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Nomura Securities: NX will be unveiled in June and released October-November

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Just a reminder that the third quarter earnings release is scheduled for the 2nd of February.
which is also my birthday


Any leaker that tells you what their job is so they're easily identifiable is fake.
I'm a carpenter. You can trust my sources.

Well, it looks like up to now either Nintendo have not had this or anybody who attended has been told to keep quiet!
There was a post by a new member on Nintendo life called nx revealer and if you read it quite quickly you would of thought it was legit, but on further inspection so many errors.

It makes me very happy that there is so much interest again in the future of Nintendo and goes to show that the nay sayers are wrong that the big N has not got that many people interested.

As I have said I am no insider but I have connections to people within the industry who have nx development kits and I have asked for some tiny bits of info and they have told me categorically we can not say anything except NX is awesome and you are going to be very surprised.

I respect this and to be honest anybody that does not I think must not care about the position they hold.

I like many are very excited for leaks and new info but respect these guys as they are making the future innovative wares we will play, plus don't forget this is not just a hobby for them but there Job!

Please be excited.



Sorry guys, first to explain.

I am NOT an insider!

I have read about the supposedly leak but it turned out to be FAKE

I do have friends that work within industry. Who are under NDA and are 2 party Nintendo Devs, who have told me that NX is awesome! and that we will be very surprised. That's all the info they could say.

I am waiting anxiously like yourselves for new information.

whoa how the heck did I miss this post? I mean its vague but yo, I'm still excited lol
Yeah, but developers and publishers always say a new platform is awesome, inspiring, perfect for lots of cool game ideas, and so forth. We heard that song and dance about the Wii U.


Übermatik;191519858 said:
I was thinking this too. The old favourites are nowhere to be seen (and not replying to PMs... *cough*)

Ah well, all the more surprises for us. Nintendo run a tight ship.

NDAs are scary


Übermatik;191519858 said:
I was thinking this too. The old favourites are nowhere to be seen (and not replying to PMs... *cough*)

Ah well, all the more surprises for us. Nintendo run a tight ship.

I guess the whole "NINTENDO NX SUBMERGES" really is a total blackout on any information about the new system. Only a bunch of patent-unearthing and speculation abound, which is the typical thing to see before a launch release.

Will it surprise? Will it delight? Will it disappoint? I'm pretty sure 80% of GAF want the whole "just as/more powerful than PS4" but seriously wondering if said people expecting a Sony/MS-like experience from a company that's clearly anything BUT like the two need to get their vision checked.


Übermatik;191519858 said:
I was thinking this too. The old favourites are nowhere to be seen (and not replying to PMs... *cough*)

Ah well, all the more surprises for us. Nintendo run a tight ship.

NDAs are scary
The NDA's got NDA'd.

In truth I think there isn't much to say. For all we know the dev kits are just boxes with regular controllers and off the shelf PC parts.

I'm surprised we haven't heard more from Matt or Ideaman though. Ideaman's source was a friend who worked at a studio (presumably in France where he lives, which means Ubisoft to me :p). Maybe we'll get more after CES.

What little trickles we've heard seem to paint it in a positive light that it's gonna be good.


Well it's not debatable since Western RPG's have mostly great animations ,voice acting, and character design's for that world that make it unique. Xenoblade chronicles has generic look characters, and rough facial animation, for it's style anyway. Especially when compared to Final Fantasy, kingdom hearts, Drasgon Quest even Star Ocean. I mean the game is still it's own, and the look of the world gives it a unique look. But saying the facial animations of xenoblade chronicles are more detailed, and fluid than something like the witcher 3, mass effect is kind of ignorant IMHO.
Uh, dude, what? The only one talking about animations here is you. You started an argument about how Mass Effect had an huge impact with it's writing and memorable characters compared to a JRPG like Xenoblade. My argument is that particular statement is highly debatable, which it is. The series received praise, but was also critisized for story elements and characters (and their development). And even if you analyze everything, both games are more than just the sum of their parts.

I GUESS that's where I'm coming from. We don't have any real cinematic type experiences on Nintendo's platform. When maybe xenoblade was amazing story wise, it definatley did not impact the industry like Bioware has in how they approach player interaction, and story telling.

We need something like the Last of Us, or something like ALan wake with it's unique episodic presentation, that bring that high film like experience we have had a lot of on other consoles for years.
Do we? Honest question here. I never understood this fascination with Nintendo "to need something to counter Sony or MS IP's". They don't. It's not how they make games.

They have the talent over in Kyto to make these type of games. But Nintendo keeps on trucking in pumping out Mario, Donkey Kong, zelda, Mario Kart.
Because that's where their strengths are and it's their philosophy. It's a choice.

Btw regarding NDA's, I guess Nintendo is on lockdown after details leaked regarding the Wii U. Wasn't it Game Informer who leaked the first info on the system in April 2011? Nintendo wasn't too happy about it. And man, does anyone remember the poor bloke from the Lego City Undercover team? He leaked the new gamepad design before E3 and got fired. You don't fuck around with NDAs.


be patient kids. wii u has some good games coming this year that will keep us busy. nx news will be upon us before long.

I think at the very least the next nintendo direct will tell us when NX news will be coming, if not actually give us some deets.


PPC as the NX architecture is something I wouldn't put much stock into as a rumor until we see actual hard info. The only way I could see that happening is if there's a PPC chip somewhere onboard for a specialized purpose.

I agree.

It's time for Nintendo to move on from their partnership with IBM which dates back to May 1999 for Project Dolphin (GameCube) which was worth, at the time, a billion dollars, for IBM's PowerPC processors with copper interconnects used in the Gekko Processor.

Gekko (PPC 750cx I think on 180nm) was used again for Wii, renamed Broadway, running 50% (1.5x) faster at 90nm.
Then for Wii U, the Espresso CPU was three PPC cores from the same family, clocked faster, not sure about other specific improvements IBM did for Nintendo, but IIRC it was on 45nm.

AMD can provide x86, ARM, and I think both with the K12 platform. There is some confusion with that, though. Originally, K12 was meant to support ARM and x86.
But K12 might now be just an ARM-64 processor / family, with Zen being the new x86. Either way, NX is almost certainly ARM, or ARM and x86, not PowerPC.
That's my guess anyway, since I know absolutely nothing. So we'll see.


Uh, dude, what? The only one talking about animations here is you. You started an argument about how Mass Effect had an huge impact with it's writing and memorable characters compared to a JRPG like Xenoblade. My argument is that particular statement is highly debatable, which it is. The series received praise, but was also critisized for story elements and characters (and their development). And even if you analyze everything, both games are more than just the sum of their parts.

Do we? Honest question here. I never understood this fascination with Nintendo "to need something to counter Sony or MS IP's". They don't. It's not how they make games.

Because that's where their strengths are and it's their philosophy. It's a choice.

Your going to honestly tell me the facial animations on character's from Xenoblade chronicles x are in the same league as western rpg developer's? Or other JRPG developers? Which in the end pertains to how the presentation of the story/writing is shown to the player.

Go look at a couple of scenes in-game and compare them to something like witcher 3, FF XV?

But anyway yea Nintendo at the end of the day is a developer, and taking chances on different genre's is what they should be doing. The took one chance with Metroid and didn't develop it 100% internally, and that backfired. It wasn't a complete miss, just something where not everything in it worked, but I found that the action and gameplay with bosses were well done.

It's NIntendo's job to try out new thing's. If they can seriously create splatoon, steam(forgot the name of 3DS game), and make mario RPG they can maybe try to add some dialogue to mario, make him have more personality, and maybe elevate him to not being a character for just platforming/puzzles. Make him entertaining.
Same can be said for other characters, ot New IP's all together. Why can't Nintendo go back to being more experimental.

Only things they seem ti experiment with are mechanics within series of games that they make across both hand held and home console.
To me that's not enough and is one of the reasons their marketshare/mindshare is where it is currently.

So Nintendo will be ok making what they are currently making IP wise? Because unless they can diversify their output will be similar to previous generations and that does little to entice new people into nintendo's ecosystem.


Btw regarding NDA's, I guess Nintendo is on lockdown after details leaked regarding the Wii U. Wasn't it Game Informer who leaked the first info on the system in April 2011? Nintendo wasn't too happy about it. And man, does anyone remember the poor bloke from the Lego City Undercover team? He leaked the new gamepad design before E3 and got fired. You don't fuck around with NDAs.

It was hilarious timing because Ideaman had been teasing the changes on the gamepad design for MONTHS then BAM that gets leaked and took all the wind off his sail.

Well, i'm partially owned ><

As people following the speculation threads know, i've waited for the 21st of this month, when i'll normally become member, to reveal this (not a picture though).


And hinted throughout all these threads that we'll see alterations on the DRC (...)

Also not to be a buzzkill but why are you guys discussing story in Nintendo games in a NX rumor thread.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
I agree.

It's time for Nintendo to move on from their partnership with IBM which dates back to May 1999 for Project Dolphin (GameCube) which was worth, at the time, a billion dollars, for IBM's PowerPC processors with copper interconnects used in the Gekko Processor.

Gekko (PPC 750cx I think on 180nm)..

ppc750cl, people. CL.
.. was used again for Wii, renamed Broadway, running 50% (1.5x) faster at 90nm. Then for Wii U, the Espresso CPU was three PPC cores from the same family, clocked faster, not sure about other specific improvements IBM did for Nintendo, but IIRC it was on 45nm.
It added cache coherency protocols (by virtue of being an SMP design), in the form of either MESI or MERSI. Somebody did some fine investigation work back at WUST time, tracking one of the people responsible for the coherency protocols, but I can't remember who it was.

AMD can provide x86, ARM, and I think both with the K12 platform. There is some confusion with that, though. Originally, K12 was meant to support ARM and x86.
K12 is strictly ARM. Actually it's Zen's sister ARM design - both designs share some components, mostly ARM tech (Jim Keller mentioned as much in an interview). You're confusing it for project Skybridge, which was an APU layout for x86/ARM -agnostic motherboards.

But K12 might now be just an ARM-64 processor / family, with Zen being the new x86. Either way, NX is almost certainly ARM, or ARM and x86, not PowerPC.
That's my guess anyway, since I know absolutely nothing. So we'll see.
One day. Perhaps. God's will given.


This reddit leak has been dismissed as garbage for various reasons. Why is the part about PPC still being discussed as if it might be true? The whole thing is bs, that included.

I'm a carpenter. You can trust my sources.

We'll I'm a chef & you can trust my sauces.




Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
The only extra details we've had so far have been some posts from people like Matt and John Harker (plus Rosti having an account on the Dev Portal back in October). John Harker

- basically confirmed Fortune's article about third parties getting a better vision of NX at E3
- said that some third parties did that before E3
- back when there were articles about the Direct missing, he also said that Nintendo was busy throwing NDAs everywhere to have a Direct (a joke explanation for the lack of Directs, but the NDAs fact is true)
- he also implied that Nintendo has a tighter reveal-to-launch schedule than the recent past

Meanwhile, Rosti, by looking into the Dev Portal a bit, saw the NDA there was a bit tighter than before.

So, yeah, I'd dare to say that Nintendo is trying to control the message as much as possible with NX, trying to avoid what happened with 3DS and, especially, with Wii U. Another hint on the matter are the only real news we've had so far: DQX/XI on NX (immediatly backtracked by Square, but it was quite intentional) and WSJ article about SDK shipping and "industry-leading" chips, two big news and, most of all, driving a positive message about the system/family of systems before the official announcement. At the same time, as said other times, this shouldn't spawn discussions about Nintendo hiding lots of announcements from (mainly) Western major third parties: even in these conditions, the odds there's a long queue of major developers putting all their efforts on NX is more of a stretch of a dream than something plausible, otherwise something would've already come out, even if not as much as before due to tighter NDAs (Japanese third parties are a different matter, they're not as used to leak details as Western ones).


I'm a carpenter. You can trust my sources.

I'm a plumber, I worked together with Mario and Luigi on a couple of villas a few weeks ago. They told me the NX is at least the power of two PS4s and one Commodore 64 taped together, and hinted coyly at "a new game from one of us", which I'm assuming means a new Luigi's Mansion is coming, since Mario didn't look too happy about it.

I asked them how they were allowed to tell me all this. Mario looked a bit remorseful at this point, while Luigi just shrugged and went "well, there was this NDA we sort of maybe signed, but it was very vague so whatever".

Sorry, I'm terribly bored.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
@ blu

Thanks for all the clarifications, you're the best.
Ok, it warrants mentioning that by the time Gekko came out, there was no such off-the-shelf IBM part. 750cl came out only years later.

ps: I forget a lot.


It's actually kind of hard to believe we haven't had more leaks at this point. Doesn't make me feel good about game support.
Called this from the beginning. Feels gooooood. I cannot wait. Hope they knock it out of the park. Also hope this year's Pokemon is not Pokemon Z!
The only extra details we've had so far have been some posts from people like Matt and John Harker (plus Rosti having an account on the Dev Portal back in October). John Harker

- basically confirmed Fortune's article about third parties getting a better vision of NX at E3
- said that some third parties did that before E3
- back when there were articles about the Direct missing, he also said that Nintendo was busy throwing NDAs everywhere to have a Direct (a joke explanation for the lack of Directs, but the NDAs fact is true)
- he also implied that Nintendo has a tighter reveal-to-launch schedule than the recent past

Meanwhile, Rosti, by looking into the Dev Portal a bit, saw the NDA there was a bit tighter than before.

So, yeah, I'd dare to say that Nintendo is trying to control the message as much as possible with NX, trying to avoid what happened with 3DS and, especially, with Wii U. At the same time, as said other times, this shouldn't spawn discussions about Nintendo hiding lots of announcements from (mainly) Western major third parties: even in these conditions, the odds there's a long queue of major developers putting all their efforts on NX is more of a stretch of a dream than something plausible, otherwise something would've already come out, even if not as much as before due to tighter NDAs (Japanese third parties are a different matter, they're not as used to leak details as Western ones).

I don't remember it happened with 3DS. :eek:
First reveal was great and people were hyped.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I don't remember it happened with 3DS. :eek:
First reveal was great and people were hyped.

I was more talking about details leaking before the official announcement; IIRC, the announcement back on March 23rd, 2010 was "forced" by Nikkei being ready to post details about the system. It's possible I don't remember correctly, though.


It was 59.99 and still is when it released? What are you talking about? The additional content was because the game lacked content that is usually a given in multiplayer type shooters. Which is GHOST TRICK;s whole point.
If it is so flawless then it should be riding as high on metacritic as MARIO and would not have been reviewed and criticized by it's lack of content.

Not saying it's a bad game, but to say it was pretty perfect when it launched is hyperbole.

It was slightly less in Europe than a regular full-priced title at launch. I wasn't aware that it was sixty dollars in the US, which I assume is what you're talking about.

The post-release content wasn't an answer to the shortage of disc content, the development schedule was planned (and known) well in advance. They simply did it in such a manner to get the game into the hands of players earlier.

I didn't say it was perfect, if anything saying that I said it was perfect is hyperbole.

Please learn to read more carefully.


We'll I'm a chef & you can trust my sauces.





Unconfirmed Member
We have no leaks. We have confirmed information that might or might not be related to what Nintendo calls the NX: the patents, AMD's statement, Nintendo license of freeform displays, Nintendo working on Kronos on some capacity and Nintendo's super vague statements about their new platform. Beyond that we have speculation based on what's reasonable.

Is reasonable to think that Nintendo is working on some sort of handheld and some sort of console. If that's the case is reasonable to think that at least some of their hardware is ARM based at the least for their handheld. Also, is reasonable to think that Nintendo ditched PPC for ARM or x86, but this isn't as clear imo, specially which of the other candidates it went with. We also have clear what do current tech is capable of in the foreseeable future, so for Nintendo delivering hardware close or above the PS4 they must ditch their low profile mantra that has been prevalent since the Cube. Is also reasonable to believe that the handheld is going to be more powerful than a Vita given the advanced on mobile tech and what is possible even with oldish hardware.

Did I missed something? I would love to hear something more concrete.
We have no leaks. We have confirmed information that might or might not be related to what Nintendo calls the NX: the patents, AMD's statement, Nintendo license of freeform displays, Nintendo working on Kronos on some capacity and Nintendo's super vague statements about their new platform. Beyond that we have speculation based on what's reasonable.

Is reasonable to think that Nintendo is working on some sort of handheld and some sort of console. If that's the case is reasonable to think that at least some of their hardware is ARM based at the least for their handheld. Also, is reasonable to think that Nintendo ditched PPC for ARM or x86, but this isn't as clear imo, specially which of the other candidates it went with. We also have clear what do current tech is capable of in the foreseeable future, so for Nintendo delivering hardware close or above the PS4 they must ditch their low profile mantra that has been prevalent since the Cube.

Did I missed something? I would love to hear something more concrete.

I feel like the free form display, instead of giving us a sleek device, will bring us Gamepad 2.0 :")


We have no leaks. We have confirmed information that might or might not be related to what Nintendo calls the NX: the patents, AMD's statement, Nintendo license of freeform displays, Nintendo working on Kronos on some capacity and Nintendo's super vague statements about their new platform. Beyond that we have speculation based on what's reasonable.

Is reasonable to think that Nintendo is working on some sort of handheld and some sort of console. If that's the case is reasonable to think that at least some of their hardware is ARM based at the least for their handheld. Also, is reasonable to think that Nintendo ditched PPC for ARM or x86, but this isn't as clear imo, specially which of the other candidates it went with. We also have clear what do current tech is capable of in the foreseeable future, so for Nintendo delivering hardware close or above the PS4 they must ditch their low profile mantra that has been prevalent since the Cube. Is also reasonable to believe that the handheld is going to be more powerful than a Vita given the advanced on mobile tech and what is possible even with oldish hardware.

Did I missed something? I would love to hear something more concrete.

Ehh we kind of sorta have a sorta-leak where Matt said the 3DS' successor screen res is higher than some think but lower than some hope.

idk when did PS4 Xbox one leaks start?

WiiU had a lot of leaks before launch because it went to 2 E3s before it came out, PS4 and Xbox one only had 1 E3

We had a shit-ton of leaks for Orbis and Durango. I think we even knew like 90% of their specs before announcement.


I think lots know but no one wants to be the first true leaker. Once a Nikkei or Kotaku post a rumor story you can bet GAF will get flooded with leaks. We have had two good ones though. Matt leaking resolution info and the "industry leading chips" one.


Leaked? Not necessarily.
It is odd there are not even rumors hinting at a common concept tho. Just like what happened with Wii U back in 2011

Yea Nintendo is more secretive, so the concept is gonna be harder to leak, but as far as no leaks = no games, that shouldnt be an issue.

The 3rd party launch games are gonna be ports anyways and does not need to be build ground up on NX finished div kits.


It was slightly less in Europe than a regular full-priced title at launch. I wasn't aware that it was sixty dollars in the US, which I assume is what you're talking about.

The post-release content wasn't an answer to the shortage of disc content, the development schedule was planned (and known) well in advance. They simply did it in such a manner to get the game into the hands of players earlier.

I didn't say it was perfect, if anything saying that I said it was perfect is hyperbole.

Please learn to read more carefully.

Dude? You pretty much made it sound like it was from how you worded your response. If they had a planned schedule for content then like GHOST TRICK and I said earlier it sounds like it needed more time. Especially when you look at the time spent in the deigns of it's character's and not giving the campaign the same attention something like Mario gets.

Not having chat, more maps ,modes and a fully realized campaign IMHO says needs more polish/time.


Is the rumour of 10-12 million shipments by manufacturers any reliable though?

If Nintendo can pull that of, it will seriously cannibalise xbox one sales the most.
Dude? You pretty much made it sound like it was from how you worded your response. If they had a planned schedule for content then like GHOST TRICK and I said earlier it sounds like it needed more time. Especially when you look at the time spent in the deigns of it's character's and not giving the campaign the same attention something like Mario gets.

Not having chat, more maps ,modes and a fully realized campaign IMHO says needs more polish/time.

Agreed. I'll say more than that, if Splatoon had the polish/time it deserved, the 14 maps would've been here at release and then we would've had more maps release later, like 6 or 7 more. And clearly, I loved the Splatoon campaign because it had so many ideas but it's clear they couldn't push it further because of budget or time. The gameplay offer so many potential for diverse uses, like stealth sections or brillant and epic boss fights (like the final boss)


Is the rumour of 10-12 million shipments by manufacturers any reliable though?

If Nintendo can pull that of, it will seriously cannibalise xbox one sales the most.

How so?

Your saying the same crowd who would be into Microsoft's ecosystem, will be swayed to buy a Nintendo system? Or future consumers who want to get a next gen system will choose Nintendo over Microsoft Next year?


How so?

Your saying the same crowd who would be into Microsoft's ecosystem, will be swayed to buy a Nintendo system? Or future consumers who want to get a next gen system will choose Nintendo over Microsoft Next year?
I think people like new things. And if New thing is appealing/ fresh it'd sell out yea.


Your going to honestly tell me the facial animations on character's from Xenoblade chronicles x are in the same league as western rpg developer's? Or other JRPG developers? Which in the end pertains to how the presentation of the story/writing is shown to the player.

Go look at a couple of scenes in-game and compare them to something like witcher 3, FF XV?
Again, you seem to have that discussion while I don't: I'm talking story and memorable characters here. Presentation is just one aspect of the entire package and I'm talking about something else.

But anyway yea Nintendo at the end of the day is a developer, and taking chances on different genre's is what they should be doing. The took one chance with Metroid and didn't develop it 100% internally, and that backfired. It wasn't a complete miss, just something where not everything in it worked, but I found that the action and gameplay with bosses were well done.

It's NIntendo's job to try out new thing's. If they can seriously create splatoon, steam(forgot the name of 3DS game), and make mario RPG they can maybe try to add some dialogue to mario, make him have more personality, and maybe elevate him to not being a character for just platforming/puzzles. Make him entertaining.
Same can be said for other characters, ot New IP's all together. Why can't Nintendo go back to being more experimental.

Only things they seem ti experiment with are mechanics within series of games that they make across both hand held and home console.
To me that's not enough and is one of the reasons their marketshare/mindshare is where it is currently.

So Nintendo will be ok making what they are currently making IP wise? Because unless they can diversify their output will be similar to previous generations and that does little to entice new people into nintendo's ecosystem.
But Nintendo always takes chances: Splatoon is a perfect example of it.

But seriously, why do you want Nintendo to add dialogue to Mario so badly? I don't see any reason why it make Mario more likeable or more attractive to the masses. He jumps and saves princesses. That's it. Honestly, I don't think it's the software what made Nintendo have problems this gen. The console, the idea, the lack of a steady stream of software etc. Those are the real problems.


I think people like new things. And if New thing is appealing/ fresh it'd sell out yea.

That is true. But it's going to be a wait and see as they have to actually nail the marketing for this thing, and hope their lineup will sway people who will be enjoying SOny and Microsoft firing on all cylinders.


How so?

Your saying the same crowd who would be into Microsoft's ecosystem, will be swayed to buy a Nintendo system? Or future consumers who want to get a next gen system will choose Nintendo over Microsoft Next year?

People who want to buy a console will either gravitate the most towards PS4 because of word of mouth and knowledge about being the dominant platform and also has VR, or the new hot thing from Nintendo - in case it is another wii like success and not another wii u.

Xbox one is mostly known as the underdog at this point, 900p, not capable of VR like PS4 and losing on a bunch of 3rd party games.

This is of course my impression. I personally know only 2 persons who own an xbox one, the rest of the folks are either PC or PS4.


Dude? You pretty much made it sound like it was from how you worded your response. If they had a planned schedule for content then like GHOST TRICK and I said earlier it sounds like it needed more time. Especially when you look at the time spent in the deigns of it's character's and not giving the campaign the same attention something like Mario gets.

Not having chat, more maps ,modes and a fully realized campaign IMHO says needs more polish/time.

Polish is a word typically used to describe the improvement of non-essential components after a piece of work is ready for release, so the definition is kind of nebulous in Splatoon's case, since it was both ready for release and 'incomplete'. But like I said, it's a term which basically covers improvements to performance, aesthetics and minutiae, rather than the nuts 'n' bolts schedule of bringing the game into existence. In that regard, Splatoon was very polished, with beautiful graphics, superb performance, controls and presentation. The relative lack of levels was a design/schedule issue which was intentionally postponed and doesn't really fall under the term. So yes, as polish goes, Splatoon is one of Nintendo's best.

Saying the game needed more time might be more accurate, but then it allowed Nintendo to get a head start with players, and build a game which was constantly delivering and making headlines. It's been nothing but a success story considering Wii U's numerous problems, and the early release/staggered content was instrumental to that. Their only alternative was releasing a 'finished' game during the holiday season, which probably wouldn't have enjoyed the same effect.
People who want to buy a console will either gravitate the most towards PS4 because of word of mouth and knowledge about being the dominant platform and also has VR, or the new hot thing from Nintendo - in case it is another wii like success and not another wii u.

Xbox one is mostly known as the underdog at this point, 900p, not capable of VR like PS4 and losing on a bunch of 3rd party games.

This is of course my impression. I personally know only 2 persons who own an xbox one, the rest of the folks are either PC or PS4.

It's possible for NX to cannibalize XBO sales eventually, but it'll take at least a year. I don't see it blowing past PS4 in non-US/UK markets at launch and pushing 1.5-2 million+ at launch and 500k+ every month after in US/UK to reasonably push XBO into 3rd at launch or within a few months of launch, let alone pose too big a threat to PS4. Though I can see it chipping away a little bit of PS4 and XBO's momentum for a few months, moreso XBO's.

Even so, best-case scenario is NX can get to an N64 level of prominence, just with a focus on many of those sales being in the Japanese and other Asian/ROTW Middle East/South American/African markets. I just mean "N64 level" in terms of position among the three; if they do things right they should definitely be able to sell more than 35 million over 4-5 years. And w/ FFXIV and VII Remake coming, I don't see NX taking the lead in Japan, or if it does for a little bit, won't hold the lead for very long. But it can still play a strong 2nd there easily, just like Saturn did with the PS1.
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