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NYT: Hillary Clinton, Mocking and Taunting in Debate, Turns the Tormentor

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I missed the debate (it airs in the very early hours in the UK) and I've been reading the news and highlights. But did anything ever come of Obama's brother being there with Trump? Did anyone even acknowledge him? Was he even there?


while my preference would still have been for sanders as the nominee, it was almost cathartic to see her eviscerate trump


I think the best part was her reversal of Trump's "You've been in politics for 30 years" attack.

Like, goddamn.

She's crazy prepared. Her team is amazing and they probably analyzed and went over every single thing, every possible response, every jab to get in.

Trump is the complete opposite and his team sucks at preparing him. What the fuck was that closing argument speech.
I would also say that last night showed why Hillary is a much better match up against Trump then Bernie was. Hillary's political acumen is peerless. She just just continuously and meticulously dismantled him using his own words and record.

IMO Trump would have been able to bait Bernie into losing it and fighting him on his own level.


I think this 3rd debate will go down mostly as being overlooked compared with the first two, but got damn, Hillary had so many great moments. I think this was her best debate performance throughout the entire election. Not to mention the fact she gave mostly good answers on policy.

1. The Mexico part "He choked!!"
2. The Russia part "He wants a puppet as president"
3. The 30 years line - basically "Here's what I've been doing...here's what you've been doing"
4. The Trump Hotels - "Made with Chinese Steel"
5. The Bernie exchange - "He thinks you're dangerous, and I agree with him too"

I could go on and on. Straight ruthless.


She did exactly what she needed to do. She waited patiently for this last debate to really take the gloves off and show Donald exactly how out of his league he is. Instead of really nailing his positions and goals, he spent the majority of the time bashing and attacking her at every turn. She really set him up and he had no idea what to do or how to turn this thing around in his favor. If there was ever a time Donald could prove to people why hes worth winning, this was his chance, and she totally destroyed him lol.

I love how every time he was asked to discuss his plans or policies he turns it around on her and talks about how shes a liar or how her plans will fail, instead of outlining why his are better.

Hilary's 30 years of experience line really nailed this race for me.


listen to the mad man

Vox did a video about how Hillary triggered the fuck out of Trump.

This video strikes me as mostly wrong.

It's not really clear that the debates moved the needle (the video ignores the tape coming out in the middle, and the wearing off of previous negative shocks on Hillary's numbers from her pneumonia thing); it's not unprecedented to get a bump from a debate; and we don't know if any debate effects are durable or not because it's the day after the third debate.

Also "modern presidential history" really means "the transition of debates to the modern format, in 2000". So we're talking about 5 elections. And I actually think Obama's 2nd debate performance in 2012 exceeds any of Clinton's this time around.

I think the video is right that her performance was strategic in terms of what bait to ignore, what to take, and how to bait Trump (the Miss Universe thing is hilarious in that it was such an obvious prepared rope-a-dope, it was so obvious and he took it anyway). It is definitely true that in both the second and third debates Trump started out calm and got less calm, although the second debate was probably more driven by the moderators than Clinton.

The end conclusion that Trump won the Republican debates is wrong. Almost none of the Republican debates clearly ended with Trump as winner. He "won" largely by not losing--as in as the poll and thought leader, he needed to be taken down in the debates, and he wasn't, and that's largely a factor of the free-for-all format rather than Trump's qualities as candidate or debator.

This is like peak Cracked.com/Vox-splaining. It's a video of a relatively smart articulate guy saying something shallow but reasonable sounding that doesn't really say anything at all. Like, yeah, we all see the debates and the post-debate polls and Clinton clearly won the debates, what else is the video adding to this obvious fact? Turd emoji.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
This video strikes me as mostly wrong.

..her performance was strategic in terms of what bait to ignore, what to take, and how to bait Trump (the Miss Universe thing is hilarious in that it was such an obvious prepared rope-a-dope, it was so obvious and he took it anyway)..

This was obvious to even SNL who made fun of how Hillary pretended as if this is something that just popped into her head and was not a pre-planned line of attack. But Trump is so thin skinned he made it in into an issue even after the debate ended. I dont think even Hillary's team could have predicted that he would tweet about it the next day and raise the issue himself on morning shows. Absolutely bonkers.

I closed the vox vid after they started showing large text next to the guy as he spoke. i hate this bill o'reilly style of treating your audience like they are idiots who need text as well as audio to understand what you are saying.


time to take my meds
some amazing retorts to Trump ( I was killing Osama Bin Laden while you were taping Celebrity Apprentice) when defending her 30 year public service record.
I havent watched the debate yet but that irks me if she actually said that. She was sitting in a safe room with high security. Shouldnt the guys in uniform get credit? Saying she was in the orchestration room would have been more palatable. Sorry, just the military in me not liking how that was worded.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I havent watched the debate yet but that irks me if she actually said that. She was sitting in a safe room with high security. Shouldnt the guys in uniform get credit? Saying she was in the orchestration room would have been more palatable. Sorry, just the military in me not liking how that was worded.

She didnt word it like that of course. She said she was in the situation room while you were taping Celebrity Apprentice.


I havent watched the debate yet but that irks me if she actually said that. She was sitting in a safe room with high security. Shouldnt the guys in uniform get credit? Saying she was in the orchestration room would have been more palatable. Sorry, just the military in me not liking how that was worded.
Um what you want is almost exactly what she said. The poster you quoted was paraphrasing.

"And on the day when I was in the situation room, monitoring the raid that brought Osama bin laden to justice, he was hosting The Celebrity Apprentice."


I havent watched the debate yet but that irks me if she actually said that. She was sitting in a safe room with high security. Shouldnt the guys in uniform get credit? Saying she was in the orchestration room would have been more palatable. Sorry, just the military in me not liking how that was worded.

You should watch it before commenting on it. She said she was in the situation room.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
What did you guys think?

I think she did a damn fine job last night. It was her best debate performance ever, and it was also Trump’s worst yet ever. Trump was visibly getting rattled by her, it was glorious.

Say hello to our first woman President ladies and gents!!!!


I havent watched the debate yet but that irks me if she actually said that. She was sitting in a safe room with high security. Shouldnt the guys in uniform get credit? Saying she was in the orchestration room would have been more palatable. Sorry, just the military in me not liking how that was worded.

Well She's being credited for killing the ambassador in Benghazi, so...?

She also specified she was in the situation room when they got Bin Laden


time to take my meds
Okay I get it lol. I said I havent watched it yet, no need for 5+ replies saying the same thing. That pleases me.
She's crazy prepared. Her team is amazing and they probably analyzed and went over every single thing, every possible response, every jab to get in.

Trump is the complete opposite and his team sucks at preparing him. What the fuck was that closing argument speech.

Who knows really. His team could prepare him like crazy, but this baffoon probably ignores them.


This video strikes me as mostly wrong.

It's not really clear that the debates moved the needle (the video ignores the tape coming out in the middle, and the wearing off of previous negative shocks on Hillary's numbers from her pneumonia thing); it's not unprecedented to get a bump from a debate; and we don't know if any debate effects are durable or not because it's the day after the third debate.

Also "modern presidential history" really means "the transition of debates to the modern format, in 2000". So we're talking about 5 elections. And I actually think Obama's 2nd debate performance in 2012 exceeds any of Clinton's this time around.

I think the video is right that her performance was strategic in terms of what bait to ignore, what to take, and how to bait Trump (the Miss Universe thing is hilarious in that it was such an obvious prepared rope-a-dope, it was so obvious and he took it anyway). It is definitely true that in both the second and third debates Trump started out calm and got less calm, although the second debate was probably more driven by the moderators than Clinton.

The end conclusion that Trump won the Republican debates is wrong. Almost none of the Republican debates clearly ended with Trump as winner. He "won" largely by not losing--as in as the poll and thought leader, he needed to be taken down in the debates, and he wasn't, and that's largely a factor of the free-for-all format rather than Trump's qualities as candidate or debator.

This is like peak Cracked.com/Vox-splaining. It's a video of a relatively smart articulate guy saying something shallow but reasonable sounding that doesn't really say anything at all. Like, yeah, we all see the debates and the post-debate polls and Clinton clearly won the debates, what else is the video adding to this obvious fact? Turd emoji.

I agree for the most part. There's a lot of revisionist history going on in the video, not just with Klein ignoring the obvious and immediate impact the Access Hollywood video had, and the general trend the election was going in before the first debate, but the fact that Trump was largely considered to have done just as poorly in the Republican debates as he did here.

I think Clinton did a great job during the debates, but I'm not yet convinced that somehow the debates were what ultimately won her the election.

Btw, is there an actual Cracked article on Vox? Your link didn't work, and I couldn't find anything on their site.


I closed the vox vid after they started showing large text next to the guy as he spoke. i hate this bill o'reilly style of treating your audience like they are idiots who need text as well as audio to understand what you are saying.
Audio is muted when the video is shared on Facebook. The text is there to let people who see it in their news feed know what the video is about.
I think what I loved about last night was watching Donald as Hillary used her well tempered speech pattern as she was about to eviscerate him. You could see that he knew exactly what she was going to counter with and he was helpless to do anything about it.


Trump has lost ground every time people focus on the actual elections and pay attention (aka he's on TV.) Happened during the conventions, and it happened again now w/ the debates. He absolutely lost ground- they've been an unmitigated disaster for him and the GOP.

I don't understand how one can argue otherwise. The biggest change in the past month hasn't been the Trump/Clinton numbers, it's been the utter collapse of the GOP in the generic ballot, which jeopardizes their downticket races.

The debates (alongside all the other crap coming out of the woodwork) hurt him, hurt the GOP, and have given the Dems an opportunity they didn't have a month ago.
I would also say that last night showed why Hillary is a much better match up against Trump then Bernie was. Hillary's political acumen is peerless. She just just continuously and meticulously dismantled him using his own words and record.

IMO Trump would have been able to bait Bernie into losing it and fighting him on his own level.
And also Bernie's passion and emotions would have warped against himself the way Trump did with the 16 other Primary opponents.

Hillary changed the game forcing Trump to play by her rules
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