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Officers pepper-spraying 15-year-old girl following bicycle accident with vehicle

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Well..if you commit a crime and decide, "nah I'm not gonna participate" is an issue. Laws are in place for a reason. Where should we draw a line to where it doesn't matter anymore? She was essentially attempting a hit and run. Pepper spray was way excessive imo, but if she cooperated who knows.
According to the update in the OP she was being detained for refusing treatment from the firefighter which isnt against the law. She was being detained for not cooperating after an accident, not for damaging anyones car.


that is true even suspected of a crime she tech does have the right to remain silent if she chose to yet I can see police officers getting pissy at that option because they are so authoritative

She wasn't exercising her right to be silent. She chose to flail and and not cooperate by screaming and kicking.


According to the update in the OP she was being detained for refusing treatment from the firefighter which isnt against the law. She was being detained for not cooperating after an accident, not for damaging anyones car.

I didn't see the update. Then this is uhhhh... whats the word I'm looking for? Oh yea, shitty.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
She wasn't exercising her right to be silent. She chose to flail and and not cooperate by screaming and kicking.

its a 15 year old child that is probably confused and scared, you bet if I was put in handcuffs at that age I would be freaking out too but if she doesnt want to give them information you think after the 15th time theyd get the hint


Well you can lead by example.

Record a video of the quarter panel on your car being kicked in.
If your possessions own you enough where it's more important that you get insurance information for a small scratch, instead of letting a girl who was just knocked out get medical help (in whatever way is most comfortable for her), then go ahead and be that person.
Should I be pepper sprayed if I hit a car with my body? There still might be some damage to the car. I'm built rather tough.

Can't they just get her ID and be done with it?


If your possessions own you enough where it's more important that you get insurance information for a small scratch, instead of letting a girl who was just knocked out get medical help (in whatever way is most comfortable for her), then go ahead and be that person.

You can't be a serious person right? This is bait

Ploid 3.0

No she got peppered sprayed a good amount of time after she got into the car, after she repeatedly got asked to not block the door. And lets not talk about her behavior for the other 6 or so minutes.

Very difficult woman.

Child, children do crazy things. Believe me, they get annoying depending on the child. Some kids are super laid back, some are very hyper, some are just rebellious. They are all immature and don't really know too much about consequences. While watching this video I was like the guy (not a cop) that was trying to get her to calm down. I was scared they would probably draw a gun on her, slam her down, break her arm, start getting very rough, etc. She don't really realize that, because she's a kid and is inexperienced with the world.

That pepper spray and shove her in a closed back seat with handcuffs on unable to relieve her eyes, was very cruel and torturous. This experience probably mess her up for a good while. Though she's alive to look back on it and avoid pissing off cops. That's the silver lining.

Should I be pepper sprayed if I hit a car with my body? There still might be some damage to the car. I'm built rather tough.

Can't they just get her ID and be done with it?

There's a high chance she doesn't have ID. lol
that is true even suspected of a crime she tech does have the right to remain silent if she chose to yet I can see police officers getting pissy at that option because they are so authoritative

EDIT: Don't know why the officer keeps holding her shoulder, creeps me out a little Esp when she kept saying to not do it. I mean she was handcuffed and on the ground they could have left her and if she tried to get up just lead her back down again.

For your second paragraph I was thinking the same thing but she was very fidgety and easily could have jumped up and ran without being able to catch her. If she tripped or fell she could have been hurt pretty bad without use of her arms. I could see that being for her safety. They were even grabbing onto her backpack trying to keep her seated. They do have the responsibility of making sure no harm comes to someone who is being detained.


That poster never said he didn't care about the theoretical cyclists health, stop being THAT GUY yourself maybe.


How old is 15 really?

I've spent too much time and money on my car. If some halfwit hits it, accidental or not, I am making sure I get your details. If you want to play hardball, either I take it into my own hands or I call the cops and let them deal with your ignorance.

For those of you not worried about "just a scratch or a small dent", I look forward to seeing the car you spent your hard-earned money on, with the dent/s and at least a scratch down the side across the length of the door. Surely it won't be difficult to do, since it's just a dent and nothing to get upset over.

Lots of empathy.

For his car.

Ploid 3.0

Their options were

A) Slam her leg in the door. Which everyone would have loved.

B) Hog tie her. I'm not sure this is something they would even do. Also risks further injury.

C) Pepper spray

They are two grown men, you're telling me they couldn't safely get the feet of a back cuffed girl in the car and close the door? It would maybe require the other door to be opened, a walk to the other side, a tug on the ankles or shoes, and a simple close. It's a kid not a dirty fighter seasoned criminal with a possible razor tucked away in his mouth, with neck muscles that would Brock Lesnar shame.

Anyway, like I said before, it could have gone a lot worse. Thank goodness it didn't. The pepper spray was a jerk move.
Well, she was black and on a bike. Officers probably thought she stole it. Or stole part of it if she is mixed race. She probably had a gun too. Better pepper spray her and beat her unconscious so she can get the proper medical attention at the police station.

Sorry, i was trying to get inside the mind of an officer to make that post.
Maybe just listening to what the cops were telling her? Why does it matter if she wanted to go?

Why should she listen to a cop? Did she do something wrong? Is she being accused of something? She is free to leave if she wants.

This whole attitude of you should just follow orders is whats wrong. Same can be said for "I am not hiding anything so go ahead".


Gold Member
The cops did well there, other than the fact that she is 15 and got pepper sprayed... that never sounds good, but I don't know the laws regarding that. Also did she say her dad was going to kill the cop? That was uncalled for. Anyway, a big amount of drama about nothing,for whatever reason she didn't want to give her parents details to cops.


Honestly if you watch that and think the police did a bang up great job, which an awful lot of people seem to be saying in this thread, then perhaps you shouldn't be surprised about all the shootings. If you're okay with this level of violence, I don't know what to say. Someone else earlier posted asking why the police were in such a hurry. Exactly my thoughts. She was in the car, restrained. Give the girl some time to calm the fuck down, try and talk to her like a human being for a minute, perhaps show some empathy and calm her down. She was clearly panicking and obviously not acting rationally because of that. The pepper spray in the end was absolutely, completely, 100% unnecessary. Just because you have the tools, doesn't mean you should use them. Use your fucking brains, not your muscle. She simply wasn't a threat, just a pain in the ass, is that excuse to pepper spray a teenager?

Seriously, your police are fucked up. Whether or not she committed a crime is deflecting from the fact that this level of force, this method of handling situations is not good and fosters a deeply broken thought process within the police. When you're saying "well she was being a bit screamy" as justification for macing a child in a confined space you need to check yourself.


Junior Member
I didn't really see anything wrong. The girl was not working with the officers, kicking and screaming, not following orders. In the car she refused to put her feet in the car and was eventually sprayed so she would. And..?

Had she not stirred up such a drama nothing would have happened. Btw black, white, Latino, Asian perp and my opinion of course stands the same.

This incident really didn't need a thread.


Never once insinuated that if the cyclist were hurt, he wouldn't care.
In a thread where the cyclist was knocked out, medical attention is supposedly one of the main concerns in the story, I think that would be a good disclaimer. If you're going to give him the benefit of doubt then we're going to have to agree to disagree because that's not the impression that i'm interpreting. I guess the "that guy" thing was too far, so i'll apologize for that.

Honestly if you watch that and think the police did a bang up great job, which an awful lot of people seem to be saying in this thread, then perhaps you shouldn't be surprised about all the shootings. If you're okay with this level of violence, I don't know what to say. Someone else earlier posted asking why the police were in such a hurry. Exactly my thoughts. She was in the car, restrained. Give the girl some time to calm the fuck down, try and talk to her like a human being for a minute, perhaps show some empathy and calm her down. She was clearly panicking and obviously not acting rationally because of that. The pepper spray in the end was absolutely, completely, 100% unnecessary. Just because you have the tools, doesn't mean you should use them. Use your fucking brains, not your muscle. She simply wasn't a threat, just a pain in the ass, is that excuse to pepper spray a teenager?

Seriously, your police are fucked up. Whether or not she committed a crime is deflecting from the fact that this level of force, this method of handling situations is not good and fosters a deeply broken thought process within the police. When you're saying "well she was being a bit screamy" as justification for macing a child in a confined space you need to check yourself.
This, this, this!

I didn't really see anything wrong. The girl was not working with the officers, kicking and screaming, not following orders. In the car she refused to put her feet in the car and was eventually sprayed so she would. And..?

Had she not stirred up such a drama nothing would have happened. Btw black, white, Latino, Asian perp and my opinion of course stands the same.

This incident really didn't need a thread.
Well it got one, became 7 pages and now you're here.
I didn't really see anything wrong. The girl was not working with the officers, kicking and screaming, not following orders. In the car she refused to put her feet in the car and was eventually sprayed so she would. And..?

Had she not stirred up such a drama nothing would have happened. Btw black, white, Latino, Asian perp and my opinion of course stands the same.

This incident really didn't need a thread.
You didnt need to post in this thread either if you dont think it deserved one.
I didn't really see anything wrong. The girl was not working with the officers, kicking and screaming, not following orders. In the car she refused to put her feet in the car and was eventually sprayed so she would. And..?

Had she not stirred up such a drama nothing would have happened. Btw black, white, Latino, Asian perp and my opinion of course stands the same.

This incident really didn't need a thread.

What if I told you that trained police officers should be able to see de escalate a situation with a 15 year old child?

They are police officers, people not co-operating with them is in their job description.


If I was 15 and ran into a car with my bike I'd probably panic and wanting to get away asap too. They didn't allow her/she didn't so wtf is this escalation


Why should she listen to a cop? Did she do something wrong? Is she being accused of something? She is free to leave if she wants.

This whole attitude of you should just follow orders is whats wrong. Same can be said for "I am not hiding anything so go ahead".
It's a crime to resist being detained.
If I was 15 and ran into a car with my bike I'd probably panic and wanting to get away asap too. They didn't allow her/she didn't so wtf is this escalation
Did you watch the video? They were being very lenient with her for the first 5 or so minutes. She was being a little drama queen like a lot of teens her age.
It's a crime to resist being detained.
Sure. Its also shitty policing to detain somebody for refusing medical treatment after a traffic accident. And then charge them for assault for resisting being detained. And assaulting the person they said needed medical treatment, then not ever getting them medical treatment.

If you cant deal with a 15 year old girl throwing a tantrum in a panic without resorting to pepper spray when there are multiple 200+lbs men there to help you then you shouldnt be a fucking cop.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Just saw the video in the nightly news, fucking disgusting how those cops handled the situation.
Say what you want, but this Obama's neoliberal America. This isn't happening because of Trump or because of Republican opposition. Johnson sent National Guard troops to secure the rights and safety of AAs back in the 60s.

This is happening because it doesn't affect the pursuit of profit.


It's a crime to resist being detained.

Did you watch the video? They were being very lenient with her for the first 5 or so minutes. She was being a little drama queen like a lot of teens her age.
Wouldn't it make a crime to arrest someone who did not flee the scene and then arrest them on the basis they refuse medical treatment just to NOT give them medical treatment? Cause that's what it looks like.

"You NEED medical treatment so we're gonna put you in this cell, kktybb"

And if you can't handle a teen acting like a drama queen you're not fit to be a police officer. If you can't calm down or de-escalate a teen other ways than arrest and pepper spray you failed.

How you might ask? How about getting ahold of her parents and say she was in an accident and is upset or something along those lines? That might work even better than just, you know, force?


And if you can't handle a teen acting like a drama queen you're not fit to be a police officer. If you can't calm down or de-escalate a teen other ways than arrest and pepper spray you failed.

How you might ask? How about getting ahold of her parents and say she was in an accident and is upset or something along those lines? That might work even better than just, you know, force?

The cops tried to. They asked the girl repeatedly for her parents phone number; she didn't want to give it to them, since the mom was watching football and/or she'd get in trouble. The cops even asked the bystander, but he didn't know her parents' number or address.

The way it played out, the cops had two options: use force, or let her go.


The cops tried to. They asked the girl repeatedly for her parents phone number; she didn't want to give it to them, since the mom was watching football and/or she'd get in trouble. The cops even asked the bystander, but he didn't know her parents' number or address.

The way it played out, the cops had two options: use force, or let her go.
well yeah, but or something along those lines just to calm the situation down. It's reasonable to think a teen in this situation would be upset and scared, especially during these times with the news highlights on a particular situation. I mean there are so many of them that hell, they could carry her into the vehicle, put her seatbelt on and close the door.

Fucking pepper spray?
There's so many other options even with the use of force.

They should just let her go unless there was property damage as it seems she only got fined for it accident itself.


well yeah, but or something along those lines just to calm the situation down. It's reasonable to think a teen in this situation would be upset and scared, especially during these times with the news highlights on a particular situation. I mean there are so many of them that hell, they could carry her into the vehicle, put her seatbelt on and close the door.

Fucking pepper spray?
There's so many other options even with the use of force.

They should just let her go unless there was property damage as it seems she only got fined for it accident itself.

Oh, I won't argue that the pepper spray was necessary. 2+ fully grown men, a girl with her hands behind her back in a car...the cops had a clear advantage, and there was no risk of danger. That the girl didn't respond as they wished is no surprise; she was panicked as fuck.

Don't agree though that they should've just let her go. She was involved in an accident (albeit a minor one) and there was ongoing investigation. She's a minor, so she didn't have any ID that the cops could copy down to contact her later.


She literally kicked and screamed and resisted the whole way. I see an awful lot of threads in here on why officers didn't tase or use pepper spray. This is the kind of situation pepper spray is used for.

She was literally warned at least 4 times to put her feet in or she would be sprayed. That was on top of her pitching a shit fit from the start of the video.

Police do a lot of stupid shit, but this isn't the hill to make the stand on.


Oh, I won't argue that the pepper spray was necessary. 2+ fully grown men, a girl with her hands behind her back in a car...the cops had a clear advantage, and there was no risk of danger. That the girl didn't respond as they wished is no surprise; she was panicked as fuck.

Don't agree though that they should've just let her go. She was involved in an accident (albeit a minor one) and there was ongoing investigation. She's a minor, so she didn't have any ID that the cops could copy down to contact her later.
Yeah but unless there is any damage why not let her go with a warning? As far as I see the only one that got hurt was her.

You don't need to punish a teen for a minor offense like this.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
I mean, she "committed a crime" and also apparently had marijuana on her? But fuck me if the force wasn't a tad excessive.


Yeah but unless there is any damage why not let her go with a warning? As far as I see the only one that got hurt was her.

You don't need to punish a teen for a minor offense like this.

The cops could've. The girl seemed intent on making that decision for them though. She was ready to leave the moment the accident happened. Cops didn't want her leaving until the situation was fully assessed. She fought back.

It's just not a good idea to let the cause of an accident decide how minor it is and whether they should stick around for it.


Thing is cops have already lost no matter what they do at this point.

You can see in the video, even when treating her with kids gloves, the people around already saying they are "Letting the badge go to their head"

There is pretty much nothing any of them could have done, short of groveling and letting her go, that wouldnt have looked bad to people viewing it.


Thing is cops have already lost no matter what they do at this point.

You can see in the video, even when treating her with kids gloves, the people around already saying they are "Letting the badge go to their head"

There is pretty much nothing any of them could have done, short of groveling and letting her go, that wouldnt have looked bad to people viewing it.

If they had done something less than pepper spraying her there's a good chance this would have received next to no news at all. It's not like police arresting random people for barely doing anything gets a lot of attention on an individual scale(even if it should). It's when they get shot, beaten, or maced for little reason that it gets attention.

So yes, they can avoid losing by simply not using excessive force.
The officers surely were in a bad situation. She wasn't cooperating (I'm assuming that she needs to cooperate in this situation - correct me if I'm wrong) and they to do sth. to make her comply. So handcuffing her was kind of okay. Now things are getting out of control I guess. I totally don't get why two different officers touched her on the shoulder repeatedly. It didn't make sense. It obviously didn't calm her down at all (if that was the intention), the very opposite actually. And than pepper spraying her at the end. What the fuck was this guy thinking? That officer should get some jail time.


If they had done something less than pepper spraying her there's a good chance this would have received next to no news at all. It's not like police arresting random people for barely doing anything gets a lot of attention on an individual scale(even if it should). It's when they get shot, beaten, or maced for little reason that it gets attention.

So yes, they can avoid losing by simply not using excessive force.

I mean with the public. The news is reporting it because it sells, but the police cant win with the people they are policing now.
Something is fucking wrong with this country that every time one of these threads are posted, I think "victim must be black" and im never wrong.

I can't look at links cause im too busy at work, but when I clicked on this thread I intermediately assumed she was black

Why the fuck is this

Why the fuck is this happening
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