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Now that the dust is settled, Quiet's probably the most embarrassing gaming character


I just like Quiet ☺️







Thats the problem with a reductive argument. If they're bringing all this firepower into the hospital, on a seemingly random day, why dont they just bombard the hospital with rockets and missile strikes. Cipher is presumably powerful enough to do so.

Having a reductive, nitpick argument just doesnt work.

To me its a matter of perspective. Sending in a strike force vs a scorched earth bombing just seems like different methods to achieve the same thing. Roughly equivalent. The end goal is to kill everyone inside for both.
Whereas sending in a lone soldier 10 minutes ahead to choke people that you're going to shoot anyways vs just shooting people I. The first place... well that just seems poorly thought out. It makes all of Quiets actions in the beginning seem redundant and ineffective.
because it a pretty generally followed rule that use always use the least force necessary, at least as far as the military is concerned. Why would you use thousands(if not a million) dollars on an attack to kill 1 dude who has been in a coma for 9 years with a massive head injury that should allow for a gentle breeze to kill him. especially when your army has a ghost made of fire in it. 1 well trained assassin should be more than enough to comfortably kill venom. If he wasn't guarded by canonically the biggest badass ever to walk god's green earth she probably would have succeeded.

Fire guy wasnt on their side then. Also again, they sent a helicopter, about 30 dudes, multiple tanks...the helicopter opened fire freely...if thats a covert operation its a bad one.

To cite "she wasnt wearing a balaclava!" as some end all is just well, a silly argument on top of that.
Fire guy wasnt on their side then. Also again, they sent a helicopter, about 30 dudes, multiple tanks...the helicopter opened fire freely...if thats a covert operation its a bad one.

those were all back up in case quiet failed. once it was obvious that venom was endanger and being escorted out of the hospital they abandoned the covert approach because snake was going to get away. They were only using a stealth approach at the beginning because it had the best shot.
those were all back up in case quiet failed. once it was obvious that venom was endanger and being escorted out of the hospital they abandoned the covert approach because snake was going to get away. They were only using a stealth approach at the beginning because it had the best shot.

Why not have a jet with a cluster bomb on standby then

They were content with shooting rockets at the ambulance o.o

The point is that its silly to hang on the what ifs of how it couldve gone.


I just like Quiet ☺️

I like her, too, but her portrayal stands out like a sore thumb in an otherwise sexless and realistic game. It is hugely problematic - because the developers clearly didn't see any problem with it, so it betrays how they see/interpret women and female characters.

She is a good character on paper, a great one even, but this whole conversation is about how they executed her.

She's sexy af, and that's great, and she is phenomenally animated/acted, and that's great - but it's the context she's in and how the camera treats her that causes the issue.
I like her, too, but her portrayal stands out like a sore thumb in an otherwise sexless and realistic game. It is hugely problematic - because the developers clearly didn't see any problem with it, so it betrays how they see/interpret women and female characters.

She is a good character on paper, a great one even, but this whole conversation is about how they executed her.

She's sexy af, and that's great, and she is phenomenally animated/acted, and that's great - but it's the context she's in and how the camera treats her that causes the issue.

Issues? You will looking at her tits even if the camera was 100 feets away from her.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Issues? You will looking at her tits even if the camera was 100 feets away from her.
We didn't manage the cinematography for the game or the out of place character design. Stop the "actually you're the one sexualizing her" nonsense.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
And as we discussed the camera looking at her tits is actually not as egregious as you made it out to be.
Yes it is way too often even when you use headcanon to create agency for the character. This is exacerbated by the absolutely nonsensical character design.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Yes it is way too often even when you use headcanon to create agency for the character. This is exacerbated by the absolutely nonsensical character design.

Before anyone goes for my jugular here, I'm NOT defending the design (it was a terrible choice) or how the character is portrayed, but I wouldn't necessarily call it absolutely nonsensical. Like, I assume the ripped tights and boots combo are a visual call back to Tatyana after she gets electrocuted by Volgin and the bikini is a reference to the 'Bikini Girls with Guns' trope prevalent in a number of schlocky 80s B-movies (and later referenced in Jackie Brown).

Like I say, I'm not defending the design choice (or indeed how the character is handled and portrayed) but I don't think her get up came completely out of nowhere.

It's a shame that her XOF outfit takes so long to unlock, she actually looks pretty cool with it on.

Yeah. Way better than what she got as standard.
Quiet would've been much better if they didn't make some ridiculous excuse to have her wear a bikini the entire time.

I really don't like the outfit, but this is the real problem with Quiet. Kojima is apparently ashamed of the idea of just including a sexual character, so he has to make bullshit excuses for it instead (which out of hilarious coincidence, several other designers made similar excuses around the same time).
Yes it is way too often even when you use headcanon to create agency for the character. This is exacerbated by the absolutely nonsensical character design.


I guess thats all left for you to argue when your argument has been one yourube click away from being proven wrong, lol.

As for the latter part, thats just like, your opinion, man.
After what i saw on the Gravity Rush thread, where someone was embaressed by this


I can only laugh when someone say "this is embarassing"

Like, there are people that freak out the istant they see 5cm of skin.

Also, most of the people fall into the kojima "words and deeds" phrase.

He always trolls, always. But keep going with this embarassing thread.
So, you saying essentially "nuh uh you're wrong!" is proving someone wrong?

Nope. Again, you can look at my previous posts involving Eden where I post youtube links. For example, Eden was arguing that the camera kept zooming in on her breasts during the torture scene for no reason but to sexualize her, when the scene showed none of that intent.

Unless you think accusing of someone having a "headcanon" is an actual argument?
After what i saw on the Gravity Rush thread, where someone was embaressed by this


I can only laugh when someone say "this is embarassing"

Like, there is people that freak out the istant they see 5cm of skin.

Also, most of the people fall into the kojima "words and deeds" phrase.

He always trolls, always. But keep going with this embarassing thread.

Yeah, no. Quiet is an abomination, lol.
After what i saw on the Gravity Rush thread, where someone was embaressed by this


I can only laugh when someone say "this is embarassing"

Like, there are people that freak out the istant they see 5cm of skin.

Also, most of the people fall into the kojima "words and deeds" phrase.

He always trolls, always. But keep going with this embarassing thread.
Comparing Kat to Quiet is ludicrous. What a terrible post.

I don't understand. Is this supposed to be funny/sarcastic? Is this thread only based on this comic?

People freaked out in the Twitch "girl with the cat" thread. Because she shows her cleavage on Twitch, and people were insulting her for this. This thread is no different.

Russ T

Nope. Again, you can look at my previous posts involving Eden where I post youtube links. For example, Eden was arguing that the camera kept zooming in on her breasts during the torture scene for no reason but to sexualize her, when the scene showed none of that intent.

Unless you think accusing of someone having a "headcanon" is an actual argument?

I have seen those posts, and the camera and direction absolutely does focus on her breasts an unnecessary amount of time. Saying "no it doesn't" is not proof. It is an opinion.
I don't understand. Is this supposed to be funny/sarcastic? Is this thread only based on this comic?

People freaked out in the Twitch "girl with the cat" thread. Because she shows her cleavage on Twitch, and people were insulting her for this. This thread is no different.

1. It's a comic making fun of the pathetic excuses people give to say that a female character is a strong female character.

2. Allow me to point something out.

Streamer - person

Quiet - code

One of these is made by a guy and made to dress and act in a certain way. (and not because it helps her breath).
1. It's a comic making fun of the pathetic excuses people give to say that a female character is a strong female character.

2. Allow me to point something out.

Streamer - person

Quiet - code

One of these is made by a guy and made to dress and act in a certain way. (and not because it helps her breath).

Quiet is still a strong character, naked or not. It's my favorite character in MGSV, and her sidestory (with Paz too) are the only positive things i can say about the story and character of MGSV. But most of you just focus on the fact that she's naked, and give her less credit because of this. Isn't this sexist too? And what's the point of being upset over a fictional character? You like her: fine. You don't like her: you move over. That's what i do.

Edit: yes, she's made in a certain way. Isn't it obvious why? Tits. She is a strong character AND a sexual fantasy. No need to complain about this. (Also, why are you complaining if you're a male lol)
Quiet is still a strong character, naked or not. It's my favorite character in MGSV, and her sidestory (with Paz too) are the only positive things i can say about the story and character of MGSV. But most of you just focus on the fact that she's naked, and give her less credit because of this. Isn't this sexist too? And what's the point of being upset over a fictional character? You like her: fine. You don't like her: you move over. That's what i do.

This begs the question - we as gamers (and really anyone) dwell on things that we do not like in games that we do like. If you don't like the story of MGSV, do you think it a valid thing for someone to say "just move on"? If not, why is it okay to dismiss criticism of her character in this way?

Further, focus on her nudity? Well, unless I had Kojima at gunpoint and forced him to make her roll around while wearing barely any clothing and then say "oh I totally did this because she needs to breath through her skin", I didn't focus on anything. I'm focusing on how they designed her. Refer to the comic again - the comic is about making characters like Quiet who exist as fanservice and then pretending like you had a good or noble reason to have done so. Kojima's excuse was pathetic, and it made me respect him less because he can't even be honest about her design.


I feel as though it is a tad disingenuous to say the camera does not linger over Quiet's tits and ass when on the same page someone expresses why they like the character by posting several gifs of the camera lingering over her tits and ass.
This begs the question - we as gamers (and really anyone) dwell on things that we do not like in games that we do like. If you don't like the story of MGSV, do you think it a valid thing for someone to say "just move on"? If not, why is it okay to dismiss criticism of her character in this way?

Further, focus on her nudity? Well, unless I had Kojima at gunpoint and forced him to make her roll around while wearing barely any clothing and then say "oh I totally did this because she needs to breath through her skin", I didn't focus on anything. I'm focusing on how they designed her. Refer to the comic again - the comic is about making characters like Quiet who exist as fanservice and then pretending like you had a good or noble reason to have done so. Kojima's excuse was pathetic, and it made me respect him less because he can't even be honest about her design.

You're reaching. Kojima is well know for trolling. You're upset over nothing.
One last thing: one thing is critic one thing, one is keep going on the same thing for 20more pages. And before this, there was other threads made by posts of the same people here.

I already said mine about MGSV story, and i didn't like it. But i don't repeat myself over and over because i'm frustrated. You were also in the Street Fighter V changes thread so i have to think you have just a problem with nudity and fanservice.

I tell you this: a little fanscervice doesn't hurt anyone.

Also, let girls talk about what makes girls worst or better. Let them fight their fight.

Edit: i say this because a lot of girls doesn't have issues with Quiet, and they like her.
Lol you don't even tried to understand what i was saying. LOL.

I was saying that people gets embarassed by nothing. Quiet it's just a fictional character.
I do understand. You're comparing people criticising the fanservice in Gravity Rush to people criticising the outrageous garbage peddled in this game. You think Quiet is a strong character with a good story (in a game devoid of both to begin with), well you will probably be amazed by Gravity Rush, starring a female heroine who actually has some self-determinism in her own story and isnt just a glorified item with boobs to call upon in the menu right below the horse and dog and above the robot.
I have seen those posts, and the camera and direction absolutely does focus on her breasts an unnecessary amount of time. Saying "no it doesn't" is not proof. It is an opinion.

Yes because she gets electroshocked on her chest, acid spilt on her face and chest, and water poured over her. These are valid reasons for the camera to look in those afflicted areas. And itstands to reason that a scene focusing on Quiet is going to be pointed at her direction. "Unnecessary" implies that the scene isnt of her and yet its pointed in her direction. No, just like when Huey gets tortured it focuses on his afflictions, then its not "unnecessary" when the same happens to Quiet.
Nothing wrong with fanservice indeed. Bayonetta, for instance. Something wrong with there being fanservice shoehorned into a game without context to explain why the fuck Quiet is mugging for the camera constantly. Also, considering Quiet's outfit is justified (barely) by her backstory, how is it trolling that he made up that ridiculous reason for her to wear a stupid outfit?
I don't know what's so embarrassing in Quiet. Look at Grayson Hunt in Bulletstorm or Blazkowicz in Wolfenstein. It's ok for male characters to be overly sexified, but there's always something wrong in female characters made the same way. Biased or what?

Russ T

Yes because she gets electroshocked on her chest, acid spilt on her face and chest, and water poured over her. These are valid reasons for the camera to look in those afflicted areas. And itstands to reason that a scene focusing on Quiet is going to be pointed at her direction. "Unnecessary" implies that the scene isnt of her and yet its pointed in her direction. No, just like when Huey gets tortured it focuses on his afflictions, then its not "unnecessary" when the same happens to Quiet.

Right, they (the game devs) chose to torture her breasts so that the camera could focus on her breasts. They also don't need to focus on her breasts for any of it. It would make more sense to focus on her face so you could see the pain in her expressions*. They could also use, I don't know, good direction, to show how she's being tortured without making it into fucking titillation over and over and over.

What is the link you're not seeing here?

*The joke is she has no expressions because she's just walking tits and ass.
I do understand. You're comparing people criticising the fanservice in Gravity Rush to people criticising the outrageous garbage peddled in this game. You think Quiet is a strong character with a good story (in a game devoid of both to begin with), well you will probably be amazed by Gravity Rush, starring a female heroine who actually has some self-determinism in her own story and isnt just a glorified item with boobs to call upon in the menu right below the horse and dog and above the robot.

Oh my god, what? Jesus. I'm out.

Also, i already played Gravity Rush, you don't need to tell me nothing.

But you're so blind that you see Quiet just as an object and nothing else. This is sexist, sorry. You are more sexist of who created her and gave her a backstory and strong powers.
I don't know what's so embarrassing in Quiet. Look at Grayson Hunt in Bulletstorm or Blazkowicz in Wolfenstein. It's ok for male characters to be overly sexified, but there's always something wrong in female characters made the same way. Biased or what?

No no no, what you are referencing is a "male power fantasy" not a sexualized male.

Sexualized males don't exist.

Yes it's a crock of shit but someone will use this argument I know it
I don't know what's so embarrassing in Quiet. Look at Grayson Hunt in Bulletstorm or Blazkowicz in Wolfenstein. It's ok for male characters to be overly sexified, but there's always something wrong in female characters made the same way. Biased or what?

What about Grayson Hunt is over-sexualized?

Oh my god, what? Jesus. I'm out.

Also, i already played Gravity Rush, you don't need to tell me nothing.

But you're so blind that you see Quiet just as an object and nothing else. This is sexist, sorry. You are more sexist of who created her and gave her a backstory and strong powers.

If criticizing Quiet makes you sexist, then that would mean that no character can be criticized for being sexualized. Are you suggesting that no character, ever, has been over-sexualized and should be criticized for having been so?
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