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Off Duty Police Officer Hits 4 Year Old Girl w/ Motorcycle, Shoots and Kills Father..

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These two things are exactly nothing alike.

They are both dealing with the feeling of someone's life being in danger, that doesn't mean that it actually is. Being in a fight, or even being jump =/= your life is in danger or justify shooting someone, if that were the case there would be a lot more homicides than just ass whuppins...
We don't need to defend his actions due to the heat of the moment, though. Everything he did here was rational and appropriate. The warning shot suggestion makes absolutely no sense given the situation. This was not a fistfight. This was a guy who had just been involved in an accident through no fault of his own who was then mercilessly beaten by three assailants.

That is true I typed the wrong word. He was right to shot its just unfortunate that this all happened. The father was stupid.


They are both dealing with the feeling of someone's life being in danger, that doesn't mean that it actually is. Being in a fight, or even being jump =/= your life is in danger or justify shooting someone, if that were the case there would be a lot more homicides than just ass whuppins...
It wasn't even a fight. It was a one-sided assault.

NH Apache

Also, the little girl probably would not be here if the vehicle was a car and not a bike. Would the dad have flipped if the cop had gotten out of his car to do the same?


That's a poor excuse, I'm sure some people find their life in danger walking down the street at night, that doesn't make it alright to shoot someone crossing by you on the sidewalk. Regardless of all that he could have fired a warning shot instead of instantly shooting his attacker.

Not trying to justify beating someone for what was clearly an accident either, but two wrongs don't make a right, etc etc... Also for the record, I don't know the guy or his family personally, so I can't comment on his mannerisms or temperment, not that it really matters.

He was being attacked. He was defending his life. That's not a poor excuse at all. There is a insanely huge difference between someone crossing a crosswalk by you and two mean beating the shit out of you. More so when you were already injured by the accident and they are.

They are both dealing with the feeling of someone's life being in danger, that doesn't mean that it actually is. Being in a fight, or even being jump =/= your life is in danger or justify shooting someone, if that were the case there would be a lot more homicides than just ass whuppins...

You're freaking delusional. There is honestly no other way to say that.
Being in a fight, or even being jump =/= your life is in danger or justify shooting someone, if that were the case there would be a lot more homicides than just ass whuppins...



my cake, fuck off
They are both dealing with the feeling of someone's life being in danger, that doesn't mean that it actually is. Being in a fight, or even being jump =/= your life is in danger or justify shooting someone, if that were the case there would be a lot more homicides than just ass whuppins...

Sorry, but you sound pretty stupid.


Also, for those of you who don't know Chicago well, Maywood is a absolutely shitty neighborhood. Lots of gang violence.


They are both dealing with the feeling of someone's life being in danger, that doesn't mean that it actually is. Being in a fight, or even being jump =/= your life is in danger or justify shooting someone, if that were the case there would be a lot more homicides than just ass whuppins...

"Hmm, I suppose these gentleman just want me to fall unconscious. Surely they will stop beating me once I am actually defenseless."


His fiance is my GF's friend, she told me about it yesterday... their daughter is in the hospital in critical condition last I heard. I think I shot in the air would have been enough to get people off him, either way it's manslaughter.

Whose fiance? The cop or the father?
"Middleton said he "didn't give a (expletive)" and punched the officer in the face, authorities said. Another person hit the officer in the back of the head.

The girl's 18-year-old cousin, who ran into the street after the girl and was holding her hand when she was hit, also kicked the officer while he was on the ground, Shapiro said."

So he got hit twice, fell to the ground, got kicked by a girl, then shoots a guy in the groin... I dunno man, I've been jumped before by more people and managed to not die... even walked away for the whole situation with just a scratch on my head, and I didn't have to kill anyone. Good to know that if I ever feel like the same situation might happen I can just shoot someone and it will be totally justified.
"Middleton said he "didn't give a (expletive)" and punched the officer in the face, authorities said. Another person hit the officer in the back of the head.

The girl's 18-year-old cousin, who ran into the street after the girl and was holding her hand when she was hit, also kicked the officer while he was on the ground, Shapiro said."

So he got hit twice, fell to the ground, got kicked by a girl, then shoots a guy in the groin... I dunno man, I've been jumped before by more people and managed to not die... even walked away for the whole situation with just a scratch on my head, and I didn't have to kill anyone. Good to know that if I ever feel like the same situation might happen I can just shoot someone and it will be totally justified.

Ho boy.

We got an internet tough guy here.


I officially don't like cops, but I think that it would be hard to find a better case of self-defense than "two guys knocked me down and started kicking me until I thought I would lose consciousness." This is one of those situation where I think a non-police officer with a concealed carry license might well have done the same thing for the same reasons.

Does anybody know what kind of record the "Independent Police Review Authority" has?


SlaughterX, take a deep breath. Remove yourself from this thread and come back later when you are thinking rationally. You are clearly too emotionally invested right now since you semi know the people involved.

There are a lot of messed up news articles about the police abusing their power, but this is not one of them.


"Middleton said he "didn't give a (expletive)" and punched the officer in the face, authorities said. Another person hit the officer in the back of the head.

The girl's 18-year-old cousin, who ran into the street after the girl and was holding her hand when she was hit, also kicked the officer while he was on the ground, Shapiro said."

So he got hit twice, fell to the ground, got kicked by a girl, then shoots a guy in the groin... I dunno man, I've been jumped before by more people and managed to not die... even walked away for the whole situation with just a scratch on my head, and I didn't have to kill anyone. Good to know that if I ever feel like the same situation might happen I can just shoot someone and it will be totally justified.

All of this happened after he just wrecked his fucking motorcycle, dude was likely somewhat injured before the assault began.


Based off what I'm reading in the article this sounds like a clear cut case of self defense. IMO the officer shouldn't be charged with anything if the facts in the article are true.

While it's a tragedy, the officer's actions were justified.
"Middleton said he "didn't give a (expletive)" and punched the officer in the face, authorities said. Another person hit the officer in the back of the head.

The girl's 18-year-old cousin, who ran into the street after the girl and was holding her hand when she was hit, also kicked the officer while he was on the ground, Shapiro said."

So he got hit twice, fell to the ground, got kicked by a girl, then shoots a guy in the groin... I dunno man, I've been jumped before by more people and managed to not die... even walked away for the whole situation with just a scratch on my head, and I didn't have to kill anyone. Good to know that if I ever feel like the same situation might happen I can just shoot someone and it will be totally justified.

And the part where it says he was about to lose consciousness?

Step away from this thread for a bit. Clear your head.


So he got hit twice, fell to the ground, got kicked by a girl, then shoots a guy in the groin... I dunno man, I've been jumped before by more people and managed to not die... even walked away for the whole situation with just a scratch on my head, and I didn't have to kill anyone. Good to know that if I ever feel like the same situation might happen I can just shoot someone and it will be totally justified.

Well good thing every scenario where someone gets jumped plays out exactly like yours!
"Middleton said he "didn't give a (expletive)" and punched the officer in the face, authorities said. Another person hit the officer in the back of the head.

The girl's 18-year-old cousin, who ran into the street after the girl and was holding her hand when she was hit, also kicked the officer while he was on the ground, Shapiro said."

So he got hit twice, fell to the ground, got kicked by a girl, then shoots a guy in the groin... I dunno man, I've been jumped before by more people and managed to not die... even walked away for the whole situation with just a scratch on my head, and I didn't have to kill anyone. Good to know that if I ever feel like the same situation might happen I can just shoot someone and it will be totally justified.

What are you trying to prove? That he didn't get hit enough times to justify force...I mean really? That girls don't hit hard enough to justify lethal force? That you are a bigger badass then the guy who intentionally wrecked his motorcycle and knowingly exposed himself to potentially fatal injury to save a stranger's life? I don't understand this post.
i don't understand why the dude would be beating up someone, officer or not, instead of worrying about the health of his daughter...

Too cowardly to admit that he was partially (or predominantly) responsible for what happened. OP is also hilarious for thinking the cop can fire off a warning shot as if that wont further increase the cowardly beating.


SlaughterX, you are assuming that these reports are giving a total play-by-play, and are ignoring the fact that the man had just jumped from a moving motorcycle.


If your girlfriends friends fiance was the police officer, your opinion would be totally different.

The use of force seems reasonable given the circumstances and since it appears as though only one shot was fired and it sounds like the officer tried didn't try to kill him with the shot, just incapacitate him.


"Middleton said he "didn't give a (expletive)" and punched the officer in the face, authorities said. Another person hit the officer in the back of the head.

The girl's 18-year-old cousin, who ran into the street after the girl and was holding her hand when she was hit, also kicked the officer while he was on the ground, Shapiro said."

So he got hit twice, fell to the ground, got kicked by a girl, then shoots a guy in the groin... I dunno man, I've been jumped before by more people and managed to not die... even walked away for the whole situation with just a scratch on my head, and I didn't have to kill anyone. Good to know that if I ever feel like the same situation might happen I can just shoot someone and it will be totally justified.

Yeah he should have let them beat him the fuck down.

It's only right, after all...


SlaughterX, you are assuming that these reports are giving a total play-by-play, and are ignoring the fact that the man had just jumped from a moving motorcycle.

I also think it needs to be added that he jumped to save the little girls life too. So he was trying to save the damn kid's life by injuring himself already. Of course he got paid back for that by being jumped by grown adults.

If anything the guy should have been applauded for thinking so quickly and doing what he did to save the kids life and not beaten to the point that he was about to pass out.
Thread backfire total. Hey guys, just because two people are curb stomping you, doesn't mean your life is in danger. You should wait and see if you regain consciousness, then assess the situation.
This might be one of those rare stories where the involved people (perhaps many of them) are acting wrongly, but where their actions are understandable in the awful circumstances. Just awful stuff.


Something tells me OP already has made up his mind about who's in the wrong and all the evidence and rational thinking and explanations won't change it.


I'll also just throw this out there. Protip: Anytime someone identifies themselves as a police office, on duty or off do not start fights with them unless your life depends on it. Most police carry sidearms while off duty. In many places off duty officers are required to carry guns. So, don't assault police officers and thats one way you're less likely to get shot.
Thread backfire total. Hey guys, just because two people are curb stomping you, doesn't mean your life is in danger. You should wait and see if you regain consciousness, then assess the situation.
Considering that the OP sounds like me might be potentially brain damaged, he's not exactly the best advocate for the harmlessness of beatdowns.
Proof of what? You can't just shoot someone because you're in a fist fight, off duty cop or not.

They are both dealing with the feeling of someone's life being in danger, that doesn't mean that it actually is. Being in a fight, or even being jump =/= your life is in danger or justify shooting someone, if that were the case there would be a lot more homicides than just ass whuppins...

Getting fucking jumped and pummeled by multiple people as you attempt to tend to a hurt girl isn't being in a damn fight. Seriously, what's wrong with you?
Yup. Your child's life is more important than trying to beat up a guy who just bailed from his bike to save her life and is laying on the ground in pain. She ran out in the middle of the fucking road.

This is what doesn't make sense to me, any sane, loving father of a child would probably rush and attend to the 4 year old child and see if she's ok and make sure help is on the way before rolling up their sleeve to punch someone, just doesn't add up!

Very tragic and sad story and a senseless death that could have been prevented. Having said that, I am still very uncomfortable with trigger happy America, off-duty cop or not.


"Middleton said he "didn't give a (expletive)" and punched the officer in the face, authorities said. Another person hit the officer in the back of the head.

The girl's 18-year-old cousin, who ran into the street after the girl and was holding her hand when she was hit, also kicked the officer while he was on the ground, Shapiro said."

So he got hit twice, fell to the ground, got kicked by a girl, then shoots a guy in the groin... I dunno man, I've been jumped before by more people and managed to not die... even walked away for the whole situation with just a scratch on my head, and I didn't have to kill anyone. Good to know that if I ever feel like the same situation might happen I can just shoot someone and it will be totally justified.

I can't tell if you're throwing logic out the window because you have a connection to the party involved of if you're just really slow. On what planet is a person, who just wrecked his motorcycle trying to avoid KILLING a small child, and then proceeded to take a three (I thought it was two, the wording is odd) person beating just supposed to lay there and take it?

He was shot in the groin, yeah? Couldn't it be possible and likely that the officer was going for a leg wound to stop the attack and stay alive? Isn't it also possible that the beating would have continued to the point off the officers death? Do you think the officer should have died from the beating due to the negligence on the part of the father, the cousin, and third attacker in regards to taking care of the child?

If the family wants justice, they should advocate for charges against the cousin and third attacker as well as child negligence claims. I'd also like child services to investigate the home life too.
You serious? Unless the guy is deliberately trying to injure the girl by slamming his bike into her, there is absolutely no reason to just attack someone for what's most obviously an accident.
My understanding from the article was that he didn't witness anything and only saw the aftermath.
I can understand, if this is the case, lacking context, the father going ape shit.

I'm obviously not saying I agree he should have done that or I would do that in that situation. I'm just saying if this is what happened, it doesn't seem far fetched. As wrong and terrible as it is.

Obviously, going by the article, the cop was totally justified. Overall, it's just a mess.


4 YO, out at 10PM while parents were in a restaurant and the 18 YO was holding her hand when she got hit too.

This is all sorts of 'what the fuck'
If anything the guy should have been applauded for thinking so quickly and doing what he did to save the kids life and not beaten to the point that he was about to pass out.

I'm applauding him now, he's a damn hero. We see constant pining in gaf threads on this subject for officers who hold public safety and civic service above their very lives. That's exactly what this guy did, he took a beating for it, and gaf is supposed to hang him because he shot his crazed, out-of-control assailant? No, that's not going to happen.


This might be one of those rare stories where the involved people (perhaps many of them) are acting wrongly, but where their actions are understandable in the awful circumstances. Just awful stuff.

Honestly I don't think their actions are understandable. As mentioned by others I'd be worried about my kid. I'd be there doing everything I could for them and honestly not even worrying about the guy on the bike. You wouldn't be able to get me the hell away from my child. Yet they'd rather beat a guy to at least unconsciousness and probably death if they he hadn't defended himself.
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