's action games- Other M, Sigma 2, and 3/RE range from most reviled entries in classic franchises to just okay. I think Ni-Oh is their most promising action game post-Itagaki departure though.

I'll wait to play Ni-Oh before commenting on it.
The more I see of this game, the more excited I get. Love the slow and deliberate pace to the combat compared to other Team Ninja efforts. The Souls comparisons seem really apt.


Sigma 1 is underrated, its very close to Black. Some things were an improvement, other things were worse. Black is better though.

Sigma 2 however changed it all up. Its not NG2, but more like Sigma 1 mechanics and enemy count put into NG2 which doesn't work well. Gore being removed looked lame as hell too as the game relied on OT.

Razor's Edge is one of the worst games I played on PS3. I bought it for a few bucks, but actually regret doing so. It was terrible. I'm sure NG3 was solely made to piss off Itagaki. It went against everything he envisioned. Even Ryu's moral standards. Ironically though, they had to revert to Itagaki vision with RE because NG3 tanked. Same with DoA5, they initially wanted to put the fighting up front but see how they went 180 with DoA5 revisions as it has the most female costumes of any DoA to date.

Nioh looks really, really solid though and I can't wait.
Just recently heard about this game last week, how long have I gone without knowing kinda baffles me,
anything that scratches my Dark souls itch is always good for me.

It also looks a lot smoother than say Lords of the Fallen, hopefully this paves way for more Souls clones in the near future.

I also want to know if this will have SoulS/BB like PVP elements to it cause I love the PVP in BB.
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