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now that TGS is done, on to X05

KyotoMecca said:
Only just recovered from flight back from Tokyo - last thing I wanna think about is the flight to Amsterdam! We do have *some* work to do you know!!! ;-)

your from Kikizo right? i got one question for ya



Yusaku said:
You seem to think that the PS3 is competing with the PS2, and I would disagree. People buying PS2s this fall aren't put off by MGS4 because 1) they're not interested in paying $400 for a console and 2) aren't interested in waiting two years for a single game.

This fall the PS2 begins its transition to a budget minded game console, and it's going to be a huge cash-cow for Sony. It's essentially going to be the game in town. Thanks to the HDD and Nvidia it will be difficult for MS to match any PS2 price-drops with the original Xbox. Sony are masters at milking a console for it's entire lifecycle, MS is pretty much forced to just bury the Xbox and try and move everyone to the 360 ASAP.

Also I'm going to wager that Halo 3 will arrive much later than the movie, too late to try any sort of cross-promotional hype. Not that it needs it.
I was talking about people buying PS2 software, you know the way Sony makes money, software. If you are saving up money for your super-expensive, you'll have to work overtime to own, game system then you're not going to be buying as many PS2 games as you normally would. And how do you get people hyped up and buzzing about current gen PS2 games when your PS3 games are stealing all the headlines and attention?

Halo 3 will ship whenever the hell Bungie is done with it but definitely before Christmas 2007. In any case so long as it ships after the movie that means that awareness will have been significantly raised for the IP. The fact that a large percentage of people who don't even play video games will be aware of Halo will result in increased sales potential for the new game. The movie also gives them a chance to extend the promotional period of the game. There's gotta be a reason why every publisher in the industry tries to make sure that their movie licensed games are released as close to the movie's release as possible.


---- said:
MGS4 was shown to the public to hurt Xbox 360 sales. That's it. The trailer even specifically talks about the console wars. You don't really think Sony would be showing stuff this early if the Xbox 360 was not coming out this year? Showing all this PS3 stuff doesn't help their PS2 business, Sony would be maximizing PS2 profitability right now if there was no competition from Microsoft. They'd be majorly showcasing PS2 games at TGS right now and making sure they got the most attention if there was nobody launching before PS3.

MS doesn't need to create hype and buzz for the system right now. Being featured on Time magazine and on MTV has created plenty of hype already. Being the only next-gen system out this fall and giving out 9,000 consoles with Pepsi for 2 months is going to create plenty of buzz. Xbox 360 doesn't need Halo right now. And Halo 3 is not coming out next year. Halo 3 is coming out after the movie hits in 2007 because that is the absolute best time to release the game. They're going to piggyback the massive marketing of a summer blockbuster movie. Xbox 360 has an incredibly strong launch lineup, they don't have to worry about selling consoles at launch. I think Halo 3 would be best used to deal with the hype of PS3's impending launch so that the Xbox 360 is not forgotten in all the PS3 hype next year. They need a game to continue the Xbox 360's launch momentum next year, to maintain hype for the system. You don't want lots of hype around the launch of your system and then for it to fizzle out as new systems are coming out.

I'm sure they intend for PDZ at X'05 to create all the FPS hype and buzz that they need. You have a rare opportunity to build big franchises at the launch of a console and MS is trying to do that with Perfect Dark. They don't need Halo to come along right now and overshadow Perfect Dark's chance to have the spotlight. I don't know what to expect of Perfect Dark, but I'm sure Microsoft wants it to be as successful of a franchise as Halo is. Putting Halo teasers out in front of PDZ doesn't help them to achieve that.

The point is this. Microsoft wants the media coming back from X'05 chattering and buzzing about Perfect Dark and Project Gotham, not Halo and Forza. Showing Halo 3 stuff makes the media come out of X'05 buzzing about Halo 3, not about Perfect Dark. If MS is going to tease anything at X'05 I think it will be future Rare franchise games. That's what I picked up out of the Peter Moore interview.

I thought this was sarcasm until I read it a second time.

We'll see.


Why is everybody saying Halo 3 will be out in 2007? Didn't Gates say they're it'll be out to combat the PS3 or something like that or is fall/winter 2006 impossible?


Chrono said:
Why is everybody saying Halo 3 will be out in 2007? Didn't Gates say they're it'll be out to combat the PS3 or something like that or is fall/winter 2006 impossible?


the few who are are just guessing.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Chrono said:
Why is everybody saying Halo 3 will be out in 2007? Didn't Gates say they're it'll be out to combat the PS3 or something like that or is fall/winter 2006 impossible?

gates cant see the future. even if thats what they were aiming for back when that was said (quite a while back iirc), things change, especially release dates for games. especially release dates for games in the halo franchise ;)

that said, i wouldnt be surprised to learn that that was never the intent of bungie (releasing the game at ps3 launch). it was probably just said as something to combat ps3 hype.

bungie will release halo 3 when they think its done/the right time. MS will accept that.

realistically, i dont think the game could be ready next year. of course, its possible. bungie may have licensed unreal or any other next-gen engine and be cranking out content for quite some time now.


I really just want to see some near-final games, and not hear a bunch of excuses about early dev kits.

Amen. I also do NOT want to see anymore on Kameo, because I feel I've seen too much of the game already. Looking forward to seeing PDZ, and hopefully a much-improved launch lineup. Not graphics, but smooth animation and gameplay.
alright, I'll throw my non-money hat into the ring about this years X05. :)

That being said:

*ahem* Clears throat ----

-PD0 will be a HUGE hit of X05. Single Player and Multiplayer will be shown and playable. I'm guessing with at least 2-4 modes of play available to the people able to play it. Expect improved AI (WUT NO WALLGUY!11!?), newer weapon skins, improved physics and probably a little bit faster gameplay from what I've seen. This game is going to score major points on Dark's sex appeal to the masses and it's lush grahpics that are "next-gen" quality.

- GoW is going to be Epic's flagship title for the Xbox 360 until Unreal Tournament 2007 comes out. They will continue to show new gameplay (hopefully) in HD and also have it be playable by X05. I expect the animation to be up to snuff by then along with showcasing more of how you interact with the environment and use it to your advantage. I would venture to say that the end of the playable demo will feature a "new" creature not yet seen or possible revised art of a creature we may have seen.

-Kameo is going to be a HUGE under dog hit that is going to provide a lot of doors to people who might be scared away from some of the already established franchises. With it's platformer like gameplay but depth that hardcore gamers have come to expect, I predict this will be one of the highest rated, highest grossing games of the Xbox 360 within 6-12 months of launch. The game environments are just amazing and the detail they put into the game is really where the gameplay will benefit from it.

-N3 will be playable as well, most likely showing off more polished gameplay dynamics, more graphical showcase of what the xbox 360 can "really" do. Most likely they'll show the ability (possibly) of calling in auxiliry(sp?) troops, firepower etc to add to the chaos. Great looking game and I'm anxiously waiting to see what happens with it.

-PGR3 will be PLAYABLE. Microsoft is probably pushing to have Bizzare have the game be at LEAST 80% done by X05. I'm expecting 2-5 cars playable with 3 tracks. Expect to see the same tracks, with different times, weather conditions and track conditions as well. There's more up Bizzare's sleve that they're not telling us, but that's my prediction. Graphically the game will stomp Forza/GT4 and give Polyphony a run for their money. Expect an annoucement on the FINAL frame rate to be running @ 60 FPS.

-Call of Duty 2 will be playable. Most likely a couple different levels to entice the gamer in. Expect better visuals and even better gameplay. AI will react more efficently than ever truly giving you the "oh shit what do I do now" feeling that Activision is aiming for. I would suspect they would annouce what Online capabilities there will be with the game and most likely have 32-64 player servers.

Last but not least... as far as what I'd like to see.....

Halo 3
Microsoft's Flagship FPS that quite honestly at this point would need to make such an impact with a short glimpse into Bungie's epic conclusion to last years most loved and hated game. I would expect a 1-3 min teaser trailer showcasing the previous installments ; Halo 1 footage subtitled - First they found us ; Halo 2 gameplay footage ; Then they tried to kill us : Halo 3 - In our darkest hour.... we fight back.

I would expect something like a Star Wars like trailer with action cut sequences, people yelling or screaming (ala Doom movie due out Oct.27th,2005) big explosions, the chief and the arbitor (sp?) playing side by side. Gameplay footage showing 2 Player and 4 Player Co-op ONLINE and OFFLINE bluring the line between single player and multiplayer. Ending with the chief talking to Cortana.... with the dialogue something along the lines of: "But chief.... you'll kill yourself..... Chief: I know..."

Either way, if the Halo 3 trailer is or IS NOT shown, I would expect something along the lines with the same graphics as MGS 4 if not better.

/end skeptism.


Shompola said:
Nope... You are wrong once again. Thanks for wasting your own time by typing all that shit.
Awesome, thanks; thanks for clearing that up. It's hard to argue against a point as well made as yours, as you've so intricately detailed why I'm mistaken, while your version of what happened is correct. Oh wait, you didn't do that? Hmm... I think the term 'jackass' might be appropriate in this context. What do you think?

Fight for Freeform said:
He's the same guy who said we should blame MS for PC ports to the 360...
I dare you to find a quote in ANY of my posts relating to this. Back yet? Realized you're a fucknut for blatantly misquoting someone yet? Cool, thanks.

VictimOfGrief said:
...with the dialogue something along the lines of: "But chief.... you'll kill yourself..... Chief: I know..."
I don't know what's worse, this dialogue (no offense to you, seriously, I know you were just making an example) or the fact that it's still about 10x better than the drivel the writer's at Bungie have spewn out for the series. Less story, more action should be their focus. Halo's narrative is laughable.

VictimOfGrief said:
-N3 will be playable as well, most likely showing off more polished gameplay dynamics, more graphical showcase of what the xbox 360 can "really" do. Most likely they'll show the ability (possibly) of calling in auxiliry(sp?) troops, firepower etc to add to the chaos. Great looking game and I'm anxiously waiting to see what happens with it.
This would certainly be nice (though I must say your entire post is overly optimistic, almost idealistic to a point), I'd love for Mizuguchi to come through in a genre he's yet attempted.

And no one has answered my question yet, why was N3 considered such a disappointment at TGS? Amirox? Blim? Chittagong? Anyone?
Heian - yeah, I think my "wishings" of what to see @ X05 may be a little over the top. Oh and trust me, no offense on the dialogue comment, I know that pretty much anything is better than what they end up putting in the game. :lol
I'm almost positive that a Halo 3 teaser trailer will be shown at X05. Possibly not even in-game but similiar to the Halo 2 trailer at X02.

While you know Microsoft doesn't want it I somewhat expect Halo 3 to be the end of the Halo saga. And I'll be damned if Bungie doesn't plan on having the Master Chief sacrifice his life to save Earth. Which in my opinion would be a fit ending for the MC, similiar to how the end of Cowboy Bebop was fitting.


Gold Member
Heian-kyo said:
And no one has answered my question yet, why was N3 considered such a disappointment at TGS? Amirox? Blim? Chittagong? Anyone?

Because the few minutes I saw it, it was merely a high resolution Dynasty Warriors clone with current gen assets. Certainly not something I was expecting after all the hype, and not the visual feast I was hoping for - not too effective shaders, HDR, DoF or anything. Like RR6 was high res RR PSP, this was little more than high res DW PSP.


GoW is going to be Epic's flagship title for the Xbox 360 until Unreal Tournament 2007 comes out.

A bit OT, but I've been told Epic have only got 2 next gen console games in development - GOW for X360 and UT2007 for PS3. And that's it for now. :-/
Izzy said:
A bit OT, but I've been told Epic have got only 2 next gen console games in development - GOW for X360 and UT2007. And that's it for now. :-/
well, cross-referencing the Mark Rein interview, they've started work on the Unreal 4 engine as well.


VictimOfGrief said:
well, cross-referencing the Mark Rein interview, they've started work on the Unreal 4 engine as well.

Absolutely, but I'm talking about next gen console games. ;)

Speaking of UE4 - hopefully they'll use subsurface scattering - I'm tired of that plastic look. ;)


The Translator
Izzy said:
A bit OT, but I've been told Epic have only got 2 next gen console games in development - GOW for X360 and UT2007 for PS3. And that's it for now. :-/

actually, iirc mark rein stated in an interview that no platforms were announced for UT2007 besides PC yet. Could be wrong though, will have a look ...
Doom_Bringer said:
UT2007 is coming to next gen consoles.
yeah, it was stated a while back about that.

I do agree about the texture, skin tone, depth etc. That is the next department that needs the "next" gen feel to it.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
ToyMachine228 said:
I'm almost positive that a Halo 3 teaser trailer will be shown at X05. Possibly not even in-game but similiar to the Halo 2 trailer at X02.

from this very thread ...

stinkles said:
Sal Paradise Jr said:
Halo 3 isn't going to be shown, so really just drop it. Or go and start pre-emptive disappointed threads.


Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!

He looks like Piston Honda


Prine said:
err... no, its quite deep actually
I don't think there's anything wrong with you (or anyone else) enjoying Halo's story, as everyone enjoys some brainless, explosive nonsense every now and then, but the only way I can possibly understand an individual citing Halo's narrative as 'quite deep' is if they've read (or seen) little to no other science fiction, ever.

Halo is a ridiculous smorgasboard of cliches, haphazard deus ex machinas, inconsistent characterization, and contains one of the worst cast of characters I've ever seen, in any film, novel or game. Master Chief is a hysterically absurd lead character that could only have been born from the minds of an American dev house, and the Covenant is possibly the most uninspired alien races ever devised, and a tragic lost opportunity.

It pains me to see so many gamers call the plot in Halo 'deep' or 'complex', yet simultaneously lambast MGS2's narrative (which is so far above anything Halo could even dream of, and is still one of the most audacious, well conceived and masterfully layered storylines this industry has ever, or likely will ever, see).
He is actually right. The gameplay in Halo is very straight forward ‘shoot everything that moves’. A good example of a deep FPS would be BF2 with the commander mode and all those different soldier types and Brother in Arms where you are giving commands.

But anyway I don't think FPS's need to have deep gameplay like Ninja Gaiden or DMC3. Best thing about Halo is the story, the world and the gameplay which is simple.
Heian-kyo said:
It pains me to see so many gamers call the plot in Halo 'deep' or 'complex', yet simultaneously lambast MGS2's narrative (which is so far above anything Halo could even dream of, and is still one of the most audacious, well conceived and masterfully layered storylines this industry has ever, or likely will ever, see).

Is this a joke?

It pains me to see someone rag on Halo's storyline and then praise some idiotic piece of garbage like MGS2's plot. Well conceived? Masterfully layered storyline? You people are utterly and completely insane. There is no hope.


Oh man, it was great seeing what Halo was about, why its so important, why the covenent want to control it and what happened to the original creators.

I find the notion of humans actually being the devine species that built the Halo systems to protect earth facinating. Humans being the only race that the covenent are having trouble with, the ones they are trying to wipe out are infact the race they blindly worship.

That and the struggle of the covenent, their history as a species, the heirarchy of control, how they used religion to gain control and support of other species. Great stuff that really is a joy to experience. Maybe it could have been executed better, but on paper i think its a solid story, i like where its going.


Prine said:
Oh man, it was great seeing what Halo was about, why its so important, why the covenent want to control it and what happened to the original creators.

I find the notion of humans actually being the devine species that built the Halo systems to protect earth facinating. Humans being the only race that the covenent are having trouble with, the ones they are trying to wipe out are infact the race they blindly worship.

That and the struggle of the covenent, their history as a species, the heirarchy of control, how they used religion to gain control and support of other species. Great stuff that really is a joy to experience. Maybe it could have been executed better, but on paper i think its a solid story, i like where its going.

Exactly. The story is facinating to me for a number of reasons - the depth of the backstory, the arc of the main characters, the political structure of the Covenant, the way the history is slowly revealed. Excellent stuff all around.
Prine said:
Oh man, it was great seeing what Halo was about, why its so important, why the covenent want to control it and what happened to the original creators.

I find the notion of humans actually being the devine species that built the Halo systems to protect earth facinating. Humans being the only race that the covenent are having trouble with, the ones they are trying to wipe out are infact the race they blindly worship.

That and the struggle of the covenent, their history as a species, the heirarchy of control, how they used religion to gain control and support of other species. Great stuff that really is a joy to experience. Maybe it could have been executed better, but on paper i think its a solid story, i like where its going.

I love the religion parts and how they use it to control their peoples. Good stuff. People just hate whats popular :)
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