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Now that the dust is settled, Quiet's probably the most embarrassing gaming character

There is a degree to interpretation even to science, you realize. That's why it's possible for people to disbelieve in evolution, whether it's rational or no. Science is the discernation of what has the most evidence supporting it, making it most likely to be true. The reason people basically espouse evolution or gravity as fact is that so many people see SO much evidence that the opinion that evolution is true might as well be true, similar to how Mona Lisa's use of color isn't an objective fact, but enough people see it that it might as well be objective.

I just don't see the comparison to science as valid as that is a discussion based in reality. With Quiet and MGS, it's the product of someone's imagination, and therefore has limitless interpretations with no kind of verification process.

But since you do agree that Quiet is sexually objectified in several situations, I feel that we're quibbling over minor details. The point is she's sexually objectified, and not to any degree that offers artistic value. Even if you disagree that it's the case in literally ever instance, you seem to agree it's in the vast majority of them, and I can settle the argument for that.

I believe there is plenty of artistic value to objectification. Really, the fact we're having this discussion in the first place tells me there's artistic value to it that extends beyond the product itself. Whether the existence of her character is based around primal urges and removing agency, or she's something with far more depth, she's still clearly a valid subject for analysis. Using insulting buzz terms to discount the opposing arguments like "mental gymnastics" does not change the fact the argument took place.

What I don't agree with is that the objectification makes her backstory any less interesting even when divorced from such objectification, even if it can be argued it's poor justification for her design and several racy situations she's put into. It doesn't change the fact that she has a purpose in the game, and even if you want to tell me she's fanservice 99% of the time, that remaining 1% has value. If you want to say she's 100% fanservice, well I'll just say I disagree and have made me reasons clear why I do so.


Unconfirmed Member
And I see what your saying, but my argument that because you can come up with instances where the camera is neutral doesn't eliminate the inappropriate sexualization factor inherent within those scenes, including the ones that are removed from her personhood, and the context of the game has her sexually objectification such a prominent part of just about every scene she's in.

At some point, she just becomes the woman whose sexually objectified regardless of what else the camera is doing if there is so much of it in the other areas of the game.
Like you coming up with scenes that might have inappropriate sexualisation don't justify the conclusion that Quiet's sexualisation is "a removed aspect from her personhood." That had been what I asked for justification for, and all we've arrived at since then is confirmation of my initial stance that there are "shots that highlight her naughty bits a little more than they probably should" but also a lot of sexiness being of her own will as a person within the game world.

I get there's a lot of leeway for interpretation with a character that has such sparse characterisation, but her behaviour is what little we have to go on to judge what kind of person she is and concluding some general unwillingness to be sexy is simply contradicting what we know. Just to be sure: No, I'm not inferring her to somehow want to look sexy being tortured, I'm saying she clearly does want to look sexy in whatever situation she considers "normal" or even with one of the few people who doesn't want to kill her.
LOL great bump

BTW all of that is also an "absolutely opinionated statement" so don't know where you were going with that. Not to mention how off the rails and overly reactionary this post is. Maybe it really is time to quit gaming if you can't handle criticism of some fictional videogame character.

I don't have a problem with handling critisism of fictional characters. I have issue with entitled gamers crying when their proverbial comfort zone is disturbed. I'm overly reactionary? Look who's talking Mr."Maybe it really is time to quit gaming".


I believe there is plenty of artistic value to objectification. Really, the fact we're having this discussion in the first place tells me there's artistic value to it that extends beyond the product itself. Whether the existence of her character is based around primal urges and removing agency, or she's something with far more depth, she's still clearly a valid subject for analysis. Using insulting buzz terms to discount the opposing arguments like "mental gymnastics" does not change the fact the argument took place.

The mere fact that people can argue about it doesn't suggest artistic value to me. Artistic value is when something is presented in such a way that expands my understanding of the world. Objectification can do that, I don't think I ever said that objectification is inherently unable to do that. But I don't think Quiet does that in any way.

What I don't agree with is that the objectification makes her backstory any less interesting even when divorced from such objectification, even if it can be argued it's poor justification for her design and several racy situations she's put into. It doesn't change the fact that she has a purpose in the game, and even if you want to tell me she's fanservice 99% of the time, that remaining 1% has value. If you want to say she's 100% fanservice, well I'll just say I disagree and have made me reasons clear why I do so.

Again, statements like these make me feel that we're getting bogged down in minor details. If the argument is that Quiet is completely and utterly 100% fanservice, then I agree that that's bullshit. However, if the vast majority of it is fanservice, then quiet is essentially a fanservice character. THe 1% of value you ascribe is not anywhere enough to overhaul the rest of the BS. You wouldn't say a 99% poisoned dish is a healthy meal because 1% of it is not.


I don't have a problem with handling critisism of fictional characters. I have issue with entitled gamers crying when their proverbial comfort zone is disturbed. I'm overly reactionary? Look who's talking Mr."Maybe it really is time to quit gaming".

sorrrrrrry about yoru comfort zone breh :)


Bayonetta works because she has a fantastic silhouette, her outfit makes sense right down to the little details because it says a lot about the character, Quiet's outfit makes very little sense under scrutiny, and because we know very little about the character herself, (because she's essentially a sex doll), like why is she wearing a super log glove if the entire point is that she breathes through her skin and needs to have it exposed, why are her leggings randomly ripped up in random ass places, in fact, why is she even wearing leggings? It makes very little sense from a design perspective because all of the above can't be answered by lore or character motivations but because "bewbz"

I am a fan of both Bayonetta and MGSV but I don't get how you can dismiss Quiet's design and laud Bayonetta's in the same breath. Both were designed because "bewbz"

Because we've already gone over this numerous times. Bayo has agency over her sexuality and the game is designed around that. Bayonetta is sex-positive. Quiet is not, has little agency over her sexuality/is literally designed to be a sex-object and nothing else, and Kojima claims we have to take her seriously when the design is anything but that. How many times does this need to be repeated for you people? Bayo's design, attitude, and situation is entirely different from Quiet's.



There wasn't a deep meaning behind it, it was yet another scene meant for titillation. You're projecting and misconstruing the intentions, if this was the only scene where Quiet was sexualized and gawked out not just by the camera but by others, maybe you'd have a point, however, it's not. It's just one of many scenes that is totally out of place with the tone of the game.

That gif reminds me of that other gif where the cameraman accidentally zooms in on Reggie's mouth.


(Like, I don't know anything about cinematography, but that shot just doesn't look good to me even on a technical level? Does that make sense?)


I don't have a problem with handling critisism of fictional characters. I have issue with entitled gamers crying when their proverbial comfort zone is disturbed. I'm overly reactionary? Look who's talking Mr."Maybe it really is time to quit gaming".

You don't have a problem handling criticism.
You handle criticism by shutting it down.
You're the one who came into a nearly 30 pages thread to tell people to shut up about the subject of the thread.
And by your words, don't you have a problem with your attitude of crying about people discussing something that disturb your comfort zone?
If you don't want to discuss the matter, no one is forcing you to post in this thread.
There's more than 300k threads in this section, no one is putting a gun to your head.
On this topic, Quiet is the very definition of staying in the comfort zone.
The mere fact that people can argue about it doesn't suggest artistic value to me. Artistic value is when something is presented in such a way that expands my understanding of the world. Objectification can do that, I don't think I ever said that objectification is inherently unable to do that. But I don't think Quiet does that in any way.

The way I see it, it doesn't have to be my worldview that is slightly affected, at least in a first hand way. Second hand accounts can be just as meaningful, and that's the basis for a discussion.

It's not the same as arguing with truthers or young Earth believers as those aren't meant to elicit an emotional reaction like art is. Hell, I'd go as far as to say the arguments are in a way art themselves, meaning art begets art.

Again, statements like these make me feel that we're getting bogged down in minor details. If the argument is that Quiet is completely and utterly 100% fanservice, then I agree that that's bullshit. However, if the vast majority of it is fanservice, then quiet is essentially a fanservice character. THe 1% of value you ascribe is not anywhere enough to overhaul the rest of the BS. You wouldn't say a 99% poisoned dish is a healthy meal because 1% of it is not.

If you're gonna use that analogy, how about we take it in a different direction. Think about fugu, a puffer fish that actually is a good chunk poison. But if you know how to prepare it, you'll get a delicacy out of it.

Maybe the same can be said about Quiet. Maybe there's depth to her character that people ignore because they can't look past the surface.

It's why Senran Kagura characters can have depth and be well-written while simultaneously being fanservice-focused.
My argument is very mechanic-Yes I'm stick to the 'lore is bible' pathos right now, I've seen Bayonetta thrown around(One of my more recent posts earlier today quoted another person talking about Bayonetta), but it's to point out the hypocrisy that when Bayonetta is brought up, her in-lore reasons are enough. Full stop. The same credence not being given to Quiet.

As a tidbit, I've always hated the Cobras because they didn't have an indepth backstory like Cell or Foxhound from MGS1. They have great designs sure(Well....a couple), but I hope you see my point for the forest from the trees.

Yeah, we can go for days talking about MGS' inconsistencies. I'm focusing on Quiets logic in retention to the logic provided to End and Code Talker(Which are brought up as strawman to knock down and discredit Quiet) whilst credence given to Bayonetta for having alot of similarities with Quiet(Sexual camera, how she gets more nude the better the player does, basically being eye candy like Quiet) because it makes for a good discussion. If I can poke holes in other peoples arguments, then it stands to reason that there is more to be discussed.

I get what you're getting at. I'm not one of the people who are actually content with how Bayonetta is depicted and I think that arguing logic in MGS is beside the point, so allow me to bow out from this particular line of discussion.

I'm not criticizing MGS's dumb backstories, mind. Some might say they're actually the series's charm. They're still dumb, though, and it automatically becomes a flimsy excuse for a character's depiction when the main problem is the character's depiction to begin with.

Creating fiction is always giving and taking. You sacrifice realism for drama, you sacrifice spectacle for accuracy, et cetera. It depends on what kind of work you want to make. MGS V just comes off as the kind of work that would sacrifice as much as it could to get a half-naked woman's body on screen. Even if the intention was to make a point about how disgusting men could be towards women (of which I'm not convinced, considering that the shower scene is not the only pandering scene in the game, including other women besides Quiet), the execution leaves a lot to be desired for. There's a lot of way to convey it without resorting to bikini garb and rain dancing. The fact that they chose to this spoke volumes of where their priorities lie.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Anything to not admit MGS is full of sexism, I guess.
What kills me is that there is always a new excuse that's just a variant on past excuses.
"You see there's actually a deeper meaning that you guys just aren't getting." is just a variant on "You guys were the sexists all along" and the words and deeds thing. There's always a huge excuse. Now it's "she wanted to be naked all along" and "You see she's truly the antithesis and the disgusting portrayal was the true point Kojima isn't sexist." Fuck...it's like Kojima can truly do no wrong in the eyes of some people. Because yesterday, it was "Well you see it's metal gear, it was always stupid and sexist."

That gif reminds me of that other gif where the cameraman accidentally zooms in on Reggie's mouth.


(Like, I don't know anything about cinematography, but that shot just doesn't look good to me even on a technical level? Does that make sense?)
This game's cinematography in general isn't very good actually. The only time that one long shot gimmick worked imho was in GZ.


Unconfirmed Member
What kills me is that there is always a new excuse that's just a variant on past excuses.
"You see there's actually a deeper meaning that you guys just aren't getting." is just a variant on "You guys were the sexists all along" and the words and deeds thing. There's always a huge excuse. Now it's "she wanted to be naked all along" and "You see she's truly the antithesis and the disgusting portrayal was the true point Kojima isn't sexist." Fuck...it's like Kojima can truly do no wrong in the eyes of some people. Because yesterday, it was "Well you see it's metal gear, it was always stupid and sexist."
Maybe you're arguing with multiple people raising multiple points.


Are you? I explained why The End and Code Talker are different circumstances. Is the lore not allowed to have multiple examples of 'like' entities?

Yeah dude, that's exactly it.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this isn't willful ignorance. I'll even spell it out for you:

Saying "her lungs got burned" is a nonsensical explanation put in the plot to facilitate her costume. This is fiction, not fact; someone is just making it up as they go, and part of that involves bs-ing some nonsense about why we didn't sick the 80 year old man in a bikini.
Because we've already gone over this numerous times. Bayo has agency over her sexuality and the game is designed around that. Bayonetta is sex-positive. Quiet is not, has little agency over her sexuality/is literally designed to be a sex-object and nothing else, and Kojima claims we have to take her seriously when the design is anything but that. How many times does this need to be repeated for you people? Bayo's design, attitude, and situation is entirely different from Quiet's.

When someone tries to treat Quiet as an object, they get their dick stabbed. So I would argue that Quiet does, in fact have agency over her sexuality.

I get what you're getting at. I'm not one of the people who are actually content with how Bayonetta is depicted and I think that arguing logic in MGS is beside the point, so allow me to bow out from this particular line of discussion.

I'm not criticizing MGS's dumb backstories, mind. Some might say they're actually the series's charm. They're still dumb, though, and it automatically becomes a flimsy excuse for a character's depiction when the main problem is the character's depiction to begin with.

Creating fiction is always giving and taking. You sacrifice realism for drama, you sacrifice spectacle for accuracy, et cetera. It depends on what kind of work you want to make. MGS V just comes off as the kind of work that would sacrifice as much as it could to get a half-naked woman's body on screen. Even if the intention was to make a point about how disgusting men could be towards women (of which I'm not convinced, considering that the shower scene is not the only pandering scene in the game, including other women besides Quiet), the execution leaves a lot to be desired for. There's a lot of way to convey it without resorting to bikini garb and rain dancing. The fact that they chose to this spoke volumes of where their priorities lie.

There's alot of things about MGSV that are left to be desired. There's something wrong with how the game concluded-abruptly at times, with plot threads left hanging. Quiet is no different in regard, her story felt like it was missing one last thing. But that's a discussion for another thread, about MGSV's shortcomings tbh.

Yeah dude, that's exactly it.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this isn't willful ignorance. I'll even spell it out for you:

Saying "her lungs got burned" is a nonsensical explanation put in the plot to facilitate her costume. This is fiction, not fact; someone is just making it up as they go, and part of that involves bs-ing some nonsense about why we didn't sick the 80 year old man in a bikini.

"Her lungs getting burned" Being a nonsensical explanation is just as nonsensical as 'These parasites can control launches of nuclear weapons and cause these super beings to run very fast'. There's alot of nonsense in these games, that part you're right. When you dig into it, alot of this nonsense is facilitated in a way to further the plot(IE MGS4 where NANOMACHINES were the solution of everything). But why are you picking some nonsense as being passable(Psychic child, parasites with regenerative abilities/ability to destroy based on language) and some being made up to pander(Quiets lungs burned up, parasites use skin to allow her to breathe)?

That's the hypocrisy I'm trying to point out. If you can't see that, then this discussion ended before it began.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Maybe you're arguing with multiple people raising multiple points.
I've reiterated and refuted the same points over and over. Then someone comes up with a slightly different variant of a refuted argument. There's no validation in the "the camera wasn't sexualizing her all along" argument.

When someone tries to treat Quiet as an object, they get their dick stabbed. So I would argue that Quiet does, in fact have agency over her sexuality.
. .
I mean not even going into the fact that the worst thing a person can ever do is use rape as a character development and/or characterization of a woman character, not to mention she's still sexualized in that scene, she's treated as an object multiple times. No one got their dick stabbed in the torture scene, or when she's dressed up as a literal trophy with alternate costumes gold or silver, or in the shower scene, or when VS picks up her after deciding not to kill her because reasons. She has no agency over her sexuality. Everything that she does and every subsequent thing is Kojima trying desperately to justify one of the worst character designs in recent memory.


I feel like if there were a character that had to suck dick and swallow cum to live some people would still be all "but you have to understand the context."


Unconfirmed Member
I've reiterated and refuted the same points over and over. Then someone comes up with a slightly different variant of a refuted argument. There's no validation in the "the camera wasn't sexualizing her all along" argument.
And you just repeat the same reductive unsubstantiated points yourself and would probably bail on the thread again when they are questioned in the detail this kind of topic warrants.

Just going in circles, which you'll probably get right back to so I'm not even gonna bother.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I feel like if there were a character that had to suck dick and swallow cum to live some people would still be all "but you have to understand the context."

And you just repeat the same reductive unsubstantiated points yourself and would probably bail on the thread again when they are questioned in the detail this kind of topic warrants.

Just going in circles, which you'll probably get right back to so I'm not even gonna bother.
Unsubstantiated?? I've probably provided more visual examples than any other person in this thread. I've stated multiple reasons in depth why and how the character is sexist or as the title says, embarrassing. What's unsubstantiated is the incredibly flimsy reasoning that people are trying to come up with in defense of the character after all other arguments have seemingly failed and/or reiterate the exact same arguments. "You see there's a deep meaning behind the way you can turn your head in the shower scene." Come on man. And not just myself, multiple people in this thread.
I mean not even going into the fact that the worst thing a person can ever do is use rape as a character development and/or characterization of a woman character, not to mention she's still sexualized in that scene, she's treated as an object multiple times. No one got their dick stabbed in the torture scene, or when she's dressed up as a literal trophy with alternate costumes, or when VS picks up her after deciding not to kill her because reasons. She has no agency over her sexuality.

I would say Quiets gone through worse things. Being treated as an enemy despite when she tried to stamp out the Kokoro strain, being in a cage...if you see the rape as a characterization/development of Quiet instead of you know, her actual developments..I dunno what to say...Quiet was always independent. She tried to murder a man by sticking a knife through his teeth before that, again showing agency, but devoid of any looming 'rape'.

As for the torture scene, I gave my thoughts on that(As for Quiets role, alot of people got tortured in the game. Not just her). As for 'being a literal trophy with alternate costumes' uh...I defer to Bayonetta, who again you can play 'dress up' with to a greater regard...as for VS picking her up, again you can choose to kill her and not have her in the base. or you can take her as a Prisoner of War, not 'reasons'(Again you're obfuscating things in order to suit your argument).

She has agency over her sexuality.


"Her lungs getting burned" Being a nonsensical explanation is just as nonsensical as 'These parasites can control launches of nuclear weapons and cause these super beings to run very fast'. There's alot of nonsense in these games, that part you're right. When you dig into it, alot of this nonsense is facilitated in a way to further the plot(IE MGS4 where NANOMACHINES were the solution of everything). But why are you picking some nonsense as being passable(Psychic child, parasites with regenerative abilities/ability to destroy based on language) and some being made up to pander(Quiets lungs burned up, parasites use skin to allow her to breathe)?

That's the hypocrisy I'm trying to point out. If you can't see that, then this discussion ended before it began.

I don't and I'm not. MGS V plot is some dumb shit.

If your whole argument comes down to "but you let this slide" then try again, because you'll find I've vocally called out just how asinine Kojima's writing is in this game.

There's no hypocrisy. Its idiotic, childish, and serves only to degrade the lone woman in the game. So yeah, I guess this conversation really did end before it began, just not as you thought.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I would say Quiets gone through worse things. Being treated as an enemy despite when she tried to stamp out the Kokoro strain, being in a cage...if you see the rape as a characterization/development of Quiet instead of you know, her actual developments..I dunno what to say...Quiet was always independent. She tried to murder a man by sticking a knife through his teeth before that, again showing agency, but devoid of any looming 'rape'.

As for the torture scene, I gave my thoughts on that(As for Quiets role, alot of people got tortured in the game. Not just her). As for 'being a literal trophy with alternate costumes' uh...I defer to Bayonetta, who again you can play 'dress up' with to a greater regard...as for VS picking her up, again you can choose to kill her and not have her in the base. or you can take her as a Prisoner of War, not 'reasons'(Again you're obfuscating things in order to suit your argument).

She has agency over her sexuality.
Her being sexualized while being almost raped and immediately afterwards is the culmination of everything wrong with her portrayal in the game. Bayonetta comparisons are completely unfounded, she isn't a companion in a game, (along with a dog, horse and robot), who you defeat, immediately pick up, and take back to your base against their will. Who then immediately decides "I'm gonna be obedient and put these handcuffs back on." Stop using Bayonetta as a comparison, it only serves to hurt your argument simply based off the fact that bayonetta isn't advertised as antithesis of women in games and her creator didn't try to place blame on the audience for making well-founded assumptions. Quiet's decisions, as already stated, make very little sense, because there are a ton of proper ways to communicate besides, "the badass women in this super sexy outfit now dos more badass things that I think would look cool" like so many other scenes in Metal gear. A camera immediately peering over her body during the entirety of a torture scene is the complete opposite of having agency over her sexuality. Her being sexualized during a rape scene is also the complete opposite, the creator deciding that she's now gonna display animalistic qualities and constantly pose for you in a helicopter, is not having agency on her sexuality. She never actually has sex with anyone. She just does whatever fetishistic things Kojima comes up with, and if she's not, the camera will. I mean noting that a lot of people get tortured in the game only serves to hurt your argument as well, because it only shows just how disgusting the camera choices are and the total dissonance between a male character who actually has agency and the tripe that is Quiet. You can literally imagine the animatics showing her being shocked and then panning the camera down into her breasts with arrows drawn on to indicate that the camera should zoom in. Meanwhile, Huey got a super close up on his face to show how good his facial rig is. It didn't zoom in on his crotch as his leg was being crushed.


I don't and I'm not. MGS V plot is some dumb shit.

If your whole argument comes down to "but you let this slide" then try again, because you'll find I've vocally called out just how asinine Kojima's writing is in this game.

There's no hypocrisy. Its idiotic, childish, and serves only to degrade the lone woman in the game. So yeah, I guess this conversation really did end before it began, just not as you thought.

Remember that time when Kojima used some shitty plot points like a character living through his arm being attached to someone else or nanomachines and we all let that slide?
Me neither.
I mean
I don't and I'm not. MGS V plot is some dumb shit.

If your whole argument comes down to "but you let this slide" then try again, because you'll find I've vocally called out just how asinine Kojima's writing is in this game.

There's no hypocrisy. Its idiotic, childish, and serves only to degrade the lone woman in the game. So yeah, I guess this conversation really did end before it began, just not as you thought.

And that's where I disagree, some of the writing(Regarding language being a parasite of sorts) is pretty interesting and great. Because of that, I think Quiet-while she could have used better clothing-is a well-realized character as VS or Miller, for instance. Yeah she could be better for representing a female character, but nontheless she is an interesting figure.

Her being sexualized while being almost raped and immediately afterwards is the culmination of everything wrong with her portrayal in the game. Bayonetta comparisons are completely unfounded, she isn't a companion in a game, (along with a dog, horse and robot), who you defeat, immediately pick up, and take back to your base against their will. Who then immediately decides "I'm gonna be obedient and put these handcuffs back on." Stop using Bayonetta as a comparison, it only serves to hurt your argument simply based off the fact that bayonetta isn't advertised as antithesis of women in games and her creator didn't try to place blame on the audience for making well-founded assumptions. Quiet's decisions, as already stated, make very little sense, because there are a ton of proper ways to communicate besides, "the badass women in this super sexy outfit now dos more badass things that I think would look cool" like so many other scenes in Metal gear. A camera immediately peering over her body during the entirety of a torture scene is the complete opposite of having agency over her sexuality. Her being sexualized during a rape scene is also the complete opposite, the creator deciding that she's now gonna display animalistic qualities and constantly pose for you in a helicopter, is not having agency on her sexuality. She never actually has sex with anyone. She just does whatever fetishistic things Kojima comes up with, and if she's not, the camera will.

Why can't I compare her to Bayonetta? It's a fair comparison. So let's break it down.

Quiet being almost raped and what happened afterwards isn't the culmination of everything wrong. No, the culmination of her character is helping you fight off an army and subsequently going against her intended goal of being silent, and then having the strength to leave you as the character. I use Bayonetta as a comparison because they're both sexy women-different degrees of sexiness-in two games. When you defeat quiet, you take her as a PoW. That is what a Prisoner of War is, you take them against their will. Like you do every other soldier in the game. And she doesn't immediately decide that. Not only is she not immediately available to you-At first she doesn't want to aid you, but when she does, Miller doesn't trust her completely. And of course she would have to put the cuffs on, she's in the middle of no where surrounded by the sea. She may breathe through her skin, but being submerged in that much water would probably kill her.

As for what she does and how she does it-Since the beginning she was doing that. Even before she got her outfit, she's trying to kill you with her bare hands. She continues being a badass after the fact. I've already explained my thoughts on the torture scene. If she is, as you say, sexualized during the rape scene, but then the juxtaposition of having that person stab a person in the dick, it creates a jarring experience of 'oh this is sexy(Who the fuck thinks a rape is sexy?)' to 'oh god fuck what not the dick'.(Which again, I talked about the jarring juxtapositions in some of her scenes previously.) As for her poses in the helicopter....you only get that if your bond increases with her....which would mean her bond with VS. She's flirting with him(And you in extension.). I suppose the agency comes from if you don't have a high enough bond with her, she won't do those poses...?


Her being sexualized while being almost raped and immediately afterwards is the culmination of everything wrong with her portrayal in the game. Bayonetta comparisons are completely unfounded, she isn't a companion in a game, (along with a dog, horse and robot), who you defeat, immediately pick up, and take back to your base against their will. Who then immediately decides "I'm gonna be obedient and put these handcuffs back on." Stop using Bayonetta as a comparison, it only serves to hurt your argument simply based off the fact that bayonetta isn't advertised as antithesis of women in games and her creator didn't try to place blame on the audience for making well-founded assumptions. Quiet's decisions, as already stated, make very little sense, because there are a ton of proper ways to communicate besides, "the badass women in this super sexy outfit now dos more badass things that I think would look cool" like so many other scenes in Metal gear. A camera immediately peering over her body during the entirety of a torture scene is the complete opposite of having agency over her sexuality. Her being sexualized during a rape scene is also the complete opposite, the creator deciding that she's now gonna display animalistic qualities and constantly pose for you in a helicopter, is not having agency on her sexuality. She never actually has sex with anyone. She just does whatever fetishistic things Kojima comes up with, and if she's not, the camera will. I mean noting that a lot of people get tortured in the game only serves to hurt your argument as well, because it only shows just how disgusting the camera choices are and the total dissonance between a male character who actually has agency and the tripe that is Quiet. You can literally imagine the animatics showing her being shocked and then panning the camera down into her breasts with arrows drawn on to indicate that the camera should zoom in. Meanwhile, Huey got a super close up on his face to show how good his facial rig is. It didn't zoom in on his crotch as his leg was being crushed.

CE, this guy is just going to jump through any logic hoophole he will while ignoring the facts of the matter. That much is evident at this point.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Metal Gear Solid games have always been embarrassing. Hideo Kojiima is probably the worst writer in any artistic medium right now - Tommy Wiseau could teach him a thing or two.


Look GAF, you don't understand, western civilization is predicated on me being able to enjoy titties flying everywhere in video games and no one criticizing me or the games for it. Duh.


Remember that time when Kojima used some shitty plot points like a character living through his arm being attached to someone else or nanomachines and we all let that slide?
Me neither.
I mean


I legit don't understand what you'e going for here.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!

Why can't I compare her to Bayonetta? It's a fair comparison. So let's break it down.
-Bayonetta is a character that actually has some agency over her sexuality and is actually a character
-Bayonetta and her creators are a lot more honest about the intention
-Kamiya didn't pretend that there was a deep reason why she was sexualized, he also didn't refer her as the antithesis as women in fighting games
Quiet being almost raped and what happened afterwards isn't the culmination of everything wrong. No, the culmination of her character is helping you fight off an army and subsequently going against her intended goal of being silent, and then having the strength to leave you as the character.
All completely undermined by her constant sexualization throughout the game, and hilariously contrived because she, a super soldier who can move at super speeds couldn't just teleport to the chopper with Snake in hand, if only there was a way to communicate without directly speaking, like writing things down or using your hands.

I use Bayonetta as a comparison because they're both sexy women-different degrees of sexiness-in two games.
They're almost complete opposites in their portrayals as seen above. I actually respect Kamiya a lot more than Kojima for those reasons alone.

When you defeat quiet, you take her as a PoW. That is what a Prisoner of War is, you take them against their will. Like you do every other soldier in the game. And she doesn't immediately decide that.
Except the treatment of this P.O.W. is different, nice guy™ Snake decides to take her, after multiple attempts to kill him, because she might cooperate, than we get a pretentious cutscene about how he'll have to kill her eventually, which like many aspects of his characterization, doesn't pan out. This is another area where he characterization makes very little sense, she doesn't wanna be captured yet while in the chopper she she takes off the handcuffs and instead of jumping out while invisible she decides to stay in because Kojima says so. That's pretty much the character, she's like Lightning in LR, where all of her actions can be explained by the creator saying so instead of her behaving in believable ways. Just to harp on this, elite assassin who doesn't want her face to be seen decides not to wear a mask despite every single other soldier in her unit doing so. This is not good writing in anyway shape or form. As so many holes can be poked through the logic of the character's actions. And not because "she's conflicted" or some shit. Because the character is poorly written. That's all there is to it, there wasn't some grand master plan that Kojima came up with, it was simply poor as hell writing.

Did you play the game? Not only is she not immediately available to you-At first she doesn't want to aid you, but when she does, Miller doesn't trust her completely.
Maybe because she's tried to kill his boss multiple times. Actually it makes very little sense that Snake doesn't recognize her considering the things she does after he wakes up.

And of course she would have to put the cuffs on, she's in the middle of no where surrounded by the sea. She may breathe through her skin, but being submerged in that much water would probably kill he
Because kojima says so.

As for what she does and how she does it-Since the beginning she was doing that. Even before she got her outfit, she's trying to kill you with her bare hands. She continues being a badass after the fact.
She's a badass because "it's cool." She's arguably the most powerful character in the game and yet she's given the least amount of agency because her actions make so littel sense from a logic perspective not because it's metal gear but because Kojima had to constantly go out of his way to justify that outfit and the deus ex machina he stuck her with.

I've already explained my thoughts on the torture scene. If she is, as you say, sexualized during the rape scene, but then the juxtaposition of having that person stab a person in the dick, it creates a jarring experience of 'oh this is sexy(Who the fuck thinks a rape is sexy?)' to 'oh god fuck what not the dick'.(Which again, I talked about the jarring juxtapositions in some of her scenes previously.)
It creates yet another scene where she's sexualized via her magical self opening top and a terrible misuse of "empowerment" by making her attack her would be rapist. So many articles have touched upon why this is a bad thing.

It is easy to see how using rape as a plot device in this way functions to erase women, as characters, from films and drama. Yet, the use of rape as a plot device also works in other harmful ways. Firstly, it can contribute to the sensationalization of violence against women. Violence against women is sensationalized when it is used to shock, horrify, and/or intrigue the audience. In an article called “The Bigger Picture: What happens when we find ‘The Line’ as viewers?,” movie critic Drew McWeeny speaks to his experience of watching rape being exploited for entertainment in film. He says,

what scares me most about it is that the vast majority of the scenes are directed so poorly that they become, in essence, titillation, and there is something immeasurably sick about including a scene in your film that involves rape just so you can sneak a little nudity into the movie.

She explained that while films in the 1970s demonized rapist characters for their race or social class, nowadays fictional rapists have ‘become just like every other man’, provoking empathy from audiences.
^ In this case, via repeatedly stabbing people in the dick, or as you put it,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"oh god fuck what not the dick"<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

It's not a scene where she has agency over her sexuality. Especially not from the perspective of anyone who's actually been sexually assaulted.

As for her poses in the helicopter....you only get that if your bond increases with her....which would mean her bond with VS. She's flirting with him(And you in extension.). I suppose the agency comes from if you don't have a high enough bond with her, she won't do those poses...?
There are a thousand of other ways to have a character flirting besides her presenting herself to you. It sends a really terrible message if you have a character randomly pose and present her body to you because you increased your bond level with her. That's not how romance works in anyway shape or form. It's disgusting.
-Bayonetta is a character that actually has some agency over her sexuality and is actually a character
-Bayonetta and her creators are a lot more honest about the intention
-Kamiya didn't pretend that there was a deep reason why she was sexualized, he also didn't refer her as the antithesis as women in fighting games

-Yet she'll still get more and more nude for the player doing high damaging combos, not showing any agency since it's the player who's pulling off these manuevers
-I'll give you that much
-Yeah, Kojima could've worded what he said better.

All completely undermined by her constant sexualization throughout the game, and hilariously contrived because she, a super soldier who can move at super speeds couldn't just teleport to the chopper with Snake in hand, if only there was a way to communicate without directly speaking, like writing things down or using your hands.

Contrived plot points. And as far as constant sexualization, the only parts this is true is in the chopper where she may or may not be posing(Depending on your bond) or certain cutscenes. You rarely see her while you're out in the world.

They're almost complete opposites in their portrayals as seen above. I actually respect Kamiya a lot more than Kojima for those reasons alone.

Like I said, varying degrees of sexuality to both the characters. Arguments can be both made for and against both characters, which is what I'm display here.

Except the treatment of this P.O.W. is different, nice guy&#8482; Snake decides to take her, after multiple attempts to kill him, because she might cooperate, than we get a pretentious cutscene about how he'll have to kill her eventually, which like many aspects of his characterization, doesn't pan out. This is another area where he characterization makes very little sense, she doesn't wanna be captured yet while in the chopper she she takes off the handcuffs and instead of jumping out while invisible she decides to stay in because Kojima says so. That's pretty much the character, she's like Lightning in LR, where all of her actions can be explained by the creator saying so instead of her behaving in believable ways. Just to harp on this, elite assassin who doesn't want her face to be seen decides not to wear a mask despite every single other soldier in her unit doing so.

Yes, VS decides to take her, says he'll kill her, doesn't, which like aspects of his characterization, develop over time. You say it doesn't pan out, I say it's character development for VS. VS does indeed change from wanting revenge to well, making his own way. But I'm honest about that-I don't say 'it doesn't pan out' as if to take marks from his character development, I choose not to obfuscate. As for her not jumping out...she wanted to kill VS. Maybe gain some intel. But her character develops, maybe it's after almost getting killed by her previous employers, maybe it's over time, either way why she stayed in that chopper is a mystery. It doesn't need to be explained. And who knows why she doesn't want to wear a mask. Why does Volgin still have a hateboner for snake, it's one of the greatest mysteries of the game.

Maybe because she's tried to kill his boss multiple times. Actually it makes very little sense that Snake doesn't recognize her considering the things she does after he wakes up.

Venom Snake is shown to be very mentally astute. Don't insult his intelligence!

Because kojima says so.

So sayeth the writers, so happens the game. Again if you want to get meta, no game characters have any agency unless written to have some, but even then they still don't have any agency-an illusion of agency if you will.

She's a badass


It creates yet another scene where she's sexualized via her magical self opening top and a terrible misuse of "empowerment" by making her attack her would be rapist. So many articles have touched upon why this is a bad thing.

Quiet was sexualized long before this scene. But like I mentioned, if to you this is the culmination of her character, then you're missing the real culmination of her character. Her would-be rape is there to show the player that she's done being dicked around-First when she's captured by snake, then when she's restrained from killing the man with the Kokoro strain, or when she's tortured-this is her character getting to the point where she's tired of that shit. Or as I put it-

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"oh god fuck what not the dick"<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

There are a thousand of other ways to have a character flirting besides her presenting herself to you. It sends a really terrible message if you have a character randomly pose and present her body to you because you increased your bond level with her. That's not how romance works in anyway shape or form. It's disgusting.

She's a mute. Yes, she could giggle, or do hand waves, but in this case she just sternly stares at you while stretching or doing a cat pose at max bond.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
-Yet she'll still get more and more nude for the player doing high damaging combos, not showing any agency since it's the player who's pulling off these manuevers
-I'll give you that much
-Yeah, Kojima could've worded what he said better.
-In that instance the player is in full control of Bayonetta. It's sexualization as a reward but it's not degrading the character, some would argue that it's even a power fantasy in a sense, (I would disagree).

Contrived plot points. And as far as constant sexualization, the only parts this is true is in the chopper where she may or may not be posing(Depending on your bond) or certain cutscenes. You rarely see her while you're out in the world.
The constant sexualization is not only during the chopper scenes. Even removing the chopper scenes the outfit alone, as well as the cinematography choices are constantly sexualizing the character. Just to reiterate, even while she's being tortured and choked to death.

Like I said, varying degrees of sexuality to both the characters. Arguments can be both made for and against both characters, which is what I'm display here.
Except you're not making any arguments for Bayonetta besides "her too." When it's already been explained how it hurts your argument and is quite different. It's the reason why few bring up DOAX3 in this thread, because they're more honest about the intention right down to the name of the game engine.

Yes, VS decides to take her, says he'll kill her, doesn't, which like aspects of his characterization, develop over time. You say it doesn't pan out, I say it's character development for VS. VS does indeed change from wanting revenge to well, making his own way.
Him seemingly forgetting to do something is not him developing overtime. There is never a moment when he even attempts to kill her. He only puts her in time out when she threatens the lives of his men. VS as a character doesn't work in many ways but that's a subject for another thread.

But I'm honest about that-I don't say 'it doesn't pan out' as if to take marks from his character development, I choose not to obfuscate.

As for her not jumping out...she wanted to kill VS.
She could've right there with a quick neck snap.

Maybe gain some intel. But her character develops, maybe it's after almost getting killed by her previous employers, maybe it's over time, either way why she stayed in that chopper is a mystery. It doesn't need to be explained. And who knows why she doesn't want to wear a mask.
See this is exactly what I mean, you're coming up with plot points that and motivations because they're unexplained, in a series where every single motivation is spelled out in complete detail via extremely heavy exposition. There is no character development between the scene where she's picked up and the scene where she decides. "According to the script I don't wanna be captured but let me chill here real quick."

Why does Volgin still have a hateboner for snake, it's one of the greatest mysteries of the game.
Because Snake killed him. And defeated him multiple times. That's something that is explained.

Venom Snake is shown to be very mentally astute. Don't insult his intelligence!
He's the worst kind of mary sue if we're being completely honest.

So sayeth the writers, so happens the game. Again if you want to get meta, no game characters have any agency unless written to have some, but even then they still don't have any agency-an illusion of agency if you will.
But for so many characters I don't have to get meta, only for Quiet, her actions make very little sense.

Read the edit.

Quiet was sexualized long before this scene. But like I mentioned, if to you this is the culmination of her character, then you're missing the real culmination of her character.
No i'm not, I said it's the culmination of everything wrong with her portrayal. Not the culmination of her character development.

Her would-be rape is there to show the player that she's done being dicked around-First when she's captured by snake, then when she's restrained from killing the man with the Kokoro strain, or when she's tortured-this is her character getting to the point where she's tired of that shit. Or as I put it-
Again this is you projecting and making excuses for a poorly written character. That strain kill also makes very little sense because she could've learned sign language or put in writing after becoming cooperative, "There's a dude here who can kill you all." but never does even as your men are dying because of reasons.

She's a mute. Yes, she could giggle, or do hand waves, but in this case she just sternly stares at you while stretching or doing a cat pose at max bond.
Or she could not act like a fantasy and act like an actual person. She doesn't even sternly stare at you. It's really sad.


Neo Member
The MGS series has always been full of absurd characters like Vamp and Akiba. It seems like Quiet is being focused on due to the increased exposure of the gender inequality in AAA gaming. I think it's okay to make a pandering sexually absurd character, but it becomes a problem when the entire industry decides such characters should be the norm.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
The MGS series has always been full of absurd characters like Vamp and Akiba. It seems like Quiet is being focused on due to the increased exposure of the gender inequality in AAA gaming. I think it's okay to make a pandering sexually absurd character, but it becomes a problem when the entire industry decides such characters should be the norm.
She's actually talked about heavily because the creator decided it was ok to blame the audience for criticizing him and coming up with the worst reason for hypersexualization in a game in recent memory. And I suppose it should be reiterated, plenty of metal gear characters have very stupid backstories, however, Quiet is an outlier, in the sense that her backstory, actions, and story arc were all seemingly made for the sake of sexualization in nearly every scene in the game.
Quiet is the number 1 reason I can't recommend this game to any of my friends. I know that they'll end up thinking I'm a creep and I'll have to explain how terrible she is every time.

And I was taken aback when I said she's a shitty character and my roommate is like but she's hot!


Neo Member
She's actually talked about heavily because the creator decided it was ok to blame the audience for criticizing him and coming up with the worst reason for hypersexualization in a game in recent memory. And I suppose it should be reiterated, plenty of metal gear characters have very stupid backstories, however, Quiet is an outlier, in the sense that her backstory, actions, and story arc were all seemingly made for the sake of sexualization in nearly every scene in the game.

If MGSV had been released ten years ago the creator would have never been asked to justify anything. I don't remember any controversy over such characters as Ivy in Soul Calibur. I'm not making a judgment that it's a bad thing we're talking about these things now, but we should be honest and not pretend that the debate surrounding Quiet is something it's not.
Quiet is the number 1 reason I can't recommend this game to any of my friends. I know that they'll end up thinking I'm a creep and I'll have to explain how terrible she is every time.

And I was taken aback when I said she's a shitty character and my roommate is like but she's hot!

you have terrible friends
-In that instance the player is in full control of Bayonetta. It's sexualization as a reward but it's not degrading the character, some would argue that it's even a power fantasy in a sense, (I would disagree).

Sexualization as a reward is not a good thing. It's indicative of the damsel tropes, it's...that is not a good thing.

The constant sexualization is not only during the chopper scenes. Even removing the chopper scenes the outfit alone, as well as the cinematography choices are constantly sexualizing the character. Just to reiterate, even while she's being tortured and choked to death.

For the latter, it's a juxtaposition of sexualization and pain. I don't think anyone in there right minds would see Quiet being tortured whilst thinking 'This is so HOT'. It creates a jarring impression on the player, which I don't think is on accident. For the former, yeah, the outfit is sexy. But given the explanations for her character what with the missing lungs, c'est la vie.

Except you're not making any arguments for Bayonetta besides "her too." When it's already been explained how it hurts your argument and is quite different. It's the reason why few bring up DOAX3 in this thread, because they're more honest about the intention right down to the name of the game engine.

I'm bringing up Bayonetta in order to poke holes in the same arguments used against Quiet, the same arguments which are used to defend Bayonetta. "In lore states Bayonetta uses her hair as her clothes, and her hair to attack. She gets more naked as she does stronger attacks. This is Ok.". "In lore states Quiets lungs are capoot, donezo, therefore she needs to wear little clothing in order to breathe. For whatever reason, this is not OK.". I'm using Bayonetta to point this hypocrisy out, that lore reasons are ok for one character, but not another. DoA is a different matter. I think for DoA, the only lore reason is that they're at a beach. Or something.

Him seemingly forgetting to do something is not him developing overtime. There is never a moment when he even attempts to kill her. He only puts her in time out when she threatens the lives of his men. VS as a character doesn't work in many ways but that's a subject for another thread.

Who says he forgot something, and didn't change his mind? Again here you are trying to obfuscate things. "Him seemingly forgetting something", no, the reason it's not brought up is because their relationship changes. He puts her in time out, after they've worked together after a time.

She could've right there with a quick neck snap.

That wouldn't stop the parasite. Remember, the only way to stop the virus is through Wolbachia. Or I guess stabbing the parasite directly like Quiet tried. But if a doctor who spoke Kikongo, gave the autopsy to the dead guy, it's maybe possible that the parasite would've spread.
See this is exactly what I mean, you're coming up with plot points that and motivations because they're unexplained, in a series where every single motivation is spelled out in complete detail via extremely heavy exposition. There is no character development between the scene where she's picked up and the scene where she decides. "According to the script I don't wanna be captured but let me chill here real quick."

Actually alot of motivations are obfuscated. If they were spelled out in complete detail, Zero and Big Boss wouldn't have warped the Boss' will. There is canon reasons for reasons being obfuscated, even in heavy exposition. As for her being captured and then letting herself....be captured between the ruins/MB, we can only guess. In the final tape, she reveals that she was trying to get revenge on them(Being Skullface). Up until then, the player doesn't know. After all, one of the ways you hear about her is hearing enemy soldiers mention an apparent super soldier killing their friends.

Reviewing this quickly, she was never your enemy, but a 'enemy of an enemy is a friend' syndrome. She was after the same goal of killing 'Them' as you, when she fires upon you in the ruins she probably didn't recognize you from the hospital, where you were heavily bandaged up.

Because Snake killed him. And defeated him multiple times. That's something that is explained.

(I was making a funny)

He's the worst kind of mary sue if we're being completely honest.

I know! He's basically a stooge.
But for so many characters I don't have to get meta, only for Quiet, her actions make very little sense.

After the conclusion that I came to a few lines above(regarding her departure, her actions), I would say her actions make a semblance of sense then you're giving it credit.

Read the edit.

No i'm not, I said it's the culmination of everything wrong with her portrayal. Not the culmination of her character development.


Again this is you projecting and making excuses for a poorly written character. That strain kill also makes very little sense because she could've learned sign language or put in writing after becoming cooperative, "There's a dude here who can kill you all." but never does even as your men are dying because of reasons.

She actually spoke Navajo to Pequod but...Pequod doesn't know it.

Or she could not act like a fantasy and act like an actual person. She doesn't even sternly stare at you. It's really sad.

I mean....I would say very few MGS characters act like actual people in the serious. Meryl being one of them. Don't get me started on Jack "Not Even One Poster" The Ripper.

Anywho, alot of Quiet is explained in her final tape-
"I did not choose to be Quiet. I wanted to express my feelings to you. If only we shared a common tongue. Vengeance was what drove me to them...The only language left to me, revenge. But the words we shared...No, that was no language at all. That's why I...I chose the language of gratitude instead, and go back to silence. I am Quiet...I am...the absence of words."

Way I see it, she chose not to talk. Maybe before she got to Afghanistan, maybe after she was captured. Either way, she was out to mark her own revenge among Cipher, or Skullface if you will. She then changes the subject to her relationship with VS. There is a sort of romance in having a wordless relationship with someone IMO. Either way, her beginning and her end makes sense-The reason she stays in MB and doesn't murder everyone, is because they had a common goal of sorts. The reason why she let herself get tortured was because at that point, her and VS were tight.

She's actually talked about heavily because the creator decided it was ok to blame the audience for criticizing him and coming up with the worst reason for hypersexualization in a game in recent memory. And I suppose it should be reiterated, plenty of metal gear characters have very stupid backstories, however, Quiet is an outlier, in the sense that her backstory, actions, and story arc were all seemingly made for the sake of sexualization in nearly every scene in the game.

And then it's comments like the bolded that make me not take her seriously if despite the discussion, your conclusion is that she was made to just be sexualized when there's so much more you're missing.


If MGSV had been released ten years ago the creator would have never been asked to justify anything. I don't remember any controversy over such characters as Ivy in Soul Calibur. I'm not making a judgment that it's a bad thing we're talking about these things now, but we should be honest and not pretend that the debate surrounding Quiet is something it's not.

Huge social media networks didn't exist 10 years ago the way they do now.


God damn this is cringeworthy.

Kojima makes a cool fanservicey character as he's known to do and this is embarrassing? Does having games "grow up" mean that portrayals that dont align with your views are bad or embarrassing?

This thread is embarrassing. Quiet was fine.
God damn this is cringeworthy.

Kojima makes a cool fanservicey character as he's known to do and this is embarrassing? Does having games "grow up" mean that portrayals that dont align with your views are bad or embarrassing?

This thread is embarrassing. Quiet was fine.
What's so cool about Quiet anyway?

Why don't you grow up?


What's so cool about Quiet anyway?

Why don't you grow up?

What's not cool about a superpowered stealthy Sniper?

"Oh noes she's naked and the camera zooms in on her a bit, my PG mind cant take it"

It's cool not to be a fan of that stuff but claiming that those that do "need to grow up" is very immature.
What's not cool about a superpowered stealthy Sniper?

"Oh noes she's naked and the camera zooms in on her a bit, my PG mind cant take it"

It's cool not to be a fan of that stuff but claiming that those that do "need to grow up" is very immature.
But you used growing up as a criticism first...

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
If MGSV had been released ten years ago the creator would have never been asked to justify anything. I don't remember any controversy over such characters as Ivy in Soul Calibur. I'm not making a judgment that it's a bad thing we're talking about these things now, but we should be honest and not pretend that the debate surrounding Quiet is something it's not.
I don't remember straight vitriol about Ivy but there was definitely some controversy. You're right that these debates are more common now, as someone else noted, social media is way more prevalent. Not to mention many more women are playing games.

God damn this is cringeworthy.

Kojima makes a cool fanservicey character as he's known to do and this is embarrassing? Does having games "grow up" mean that portrayals that dont align with your views are bad or embarrassing?

This thread is embarrassing. Quiet was fine.
Great contribution...

What's not cool about a superpowered stealthy Sniper?

"Oh noes she's naked and the camera zooms in on her a bit, my PG mind cant take it"

It's cool not to be a fan of that stuff but claiming that those that do "need to grow up" is very immature.
Sexualized torture and rape scenes, an incredibly contrived plot, a ridiculous outfit that makes very little sense in context, constant sexualization. Just to name a few things. It's not about "my PG mind can't take it." That's another variant of the "you're a puritan" argument. Ugh....
I wish people were more open to saying

"This thing that I like has problems, but I still like it."

instead of saying

"This is fine and you should stop talking about it immediately."
On a serious note, I have no issue with Quiet's story, but her attire is a little ridiculous. You do have options in her attire, but then that ruins her story as well, so you can't really win.

On that note, I feel like Quiet is probably another victim, like so much of the game, of Konami's tampering. There's so much left unresolved in all the characters that it wouldn't surprise me if there were things left out that maybe wouldn't make it better for most, but maybe more understandable from an in-game point of view. The "skin breathing" is OK, but that doesn't make me feel ashamed for my words and deeds.


But you used growing up as a criticism first...

Learn to read. Unless cringeworthy and embarassing = grow up all of the sudden.

Sexualized torture and rape scenes, an incredibly contrived plot, a ridiculous outfit that makes very little sense in context, constant sexualization. Just to name a few things. It's not about "my PG mind can't take it." That's another variant of the "you're a puritan" argument. Ugh....

What are you getting at with me exactly? I'm not saying the plot and her involvement are above criticism I'm attacking the notion of her character being seen as "embarrassing" and the moron I was talking to telling me to "grow up" for enjoying her.

Do you have an adequate argument as to why her character is actually embarrassing? It wouldn't help much since that's considerably subjective. Sexualizing torture and a "ridiculous" outfit are up to the viewer to interpret. But I wouldn't call you any more "mature" for not enjoying it.


No Quiet is fine...
Her real life counterpart's performance at the game awards was embarrassing, though.
Yes, the girl is beautiful, but someone should have told her that singing is not one of her strengths.

I liked it. She sings good. Everyone can't be Queen Bey.
God damn this is cringeworthy.

Kojima makes a cool fanservicey character as he's known to do and this is embarrassing? Does having games "grow up" mean that portrayals that dont align with your views are bad or embarrassing?

This thread is embarrassing. Quiet was fine.

Why won't you read the thread first?
If you can't, just know that Kojima is the one who said
"I know there's people concerning about "Quiet" but don't worry. I created her character as an antithesis to the women characters (cont)
&#8212; HIDEO_KOJIMA (@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN) September 7, 2013

...But once you recognize the secret reason for her exposure, you will feel ashamed of your words & deeds.
&#8212; HIDEO_KOJIMA (@HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN) September 7, 2013"

If only he admit that he made Quiet because he want a cool fanservcey character, maybe you can come back and point your finger at other people's "embarrassing thread"
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