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Obama says he was 'encouraged' by conversation with Trump

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It's the President of the United States.

How can anybody be prepared for that enough to not be affected by the weight of it?

Probably by doing work in politics for 30 years and by having worked with the president directly for 4 years and knowing what challenges and responsibilities it entails?

Trump just wants people to like him, he will stress about his favorabilitys.

Its going to be a wild ride. What a nightmare.

oh for sure. However a former governor, sec of state etc would be less effected

This is actually a great point. Those are gonna drive him insane, especially when the numbers are consistently in the 10s, 20s, 30s, as will likely happen in the second half of his presidency.



lol not even looking each other in the eyes

Both of their faces are like



It's a consolation to know that Trump's comforts will be severely downgraded for the next 4 years.
I can't imagine a more stressful line of work and he just turned 70.
That picture is fascinating in a certain sense and quite telling about how excited he actually is. I wonder and worry if he might possibly delegate to those around him which is of course a terrifying prospect given Pence is one of those.

I think you can pretty much count on that.

I really don't think he wants this at all. At the beginning I seriously believed he'd just drop out at some point, being a close friend to the Clintons and all. But he actually went through with it and somehow managed to win. It all just feels super surreal still. He's just going to be a big orange puppet.


Probably by doing work in politics for 30 years and by having worked with the president directly for 4 years and knowing what challenges and responsibilities it entails?


Still don't even think that covers it.

It's the top gig. Arguably, the worlds top gig.

I think you can make allowances. Sometimes you can read too much into these things.


Looking for meaning in GAF
It's a consolation to know that Trump's comforts will be severely downgraded for the next 4 years.
I can't imagine a more stressful line of work and he just turned 70.
It's okay, his doctor said that he's the most healthy person to take the office!

hahahahahaha!.... ha..... Ha.
It's a consolation to know that Trump's comforts will be severely downgraded for the next 4 years.
I can't imagine a more stressful line of work and he just turned 70.

Trump will be giving so many responsibilities away it ain't even funny. The man didn't take responsibility for a single thing during the election. Everything is going to be somebody else's fault if there is a fuck up. Just like Christie and Bridge-gate. People really believe his staffers didn't do all they did under his direct orders? That they decided to fuck with a major bridge all on their own?

We're in for a wild ride.


Probably by doing work in politics for 30 years and by having worked with the president directly for 4 years and knowing what challenges and responsibilities it entails?


Yes, it will always be a tough and stressful job for anyone, but if you're in politics for a lengthy time, as a senator, or governor, representative, whichever, it is obviously a sign you're serious about the position and will be about as prepared as someone can be for the biggest position in the world. It's the reason vice presidents have run for the top position lots of times.

People point at Reagan the actor, but he was a governor before he was President. It's not like he walked off the set into the oval office.


Being a fly on the wall during their entire meeting would have been incredibly fascinating and probably mind-blowing, given Presidential secrets, intel reports, undocumented nuances of the job, etc.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Being a fly on the wall during their entire meeting would have been incredibly fascinating and probably mind-blowing, given Presidential secrets, intel reports, undocumented nuances of the job, etc.
I'd just be happy with getting an idea of how much shit the President has to deal with during day to day life.

Keeping various factions and departments happy, dealing with protocol bullshit, dealing with people always yelling at you, making shit up about you, misinterpreting things you did, and calling you about emergencies or shit that needs decisions at all hours... Not to mention how every day you make decisions that affect the lives of many, many people for years to come. And of course, sometimes you have to decide to kill people, or make decisions that will result in death either way.


I mean, he's got to go and do actual work now. Around the clock.

He's simply realizing that his cozy, drinking-champagne-in-a-jacuzzi lifestyle is on hold for the next 4 years.

Trump being lazy is both my hope and my expectation.

He didn't really want this job. He just wanted the title, and really even if he lost, he just wanted the publicity.

I doubt he's going to push anything too extreme, because that would require actual work and some knowledge of how the Washington political machine works. I'm hopeful he's just going to sit around doing as little as possible and blame everyone around him for why his plans aren't going through. And then in a few years he'll come out and say something like "I think it's enough. I think I've done enough. I've done a tremendous job and I think I'm going to go back to my business now" and not run for re-election.


Trump being lazy is both my hope and my expectation.

He didn't really want this job. He just wanted the title, and really even if he lost, he just wanted the publicity.

I doubt he's going to push anything too extreme, because that would require actual work and some knowledge of how the Washington political machine works. I'm hopeful he's just going to sit around doing as little as possible and blame everyone around him for why his plans aren't going through. And then in a few years he'll come out and say something like "I think it's enough. I think I've done enough. I've done a tremendous job and I think I'm going to go back to my business now" and not run for re-election.

And Obama can run for president again in 2020?

EDIT: Oh shit, he can't. Michelle can, though!
I assume this is basically because of Trump's much-noted ability to appear reasonable and amenable to whomever he spoke to last.

So if we can just keep Obama in the room for the next four years...


Trump had to be subdued or all the Democrats and liberal media freaking out would have said he looked like he was reveling or gloating. Now of course people interpret him not sitting up staunchly, puffing out his chest and grinning ear to ear as him not wanting to be there or scared to be President.

The truth is this was an awkward meeting punctuated by the fact that Trump will for better or for worse erase much of what Obama has done the past 8 years. They didn't come out of the meeting black and blue though and that is a positive.


He probably just doesn't want to send the public into an even more widespread panic.

i dont think its fair at this point to say that "the public" is in a state of panic. maybe half of the public. the other half is feeling fine.

one of the important things this election reminded us of was that there are people who are nothing like you, who don't think like you, who don't see the world like you, and there are so, so, so many of them. half the country. these people are not to be hand-waved off or ignored.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I wonder how Trump will look physically in four years. Obama got all those grays and his face shows signs of fatigue if you compare pics of him from years ago.

Trump already looks beat.
And this is Obama, who is really damn healthy for his age. Dude still worked out and everything, even while in office.

Trump being lazy is both my hope and my expectation.

He didn't really want this job. He just wanted the title, and really even if he lost, he just wanted the publicity.

I doubt he's going to push anything too extreme, because that would require actual work and some knowledge of how the Washington political machine works. I'm hopeful he's just going to sit around doing as little as possible and blame everyone around him for why his plans aren't going through. And then in a few years he'll come out and say something like "I think it's enough. I think I've done enough. I've done a tremendous job and I think I'm going to go back to my business now" and not run for re-election.
This is both a good and bad thing if he does do that. If he got lazy and started shirking his work, he wouldn't personally do damage... But Pence and the people under him are probably even more capable of doing damage than he is.
Trump being lazy is both my hope and my expectation.

He didn't really want this job. He just wanted the title, and really even if he lost, he just wanted the publicity.

I doubt he's going to push anything too extreme, because that would require actual work and some knowledge of how the Washington political machine works. I'm hopeful he's just going to sit around doing as little as possible and blame everyone around him for why his plans aren't going through. And then in a few years he'll come out and say something like "I think it's enough. I think I've done enough. I've done a tremendous job and I think I'm going to go back to my business now" and not run for re-election.
Trump being lazy would him rubber stamping everything the bunch of lunatics around him decide. And that is not something good.

This might be the first time people should actually wish that Washington gets nothing done for 4 years.
And this is Obama, who is really damn healthy for his age. Dude still worked out and everything, even while in office.

Obama: And this is where I exercise, Donald.
Trump: Uh, what is that tall thing with a lot of bars on it?
Obama: That is my salmon ladder.


Trump being lazy is both my hope and my expectation.

He didn't really want this job. He just wanted the title, and really even if he lost, he just wanted the publicity.

I doubt he's going to push anything too extreme, because that would require actual work and some knowledge of how the Washington political machine works. I'm hopeful he's just going to sit around doing as little as possible and blame everyone around him for why his plans aren't going through. And then in a few years he'll come out and say something like "I think it's enough. I think I've done enough. I've done a tremendous job and I think I'm going to go back to my business now" and not run for re-election.

It won't work that way though. If he's really lazy and hands-off, Pence & crew will run things under complete Republican rule while the Donald just handles the speeches and appearances. This is what's likely to happen regardless.
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