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Nvidia responds to GTX 970 memory issue


so, computerbase did some testing.

They showed that games will stutter heavily or freeze if you force them to use the slow memory.
1080p gamers are most likely not affected (yet). SLI and/or multi-monitor users will suffer from problems much most often.

Case in point:
FarCry 4 before and after (51s) connecting a second monitor. Second monitor is showing aero desktop.
Talos principle long duration freezes

Cant argue with that.


Welp at first I thought this was some nerd-rage, but on further review it does smell like total bullshit. The only reason I went through the step up program from a 780ti to get a 980 was because I wanted 4GB, had I gotten a 970 for 4GB I would be pissed right now.
The German website computerbase.de did some testing.

They showed that games will stutter heavily or freeze if you force them to use the slow memory.
1080p gamers are most likely not affected (yet). SLI and/or multi-monitor users will suffer from problems much more often.

Case in point:
FarCry 4 before and after (51s) connecting a second monitor. Second monitor is showing aero desktop.
Talos principle long duration freezes

Wow that literally crawled around the 1:05 mark. Like 0.5fps


Welp at first I thought this was some nerd-rage, but on further review it does smell like total bullshit. The only reason I went through the step up program from a 780ti to get a 980 was because I wanted 4GB, had I gotten a 970 for 4GB I would be pissed right now.

I went from 780 to 970 for 4GB =/
gaming on 4k ive noticed this stuttering on new games. i thought the card just wasnt strong enough so i usually just lowered textures. still a very good deal for 4k gaming so i'll stick with em unless i get a big discount for 2 980s. this is very fucked up though and i expect nvidia to make good on this somehow
The German website computerbase.de did some testing.

They showed that games will stutter heavily or freeze if you force them to use the slow memory.
1080p gamers are most likely not affected (yet). SLI and/or multi-monitor users will suffer from problems much more often.

Case in point:
FarCry 4 before and after (51s) connecting a second monitor. Second monitor is showing aero desktop.
Talos principle long duration freezes

The fucked up part... they are probably getting away with it...


The fucked up part... they are probably getting away with it...

There must be something else going on. I've seen Far Cry 4 use ~3.9GB (earlier versions at least) on my 970 and it did not make the framerate turn into a slideshow. I'm running it @ 1080P by the way. Other factors that make the 980 faster do count.
There must be something else going on. I've seen Far Cry 4 use ~3.9GB (earlier versions at least) on my 970 and it did not make the framerate turn into a slideshow. I'm running it @ 1080P by the way. Other factors that make the 980 faster do count.

Do you have one or two monitors?
The German website computerbase.de did some testing.

They showed that games will stutter heavily or freeze if you force them to use the slow memory.
1080p gamers are most likely not affected (yet). SLI and/or multi-monitor users will suffer from problems much more often.

Case in point:
FarCry 4 before and after (51s) connecting a second monitor. Second monitor is showing aero desktop.
Talos principle long duration freezes

Looks bad when pushed near full vram usage.

I'd like to see them test a GTX Titan, its quite similar in performance to a 970 in most games and some slightly less. The GTX 980 has enough performance over the 970 to where I feel the video run might just be pushing the card too much. 980 will be more capable.

If I can see a Titian (not Titan Black) and a OC'd 780 6GB runs the same specs in Far Cry 4 fine it would be more proof the 970 is losing out and could run the game otherwise. Using a 980 is good data of course but just the 980 leaves some questions unanswered.

Also a lot of the sites have used this conclusion that the 970 is more likely to be hitting a limit anyway.


There must be something else going on. I've seen Far Cry 4 use ~3.9GB (earlier versions at least) on my 970 and it did not make the framerate turn into a slideshow. I'm running it @ 1080P by the way. Other factors that make the 980 faster do count.

Doesn't it matter more what the game is putting into that section? If it is rarely used data which could have been the case with yours the performance impact would be minimal. In this case the multi monitor large res setup is putting more active data into the slower area.
The German website computerbase.de did some testing.

They showed that games will stutter heavily or freeze if you force them to use the slow memory.
1080p gamers are most likely not affected (yet). SLI and/or multi-monitor users will suffer from problems much more often.

Case in point:
FarCry 4 before and after (51s) connecting a second monitor. Second monitor is showing aero desktop.
Talos principle long duration freezes

Why would Nvidia put 0.5GB of slowass borderline unusable memory in this card?, wouldn't it have been better to sell and market the card with 3.5GB?, I guess why I am trying to say is, didn't they foresee this type of results with this a 3.5GB + 0.5GB architecture? just to sell and advertise the card as 4GB?


Gold Member
There must be something else going on. I've seen Far Cry 4 use ~3.9GB (earlier versions at least) on my 970 and it did not make the framerate turn into a slideshow. I'm running it @ 1080P by the way. Other factors that make the 980 faster do count.

The key thing to understand here is that at 1080p if you are seeing VRAM usage towards the maximum capacity of your card (4gb) then the game is likely just using the extra memory for caching, not constant use like it would be at higher resolutions (such as 4k). Caching isn't bandwidth intensive since your GPU's extra VRAM is just used as storage in situations like that.


To each its own opinion. I like physix, it makes games more alive. I like also the fact that nvidia pushes for new tech whereas AMD just give you a barebone fast console GPU in terms of feature.

Also, I know AMD drivers, I had a 7850 two weeks ago, between the outdated RadeonPro and the bugs-only-on-AMD, no, I feel Nvidia software is more polished. IMO.


AMD are always the first to go on die shrinks. They were the first to use GDDR5 over GDDR3... they're allegedly going to use HBM stacked memory for their next flagship card. In a way, they're pioneers when it comes to new "tech." I have a 290x and a 970, and I prefer my 290x for multiple monitor setup and resolutions above 1080p. At this point I could care less about Gameworks, it's not an excuse or a justification for misleading the customer


The actual performance of the card is largely irrelevant. The fact remains that Nvidia lied, either knowingly or unknowingly, about the true specs of the card. They should be taken to task for this, I don't see how anyone can argue otherwise.

There is no way that any of the Nvidia GPU designers did not read any of the reviews of the product they created.

No. Way.

They fucked everyone in the ass with a design shortcut and kept quiet. They even hid the rop count in the bios to stop people asking questions.

Fucking despicable.



AMD are always the first to go on die shrinks. They were the first to use GDDR5 over GDDR3... they're allegedly going to use HBM stacked memory for their next flagship card. In a way, they're pioneers when it comes to new "tech." I have a 290x and a 970, and I prefer my 290x for multiple monitor setup and resolutions above 1080p. At this point I could care less about Gameworks, it's not an excuse or a justification for misleading the customer.

Nvidia have their fair share of shitty drivers too.


Other than Shadow of Mordor on Ultra textures, every new game I've tried with GTX 970 SLI at 2560x1440 has run just fine. I think part of the reason might be that I usually opt for SMAA (via SweetFX if not available in the game) over any of the more VRAM-hungry AA options.

I think it'll be interesting to see how purely PC games will perform as opposed to console ports where there might not be as much optimization considering that PCs usually have better hardware.


I've never used geforce experience before so I was more curious than anything, was interested to see what it does but from what I've read it doesn't sound like I'm missing a lot, haha. It's not like I have some ridiculously exotic setup so I was a bit baffled why it just won't work, but no loss I guess!
Why would Nvidia put 0.5GB of slowass borderline unusable memory in this card?, wouldn't it have been better to sell and market the card with 3.5GB?, I guess why I am trying to say is, didn't they foresee this type of results with this a 3.5GB + 0.5GB architecture? just to sell and advertise the card as 4GB?



Why would Nvidia put 0.5GB of slowass borderline unusable memory in this card?, wouldn't it have been better to sell and market the card with 3.5GB?, I guess why I am trying to say is, didn't they foresee this type of results with this a 3.5GB + 0.5GB architecture? just to sell and advertise the card as 4GB?

Yeah, it's a bit perplexing. Prior to the 900 series nearly every second tier card had less VRAM than the flagship so I don't know why they didn't do the same with the 970.


This is probably why some games when upconverted via DSR to 4 or 5k stutter like crazy and are unplayable rather than just having a low frame rate using SLI on my 1440p monitor ;p. Nvidia needs to release drivers that make it so the last 512 mb is never used for anything other than cache, rather would have a strict limit than stuttering.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Why would Nvidia put 0.5GB of slowass borderline unusable memory in this card?, wouldn't it have been better to sell and market the card with 3.5GB?, I guess why I am trying to say is, didn't they foresee this type of results with this a 3.5GB + 0.5GB architecture? just to sell and advertise the card as 4GB?

In short, yes.

In essence the 970 is a cheaper gimped version of the 980, with the memory structure built in a cheaper way that also severely bogs down the access to the last 0.5GB of vram on the card. If I had to guess, I'd wager that they designed the 980 first as it's design is simple and efficient, but costly. Then they looked at ways to make a cheaper version of it for the mass market, and modifying the memory structure is what they came up with. They then of course conveniently forgot to tell anyone about it, or even mention it on their spec sheets. Afterall, a 4GB card is much more appealing to market than a 3.5GB card.

To summarize, we all got swindled. Lucky us!


I have two of these in SLI. I only have a 1080p monitor, but I built this PC with the intention of it lasting a long time, and will probably upgrade my monitor this year.

I think I'm probably going to return them and just get a single 980 for now.


I have two of these in SLI. I only have a 1080p monitor, but I built this PC with the intention of it lasting a long time, and will probably upgrade my monitor this year.

I think I'm probably going to return them and just get a single 980 for now.
So you're rewarding their sleaziness with even more of your money?


I think I might keep the card. Someone wanted to buy my 670 so I got a good chunk of money towards the 970. If it wasn't for that I would have held out for more than 4GB anyway. I only have one monitor and its 1080P so hopefully I won't be affected too much.

I can see myself upgrading in like 2 years anyway. After this though I'm strongly leaning towards AMD for my next card.


Your priorities in life are fucked if you get sad over a piece of technology.

Your logic is fucked if you think I (or anyone) shouldn't get sad for wasting hard earned money on a falsely advertised product. 4GB was the only reason I upgraded because I play at 4K and was planning on adding another used one next year.


You understand that crossfire means you get two of them right?

You can get two 290x for about 560-580$, which is the price of a single 980

My bad. Thought Crossfire was a brand. I'm not really an AMD guy.

Sure, you could get two 290x's, but you'd need a motherboard that supports two video cards, and a power supply that can support both cards.

Add the price of those to $580 and it suddenly becomes a lot more.
Your logic is fucked if you think I (or anyone) shouldn't get sad for wasting hard earned money on a falsely advertised product. 4GB was the only reason I upgraded because I play at 4K and was planning on adding another used one next year.

If it's hard earned cash and not disposable income you shouldn't be spending this much on a video card in the first place. You also had like a month to return it, along with numerous 4k tests to read up on.
My bad. Thought Crossfire was a brand. I'm not really an AMD guy.

Sure, you could get two 290x's, but you'd need a motherboard that supports two video cards, and a power supply that can support both cards.

Add the price of those to $580 and it suddenly becomes a lot more.

Fine, but your original post is still wrong:

There aren't any products from AMD that compare to the power you get from the 970 or 980 at their price points at the moment.

Soon, but not now.

a 290X is comparable performance to 970 and has a lower price point (in the US).
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