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NYT: Hillary Clinton, Mocking and Taunting in Debate, Turns the Tormentor

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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Wanted to create a thread about this because I thought Hillary was phenomenal last night after two very tepid debate performances. She had killer Obama-esque jabs ('He choked', 'He's Putin's puppet') and some amazing retorts to Trump ( I was killing Osama Bin Laden while you were taping Celebrity Apprentice) when defending her 30 year public service record. She even manage to shut him up for the first time in the debates by turning his Bernie attack on him.

You can read some of the best quotes below from NYT who put her approach in context, but as someone who was very disappointed by Hillary's refusal to go after Trump (and Bernie in the primaries), I fucking loved this awesome, sarcastic, funny and brutal version of Hillary. I wanted her to eat him alive on stage before the debates and she finally delivered. And guess what he couldn't handle being savaged.

What did you guys think?

She mansplained him. “Let me translate that if I can,” Hillary Clinton said dryly after Donald J. Trump talked up his tax plan.

She interrupted him. When Mr. Trump boasted of the gilded Las Vegas hotel that bears his name, Mrs. Clinton leaned into her microphone. “Made with Chinese steel,” she quipped with a smile.
On his charitable giving, compared with the work of the Clinton Foundation: “I’d be happy to compare what we do with the Trump Foundation, which took money from other people and bought a six-foot portrait of Donald,” Mrs. Clinton said witheringly.

“I mean, who does that?” she added.

On Mr. Trump’s famed negotiating skills: “He went to Mexico. He had a meeting with the Mexican president,” Mrs. Clinton said bitingly. “He choked and then got into a Twitter war because the Mexican president said, ‘We’re not paying for that wall.’”

After two historically acrid debates, Mrs. Clinton finally got the policy discussion she had craved. But in between expounding on her proposals to make college affordable and to raise the minimum wage, she savaged Mr. Trump’s career, his finances and his sensitivities, portraying him as a lightweight with the temperament of a spoiled child.

And it became clear that the candidate who relishes his role as a bully had little patience for being bullied.

Mrs. Clinton implied that Mr. Trump would find a way to weasel out of paying his fair share of taxes for Social Security.

“My Social Security payroll contribution will go up, as will Donald’s — assuming he can’t figure out how to get out of it,” Mrs. Clinton said, fully aware she was provoking him.

And provoked he was.

“Such a nasty woman,” Mr. Trump grumbled.

lol so good!


Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
The twitter war comment was when I knew she was going to murder him. It was so well done. He kept it together until that moment.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
The twitter war comment was when I knew she was going to murder him. It was so well done. He kept it together until that moment.

wait, what was this comment? I missed it.

EDIT: i chose the worst time to make this thread. Everyone is focused on the NX reveal. lol


After the first two debates where she kept it really chill and was basically letting him hang himself, but also interrupt and show a more agressive side, many were wondering if she would be able to go on the offensive, be more agressive herself while remaining presidential.

Well, yep. She sure did.
Same sentiment as the Vox article.

Trump’s meltdown wasn’t an accident. The Clinton campaign coolly analyzed his weaknesses and then sprung trap after trap to take advantage of them.

Clinton’s successful execution of this strategy has been, fittingly, the product of traits that she’s often criticized for: her caution, her overpreparation, her blandness. And her particular ability to goad Trump and blunt the effectiveness of his political style has been inextricable from her gender. The result has been a political achievement of awesome dimensions, but one that Clinton gets scarce credit for because it looks like something Trump is doing, rather than something she is doing — which is, of course, the point.


Yes. It was beautiful. She is 3 for 3 debating Trump. No contest. Just shows you how bad the GOP is when Trump went through all those people.


It was when she said he went to Mexico and choked and then came back and started a twitter war.

That line was like a switch. As soon as he had his next answer after, he was losing the calm composure he had the beginning and getting loud and belligerent. He never recovered and just got more angry and incoherent for the rest of the debate.
I was thinking this as I watched the debate. On debate one, many people complained "Why didn't she land the knockout punch?" and I think the answer was that she couldn't deliver this kind of performance without getting some (unfair) backlash for being 'rude, condescending and angry.'

Last night, after a grueling 3 weeks during which Trump became unhinged, nasty and even more erratic than normal, she was able to be really tough, incisive, and sarcastic. Debate 1, that would've been a negative. Last night, it was a strong, cathartic performance.


That line was like a switch. As soon as he had his next answer after, he was losing the calm composure he had the beginning and getting loud and belligerent. He never recovered and just got more angry and incoherent for the rest of the debate.

I know the debates don't change much in terms of swaying voters, but man, it's a lot different hearing Trump be belligerent to all sorts of people, but another thing to see how quickly he gets baited and angry and just fails at staying up to scrutiny for an hour, let alone staying on-message. Horrible policies aside, the guy can't even handle a debate. How the hell can you lead a country effectively like that? Given the actual abilities of the executive branch, it's more of a disqualifier than his alternatively terrible and/or exclusionary policy ideas.


She gave him a right spanking, the likes of which I'd been hoping to see since he bagged the nomination.
Donald Trump's craziness is distracting from just how well she executed her plan last night. From the very beginning of the 1st debate, she has had this strategy in mind and has been working on it relentlessly. She's not flashy about it, but this is one of the big reasons I'm excited about her presidency. She is one of the most prepared politicians to ever take the role and is relentlessly focused on achieving her goals.

She didn't have the memorable 6-10 words quips that might live on, but I think she did a better job last night than Obama did in all 6 of his debates.


I was thinking this as I watched the debate. On debate one, many people complained "Why didn't she land the knockout punch?" and I think the answer was that she couldn't deliver this kind of performance without getting some (unfair) backlash for being 'rude, condescending and angry.'

Last night, after a grueling 3 weeks during which Trump became unhinged, nasty and even more erratic than normal, she was able to be really tough, incisive, and sarcastic. Debate 1, that would've been a negative. Last night, it was a strong, cathartic performance.

you don't need a knockout punch when the opponent is drowning himself in an inch deep puddle


Donald Trump's craziness is distracting from just how well she executed her plan last night. From the very beginning of the 1st debate, she has had this strategy in mind and has been working on it relentlessly. She's not flashy about it, but this is one of the big reasons I'm excited about her presidency. She is one of the most prepared politicians to ever take the role and is relentlessly focused on achieving her goals.
Yeah, she's a consummate student and professional. Whip smart and driven as hell. Her answers in this last debate must have required an extraordinary volume of homework and practice, even for someone of Clinton's experience.


I thought Hilary had a good night, but this analysis doesn't really gel with what I saw.

If anything, Trump looked more unhinged than the previous debates. I didn't see anything meaningfully different from Hilary.


I think the NYTimes is trying to get too cute in their analysis here.
I thought Hilary had a good night, but this analysis doesn't really gel with what I saw.

If anything, Trump looked more unhinged than the previous debates. I didn't see anything meaningfully different from Hilary.


I think the NYTimes is trying to get too cute in their analysis here.
i think they're saying he became unhinged because of her tho.


As Trump likes to compare himself to athletes:
With the finish line in sight, the Trump campaign likes to think both candidates are toe to toe.
Kellyanne is asking why Hillary is not farther ahead - not realising that Hillary is a lap ahead and simply baits Trump into thinking he's on par with her.



The vox video is really good, i suggest everyone watch it


Here's a direct link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlLFTI24Qkw

Edit: also, her comment about Trump liking to hang around beauty pageants from the first debate seems to shows that her team already knew about his Stern interview where he admitted to going backstage and watching the nude contestants. Prep Time is her superpower.


Water is not wet!
I'll check this out in a bit. I ended up missing the debate last night.

The Vox video is good but it doesnt really cover the beatdown that is this last debate. i recommend watching this debate in its entirety. Trump walked into every trap and each attack he launched on her either didnt land or was completely redirected back onto himself. It was glorious.


She should've trolled the shit out of him by saying: "By the way, I agree that we should have drug testing. I've set up a testing lab for the end of the debate."

Orange fucker was sniffing every 3rd word when Hillary riled him up.


Neo Member
As Trump likes to compare himself to athletes:
With the finish line in sight, the Trump campaign likes to think both candidates are toe to toe.
Kellyanne is asking why Hillary is not farther ahead - not realising that Hillary is a lap ahead and simply baits Trump into thinking he's on par with her.

Love it.


I think she was being overly cautious the first 2 debates to not blow her lead.

I liked her much better with some bite back.

She got Donald to admit that Obama has deported a shitload of illegals, as if that would be a mark against him in the eyes of Trump supporters.

I was worried he was going to nail her on that, but he pretty much blew it.

I think he was going for "see mexicans are criminals you say you will continue Obamas policy and he agrees with me mexican criminals need to go."

But he was so flustered it didn't land at all.
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