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Nvidia responds to GTX 970 memory issue

I think the best you could hope for is a refund but really. I'd stick with the 970. It's still a great card.

There is nothing stopping consoles having higher resolution textures then that. Although it is unlikely.

It wouldn't surprise in the PC space to see game that require 6GB + of vram in the next couple of years.

Which company was that. Name and shame.


Checked my inbox just now, nothing still.
If it's hard earned cash and not disposable income you shouldn't be spending this much on a video card in the first place. You also had like a month to return it, along with numerous 4k tests to read up on.

I think you really need to stop posting about this issue. You are very obviously emotionally invested in Nvidia more than is healthy, and it's leading to some very strange rationalizations of their behavior.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I have a soft spot for Nvidia because the card I put in my first PC that I ever built was an EVGA 7900GT (which died and EVGA replaced with a 7950GT...which also died and got replaced with a 9800GT), but this shit is inexcusable. The worst thing is Nvidia's apparent apathy regarding this gong show.

They've pretty much guaranteed I stick with AMD for my next video card(last card I bought was an AMD, have had absolutely no problems with it, and that includes drivers).
Why isn't Angrypuppy banned yet?


Anyway, I'm a (disappointed) owner of a 970, and while it's working great most of the time, I've noticed some random stutter when I use DSR at 4K on old games, I thought that shouldn't happen (being old games), but now I think I know the reason...
Yeah I'm emotionally invested in calling out idiots for being idiots. You got me.

Now you're attacking other members. Cool.



If it's hard earned cash and not disposable income you shouldn't be spending this much on a video card in the first place. You also had like a month to return it, along with numerous 4k tests to read up on.

Thanks forums user AngryPuppy for defending that plucky corporation from these big bad consumers! What? they bought these cards with an expectations put forth by the company and are outraged when the product does not meet these expectation? Haha what fools who did not do their research, they deserve to be ripped off


Your priorities in life are fucked if you get sad over a piece of technology.
Yeah I'm emotionally invested in calling out idiots for being idiots. You got me.

You keep coming back to these threads to say people who are actually discussing the issue have no life. You posted this earlier this week:

The people bitching about this have no life, seriously.

I mean, if you've got nothing else to add to the discussion (you've already made it quite clear you think this is a non-issue) why even come back to these threads? Apparently just to shit on people?

E: Justice has been served.
Just filed a return with Amazon...considering my current setup I undoubtedly would have had no problems with the 970, but I don't want to support this shitty behavior. Anyway, until GTA V comes out and/or the Oculus Rift CV1 launches I have no real reason to have a new graphics card...maybe AMD will have something by then or NVIDIA will have gotten their shit together.
Why isn't Angrypuppy banned yet?


Anyway, I'm a (disappointed) owner of a 970, and while it's working great most of the time, I've noticed some random stutter when I use DSR at 4K on old games, I thought that shouldn't happen (being old games), but now I think I know the reason...

Are you kidding? People in this thread have been calling anyone who disagrees with "fuck Nvidia" corporate ball-washers, trolls, assholes, idiots, and more.


Are you kidding? People in this thread have been calling anyone who disagrees with "fuck Nvidia" corporate ball-washers, trolls, assholes, idiots, and more.

Because that seems to be the case? Its fine if they wanted to cheap out, thats fine. But they need to be upfront with it. Straight up lying to your consumers is the most anti consumer thing you can do, And if you support the lie with things like "Its still the best card for the money" even though it may be true makes it seem like you're missing the point entirely. The problem is not the the card doesn't perform well because it does, it just the blatant lying thats got people in a tizzy.
Are you kidding? People in this thread have been calling anyone who disagrees with "fuck Nvidia" corporate ball-washers, trolls, assholes, idiots, and more.

Look I am a huge Nvidia fanboy, been since forever ago... but call it out when you see it. They for all intent and purpose mislead people.

I still am not going to to AMD though over it. AMD does not offer anything I am interested in. But seriously NVIDIA should be slapped around a bit.
Look I am a huge Nvidia fanboy, been since forever ago... but call it out when you see it. They for all intent and purpose mislead people.

I still am not going to to AMD though over it. AMD does not offer anything I am interested in. But seriously NVIDIA should be slapped around a bit.

This is basically how I feel. I'm an Nvidia guy, even though they may piss me off every once in awhile and deserve their share of ridicule.

Relationships are never perfect.


If it's hard earned cash and not disposable income you shouldn't be spending this much on a video card in the first place. You also had like a month to return it, along with numerous 4k tests to read up on.

Thank fook you've been banned you absolute cretin.


I fell asleep

Thank you for the ban.


On topic:

I really, really think this 3.5VRam was the cause of my screen flickering, I've had it with two different 970s too
Well, crap. I was thinking of getting a 970 to upgrade from my 760. Guess I'll put those plans on hold, because I'm not crazy about the 290X's power consumption, and I've run into some of those driver quirks that others have mentioned with past Radeons. I do like AMD overall, but I've been a little soured with the CCC and drivers of late.


This sucks for me, as a 670 owner that recently bought an Asus ROG Swift monitor (GSync 1440p)

I was planning to pick up a 970 with the intention of getting another and end of life when its cheap for SLI. Guess that plans out the window, and AMD is not an option. What to do, what do to...


Well, crap. I was thinking of getting a 970 to upgrade from my 760. Guess I'll put those plans on hold, because I'm not crazy about the 290X's power consumption, and I've run into some of those driver quirks that others have mentioned with past Radeons. I do like AMD overall, but I've been a little soured with the CCC and drivers of late.
Omega drivers are crazy good
Well, crap. I was thinking of getting a 970 to upgrade from my 760. Guess I'll put those plans on hold, because I'm not crazy about the 290X's power consumption, and I've run into some of those driver quirks that others have mentioned with past Radeons. I do like AMD overall, but I've been a little soured with the CCC and drivers of late.

The 970 is still a good card. Given this recent news many people will be returning or selling theirs, so you might actually be able to get a good deal on a second hand lightly used one in the next few months.


On topic:

I really, really think this 3.5VRam was the cause of my screen flickering, I've had it with two different 970s too

Yeah I was going to ask a long time ago when I bought these pair of trash 970s why the hell do I get screen flickering when I play some games in full screen. Its damn annoying.


That's practically even,but I just jumped out of my seat when I saw that temp on load in the 290x. 94°C fck no. Thanks for the heads up.

Yikes. One of the things that makes me happy with my current rig is I have to push it really hard for any components to break 60°C. Self-contained CPU water coolers are a godsend.
Thank fook you've been banned you absolute cretin.


Thank you for the ban.


On topic:

I really, really think this 3.5VRam was the cause of my screen flickering, I've had it with two different 970s too

I am not saying it isn't. But do you have actual concrete evidence of this? I would love to see your test data.


Now people require 4GB to make sure their monitors function correctly?

What do you mean by screen flickering?

I am not saying it isn't. But do you have actual concrete evidence of this? I would love to see your test data.

Yeah I was going to ask a long time ago when I bought these pair of trash 970s why the hell do I get screen flickering when I play some games in full screen. Its damn annoying.

The only evidence I have is having dual monitors and having this problem with two seprate 970s from different brands.

I used to run SLI GTX 580s and didn't have this problem, I could be wrong but it very much seems to be the card which makes my monitors turn off and on randomly.

This can also happen to my TV too, when I have it plugged into the card.

Feel free to tell me why I'm wrong, though this only happens when I'm watching videos and playing games.


I use DisplayPort and HDMI cables.
The only evidence I have is having dual monitors and having this problem with two seprate 970s.

I used to run GTX 580s and didn't have this problem, I could be wrong but it very much seems to be the card which makes my monitors turn off and on randomly.

This can also happen to my TV too, when I have it plugged into the card.

Feel free to tell me why I'm wrong, though this only happens when I'm watching videos and playing games.

Please forgive me if you thought I was implying you were incorrect. I am just curious. It would take a lot of testing and all sorts of patience to get to the bottom of this mystery.
The only evidence I have is having dual monitors and having this problem with two seprate 970s.

I used to run SLI GTX 580s and didn't have this problem, I could be wrong but it very much seems to be the card which makes my monitors turn off and on randomly.

This can also happen to my TV too, when I have it plugged into the card.

Feel free to tell me why I'm wrong, though this only happens when I'm watching videos and playing games.

Monitor vram usage during flickering. Fullscreen videos in desktop environment should not be causing issues. Which games does flickering occur in? Does it use right up to the 3.5 or what?


Carnival of stupid continues here.

Yeah, it's a bit perplexing. Prior to the 900 series nearly every second tier card had less VRAM than the flagship so I don't know why they didn't do the same with the 970.
The answer to this very question was given in NV's statement on the issue and detailed on pretty much every site which expanded on that statement.

Short answer would be - because that way the 970 would be slower.
The only evidence I have is having dual monitors and having this problem with two seprate 970s.

I used to run SLI GTX 580s and didn't have this problem, I could be wrong but it very much seems to be the card which makes my monitors turn off and on randomly.

This can also happen to my TV too, when I have it plugged into the card.

Feel free to tell me why I'm wrong, though this only happens when I'm watching videos and playing games.

I suspected it might be that, which is why I asked. It was happening to me too with my Gigabyte G1 970 but I figured out what was causing it. Apparently it only happens if my primary monitor is not listed as number "1" under Nvidia Control Panel, so swapping the cables on the output ports on the card fixed it. I don't know if it only affects Gigabyte cards or all 970s, but it seems to be a bug that is easy to fix and isn't documented anywhere bizarrely.


Yeah, people need to be aware that third party is fixing a lot of the "heat" concerns people have.

Honestly research before writing AMD off (man I never thought I would actually say these words... I am going to hell)

I don't know how much can you overclock the 290x, but I know that you can surpass the perfomance levels of a stock 980 fairly easy without going nuts on temp and power.




Monitor vram usage during flickering. Fullscreen videos in desktop environment should not be causing issues. Which games does flickering occur in? Does it use right up to the 3.5 or what?

Please forgive me if you thought I was implying you were incorrect. I am just curious. It would take a lot of testing and all sorts of patience to get to the bottom of this mystery.

It could very much be unrelated to this, I just merrily and obviously, ignorantly assumed it! I've never tested a game using tools which let me see what is being used, but I will often play a game on one screen and watch a video on the other.

I'd love to stop it from happening but I'm returning the card as soon as Scan.co.uk announce when we can.

I'm not a troll, apologies if it came across like that!

To be clear, it's not flickering so to say the card actually looses signal and it turns my screens off and on.


I suspected it might be that, which is why I asked. It was happening to me too with my Gigabyte G1 970 but I figured out what was causing it. Apparently it only happens if my primary monitor is not listed as number "1" under Nvidia Control Panel, so swapping the cables on the output ports on the card fixed it (not sure if selecting "Make Primary" in NVC works too) . I don't know if it only affects Gigabyte cards or all 970s, but it seems to be a bug that is easy to fix and isn't documented anywhere bizarrely.

That's interesting, I'll try it out.

I assumed firstly that it could have been a issue with the refresh rate but I can't see how that would have made the screens turn off and on like they do, it's not something that happens all the time it just happens when it wants to!

And at the very least, my cluelessness has give someone a chuckle surely?


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I think I might keep the card. Someone wanted to buy my 670 so I got a good chunk of money towards the 970. If it wasn't for that I would have held out for more than 4GB anyway. I only have one monitor and its 1080P so hopefully I won't be affected too much.

I can see myself upgrading in like 2 years anyway. After this though I'm strongly leaning towards AMD for my next card.

I'm keeping mine. I'm not happy about not getting what I payed for, but the 970 is still the best choice for me as an upgrade, and I'm not going back to my 560Ti. And truthfully I've been pretty happy with my 970 so far, and I'll be gaming at 1080p for a long time so I'll be able to tweak graphics settings down to get performance if I need to.

BUT, my faith in Nvidia is gone. I won't ever buy early on hype from them again. My past four cards have been Nvidia's but from now on they get extreme scrutiny from me. Most likely I'll only ever buy cards that have been out for over a year and proven via in depth reviews and tests.

In short, they've pissed me off.


Carnival of stupid continues here.

The answer to this very question was given in NV's statement on the issue and detailed on pretty much every site which expanded on that statement.

Short answer would be - because that way the 970 would be slower.

Sorry I haven't been following this issue 24/7, I guess I'm just too stupid.


This sucks for me, as a 670 owner that recently bought an Asus ROG Swift monitor (GSync 1440p)

I was planning to pick up a 970 with the intention of getting another and end of life when its cheap for SLI. Guess that plans out the window, and AMD is not an option. What to do, what do to...
If AMD is not an option, then you've got very few options. 970 is still a good card. My initial plan was to get one now(which I did), and maybe SLI it later on, but that was largely because of Nvidia's claims about having dual GPU VR rendering, which they've conveniently not said a damn thing about since! lol

My plan now is simply to enjoy my 970, which I'm still getting fantastic performance out of and for a great price, until maybe later this year or early next year and trade up. I'll take somewhat of a loss on the 970, but not a huge one(not like owners of 780Ti's and Titan's are facing if they want to trade up) while having a great card all of this year for games like Witcher 3 and GTA V.

So yea, it looks like you either buy a 980, or wait. Or pick up a 970. I went from a 670 to a 970 and I'm quite happy with it still. If you've got a 1440p/144hz display, I imagine its killing you not being able to utilize it fully.

I suppose one other alternative would be to take this year to clear your backlog and play lots of older games. A 670 can still do 1440p/45-60fps with a fair amount of last-gen games and older.
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