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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


I am a Cody Rhodes guy

Cody is good but... Sandow is just amazing.

You're welcome.


So I wasn't around when here when it happened, but Cena is a heel now, right? I mean you gotta be a heel if you smack somebody with a fucking pipe?....right?
So I wasn't around when here when it happened, but Cena is a heel now, right? I mean you gotta be a heel if you smack somebody with a fucking pipe?....right?

Yeah Cena is a heel now. Everything is fine. The current storyline is him getting countless unfair title shots againt Face Punk, who only tells the truth.


So I wasn't around when here when it happened, but Cena is a heel now, right? I mean you gotta be a heel if you smack somebody with a fucking pipe?....right?

Wrestling 101 always dictates that a face can do anything to a heel or a ref and still be a face. Case in point ECW 1995 - Tommy Dreamer injures Beulah with a Piledriver, yet the fans cheer for him afterwards because Beulah was a heel. Three years later, Beulah (now a face) gets 3D from the Dudleys and the fans give them hell.
:loool, I'm not even in the top 34. It's okay though, Batman doesn't need to be around for his presence to be felt.

And Cult of Personality > This Fire Burns. I like both, but CoP has a bigger feel to it, and fits his gimmick.
For anyone still wondering, the mod I pm'd about synchtube hasn't responded and I don't want to bring any unnecessary attention to the thread by pm'ing more mods. If anyone else wants to take up the cause go ahead and please keep us informed.

Until then, you if you decide to use synchtube it should be at your own discretion. Also, I think we can do without the warnings as well, if for whatever reason you feel strongly against the use of synchtube or about the good standing of someone's account (yeah, right) go ahead and pm a mod about it now. We don't need to raise a stink every time a link gets posted.
Professor Beef and Doctor Chicken would be a meaty tag team.

They have taste in a lock that you can't break.
For anyone still wondering, the mod I pm'd about synchtube hasn't responded and I don't want to bring any unnecessary attention to the thread by pm'ing more mods. If anyone else wants to take up the cause go ahead and please keep us informed.

Until then, you if you decide to use synchtube it should be at your own discretion. Also, I think we can do without the warnings as well, if for whatever reason you feel strongly against the use of synchtube or about the good standing of someone's account (yeah, right) go ahead and pm a mod about it now. We don't need to raise a stink every time a link gets posted.

I didn't raise a warning because I was against it. I raised a warning because I knew about what Hito said, and I didn't want people banned for (seemingly) no reason. I don't like seeing people banned if it can be avoided, believe it or not.


So not worth it
Fairly certain Kelly Kelly doesn't appeal to an Indy crowd.

Well, I guess they would like to boo her in-ring work, throw shit at her and/or yell obscenities at her.


Cena is not scheduled right now for Raw tommorrow. So get ready for Punk and Ryback part 1 tommorrow if Cena doesn't show up.
Oh god i made it to the hall of shame. I have become what I hate.

Finished watching smack down even though wwe is no longer going to upload superstars and smackdown to YouTube. Shaemus is beyond terrible he cut a horrible promo and no sold so much stuff during the Miztv segment
bish just spared the egypt thread but that creeper threat is going to get crushed like foley falling from a hell in a cell

sync tube should be fine if we are just getting stuff on youtube/dailymotion and not uploading it our selves


So not worth it
Ziggler will be an instant face once he rids The Dubya Dubya Ubiverse of the terror reign of Sheamus.

Vickie did a house show managing Slater, so that is definitely ending soon as well. Yay.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
See you guys, not sure when - I posted in the creeper thread and didn't agree 100% with certain people so no doubt...
sO after doing some digging i seems ponygaf synctubed news episodes which is piracy. so as we stray from current stuff it should be fine

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
sO after doing some digging i seems ponygaf synctubed news episodes which is piracy. so as we stray from current stuff it should be fine

It's nice to know that it "isn't" due to "mutual unified masturbation" sessions.
I didn't raise a warning because I was against it. I raised a warning because I knew about what Hito said, and I didn't want people banned for (seemingly) no reason. I don't like seeing people banned if it can be avoided, believe it or not.

Oh Beef, I know you've been gunning for me since I first walked into this thread and stole the show, just biding your time, waiting for one little mistake and... poof ;)

But seriously, I think all the regulars here are now well versed on the potential risks of synchtube. What I mean is, we all know not to ask for a stream but every now and then, you get someone that does followed by like 3 or 5 quotes saying,

"Edit that bro"
"might want to edit that"
"edit, edit, edit!"

Now some of these people have the foresight to edit the quote so there's no evidence of bannable material, some are annoyed and don't care even if he does edit, and so he realizes his mistake, fixes it, but he still gets banned because there's a paper trail now.

Let's be honest, the only time people have been banned here for actions taking place here are when someone pm's a mod, someone asks for a stream on the rare occasion that a mod is in the thread, or a lurker ventures into the thread and feels they need to save us from ourselves.

I'm just saying, I read the TOS, I read Hito's post, I pm'd Hito and I'm probably going to post a link from time to time knowing full well that I may get banned for it. If a lurker should happen upon that page and just sees business as usual, he may not give it another thought. But if he's sees my post followed by several debating the ethical nature of it or just honest warnings he may be inclined to go the extra mile and get someone banned just for the hell of it or whatever.


Fairly certain Kelly Kelly doesn't appeal to an Indy crowd.

Well, I guess they would like to boo her in-ring work, throw shit at her and/or yell obscenities at her.
Yeah. I don't know if she would be well liked by those types of crowds.

Does Bully Ray remind anyone else of Iron Mike Sharpe?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Regarding the edited Raws on Hulu:

A Hulu rep sent a customer the following statement in response to a request for more information regarding why RAW is cut down to ninety minutes on the service. Hulu is currently airing SmackDown, NXT and Superstars in their entirety, but RAW (which has never been available in its entirety via the likes of YouTube or Hulu) is shortened considerably. The Hulu rep sent the following:

"Thanks for writing. I'm very sorry for any confusion regarding the availability of the full version of WWE Monday Night Raw. Unfortunately, at this time we only have the rights to stream the 90 minute version. I know it's frustrating to discover that the full episodes aren't available on Hulu.com as you expected.

Our goal is to bring and keep as many videos on our service as possible. However, content availability and retention depend on several factors, including streaming clearances granted by our content providers. We're working hard to bring full episodes of WWE Monday Night Smackdown to the site and apologize for the inconvenience. Let me know if there are any more questions I can answer for you."
Regarding the edited Raws on Hulu:

A Hulu rep sent a customer the following statement in response to a request for more information regarding why RAW is cut down to ninety minutes on the service. Hulu is currently airing SmackDown, NXT and Superstars in their entirety, but RAW (which has never been available in its entirety via the likes of YouTube or Hulu) is shortened considerably. The Hulu rep sent the following:

"Thanks for writing. I'm very sorry for any confusion regarding the availability of the full version of WWE Monday Night Raw. Unfortunately, at this time we only have the rights to stream the 90 minute version. I know it's frustrating to discover that the full episodes aren't available on Hulu.com as you expected.

Our goal is to bring and keep as many videos on our service as possible. However, content availability and retention depend on several factors, including streaming clearances granted by our content providers. We're working hard to bring full episodes of WWE Monday Night Smackdown to the site and apologize for the inconvenience. Let me know if there are any more questions I can answer for you."

I don't have Hulu+ and if I did I doubt I'd be watching the full 3 hour Raw plus commercials, maybe if I spread it out over the course of the week. I prefer watching clips of the most talked about moments from the thread on Youtube, the only problem is they edit all the good stuff out. I wanted to watch the AJ, Punk, and Heyman opening segment because I didn't catch all the off-color remarks Punk made the first time but all of that was gone from the clip. If the live show is PG, the Youtube clips are G or TvY7 Fantasy Violence, whatever the hell the tv equivalent of G is.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't have Hulu+ and if I did I doubt I'd be watching the full 3 hour Raw plus commercials, maybe if I spread it out over the course of the week. I prefer watching clips of the most talked about moments from the thread on Youtube, the only problem is they edit all the good stuff out. I wanted to watch the AJ, Punk, and Heyman opening segment because I didn't catch all the off-color remarks Punk made the first time but all of that was gone from the clip. If the live show is PG the Youtube clips are G or TvY7 Fantasy Violence, whatever the hell the tv equivalent of G is.

Kind of a bummer. But I'm also the guy who tries REALLY hard to get my PPV collection to have first-run shows or "taped from PPV" for the first airing before WWE gets to tweak and change it to their liking.

I like the TRUTH!
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