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Off-site Community Discussion (Reset, etc.) -- READ OP. Stay civil. Don't make it personal. Keep it in here.

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So this is cool.

Ahahahah! Thanks for posting this.

The ideological blindness has taken full root over there and now we're seeing the blooming flowers.


Lets be honest. Era was not born with the idea of a better forum. Like, never.

It was build so some 'mentally challenged' persons could fullfill their egos by creating and controlling another group of people.

Era is pure sectarism, and serves no utility for anyone besides the admins.


Emoji Emperor
Staff Member
I wish you could use the Discord emotions here in NeoGAF. The thinking emote in Discord is the best emote I've seen.

Discord uses an emoji set that I have yet to implement. You've found unsure in the default category :unsure: (#20) and a similar emoji is within the Pie set :pie_thinking: (#22)

:goog_unsure: (Android 7, Nougat set - implemented as #32 under the 'Nougat' category)

🤔 (Version from the Apple set, which could also be implemented)
🤔 (Unicode 9 version from emojipedia.org )

At present, we have 3/5 of them within our existing implementation.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
So I made a comment in that Valkyria Chronicles 4 thread about the butt slap to test if I would get banned and unsurprisingly I was.

This is what I said:

My ban was set to be lifted on the 3rd of October.
I just went to the ResetERA site to find this today:

I think I made 3 or 4 posts on that site and got banned twice. Once for 2 weeks and second is now perma.
Interesting site.
Despite ERA acting/pretending that being a Junior should not matter like it did on OldGAF, in practice, everyone with less than 300 posts is automatically assumed an alt, troll, questionable, malicious and what not.

That's ultimately the single biggest issue with ERA and how they approach every topic - Assuming the worst.

With such consistent negativity, why would you need any positivity in your life? Lets face it - A lot of ERA users (not all!) are just hovering around to make you feel bad about yourself. If it isnt done through dogpiling, then its done through suggestive questioning, half-attempts at doxxing, slandering or even outright baiting you into a ban or presenting you as someone or something worse than Hitler.

It does not matter whether you are a game developer, comic writer, sound engineer or even politically active - You have to trim your views to the exact height of what ERA wants you to have. If you grow them even a millimeter longer, than you are basically a enemy of the forum proletariat. and thus deserve to be ousted by the politburo that is The Names.

That RedMercury is a helluva poster (and ban baiter)
There is literally no other user out there that so openly sollicitites to a crew position. That and it must be either an alot from a Little Helper or (worse) an alt account from an actual member of The Names so he/she can throw in some more extremist views.

Tinfoil hat you say? Well, isn't it already remarkable that this user never gets banned for anything, but is incredibly efficient in banning others, like the WWE 25k posts user? I reckon my gross assumption may have a core of truth hidden in it.


Thread locked in a couple of minutes, mods are on point I have to say.
I love how a perfectly reasonable and nuanced assessment about ERA is met by a lock within 24 mins (Where are the other posts, by the way? You would think such a thread premise would generate responses).

So much for wanting to have a transparent bonfire amirite. ;)

Staff literally follows what i already said previously on how they deal with these things, here.

But let me use my Truth Translator to showcase what the staff actually means.

''If you have any questions regarding a moderation action, or lack thereof,''

Premise of the response already starts on the wrong note: The OP does not have a question whatsoever, but presents a well written column of everything wrong with ERA. Somehow this gets translated to ''Oh you have questions. Or maybe not.''

''feel free to message me directly with links''

Translation: ''I don't believe what you are saying, and i am unaware of the things you mentioned in your rant. If you do not want to risk being actioned, then you better tell me where you got this nonsense from. So i can ban you regardless, but i love giving regular users the impression that they can keep their account safe. Sorry, that''s only reserved for people who either purchased ERA Clear or the ''Mod Protection'' care package, which includes agreeing with racism and transphobia, but only if we deem it important enough to dismiss valid criticisms regarding these topics. You don't have neither, so...''

''and I will look into it personally.''

Translation: ''I likely don't have any time for this anyways, but i am just saying this to give you the impression that we value your criticism. Don't complain to me about this in PM though, as i am way too busy modding Bowsette into Minecraft. So don't @ me.''

''It’s possible some cases slip through the cracks,''

Translation: ''We only look at those cases where our personal narrative requires us, and thus the community to be ''against''. These cases are protected by staff. If you are going to point out that our behavior is in fact, discriminatory and racist, you will be met by appropiate actioning. Nobody likes false equivalencies or accusations - Certainly not when we don't believe that we are what you accuse us of.''

''but to be clear it is our policy to action harshly bigotry of all kinds.''

Translation: ''We however, fully reserve the right to not take further action against obvious racism and attempts at bigotry when said attempts conflict with the internal policy of our forum - Which is: ''Excel in hospitality, unless it highlights our virginity.'' We don't take kindly to those users pointing out that it is in fact US who are wrong - These users are not worth our time and will be taken care of adequately. Please do not spread these kinds of misinformation and deceit.''

''It is also our policy to issue permanent bans for any actual doxing attempt,''

Translation: ''So Erik Twice, ''in west Philadelphia born and raised. On the playground was where you spent most of your days. Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool, And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school. When a couple of guys who were up to no good. Started making trouble in your neighborhood. You got in one little fight and your mom got scared. She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in REE-Air."''

''regardless of the target. ''

Translation: ''Unless its a user whose contributions we value and trust. Doxxing is a serious matter and its only to be allowed when it serves the interests of ResetERA and its community at large. Any slanderous attempt to put ERA in a negative light, however true and justified it might be, will be met with a complete ignoring from the staff and the community at large regarding EACH and EVERY topic. We don't care that you are depressed, are transitioning, or like dogs. If you put us on the spot and it is not complete and utter adoration and devotion, than we consider you a Parasite of the Parlament.''

Talking to ERA staff is basically the equivalent of a personal Google translator: Whatever you say gets translated so poorly that the staff more often than not responds to something that was not even said or implied in the first place.
So this is cool.

''Not a good look.''

Is even a recent addition to the mod team, even. Whatever Cerium is inhaling, it really isn't helping his judgement into picking proper staff.

That or well, The Names simply don't care and its basically anarchy central behind the scenes. Probably the latter. ;)

Anyways... Is it just me, or has the growth of the population/registered members slowed down significantly? I'm seeing only 40,900 members at the moment, it could have been 45000 :unsure:
They went from nothing to 30.000 in one month. Almost 11 months latter its only 40k.

A lot of users are also junior accounts and will always remain juniors now that they see what happens when you try to engage with civil discourse. It won't be long before The Names start banning random accounts simply for not posting enough, or, to bring up an OldGAF reference, to ''cull the herd''.
Sorry user that is named in this pic!

Do we know who is running kiwifarms ?

Yes. Goes by the name of Null i believe. Hell, he has an entry on the Kiwi Wiki, so its okay to post.
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I love how a perfectly reasonable and nuanced assessment about ERA is met by a lock within 24 mins (Where are the other posts, by the way? You would think such a thread premise would generate responses).

It got locked much faster than that, I saw the topic a few minutes after creation (4 min to be precise) and it was already locked. That's what I meant by them being on point when they want to.
No one had time to reply and yet some other threads they let grow and start baning left and right.
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Darkness no more
It got locked much faster than that, I saw the topic a few minutes after creation (4 min to be precise) and it was already locked. That's what I meant by them being on point when they want to.
No one had time to reply and yet some other threads they let grow and start baning left and right.

Yeah. It was probably locked and then the mod added the reply afterwards.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
It got locked much faster than that, I saw the topic a few minutes after creation (4 min to be precise) and it was already locked. That's what I meant by them being on point when they want to.
No one had time to reply and yet some other threads they let grow and start baning left and right.
Instant look but somehow it takes 24 mins to write a staff reply, and not even a long one.

Oh, this just came in - How ERA looks like behind the scenes:





Darkness no more

This is amazing.

ERA says “Believe all women” and perma bans anyone that might ask a question about this.

Kellyanne Conway says she was sexually assaulted in the past.

ERA screams “liar!” No bans.


Gold Member
This is amazing.

ERA says “Believe all women” and perma bans anyone that might ask a question about this.

Kellyanne Conway says she was sexually assaulted in the past.

ERA screams “liar!” No bans.

It is not "believe all women" it is "believe only our women".
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Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
With the Republican's stance on health care and the absurd amount of religious zealots who want to undermine scientific education by batshit insane "theories" - talking intelligent design here - I think Morrigan has a point. Even if I were agreeing with the Republicans on e.g. foreign affairs, immigration or fiscal issues, how could I ever support a party that supports a vicious attack on education / science and is opposed to affordable healthcare for every citizen? Of course, evil is not the right thing to say here, because lunatics like Carson actually seem to believe their crazy bs (thus not acting because they want to harm people, but with good intention), but when one of only two parties has a bunch of prominent people advocating for blasting the US back into the middle ages, I feel the general sentiment expressed here is justified. It's why I, even though I am much opposed to Trump, am mildly calmeed it is Trump who won the Republican presidency, because the other candidates except Bush were even worse in many ways.


Gold Member
That is not the part I was laughing at, even though you can sling literal feces on both sides of the political fence. Broad stroke mentalities are what creates prejudices, bigotry, and all the other shit "progressives" claim to detest.

It was the "loyalty to a party is ridiculous in Canada". I do a lot of business in Canada, have lots of friends there. It is the same shit, just more ice and snow and IdPol mind-rot. Ladies and gentlepeople, we all laugh.

And the hypocrisy of how their moderation is handled.
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With the Republican's stance on health care and the absurd amount of religious zealots who want to undermine scientific education by batshit insane "theories" - talking intelligent design here - I think Morrigan has a point. Even if I were agreeing with the Republicans on e.g. foreign affairs, immigration or fiscal issues, how could I ever support a party that supports a vicious attack on education / science and is opposed to affordable healthcare for every citizen? Of course, evil is not the right thing to say here, because lunatics like Carson actually seem to believe their crazy bs (thus not acting because they want to harm people, but with good intention), but when one of only two parties has a bunch of prominent people advocating for blasting the US back into the middle ages, I feel the general sentiment expressed here is justified. It's why I, even though I am much opposed to Trump, am mildly calmeed it is Trump who won the Republican presidency, because the other candidates except Bush were even worse in many ways.
While I am not denying that Republicans (and Conservatives) do undermine scientific education and theories, painting the whole party (and all Conservatives) is no different than me cherry-picking a raindbow-haired man-hating "feminazi" and painting the whole Democratic party (and all Liberals) with that image.

Upon scrutiny, you'll find that the Democrats merely use that as a boogeyman for their own base. I grew up in such circles. Most conservatives aren't offended or concerned about scientific advancements. They go about their lives and act out their religious beliefs in a thousand other ways before paying any mind to evolution in school textbooks or the fossil record. There is no secret cabal of conservatives plotting to burn down our universities and our laboratories. Those opinions are magnified and concentrated due to lobbyists and special interest groups, no different than any other special interest.

And the lack of scientific honesty is not strictly a Republican thing. There are vegans and anti-vaxxers on the Left, too. Democrats still take plenty of donations from fossil fuel corporations. Identity Politics have given rise to movements within the Democratic party every bit as anti-science and anti-logic as the religious fundamentalism among Republicans.

The notion that one side is pro-science and the other is anti-science is about as silly as claiming the Democrats are anti-men.
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With the Republican's stance on health care and the absurd amount of religious zealots who want to undermine scientific education by batshit insane "theories" - talking intelligent design here - I think Morrigan has a point.

You mean like the batshit insane theory that there are more than two genders and a man can be a woman if he yells it hard enough?


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
You mean like the batshit insane theory that there are more than two genders and a man can be a woman if he yells it hard enough?
For some reason the dino always seems to find a point in whatever staff decisions or opinions are ushered.

Sadly, that point is not shared by many, if at all. Because it overlooks the behavior that said staff also displays. Its difficult to find empathy for a staff member that says this, and at the same time actively contributes to the silencing of honest and good voices.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
You mean like the batshit insane theory that there are more than two genders and a man can be a woman if he yells it hard enough?
This is a disputed topic in science. One, where I think it is very unfortunate that people agreed upon abusing biological terminology to mean two different things. I have no idea what gender is, but according e.g. to the Wikipedia article on it and various sources that K Ketkat shared in Resetera, there is a scientific basis to the transgender discussion. However, I would certainly prefer if a clearer distinction was made between the biological immutable property and the societal terms. This could also help to find a clearer discussion on where which binary (or more) categorisation should be important (e.g. in sports, when it is about biological differences due to the secondary sex characteristics, it only makes sense to differntiate by sex or not at all) in which issue. Either way, the gender stuff is not so clear cut deliberate made-up lies without any scientific backing with the clear goal to start a cultural war on science.

And the lack of scientific honesty is not strictly a Republican thing. There are vegans and anti-vaxxers on the Left, too. Democrats still take plenty of donations from fossil fuel corporations. Identity Politics have given rise to movements within the Democratic party every bit as anti-science and anti-logic as the religious fundamentalism among Republicans.
If anti-vaxxers (vegan is not a position on scientific questions, so this is besides the point) were to play an important role in a party I would deem it anti-science and therefore irredeemably shit (outside of ousting those vile elements), as well. As far as I know this is not the case with the US democrats, though. Therefore I feel this is a false equivalence, when compared to the popularity of the tea party movement and e.g. Carson, one of the worst offenders, even being a state's secretary, one of the highest political offices there are. I actually think that people like Carson and the success of their bullshittery with the US society is one of the greatest dangers for the western society.
If anti-vaxxers (vegan is not a position on scientific questions, so this is besides the point)
It isn't behind the point. Vegans have pushed anti-scientific health advice for decades, and from veganism we have related offshoots like "natural medicine" and crystal healing and so forth.

were to play an important role in a party I would deem it anti-science and therefore irredeemably shit (outside of ousting those vile elements), as well. As far as I know this is not the case with the US democrats, though. Therefore I feel this is a false equivalence,
For anti-vaxxers? Yeah, I'll grant you that's a stretch. But for veganism? No, there are tons of political movements related to veganism.

when compared to the popularity of the tea party movement and e.g. Carson, one of the worst offenders, even being a state's secretary, one of the highest political offices there are. I actually think that people like Carson and the success of their bullshittery with the US society is one of the greatest dangers for the western society.
I don't see why it's any more dangerous than a political party who publicly opposes something but privately endorses it like the Democrats do on numerous issues (warmongering and military spending, fossil fuels, corporate tax breaks and bailouts).


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
This is a disputed topic in science. One, where I think it is very unfortunate that people agreed upon abusing biological terminology to mean two different things. I have no idea what gender is, but according e.g. to the Wikipedia article on it and various sources that K Ketkat shared in Resetera, there is a scientific basis to the transgender discussion.
Yes, i would totally bring in the views of a user who, regarding this specific topic, blatantly ignored an indepth response by myself regarding the self-immolation of a transgender game developer and how ERA used her passing as a device to blame various sites for contributing to her demise when ERA, including Ket could have talked about the backdrop of this developer and the state of mental health in America. :pie_eyeroll:


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
It isn't behind the point. Vegans have pushed anti-scientific health advice for decades, and from veganism we have related offshoots like "natural medicine" and crystal healing and so forth.
That is guilt by association. You won't hear me saying anything remotely favourable of crystal healing or homeopathy (or similar). These are two of the most dangerous lies for personal health and it should be persecuted, not - as even people from my own closest political party here in Germany, the Greens, sometimes request - be supported by the state. It is vile bullshit. Not as fundamental as the concerted attack on reason and biological research that is conducted by despicible christian extremists, but a horrible thing nevertheless.

For anti-vaxxers? Yeah, I'll grant you that's a stretch. But for veganism? No, there are tons of political movements related to veganism.
Differntiate veganism from scientific bullshit positions often found in vegans then we can discuss this.

I don't see why it's any more dangerous than a political party who publicly opposes something but privately endorses it like the Democrats do on numerous issues (warmongering and military spending, fossil fuels, corporate tax breaks and bailouts).
Because it attacks the most important achievement society and one most fundamental pillars of human progress, science and reason. I deem it so bad that if a politician was to have exactly the same position as I do on all political issues other than this one point, I'd rather vote - as a very far left leaning person, significantly left of Sanders - for a neoliberal candidate over that lunatic.

Redneckerz Redneckerz : Your posting you have quoted is too long for me to properly read now, I need to go to bed. I will read it tomorrow and respond if there is something to respond. I have talked about Ketkat, because Ketkat is running the Transgender 101 thread at Resetera and I feel Ketkat is better informed on that issue that I am and that Ketkat appeared to be willing to help inform people on it, even if they have positions that would be bannable outside of that thread.
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How do people like this walk down the street without causing a scene like punching every man they see?

lol I saw that post there and thought to myself "how on earth can people believe these things and not question that they are bat shit crazy?" I honestly don't care much about politics or any of this outside of things that affect me on a personal level. My opinion is that you elect a female IF she is the best option, not because SHE is an option


What's weird to me about this is that there was a thread asking how people were affected by Trump's presidency and most of the answers amounted to nothing.

Could have something to do with the fact that Trump as president doesn't actually do anything to affect those people. They just want something to bitch about, and obviously he's an easy target for their rage. Gotta stay on script over there or ironically
That is guilt by association. You won't hear me saying anything remotely favourable of crystal healing or homeopathy (or similar). These are two of the most dangerous lies for personal health and it should be persecuted, not - as even people from my own closest political party here in Germany, the Greens, sometimes request - be supported by the state. It is vile bullshit. Not as fundamental as the concerted attack on reason and biological research that is conducted by despicible christian extremists, but a horrible thing nevertheless.

Differntiate veganism from scientific bullshit positions often found in vegans then we can discuss this.

Because it attacks the most important achievement society and one most fundamental pillars of human progress, science and reason. I deem it so bad that if a politician was to have exactly the same position as I do on all political issues other than this one point, I'd rather vote - as a very far left leaning person, significantly left of Sanders - for a neoliberal candidate over that lunatic..

And I'll point out again, it is not a fundamental political premise of the Republicans to attack "science and reason". That's nothing more than scaremongering.


Fingerlickin' Good!

Literal concentration camps. Fuck me.

Gross. Looks like a barely nicer version of the cages in Ground Zeroes.

And yet we are not rioting in the streets.

Democrats once in power need to destroy the lives of the people who did this. Ruin their reputations, seize their assets, prison time, etc.

From a picture of a bunch of tents. These people are fascinatingly bonkers
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Boss Mog

Permanently banned for "Arguing that women should not be believed" when all he said was innocent until proven guilty and that somebody lying isn't unprecedented. If that's not fascism, I don't know what is. Of course if it was somebody they approved of being accused, they would automatically be innocent in their eyes. Zero actual values, they change them constantly to whatever the narrative requires in that moment.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Despite ERA acting/pretending that being a Junior should not matter like it did on OldGAF, in practice, everyone with less than 300 posts is automatically assumed an alt, troll, questionable, malicious and what not.

That's ultimately the single biggest issue with ERA and how they approach every topic - Assuming the worst.

With such consistent negativity, why would you need any positivity in your life? Lets face it - A lot of ERA users (not all!) are just hovering around to make you feel bad about yourself. If it isnt done through dogpiling, then its done through suggestive questioning, half-attempts at doxxing, slandering or even outright baiting you into a ban or presenting you as someone or something worse than Hitler.

It does not matter whether you are a game developer, comic writer, sound engineer or even politically active - You have to trim your views to the exact height of what ERA wants you to have. If you grow them even a millimeter longer, than you are basically a enemy of the forum proletariat. and thus deserve to be ousted by the politburo that is The Names.

There is literally no other user out there that so openly sollicitites to a crew position. That and it must be either an alot from a Little Helper or (worse) an alt account from an actual member of The Names so he/she can throw in some more extremist views.

Tinfoil hat you say? Well, isn't it already remarkable that this user never gets banned for anything, but is incredibly efficient in banning others, like the WWE 25k posts user? I reckon my gross assumption may have a core of truth hidden in it.

I love how a perfectly reasonable and nuanced assessment about ERA is met by a lock within 24 mins (Where are the other posts, by the way? You would think such a thread premise would generate responses).

So much for wanting to have a transparent bonfire amirite. ;)

Staff literally follows what i already said previously on how they deal with these things, here.

But let me use my Truth Translator to showcase what the staff actually means.

''If you have any questions regarding a moderation action, or lack thereof,''

Premise of the response already starts on the wrong note: The OP does not have a question whatsoever, but presents a well written column of everything wrong with ERA. Somehow this gets translated to ''Oh you have questions. Or maybe not.''

''feel free to message me directly with links''

Translation: ''I don't believe what you are saying, and i am unaware of the things you mentioned in your rant. If you do not want to risk being actioned, then you better tell me where you got this nonsense from. So i can ban you regardless, but i love giving regular users the impression that they can keep their account safe. Sorry, that''s only reserved for people who either purchased ERA Clear or the ''Mod Protection'' care package, which includes agreeing with racism and transphobia, but only if we deem it important enough to dismiss valid criticisms regarding these topics. You don't have neither, so...''

''and I will look into it personally.''

Translation: ''I likely don't have any time for this anyways, but i am just saying this to give you the impression that we value your criticism. Don't complain to me about this in PM though, as i am way too busy modding Bowsette into Minecraft. So don't @ me.''

''It’s possible some cases slip through the cracks,''

Translation: ''We only look at those cases where our personal narrative requires us, and thus the community to be ''against''. These cases are protected by staff. If you are going to point out that our behavior is in fact, discriminatory and racist, you will be met by appropiate actioning. Nobody likes false equivalencies or accusations - Certainly not when we don't believe that we are what you accuse us of.''

''but to be clear it is our policy to action harshly bigotry of all kinds.''

Translation: ''We however, fully reserve the right to not take further action against obvious racism and attempts at bigotry when said attempts conflict with the internal policy of our forum - Which is: ''Excel in hospitality, unless it highlights our virginity.'' We don't take kindly to those users pointing out that it is in fact US who are wrong - These users are not worth our time and will be taken care of adequately. Please do not spread these kinds of misinformation and deceit.''

''It is also our policy to issue permanent bans for any actual doxing attempt,''

Translation: ''So Erik Twice, ''in west Philadelphia born and raised. On the playground was where you spent most of your days. Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool, And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school. When a couple of guys who were up to no good. Started making trouble in your neighborhood. You got in one little fight and your mom got scared. She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in REE-Air."''

''regardless of the target. ''

Translation: ''Unless its a user whose contributions we value and trust. Doxxing is a serious matter and its only to be allowed when it serves the interests of ResetERA and its community at large. Any slanderous attempt to put ERA in a negative light, however true and justified it might be, will be met with a complete ignoring from the staff and the community at large regarding EACH and EVERY topic. We don't care that you are depressed, are transitioning, or like dogs. If you put us on the spot and it is not complete and utter adoration and devotion, than we consider you a Parasite of the Parlament.''

Talking to ERA staff is basically the equivalent of a personal Google translator: Whatever you say gets translated so poorly that the staff more often than not responds to something that was not even said or implied in the first place.

''Not a good look.''

Is even a recent addition to the mod team, even. Whatever Cerium is inhaling, it really isn't helping his judgement into picking proper staff.

That or well, The Names simply don't care and its basically anarchy central behind the scenes. Probably the latter. ;)

They went from nothing to 30.000 in one month. Almost 11 months latter its only 40k.

A lot of users are also junior accounts and will always remain juniors now that they see what happens when you try to engage with civil discourse. It won't be long before The Names start banning random accounts simply for not posting enough, or, to bring up an OldGAF reference, to ''cull the herd''.

Way inappropriate ban message. I don't have the logs on-hand about whatever internal discussion this ban message triggered and I don't recall the details in irc or slack or whatever, but the user-facing message was updated to this shortly thereafter by the ex-mod at least:

"Your posts were rude and dismissive. Junior bans are permanent. (We acknowledge the previous ban message as inappropriate)"

Setting that aside, I don't see anything particularly ban-worthy about the user's post activity to begin with. I take full responsibility for staying too hands-off in these absurd Anita threads, and bans like these shouldn't have happened en masse. Thought the mods and I were on the same page about this stuff, but I had my eyes closed too often when it came to anything Anita/Zoe/GG related. Not everyone was in fact on the same page, and unfortunately thousands of people lost their accounts from a handful of activist mods as a result (and that shaped all subsequent discussion as well, of course).

This is from back in '14 so it's outside the scope of our current Ban Justice initiative and hasn't been addressed already, so I've restored Lisker's account as of now.


Yet there are more than a handful that are of similar opinion as him, that were not action'ed, like @Nobody_Important I believe. So if it were an echo, then they would have caught it as well, no?

It was only 1 person out of the bunch (as far as we know), and who is to say anyone from the other side did not catch one as well, just were not vocal about it?

An update, my ban was essentially reversed, so good on GAF's mod teams, and makes me feel better about being able to reach out about any concerns and getting honest responses back. As for the echo chamber stuff claim, when I asked for ban from resetera it was a similar situation, where I was defending Harris and got the ban, but there were two others in the thread defending him (vs literally everyone else) who didn't get banned, which aggravated me even further as it seems like they were singling me out for no discernible reason. And in addition, that was a two week site ban, versus here which was just a one week ban from only that specific thread, which is definitely less punishing than reset.
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Fingerlickin' Good!
Permanently banned for "Arguing that women should not be believed" when all he said was innocent until proven guilty and that somebody lying isn't unprecedented. If that's not fascism, I don't know what is. Of course if it was somebody they approved of being accused, they would automatically be innocent in their eyes. Zero actual values, they change them constantly to whatever the narrative requires in that moment.
That’s one of the funniest I’ve seen yet



This is from back in '14 so it's outside the scope of our current Ban Justice initiative and hasn't been addressed already, so I've restored Lisker's account as of now.

I must say, engaging like this and putting yourself out there admitting past issues is a huge credit. I’m very impressed by this, well done.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
They are Mexican citizens here illegally. How much more tax payer money should be spent on this? Should they all get fancy hotel rooms for however long they want? I don’t really understand their reactions (as usual).

We have actual American children in worse conditions then these children and they want to riot in the streets?

I'll give one iota of fucks about illegal kids when ever American citizen child has a roof over their head, food in their belly, medical care etc..

Till then, until I see these illegal children beaten, starved, tortured or used as slave labor then I have no sympathy.


Can someone explain to me if i understood this correctly, the lyrics are completely fine because they target white babies, they would only be wrong if it target black kids as well?

This bizarre beyond words

Moderator, no less.

Bill O'Rights

Seldom posts. Always delivers.
Staff Member
Just a note on reply bans as well. They're not to be taken too personally. In the first instance it's not easy to surface the data in the same way as bans.

Also, in some instances, it may appear that you were the only one removed from the thread but usually it's applied to a couple of members who are having difficulty disengaging.

Often they are just used to calm the waters instead of a thread lock or deletion. When you are heavily invested in an argument tensions naturally escalate as people miss the point, make contrary points beyond the focus of the argument or just frustration. It's often better to just have a temporary timeout before we hit that point of someone saying something over-the-line/lashing out.

Of course people persistently trolling or shouting inflammatory drivebys are often thread banned permanently. But still, if they acknowledge their wrong doing, reach out to a mod and make a commitment to engage properly, their access will be restored.


Permanently banned for "Arguing that women should not be believed" when all he said was innocent until proven guilty and that somebody lying isn't unprecedented. If that's not fascism, I don't know what is. Of course if it was somebody they approved of being accused, they would automatically be innocent in their eyes. Zero actual values, they change them constantly to whatever the narrative requires in that moment.

The believe all women is a dangerous ideal. I believe women should be heard but belief isn’t always fair.

I have a friend I grew up with that lied about rape because she didn’t want to get caught sleeping with someone consensually. Everyone believed her and it ruined his life.


Can someone explain to me if i understood this correctly, the lyrics are completely fine because they target white babies, they would only be wrong if it target black kids as well?

This bizarre beyond words

In reeeworld this is normal. Nothing wrong here...


The believe all women is a dangerous ideal. I believe women should be heard but belief isn’t always fair.

I have a friend I grew up with that lied about rape because she didn’t want to get caught sleeping with someone consensually. Everyone believed her and it ruined his life.

I’m not going to stand by this because I’m commenting on what I know to be a common understanding in a world I grew up in; men mostly solve issues physically, women lean more towards mind games and manipulation. Men get over things quickly, women hold onto things far longer than a typical guy. Happy to hear from a different perspective.


I’m not going to stand by this because I’m commenting on what I know to be a common understanding in a world I grew up in; men mostly solve issues physically, women lean more towards mind games and manipulation. Men get over things quickly, women hold onto things far longer than a typical guy. Happy to hear from a different perspective.

Perhaps I’m not understanding what your saying?

I think saying believe all women sets a dangerous precedent that allows women to easily lie or manipulate as you said and never even be doubted by a huge group of people. I bet you almost all of Restera believes all women no questions asked. I’m not saying men are angels. But neither are women.

The example I gave isn’t the only one I have seen while growing up either. I always try to be neutral in as many situations as possible. But when I see people immediately make a decision just based off one claim I have a hard time taking them serious.

Sadly it isn’t always possible to verify claims which makes this whole thing even worse.
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Perhaps I’m not understand what your saying?

I think saying believe all women sets a dangerous precedent that allows women to easily lie or manipulate as you said and never even be doubted by a huge group of people. I bet you almost all of Restera believes all women no questions asked. I’m not saying men are angels. But neither are women.

The example I gave isn’t the only one I have seen while growing up either. I always try to be neutral in as many situations as possible. But when I see people immediately make a decision just based off one claim I have a hard time taking them serious.

Sadly it isn’t always possible to verify claims which makes this whole thing even worse.

Sorry, i was backing up your comment. Believing women to be infallible because they are women does not make sense. Especially if women have a greater capacity to manipulate then men do. Personally, I take each case in isolation with no bias.


I’m not going to stand by this because I’m commenting on what I know to be a common understanding in a world I grew up in; men mostly solve issues physically, women lean more towards mind games and manipulation. Men get over things quickly, women hold onto things far longer than a typical guy. Happy to hear from a different perspective.
That's exactly what I think too.
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Sorry, i was backing up your comment. Believing women to be infallible because they are women does not make sense. Especially if women have a greater capacity to manipulate then men do. Personally, I take each case in isolation with no bias.

Oh gotcha.

It’s a very slippery slope to believe one set of people especially for politically correct reasons.
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