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North Korea May Have Tried to Provoke Japan, Kim Jong Un Missile Launch Photo Shows


Nothing will actually happen. North Korea is quite aware that if they fire first they will lose. Now do I want North Korea or any country to have Nuclear weapons? No, but the real agreessor in this situation really is the U.S. even with North Korea's sabre rattling. This situation should have been dealt with back in the 90's.
Poor innocent North Korea, the big bad U.S is being mean to them. That's why they've attacked SK throughout the years, continuously talk about how they are going to destroy neighboring countries and intentionally test weapons like this in a provocative way.


It's interesting how Japan is kind of a mythical enemy of NK, not a real one. To be sure they aggressed against Korea in the pre-war period, and that's why they're codified as enemy number 1 (or 2) in the NK mindset. But they haven't actually acted much directly against the NK regime in their ~70 years. This is just a part of NK's national fantasy.

I guess that's just how blood feuds work...

The Communist partisans that became NK leadership cut their teeth fighting the Japanese in North Korea and Manchuria, so fighting the Japanese is part of their founding myth.
Poor innocent North Korea, the big bad U.S is being mean to them. That's why they've attacked SK throughout the years, continuously talk about how they are going to destroy neighboring countries and intentionally test weapons like this in a provocative way.
I am not defending North Korea in the slightest it is just that the U.S. is not helping the situation either at least with Trump and his big mouth at the helm.


Poor innocent North Korea, the big bad U.S is being mean to them. That's why they've attacked SK throughout the years, continuously talk about how they are going to destroy neighboring countries and intentionally test weapons like this in a provocative way.

Just more ignorant US bashing, pay it no heed.

I am not defending North Korea in the slightest it is just that the U.S. is not helping the situation either at least with Trump and his big mouth at the helm.

Again, the previous strategy of appeasement seems to be failing. It does not appear as if NK is going to halt their weapons program and may one day kill millions of people.

Perhaps it was time for the US (and by extension, the world) to change their strategy.


If there is even a 1% chance mankind is largely going to become atomized in oncoming waves of nightmarish nuclear hellfire, then we need to take it as a 100% certainty.
Ok. Consider it a certainty.

What should we do then?

"1% chance" can be applied to absolutely every single country in the globe that holds nukes, btw, so do think your answer through before replying.



Ok. Consider it a certainty.

What should we do then?

"1% chance" can be applied to absolutely every single country in the globe that holds nukes, btw, so do think your answer through before replying.

What's the piece of shit doing? How did we let it get so out of hand?

Should have fucking killed him a decade ago.

We move on the Kims and they will level Seoul.

How many millions are you prepared to sacrifice for this?

We could do it tomorrow, I just want you to find a directory of names in Seoul and read out every single one of them. Almost 10 million people, but it's okay, because they're not all adults, so it should be easier than 10 million names.

Say the word Slimysnake! Let's do it, let's sentence millions of citizens of an allied country to death to stop the madman. We can be the heroes, right?

And then you have to deal with the millions of North Koreans who have been brainwashed from birth who are at best passively hostile toward every country around them, even the ones that prop them up. If even 1% of them looks for revenge, how many more will die? Does it even matter, anymore? It's just a statistic, right?

And sure, everything can and will be quantified, but the reason we haven't done this yet is that nobody wants to pull the trigger. Nobody wants to look our allies in the face and say "If you're held hostage, we'll shoot through you to kill them."

It takes someone whose hands are bloody enough to do it with no remorse, someone desperate enough to succeed at all costs, or someone insane enough to believe that the certainties are merely risks.

Trump might get credit for doing it, because he's all three. But history will remember him and remember us as a result as war criminals in a nation of war criminals. We will lose every ally we've ever had.

So it's better to go slow, to mitigate the certainties into high risks, to help South Korea shore up their defenses and perhaps evacuate people away from North Korea. But if NK even gets a whiff of something to come they will take Seoul with them.

Sometimes, especially in politics, and even moreso in international politics, you have to take a step back and look at the big picture. And the big picture is that we'll be letting millions of people die to get at one psychopath and his forced cult. We are not ready to do that.


There's so much going on in that picture.

Where did Kim get the unicorn blood and Phoenix feather for that wizard's wand?



I have so many questions about this photo, besides the obvious "what the fuck is he looking at?"

Why is a (not terribly fancy) wooden desk and computer setup outdoors?
Why are the telephones so far away? Shouldn't they be on the desk?
Is that an ashtray? Why does an ashtray deserve a space and not the computer monitors or telephones? Or hell, a pen-holder?
Why does the stubby pointer need a holder? Why doesn't he use a laser pointer instead? And for that matter, what does he need to point at?


Gold Member
The laissez-faire attitude isn't working because the United States elected a fucking moron as president and everyone, including North Korea, knows it. Except for the morons that voted for Trump. And now, NK is pushing buttons to see what they can get away with, while simultaneously coming off as powerful to its population. Wonderful.

The laissez-faire attitude hasn't worked for THIRTY YEARS. We haven't fundamentally altered our attitude toward North Korea since the early 1990's. It's always been a strategy of containment, acceptance, and appeasement. North Korea has continued to grow bolder every administration. Bush and Trump exacerbate it with their rhetoric but North Korea has been thumbing their nose at international diplomacy and sanctions for decades.

It also does not help that over the last 30 years China's prominence in the world has escalated while the United States has committed a series of international blunders that has diminished our standing. Consider: If the United States had intelligence regarding the activities of Kim Jong Un and took it before the United Nations, do you think they'd be much inclined to believe it after the United States deliberately misled the United Nations with bad intelligence to justify Iraq?

Sometimes, especially in politics, and even moreso in international politics, you have to take a step back and look at the big picture. And the big picture is that we'll be letting millions of people die to get at one psychopath and his forced cult. We are not ready to do that.

How'd the strategy of appeasement to keep a similar psychopath and his cult contained work out for Europe in 1938? I realize there's a fundamental nuclear difference at play this time around but the underlying issue is the same. Stepping back and doing nothing is hardly a good solution either because there's no guarantees Kim Jong Un won't just go full-on batshit and toss one of his nuclear missiles at Seoul or Tokyo anyway especially if he thinks he can provoke a full US response by doing so.
We move on the Kims and they will level Seoul.

How many millions are you prepared to sacrifice for this?

We could do it tomorrow, I just want you to find a directory of names in Seoul and read out every single one of them. Almost 10 million people, but it's okay, because they're not all adults, so it should be easier than 10 million names.

Say the word Slimysnake! Let's do it, let's sentence millions of citizens of an allied country to death to stop the madman. We can be the heroes, right?

And then you have to deal with the millions of North Koreans who have been brainwashed from birth who are at best passively hostile toward every country around them, even the ones that prop them up. If even 1% of them looks for revenge, how many more will die? Does it even matter, anymore? It's just a statistic, right?

And sure, everything can and will be quantified, but the reason we haven't done this yet is that nobody wants to pull the trigger. Nobody wants to look our allies in the face and say "If you're held hostage, we'll shoot through you to kill them."

It takes someone whose hands are bloody enough to do it with no remorse, someone desperate enough to succeed at all costs, or someone insane enough to believe that the certainties are merely risks.

Trump might get credit for doing it, because he's all three. But history will remember him and remember us as a result as war criminals in a nation of war criminals. We will lose every ally we've ever had.

So it's better to go slow, to mitigate the certainties into high risks, to help South Korea shore up their defenses and perhaps evacuate people away from North Korea. But if NK even gets a whiff of something to come they will take Seoul with them.

Sometimes, especially in politics, and even moreso in international politics, you have to take a step back and look at the big picture. And the big picture is that we'll be letting millions of people die to get at one psychopath and his forced cult. We are not ready to do that.

Yeah sure, let's wait for the paranoid little pissant to get the capability to use nuclear weapons and then in a fog of paranoia Kim pops off at Japan and South Korea and we watch Seoul and Tokyo both get destroyed in nuclear attacks. Then the US has to retaliate and nuke Norh Korea back to the stoneage and make that entire country unhabitable for anything other then cockroaches for decades. Oh but then there is more. Prevailing winds then send devastating nuclear fallout right into Shanghai and Beijing killing millions more from indirect fallout.



Bish loves my games!
They will be completely and utterly anhiillated long before they do any real damage. It's posturing for the people.
I have so many questions about this photo, besides the obvious "what the fuck is he looking at?"

Why is a (not terribly fancy) wooden desk and computer setup outdoors?
Why are the telephones so far away? Shouldn't they be on the desk?
Is that an ashtray? Why does an ashtray deserve a space and not the computer monitors or telephones? Or hell, a pen-holder?
Why does the stubby pointer need a holder? Why doesn't he use a laser pointer instead? And for that matter, what does he need to point at?

the whole photo is propaganda

fancy computer monitors outdoors where you can barely read it due to the sun is proof enough that it is all bullshit


They will be completely and utterly anhiillated long before they do any real damage. It's posturing for the people.


Once they get miniaturized nukes, and reliable ICBMs which seems like a couple of years away at most there is no way to stop them from doing enormous damage if they decide to do something.


They will be completely and utterly anhiillated long before they do any real damage. It's posturing for the people.

I mean, that's the argument here.

Do you pre-emptively strike once they have nuclear launch capability? Or do you wait for them to make the first move?

Because that first move can kill millions... And unfortunately, this 'kick the can down the road' strategy from the NATO countries has helped bring us to this point.

How'd the strategy of appeasement to keep a similar psychopath and his cult contained work out for Europe in 1938? I realize there's a fundamental nuclear difference at play this time around but the underlying issue is the same. Stepping back and doing nothing is hardly a good solution either because there's no guarantees Kim Jong Un won't just go full-on batshit and toss one of his nuclear missiles at Seoul or Tokyo anyway especially if he thinks he can provoke a full US response by doing so.

Very well, actually. As much as people like to say it was cowardly, Britain needed more time. More time to prepare, to build up, in preparation to fight. Because when Hitler was rearing and ready to go, Britain was still reeling from WW1 and aftereffects of the Depression -- If they hadn't, the whole of Europe would have been overtaken by the Nazis and many more millions of people would die.

Because, at the time, nobody quite knew that Hitler's Germany was rounding up Jewish folk to slaughter them wholesale. Britain was also mostly alone. You had France and Britain, Italy looked to be joining Germany, Spain, as well. The US was doing business with France, Britain, and Germany for sure, in weapons, automobiles, and the like but were not likely to join in on the war effort -- and for a time, that's how it was boiling down. So if France and Britain were going to fight Germany, Spain, and Italy, they needed time. For France's part, they built weapons of war and the Maginot and Alpine Lines. Britain did much the same, and both went to the US for more weapons, ammunition, bombs, automobiles.

Without appeasement, it's fully possible that Nazi Germany would have started absorbing more territory years earlier, when neither Britain nor France were in a position to begin to defend themselves.

There is not a right answer to this. There are only wrong answers, and some of them more wrong than others.

We need more time. Time to position THAAD, time to reinforce bunkers in Seoul. Many people will die no matter what we do. I am not opposed to war, I'm opposed to jumping into war without doing our due diligence, and I guarantee you that the Joint Chiefs and their strategists are telling him that a strike against NK will kill more of our allies immediately after than we'll kill of them, and it wouldn't even be guaranteed to stop the Kims or NK's military from launching everything they have at anything else.

I sympathize with people who say we have to move now, we have to smack them down now, we have to wipe up the little shitstain. It's easy to say that, though, because if anyone deserves the like, it's people like him. But we're trying to save lives here. That's the most important thing. Otherwise, why would we get rid of him?
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