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Official bitching about Hudson abandoning VC support. [VC/WiiWare = lost cause]

If it really is more difficult to ready a VC release than just dumping the ROM onto the server -- and I'm starting to think that it is -- then okay, I understand releasing them bit by bit.

But based on the sheer amount of content that's available, anything less than four games a week is ridiculous. Even at that speed they're only doing 12 games a month, 144 a year, and that's not even scratching the surface of all the potential games they could be releasing onto VC.

If they keep this up, by the end of the Wii's lifecycle, they won't even have as many games on Virtual Console as GameTap has in its library right now.

It's especially annoying when Japan's getting a much more robust and steady release schedule. And when there's games over there that we won't get here, even though the risk is zero.
Whimsical Phil said:
Double Dragon? Vigilante's a rip-off of Kung-Fu.


Both games are Irem made.
Your math is off (should be 208) but times that by four years+ and that's 832 games released. That is a pretty decent number (how much does GameTap have?) and they could definitely get all the "good games" in there minus the stuff that doesn't have a chance due to licensing hell.

I have mixed feelings about their current approach but right now I'm more worried about large sections of libraries being cut off that would normally be accessible, including untranslated gems and those bunch of N64 games that require the Controller Pak.
Kobun Heat said:
If it really is more difficult to ready a VC release than just dumping the ROM onto the server -- and I'm starting to think that it is -- then okay, I understand releasing them bit by bit.

But based on the sheer amount of content that's available, anything less than four games a week is ridiculous. Even at that speed they're only doing 12 games a month, 144 a year, and that's not even scratching the surface of all the potential games they could be releasing onto VC.

If they keep this up, by the end of the Wii's lifecycle, they won't even have as many games on Virtual Console as GameTap has in its library right now.

It's especially annoying when Japan's getting a much more robust and steady release schedule. And when there's games over there that we won't get here, even though the risk is zero.
I can't imagine them wanting to release to many games until the Wii is readily available. I supect that once we see that releases will become more and more frequent.


Did Mighty Bomb Jack include the original Bomb Jack game, or was it just a platformer based on the original mechanics?

I love Bomb Jack, especially the GB version. Awesome game.
I wish Nintendo did some sort of online voting, where gamers could vote out a selection what game they wanted to see on VC.

Also, is it possible to see Sega Saturn or PSX games on VC? I mean, could a third-party put their 3rd party ports on VC?
EphemeralDream said:
I have mixed feelings about their current approach but right now I'm more worried about large sections of libraries being cut off that would normally be accessible, including untranslated gems and those bunch of N64 games that require the Controller Pak.
I can't imagine the Controller Pak is really causing insurmountable problems in emulation. Maybe they're just not sure how to handle it yet, and didn't feel compelled to for a fairly minor use as in MK64? Should they act as if there's always a virtual controller pak for controllers 1, 2, 3, 4? Allow for some way to switch them in and out? These things don't seem complicated, but considering they haven't allowed any access to emulator options and the zaniest they've gone on additions is the simple black-and-white screen for 5-player TG16 access, it's more complexity than they seem to want to give people.


underfooter said:
I wish Nintendo did some sort of online voting, where gamers could vote out a selection what game they wanted to see on VC.

They must be aware of what we want, but it's not in their best interests to give us what we want right away.
I am also curious if they will ever add online to old VC games. It seems like it be rather easy and lag free, even if it was just a simple 'match-up' in multy-mode, without friends or chat, just a simple match-up. I'd love it.
underfooter said:
Also, is it possible to see Sega Saturn or PSX games on VC? I mean, could a third-party put their 3rd party ports on VC?
Emulation probably wouldn't be feasible for the most part, but considering there will eventually be totally-original games I don't see why new ports like XBLA Symphony of the Night wouldn't be doable... though if I were a developer bothering to put effort into a port I'd probably rather do so for DS than Virtual Console.


Kobun Heat said:
If it really is more difficult to ready a VC release than just dumping the ROM onto the server -- and I'm starting to think that it is -- then okay, I understand releasing them bit by bit.

But based on the sheer amount of content that's available, anything less than four games a week is ridiculous. Even at that speed they're only doing 12 games a month, 144 a year, and that's not even scratching the surface of all the potential games they could be releasing onto VC.

If they keep this up, by the end of the Wii's lifecycle, they won't even have as many games on Virtual Console as GameTap has in its library right now.

It's especially annoying when Japan's getting a much more robust and steady release schedule. And when there's games over there that we won't get here, even though the risk is zero.

Well I don't mind four releases and frankly a lot of the 500 FC/NES games that gets bandied about are pure crap.

However, I am getting tired of the Sega/Hudso aracady fare, and although they are nice diversions they also reminded me why I loved my SFC back in the day because I didn't spend all that much time playing shooter after shooter.

I was hoping to play this game some day on my Wii.


Deku said:
However, I am getting tired of the Sega/Hudso aracady fare, and although they are nice diversions they also reminded me why I loved my SFC back in the day because I didn't spend all that much time playing shooter after shooter.

There was a lot more that was good about the Genesis than what we've gotten so far on the Virtual Console. With a few exceptions, it's not exactly been the cream of Sega's crop to date.
Whimsical Phil said:
See 4-5 posts above the one you made.

My bad.

Deku said:
Well I don't mind four releases and frankly a lot of the 500 FC/NES games that gets bandied about are pure crap.

Actually at least 1000 FC/NES games exist. And many of the crappy ones will show up along with the good ones. An accelerated release schedule would simply expedite the whole process.


I'm surprised by how much the VC store feels like one of those TV on-demand hotel game services. It's extremely tacky in comparison to how nice the rest of the Wii interface is. Nintendo needs to take a better look at the iTunes store.


cartman414 said:
My bad.

Actually at least 1000 FC/NES games exist. And many of the crappy ones will show up along with the good ones. An accelerated release schedule would simply expedite the whole process.

Well the crappy 3rd party ones haven't shown up yet and many are now from defunct publishers, we've only received the crappy (more like its so ancient its bad) first party games Nintendo tried to sell for 500 pts. Those should have never come out.


bridegur said:
I'm surprised by how much the VC store feels like one of those TV on-demand hotel game services. It's extremely tacky in comparison to how nice the rest of the Wii interface is. Nintendo needs to take a better look at the iTunes store.
I think the current shop is only a temporary solution, anyway. There'll be new (non-VC) games, applications, maybe some additional content for commercial games, demos for Wii and probably DS and whatever else Nintendo plans to sell/ offer, so they'll need to do a redesign anyway. And while they're at it, caching would help. The shop feels way too slow as it is right now...


Zerodoppler said:
I was all for it at first, but now I've changed my mind. Since the VC games will never be taken down from the Shop Channel, it's all a matter of which games will get the full four years to sell and which will get in on the last month before they close down the service. As a third party publisher, I'd be pretty pissed if my game came out as one of the last. As a gamer, I'd be frustrated if I had to wait four years for my favourite game to come out, when it could be out right now. Sure, it takes a while to get all the games rated by the ESRB, but once the system is a year old, most games should be up there.

What do you mean "close down the service"? Why would Nintendo ever do that? The service will get more robust and expanded as time goes on. Integration with portables and support from the Wii's successor are guaranteed.


Kobun Heat said:
If it really is more difficult to ready a VC release than just dumping the ROM onto the server -- and I'm starting to think that it is -- then okay, I understand releasing them bit by bit.

But based on the sheer amount of content that's available, anything less than four games a week is ridiculous. Even at that speed they're only doing 12 games a month, 144 a year, and that's not even scratching the surface of all the potential games they could be releasing onto VC.

If they keep this up, by the end of the Wii's lifecycle, they won't even have as many games on Virtual Console as GameTap has in its library right now.

It's especially annoying when Japan's getting a much more robust and steady release schedule. And when there's games over there that we won't get here, even though the risk is zero.

You're close, in NA it's about 2.83 games per week (147 per year) or 3.54 (184 per year) if you count launch. It's still running on 100% Japanese publishers too, there is no indication of any Western devs, once Nintendo fixes that you could start seeing nearly double the amount of content. Just a thought but VC is the largest game download service for consoles, it now has more games than XBLA (Somebody will scoff, but hey it's a really good start).


Stumpokapow said:
In addition, the kind of stuff that Last.FM does with music and Amazon does with products, Nintendo should be doing with VC stuff. Why isn't it that when I check out Gunstar Heroes, it doesn't say "You'd probably also enjoy ___" or "Other games by the same developer: ___" or "Customers who bought Gunstar Heroes also bought ___"? These features cost little to implement and pay off in a big way.
Great idea. A very large part of the reason I was sold on Solomon's Key was that I heard it was from the makers of Fire 'N' Ice, but I shouldn't have needed to find that out on GAF through my own interest in the VC thread. Same deal with finding out Soldier Blade was from the same series as SSS: shouldn't have had to figure that out via Youtube.

Billy Rygar said:
I can't imagine them wanting to release to many games until the Wii is readily available. I supect that once we see that releases will become more and more frequent.
That's actually a pretty compelling point. Release all the AAA stuff right now and late buyers might not realize the games are there to be bought at those later dates.

Alternatively, and probably along the same lines of reasoning, maybe they're holding back until they invent a better user interface for the Shop Channel. Figuring out that, say, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is on VC wouldn't be easy for someone who buys a Wii in October if they had to scroll through nine pages to get to it, with that brief-but-annoying loading time for every page flip. But if they could show thirty games per page in the system-specific menus, or fifty games in the alphabetical listing, etc., or could arrange games by genre, that would help out.


ethelred said:
There was a lot more that was good about the Genesis than what we've gotten so far on the Virtual Console. With a few exceptions, it's not exactly been the cream of Sega's crop to date.

Yeah I didn't mean to imply Megadrive library was bad or it didn't have any games I want, just that the games that have received relative acclaim and praise here aren't really something I'm into. Comix Zone, Ristar, Gunstar Heroes are great to play once in a while but my tastes are different. I know KOEI published a few of their strategy titles on the megadrive as well, I wouldn't mind taking MD versions of those games as well.


Deku said:
Yeah I didn't mean to imply Megadrive library was bad or it didn't have any games I want, just that the games that have received relative acclaim and praise here aren't really something I'm into. Comix Zone, Ristar, Gunstar Heroes are great to play once in a while but my tastes are different. I know KOEI published a few of their strategy titles on the megadrive as well, I wouldn't mind taking MD versions of those games as well.

I'm just personally curious, won't you need a Japanese Wii for a lot of those games? :)


The VC is a very lazy service and now that it's filling up, it's pretty ungainly to get around in. They really need to make it a bit more like itunes or something, but they need everything big for the Wiimote. Annoying. As for the channels, they need 'folder channels' so you can bundle all your NES/SNES/GENESIS games into single folders.


cvxfreak said:
I'm just personally curious, won't you need a Japanese Wii for a lot of those games? :)

Yes but KOEI isn't even announcing them for Japan so =/ and its hard to get one at the moment so =/ And KOEI is a listed VC licensee. Perhaps they will come out sometime this year but it will probably be 信長の野望 (Nobunga's Ambition) not their more obscure stuff.
I understand their business sim is a cult hit here too right? It's known as Aerobiz here?


I have the feeling, or shoudl I say hope, that Nintendo are holding a bit their horses wrt VC. If they published all the games at once, many people would saturate the internal 512 megs and / or channels in a heartbit (I know I would); the internal flash rom is also used for save data files of regular Wii games, which makes things worse in that regard.

I foresee a "VC channel" that can read files from SD cards and free up channels estate before Nintendo streamlines the VC release schedule.
Why do i get the impression that Nintendo will launch new versions of the Wii equipped with more internal memory to take advantage of the more diverse VC content of the future later on in its life?
So Super Mario World? Sweet!

Wonder if DKC will ever arrive, I'd probably have purchased it at launch (cause there wasn't any SNES games I was interested in but wanted one for each system at the start to see how they looked) but now there's heaps of others out I'd rather have. :lol

I'll probably still end up getting it. >_<


Dont see it post in the last three pages. Nothing unexpect though.

press.nintendo.com said:

Feb. 5, 2007

Today Nintendo adds three new classic games to the popular Wii™ video game system's Wii Shop Channel. The games go live at 9 a.m. Pacific time. Nintendo adds new games to the channel every Monday. Wii owners with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel or at retail outlets. This week's new games are:

Super Mario World™ (Super NES&#3598;, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points): During a vacation in Dinosaur Land, Princess Toadstool gets kidnapped and a spell is cast on the inhabitants of the island. When they stumble upon Yoshi™, a young dinosaur, Mario™ and Luigi learn that Bowser is responsible for the terrible misdeeds. Now, all Yoshis are trapped in magical eggs that Bowser has hidden throughout seven castles. Many hidden paths aid Mario in making his way to Bowser's castle, completing 74 areas and finding all 96 exits. Discover items, including a feather that gives Mario a cape that allows him to fly, or a flower that shoots fireballs in layers upon layers of 2-D scrolling landscapes. Players can even ride Yoshi and swallow their enemies.

VIGILANTE™ (TurboGrafx-16, 1 player, 600 Wii Points): Brave the streets of New York City in this side-scrolling beat-'em-up game. Thugs kidnap the beloved Madonna, and it's up to players to become vigilantes. Players fight their way into enemy territory to get her back. Enemies attack with weapons like iron pipes, chains, guns and motorcycles. To fight back, players can punch, kick or use the "nunchaku" item that appears in the stage. Players must use each of the attacks effectively to defeat their enemies. To clear a stage, defeat the boss that waits at the end. Players fight their way through exciting stages that include the City Streets, Junkyard, Brooklyn Bridge and the Backstreets.

Gain Ground™ (Sega Genesis, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points): It's the 31st century, and science and technology have progressed to the point that the human race is approaching perfection: no war, no poverty and no conflict. With nothing to worry about, the human race seems destined to live forever in harmony. But what if Earth came under attack? By this point in time, people did not know how to cope with problems or conflicts, and had completely lost their survival instincts. In response to this, the United Earth Government created the Gain Ground system, a war simulator that would help humans rediscover their lost instincts. After several terrible malfunctions, the creators became prisoners in their own creation. Now it's up to players and two courageous comrades to go into the Gain Ground system, rescue their fellow humans and destroy the system. Players battle through different periods in history as they revive their survival instincts, while trying to live.
maxmars said:
I have the feeling, or shoudl I say hope, that Nintendo are holding a bit their horses wrt VC. If they published all the games at once, many people would saturate the internal 512 megs and / or channels in a heartbit (I know I would); the internal flash rom is also used for save data files of regular Wii games, which makes things worse in that regard.

I foresee a "VC channel" that can read files from SD cards and free up channels estate before Nintendo streamlines the VC release schedule.

Yeah, Nintendo needs to do something like that. I can imagine it becoming pretty annoying when you have to go through pages of Channels to find a game, once your library grows.
snack said:
Yeah, Nintendo needs to do something like that. I can imagine it becoming pretty annoying when you have to go through pages of Channels to find a game, once your library grows.

Which reminds me...

Does anyone know if there's a way to reorganize your Channels? Move them around to where you want, say alphabetically or by system if you'd like? I've played around with trying to do that but haven't found an option for it.
- Super Mario World (SNES)

Wtffffffffff - ffs NOE, where the hell is Europe's Super Mario World? Or how about Link to the past already? Christ! They delay releases of Wii games like Excite Truck, Trauma Center and Elebits, you think the least they could do would be to pack the VC with titles to make up for the woefull lack of games worth purchasing, but nooooooooooooooooooo. They should be giving us exclusive VC titles, or at least managing to keep the EU VC up-to date with the NA one.
heavy liquid said:
Which reminds me...

Does anyone know if there's a way to reorganize your Channels? Move them around to where you want, say alphabetically or by system if you'd like? I've played around with trying to do that but haven't found an option for it.
just grab and move them by holding A+B.


Bootaaay said:
Wtffffffffff - ffs NOE, where the hell is Europe's Super Mario World? Or how about Link to the past already? Christ! They delay releases of Wii games like Excite Truck, Trauma Center and Elebits, you think the least they could do would be to pack the VC with titles to make up for the woefull lack of games worth purchasing, but nooooooooooooooooooo. They should be giving us exclusive VC titles, or at least managing to keep the EU VC up-to date with the NA one.

QFT. I know they are following proper protocol, and using PAL releases (we actually get the PAL ROMs), but really, is it that hard for them to throw us a bone or two?

I guess, they don't jig any of the roms, but since they are charging us, they don't want a non-working ROM. But since everything is virtual, can't they just trust their emulator, and just dump them on? If something turns out buggy, THEN they can send a fixed version, or just refund points or something. SOMETHING.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
haha i love the way europe gets the shaft even on a rom dump.
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