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Official bitching about Hudson abandoning VC support. [VC/WiiWare = lost cause]


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
PepsimanVsJoe said:
My word on the Genesis vs SNES EWJ comparison.

I rented the Genesis version of EWJ and played through it multiple times.
I played EWJ SNES at a friend's house and I said "What the shit is this? It plays like crap."

And that's the end of that.

I win IMO.

So you were destined to be on a videogame forum.


Iam Canadian said:
I've switched regions with Wii Points loaded onto my system and I've never lost points or anything like that. Though in all honesty, I've never switched except to change Canada to USA and back again so maybe other regions will mess things up.

I don't think there really is a difference between having your Wii in Canada or USA mode, except for the gifts you can and cannot receive.
Oh. :O

*looks at Wii*
*looks at 3000 points sitting on Wii*

I... do not dare risk testing this theory myself right now, but that's pretty cool if true. It would really help me send this gift I've been meaning to send for like a week now. :(


PepsimanVsJoe said:
My word on the Genesis vs SNES EWJ comparison.

I rented the Genesis version of EWJ and played through it multiple times.
I played EWJ SNES at a friend's house and I said "What the shit is this? It plays like crap."

And that's the end of that.

I win IMO.

PFFT. SNES version of everything was better...except Lion King and Mortal Kombat 1.
Shig said:
Eh, I'm kind of regretting buying Rotohex. Dialhex wasn't all that fun and this doesn't change that. And it's only made all the more lackluster coming off the heels of the awesome Cubello. Nice music, though.

I'll just write it off as a $6 donation towards continued Art Style releases.

Agree with every word. And yes, more please, Nintendo. Coloris would be lovely.


(more a nerd than a geek)

Rotohex is unplayable for those of us with mild color blindness.

Entirely unplayable.

I'm on the first puzzle of the game, and I see green and yellow blocks. I think there MUST be orange ones or something else there, as I keep making hexes that refuse to clear.


DavidDayton said:

Rotohex is unplayable for those of us with mild color blindness.

Entirely unplayable.

I'm on the first puzzle of the game, and I see green and yellow blocks. I think there MUST be orange ones or something else there, as I keep making hexes that refuse to clear.

If this really is the case I'd call Nintendo, they'll probably refund you.
DavidDayton said:

Rotohex is unplayable for those of us with mild color blindness.

Entirely unplayable.

I'm on the first puzzle of the game, and I see green and yellow blocks. I think there MUST be orange ones or something else there, as I keep making hexes that refuse to clear.
It starts out with just green and yellow, but eventually orange is added in. It displays the colors around the playfield, so if you're getting orange and something else mixed up, you should at least note the presence of a third colored hexagon at the sides.


(more a nerd than a geek)
JoshuaJSlone said:
It starts out with just green and yellow, but eventually orange is added in. It displays the colors around the playfield, so if you're getting orange and something else mixed up, you should at least note the presence of a third colored hexagon at the sides.

Okay. Then there are two colors and either a) I'm dense and playing the game wrong (always possible), or b) I'm not distinguishing the colors as they FALL... only after they are set in place.

Edit: I just double checked -- I can't make out the difference between the green and yellow triangles without concentrating on them for several seconds. If I quickly scan across the screen, they all look like they are the same color -- yellowish. It's only by concentrating that I can distinguish any. Bah... developers need to include color options/whatever for puzzle games.


Capndrake said:
Has to be a Mayhem-exclusive issue, I have The Last Ninja 1 and 2 and they look/sound perfect.

Last Ninja 1 and 2 are perfect, but you can't use those as a comparison. The C64 had a very long life and Mayhem was released around the end of it. Developers were doing so many weird ass things to push the limits of the machine that it was crazy. Some games even used the old TV displays to their advantage to bleed colours into each other and 'create' colours that the system couldn't actually do. That's just something you can't even emulate no matter how hard you try.

Personally, I won't hold it against the VC emulator that it couldn't do Mayhem that well. It would be nice though if they updated it sometime in the future.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Mar_ said:
Some games even used the old TV displays to their advantage to bleed colours into each other and 'create' colours that the system couldn't actually do. That's just something you can't even emulate no matter how hard you try.

It's called "artifacting", and the Atari 8-bit emulators have been doing it for a while.


DavidDayton said:
It's called "artifacting", and the Atari 8-bit emulators have been doing it for a while.

My point being that there are many weird ass tricks that devs used back in those days to make the machine do stuff it was never meant to do. And getting all those working for a particular title would be difficult. While I'm sure mature emulators of today do most if not all of them, I'm not going to be pointing the finger at the VC emulation and say it's not good enough. Because other than Mayhem, everything else works great.

Hopefully however now they have released a game that was very late in the C64s life, they realise their emulator isn't up to par and will update it at some point.


Scenester said:
this is retarded, I am not buying a Nintendo product until Earthbound is released on VC
And I thought I was being harsh with Nintendo boycotts when I occasionally skip two or three games.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
Scenester said:
this is retarded, I am not buying a Nintendo product until Earthbound is released on VC

I give you full respect for sticking to your principles.

Where is it, Nintendo? D:
Scenester said:
this is retarded, I am not buying a Nintendo product until Earthbound is released on VC

I can't channel too much righteous anger that Earthbound hasn't been released when it hasn't even hit Japan yet (after appearing as a Masterpiece in SSBB no less!). That seems to indicate to me that there are outstanding problems (legal, technical, or other) that has put the game on the backburner. Plus, I still have a perfectly functioning cartridge, so I can enjoy the game whenever I want already. :p
MoxManiac said:
It's too bad that PSP game never came out. After a string of failed sequels from different developers, it looked to go back to the series roots.

True... the PSP one was looking pretty interesting, for sure...

(The GBC one never happened. David A. Palmer Productions, ruining both Earthworm Jim and Commander Keen... can I just pretend that those two games never existed? :D)

Teknoman said:
PFFT. SNES version of everything was better...except Lion King and Mortal Kombat 1.

Yeah, The Lion King was bad on everything.

... I got it for Game Boy back in the mid '90s because I'd loved the movie and didn't know better yet (hey, the NES had had some great licenced Disney games! Why not GB too?). The graphics and sound were great, but play control was miserably bad and annoying and it wasn't that fun... the major-console versions aren't any different.


I'm only just starting to dig my heels into the VC, bought up some points & games, and i'm already out of space...

What are the must haves, lately?


FFantasyFX said:
I can't channel too much righteous anger that Earthbound hasn't been released when it hasn't even hit Japan yet (after appearing as a Masterpiece in SSBB no less!). That seems to indicate to me that there are outstanding problems (legal, technical, or other) that has put the game on the backburner. Plus, I still have a perfectly functioning cartridge, so I can enjoy the game whenever I want already. :p

yeah my problem is I dont have a snes or the cart. I want to play it on my TV upscaled. I dont want to play an illegal rom, but it looks like 'Ninty' hasnt given me any choice. Ive waited 2 years, fuck them. I'll get NMH2 and Madworld but other than that they aint gettin at my paper stack no more, you dig


But I wanted Secret of Mana.


What are you playing at NoE? We'll be lucky to see it before the year is out due to their rubbish fortnightly scheduling of VC releases.


Capndrake said:
-Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES)
-Devil World (NES)

How are these? ive never played them? My fave Castlevanias are the one that came out on TG and the genesis version. Should i try out 3?


jooey said:
Um, Halloween?

Yeah but they could have released it two weeks ago and didn't. I guess I just hate knowing that it will be 2 weeks before we get another update, I'd much rather they went back to doing updates every week like they used to.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Capndrake said:
EU Halloween update is made of awesome and win:

-Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES)
-Devil World (NES)
-Ghosts 'n Goblins (NES)

Hmm. I wonder if we'll get any sort of Halloween-type update here in the USA on Monday.

For that matter, I wonder if the USA will get Devil World as an import title at some point...
Capndrake said:
EU Halloween update is made of awesome and win:

-Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (NES)
-Devil World (NES)
-Ghosts 'n Goblins (NES)

Fucking awesome update for Halloween. One great game, two good and more emulation of (relatively) exotic hardware - and it completes the NES/SNES CV entries.

Iam Canadian

and have the worst user name EVER
DavidDayton said:
For that matter, I wonder if the USA will get Devil World as an import title at some point...

I'd be surprised if we didn't. It seems like the ideal import title for Nintendo to release; simple gameplay and not much text. I'm not sure if it would be worth the 600 point cost, though.


Jethro said:
Screw this 'Halloween'-Update, we even don't celebrate this. I want Secret of Mana. Another two weeks of waiting for us :(.

We don't have anything to do with a Hanabi Festival either but at least it got us Super Mario RPG ;)


Batteries the CRISIS!
Teknoman said:
PFFT. SNES version of everything was better...except Lion King and Mortal Kombat 1.

AND ALADDIN. You know I'm right.

...Ah hell, you're wrong, EWJ is better on Genesis as well. =P


Just as a followup to my earlier exchange about whether Wii Points are lost after switching country setting from US to Canada, I just switched over in the past five minutes and can now say that Canadian was in fact right. No loss of Wii Points in switching between those.

That said, you do have to go through some slightly annoying issues, namely reconfiguring WiiConnect24, re-agreeing to their user agreement, and another screen at the front end of the shop channel asking to confirm the country change. But overall, you can fear nothing if you want to gift to a friend in Canada or vice versa! It does, however, raise the question of why Nintendo bothered to region-lock between these two countries in the first place. :/
Cosmonaut X said:
Fucking awesome update for Halloween. One great game, two good and more emulation of (relatively) exotic hardware - and it completes the NES/SNES CV entries.

Nope, you forgot Dracula X for the SNES (Different levels and gameplay from Rondo of Blood)
Go319 said:
How are these? ive never played them? My fave Castlevanias are the one that came out on TG and the genesis version. Should i try out 3?

YES. Absolutely. As much as I would rather see the Japanese version of the game.

Devil World would be another major 'do want' here in the US.


Japanese PC Engine games for November:

-Nekketsu Koukou Dodge Ball-Bu CD Soccer-hen (CD, November 4th)
-Kaze no Densetsu Xanadu (CD)

Ghouls 'n Ghosts (SuperGrafx) seems to have disappeared.

No games on the EU/AU/US lists yet, so don't count on any TG games for November.
Capndrake said:
-Kaze no Densetsu Xanadu (CD)

This particular version of Xanadu was always a curious one for me. Not sure if this is the updated one though(which I remember looking awesome in this ancient issue of GameFan). Could be plain jane Xanadu though..hmm. Now that's a rather tough game to get into

The PC-Engine/TG16 port of Cadash is a mixed bag. Unlike the Genesis version this one includes all four playable characters. Unfortunately graphically it's a few steps back. Rather than attempt to make it look close to the arcade version they chose to re-do the graphics. Interesting idea I admit but overall it still doesn't look that great. Also all of the areas are broken up into multiple sections(while the original arcade/gen games are seamless)


Full Japanese list for November:

-Rockman 3 (November 4th)
-Smash Ping Pong (FDS)
-Dragon Buster

Super Famicom:
-Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen


Master System:
-Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Mega Drive:
-Mercs (November 4th)

PC Engine:
-Nekketsu Koukou Dodge Ball-Bu CD Soccer-hen (CD, November 4th)
-Kaze no Densetsu Xanadu (CD)

Neo Geo:

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