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Oculus' Palmer Luckey funds white-supremacist/misogynistic/anti-lgbt harassment group


Accepting the simple answer of "they're just racists" isn't going to do anything good. It serves to make us feel better about saying "fuck em", but doesn't address their place in culture and how to combat them at all.

The alt-right is like people who are against polio vaccines because there's no polio in the world.

Their position is thus: "Who needs progressive action against racism when I already know all races are equally capable?..... only complaining nanny ideologues, that's who."

If someone is lying to themselves and lying to you, their interlocutor, the best course of action is not to enable them. The best course of action is to, first, call them out on their bullshit. You can then move on from there - at which point we are getting into jobs programs and the like that extend well beyond the confines of this thread.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
What are we supposed to do? Pretend they are not racist? All that's going to do is what Trump is doing now, which is to create an environment where they feel their beliefs are validated. The benefit to society was not that these people didn't exist. They have always been there. It's that they didn't act out or feel comfortable spreading their beliefs to others. Now it's become a point of pride to them to criticize not acting like jerks...umm I mean politically correct. This kind of backlash attacks that belief.

Just to be clear... I am fine with any backlash against the alt-right. And to the point of the thread... yes, Luckey's support of an alt-right group lowers my opinion of him significantly, and I will be voting with my dollars to not support Oculus now.

Just trying to spread awareness amongst the liberal-minded on GAF that they often put a clown mask on the alt-right which isn't necessary at all to regard them as a problem.

The alt-right isn't fuelled by racist self-interest. They're fuelled by disgust against those who are pushing to make society a less racist place. I can understand why people would regard these views as one and the same, but there a difference of motivation there that I think is important. Even someone who doesn't hold racially superior views might be tired of being pushed to think and speak and behave in a certain way, and they're pushing back mainly against the restriction, more than they have the desire to say what they want without it.



Fucking waiting for him to step down. Facebook should immediately remove this idiot.

Wow, palmer is a total asshat. I'm not supporting a single thing this idiot touches.
Just to be clear... I am fine with any backlash against the alt-right. And to the point of the thread... yes, Luckey's support of an alt-right group lowers my opinion of him significantly, and I will be voting with my dollars to not support Oculus now.

Just trying to spread awareness amongst the liberal-minded on GAF that they often put a clown mask on the alt-right which isn't necessary at all to regard them as a problem.

The alt-right isn't fuelled by racist self-interest. They're fuelled by disgust against those who are pushing to make society a less racist place. I can understand why people would regard these views as one and the same, but there a difference of motivation there that I think is important. Even someone who doesn't hold racially superior views might be tired of being pushed to think and speak and behave in a certain way, and they're pushing back mainly against the restriction, more than they have the desire to say what they want without it.

The alt-right definitely have legitimate issues that need to be addressed. The problem is that their maladaptive trait to blame others not like themselves sabotages that effort. They are against any plan that will help them if it also helps the people they are currently busy scapegoating for their problems.

To be more general, it isn't just racism that is the problem. It is the us-versus-them zero sum mentality. That has extended beyond race and into politics. It's why they opposed traditional bipartisan efforts like funding infrastructure just because the other side supports it. Being in opposition to the 'other' has become their only guiding principle and is what allowed Trump to happen. He embodied that opposition and ran with it better than any other candidate could. Policies to actually improve people's lives, including their own, aren't part of the conversation for this group. Their whole political reason to exist is to hurt other people not like themselves.
Okay, I'm obviously missing something here.

So Pepe is a "White supremacist meme" because it's associated with the "alt-right" and "Nimble America" is a "White supremacist group" because it's an "alt-right" group? Is that correct?

Has Palmer or this Nimble America group actually put themselves forward as white supremacists, or is it just Clinton supporters slapping these labels on them?

As far as I can see, Palmer is just a Trump supporter with a bunch of money that made a bit of a douchey post of Reddit. Trump isn't some fringe political figure though, he is the republican nominee with a fair chance of being the next US President.

The "outrage" seems a bit over the top.


Last week it was Hillary's campaign attacking Pepe. This week, Palmer paid people to meme.

Memes are literally apart of the American election. What a joke.


As far as I can see, Palmer is just a Trump supporter with a bunch of money that made a bit of a douchey post of Reddit. Trump isn't some fringe political figure though, he is the republican nominee with a fair chance of being the next US President.

The "outrage" seems a bit over the top.

I think you should read up on Donald Trump if you think support for him isn't an endorsement of white supremacy.


Luckey simply told the daily beast that he's the guy funding it?
I'm a bit confused since he apparently was trying to do this secretly


Did he even invent the Oculus? I think I saw some reports a few weeks ago that he stole the idea or concept or something? Not sure though, maybe somebody can correct me


Luckey simply told the daily beast that he's the guy funding it?

That's the craziest part about this whole thing imo. He wasn't caught doing this on the sly he made a conscious decision to publicly attach his name (and by association the oculus name) to this bullshit.
It's why they opposed traditional bipartisan efforts like funding infrastructure just because the other side supports it. Being in opposition to the 'other' has become their only guiding principle and is what allowed Trump to happen. He embodied that opposition and ran with it better than any other candidate could. Policies to actually improve people's lives, including their own, aren't part of the conversation for this group. Their whole political reason to exist is to hurt other people not like themselves.

As I understand things the alt-right are too new to be blamed for much yet. They are not in opposition in the sense they caused much bi-partisan rifts, they seem to actively dislike the tea party - who have been the reflex oppositional political force.

They are this guy

and the people who admire him. Dis-affected, trollish, they believe there is no truth anymore. Trump is ideal for them because he has no beliefs either. They are modern version of 70s punks doing things for lols and the camera, while the establishment looks on, horrified. They live for publicity and shock value. If they get real political power they probably would tear each other apart arguing about what to do with it.


The title of this post is patently ridiculous. You can disagree with the guy's politics, but calling him a white supremacist is dishonest, and completely unsupported by the facts.

The groupthink and double-standards around politics in gaming (and the tech industry in general) is tiresome. Smart people can (and do) disagree about politics, and we should (as a society) be able to have those sorts of disgreements without some strident outrage-brigade trying to immediately shout down (and shut down) anyone that doesn't agree with the twitter-consensus.

Nearly 50% of the country (based on polling) is going to vote for Trump..are all those millions of people automatically white supremacists?
The title of this post is patently ridiculous. You can disagree with the guy's politics, but calling him a white supremacist is dishonest, and completely unsupported by the facts.

The groupthink and double-standards around politics in gaming (and the tech industry in general) is tiresome. Smart people can (and do) disagree about politics, and we should (as a society) be able to have those sorts of disgreements without some strident outrage-brigade trying to immediately shout down (and shut down) anyone that doesn't agree with the twitter-consensus.

Nearly 50% of the country (based on polling) is going to vote for Trump..are all those millions of people automatically white supremacists?

The title of this post is patently ridiculous. You can disagree with the guy's politics, but calling him a white supremacist is dishonest, and completely unsupported by the facts.

The groupthink and double-standards around politics in gaming (and the tech industry in general) is tiresome. Smart people can (and do) disagree about politics, and we should (as a society) be able to have those sorts of disgreements without some strident outrage-brigade trying to immediately shout down (and shut down) anyone that doesn't agree with the twitter-consensus.

Nearly 50% of the country (based on polling) is going to vote for Trump..are all those millions of people automatically white supremacists?
I mean... maybe half of them. The other half are horrible for other reasons.

It seems to be any illigal immigration he is against though isn't it?

And if he had an issue with "religions of non-white people" then Christianity would be in his bad books wouldn't it?
No, he doesn't like legal immigration of brown people either (Syria). And Christianity is a white people religion in the US.
The title of this post is patently ridiculous. You can disagree with the guy's politics, but calling him a white supremacist is dishonest, and completely unsupported by the facts.

The groupthink and double-standards around politics in gaming (and the tech industry in general) is tiresome. Smart people can (and do) disagree about politics, and we should (as a society) be able to have those sorts of disgreements without some strident outrage-brigade trying to immediately shout down (and shut down) anyone that doesn't agree with the twitter-consensus.

Nearly 50% of the country (based on polling) is going to vote for Trump..are all those millions of people automatically white supremacists?

Trump supporters? Yea, might as well be. I have no issue generalizing them all as racists. Fuck em.


For you.
The title of this post is patently ridiculous. You can disagree with the guy's politics, but calling him a white supremacist is dishonest, and completely unsupported by the facts.

The groupthink and double-standards around politics in gaming (and the tech industry in general) is tiresome. Smart people can (and do) disagree about politics, and we should (as a society) be able to have those sorts of disgreements without some strident outrage-brigade trying to immediately shout down (and shut down) anyone that doesn't agree with the twitter-consensus.

Nearly 50% of the country (based on polling) is going to vote for Drumpf..are all those millions of people automatically white supremacists?
Abso-fucking-lutely, yes. Sorry to tell you, but there isn't a single Trump supporter that isn't a fuckwit racist douchebag. The whole four supporters that happen to not be that, are still fine with the rest of the supporters beign insuferable racist douchebags, and are still endorsing a racist douchebag, so they are not better.
Oh yeah liberal folks slandering and labeling half the electorate with extreme labels just because of the some of the views of right leaders/candidates.

I'm voting for hilary but calling all trump supporters white supremacists is disgusting, pathetic, and childish. There are other policies/ideals people might value more when choosing a candidate, not necessarily immigration policy or the character of the candidate. Lol.
The title of this post is patently ridiculous. You can disagree with the guy's politics, but calling him a white supremacist is dishonest, and completely unsupported by the facts.

The groupthink and double-standards around politics in gaming (and the tech industry in general) is tiresome. Smart people can (and do) disagree about politics, and we should (as a society) be able to have those sorts of disgreements without some strident outrage-brigade trying to immediately shout down (and shut down) anyone that doesn't agree with the twitter-consensus.

Nearly 50% of the country (based on polling) is going to vote for Trump..are all those millions of people automatically white supremacists?
Automatically? Of course not.
Dis-affected, trollish, they believe there is no truth anymore.

Damn. This is the best way to put it into words. Add on the fact that "meme magic" is itself a meme, meant to convey the controlling of outcomes through memes -- political ads already do this, but they don't test well when nobody watches cable -- to get a message out much faster...without expense even approaching an ad.
This part seems strange:

"I have supported Donald's presidential ambitions for years. I encouraged him to run in the last election......"

Was Palmer Luckey even well known enough to be talking to Donald Trump pre 2012? As if he could influence him. Are we sure this is legit, making sure before i get out my pitchfork.


The title of this post is patently ridiculous. You can disagree with the guy's politics, but calling him a white supremacist is dishonest, and completely unsupported by the facts.

The groupthink and double-standards around politics in gaming (and the tech industry in general) is tiresome. Smart people can (and do) disagree about politics, and we should (as a society) be able to have those sorts of disgreements without some strident outrage-brigade trying to immediately shout down (and shut down) anyone that doesn't agree with the twitter-consensus.

Nearly 50% of the country (based on polling) is going to vote for Trump..are all those millions of people automatically white supremacists?

Kind of silly to accuse people of groupthink in one paragraph, then assuage criticism about another stance by pointing to strength in numbers.
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