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Official Islamic Thread


Muslims quote Luke 22:43 as proof that when Jesus cried out to God not to be crucified, that an angel came and saved him from crucifixion. However the next verses says that Jesus was arrested by the mob for crucifixion. My Question is:
On what basis do you accept the first passage as uncorrupted scripture, but reject the next verse as corrupted scripture?

Muslims claim that the New Testament story of Jesus dying on the cross is a corruption of the truth and that Allah made it appear that Jesus died on the cross, as per Q4:157. My question is:
How can Muslims claim that they believe any of the New Testament was originally revealed by God, since the corruption must have begun at the cross.

Muslims reject the gospel story of Jesus being a substitute for our sins, the just for the unjust. They use the illustration of a man having to pay for a speeding ticket he did not commit. My question is:
How do you explain that in the Muslim view of the cross, someone completely innocent died in Jesus place, after God made him appear to be Jesus? Was not this a Substitutionary sacrifice?


funkmastergeneral said:
How is saying G-d willing any better then saying god willing? It's like calling someone the N-word (don't feel like getting banned today...) and just taking out the i

Also, I think Islam is pretty rad. Definitely prefer it over the nuts in Christianity. But dude, your brand of Islam makes you seem like a basket case. From my very, very limited experience reading about the Bedouins in the Middle East, all this bullshit you're spouting was meaningless. The Bedouins didn't judge people, they let God do the judging. They were hospitable to you regardless of who you were, well unless there was a blood feud with your tribe. What I got out of it was that the only relationship that really mattered was between you and God, maybe I'm way off base here but even as an athiest I think that's a beautiful thing.

Bediouns aren't necessarily Muslims and if they are it depends on how much they follow it, I only say what is in the Qur'an I don't speak for any specific group or such.

Half of my family used to be bediouns, they didn't know anything about the religion and only knew The Words of Creed.
Warrior300 said:
Mary the Mother of Jesus is she a slave and oppressed?

Oppression is when a perfectly pretty girl is set to a low that she has to go to extremes like anorxic behaviour to make herself feel known and noticed.

I'd say they're both equally as shitty. I agree with you that beauty is far too desirable a thing in the Western world with people going to great and ridiculous lengths to attain it. But I sincerely doubt that people in Islamic countries don't care about beauty at all because of that rad scarf.


Warrior300 said:
Mary the Mother of Jesus is she a slave and oppressed?

Oppression is when a perfectly pretty girl is set to a low that she has to go to extremes like anorxic behaviour to make herself feel known and noticed.

Prove this statement that women are forced to do this by the big bad "West", I hope that the proof is a little more convincing than mentioning some tv show.


Warrior300 said:
Mary the Mother of Jesus is she a slave and oppressed?

Oppression is when a perfectly pretty girl is set to a low that she has to go to extremes like anorxic behaviour to make herself feel known and noticed.

The hell has that got to do with anything? I'd say she was oppressed, she had to lie about how she got pregnant to avoid the wrath of her husband!


Ydahs said:
If videogames remove you from your prayers and your religion then it is corruption. Overwise it's acceptable.

Can we change subject from the whole "majority of opinion" thing? No one's gonna change their mind and it's really derailing the thread.
But that's your interpretation of the text. The prophet said "A love of life's amusements and a fear of death." He said NOTHING about removal from prayer or religion or whatever. Aren't you disregarding the literal meaning in lieu of your own version?


I've also got a question, why do muslims move to countries with other norms and laws than their own. For example alot of muslims moved to the Netherlands, even the US freaked out when they saw the PSP White add.
Warrior300 said:
Mary the Mother of Jesus is she a slave and oppressed?

Oppression is when a perfectly pretty girl is set to a low that she has to go to extremes like anorxic behaviour to make herself feel known and noticed.

It's pretty absurd to say that Western girls have to be anorexic (Or anything, for that matter). You act as if every single girl in the West starves themselves to be 85lbs and only strut around in public wearing breast-tassels and G-strings. They don't have to do anything; by and large, they can dress as they please without fear of any major repercussions. That can't be said of women in certain countries who oppress their citizens under the banner of religion. Oppression is when a perfectly pretty girl is so terrified of showing skin that she wears two layers of clothing in the summer to ensure that she isn't beaten for showing a leg.

If girls want to cover up, they can cover up. If they want to dress liberally, they can do so. Don't pass off a society with less freedom as a reprieve for self-expression; in reality, it's the exact opposite.


laserbeam said:
Muslims quote Luke 22:43 as proof that when Jesus cried out to God not to be crucified, that an angel came and saved him from crucifixion. However the next verses says that Jesus was arrested by the mob for crucifixion. My Question is:
On what basis do you accept the first passage as uncorrupted scripture, but reject the next verse as corrupted scripture?

Luke 22:43 mentions an angel strengthening Jesus, it doesn't say anything about him being saved from crucifixion.

To answer your questions, Muslims see both parts of the passage as corrupted scripture. The only parts that we accept are those that have been confirmed by our religion.

Muslims claim that the New Testament story of Jesus dying on the cross is a corruption of the truth and that Allah made it appear that Jesus died on the cross, as per Q4:157. My question is:
How can Muslims claim that they believe any of the New Testament was originally revealed by God, since the corruption must have begun at the cross.

I don't know if I understand your question correctly, but once again, there are passages in the Qur'an that mention that Jesus had a gospel. The four gospels of the NT and the gospel mentioned in the Qur'an are not the same however.

Muslims reject the gospel story of Jesus being a substitute for our sins, the just for the unjust. They use the illustration of a man having to pay for a speeding ticket he did not commit. My question is:
How do you explain that in the Muslim view of the cross, someone completely innocent died in Jesus place, after God made him appear to be Jesus? Was not this a Substitutionary sacrifice?

Why do you assume that it was someone completely "innocent" that died in the place of Jesus?


[Nintex] said:
I've also got a question, why do muslims move to countries with other norms and laws than their own. For example alot of muslims moved to the Netherlands, even the US freaked out when they saw the PSP White add.

In the UK, an outwardly moderate senior preacher who would meet with the PM and call for tolerance and respect, was secretly filmed by channel 4 telling his cronies that their goal was to make Britain an Islamic state, and that beating women is fine. So yah, they oft do believe in trying to make other countries islamic states.


laserbeam said:
Muslims quote Luke 22:43 as proof that when Jesus cried out to God not to be crucified, that an angel came and saved him from crucifixion. However the next verses says that Jesus was arrested by the mob for crucifixion. My Question is:
On what basis do you accept the first passage as uncorrupted scripture, but reject the next verse as corrupted scripture?

Muslims claim that the New Testament story of Jesus dying on the cross is a corruption of the truth and that Allah made it appear that Jesus died on the cross, as per Q4:157. My question is:
How can Muslims claim that they believe any of the New Testament was originally revealed by God, since the corruption must have begun at the cross.

Muslims reject the gospel story of Jesus being a substitute for our sins, the just for the unjust. They use the illustration of a man having to pay for a speeding ticket he did not commit. My question is:
How do you explain that in the Muslim view of the cross, someone completely innocent died in Jesus place, after God made him appear to be Jesus? Was not this a Substitutionary sacrifice?

I swear this is my last post for today,
On what basis do you accept the first passage as uncorrupted scripture, but reject the next verse as corrupted scripture?

Firstly, Muslims as a basic and standard believe that Jesus was never put up on any cross or carried one or was subject to any humiliation. The less then 24 hours before the whole thing G-d tells us that this happended:

4:156-159 "That they rejected Faith; That they uttered against Mary A grave false charge; That they said (in boast): 'We killed Christ Jesus The son of Mary, The Messenger of Allah.'
But they killed him not, Nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not.

Nay, Allah raised him up Unto Himself; and Allah Is Exalted in Power, Wise. And there is none of the people of the book (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him (Jesus) Before his death; And on the Day of Judgment He (Jesus) will be a witness Against them."

Notice the words "Appear to them" it means either 2 things:

A: Reality was altered and they thought they had crucified someones while nothin happend ( hypnosis)
B: Judas was made to look like Jesus for his betrayal and he was crucified. i.e someone else.

How can Muslims claim that they believe any of the New Testament was originally revealed by God, since the corruption must have begun at the cross.

Easy Muslims do not believe in the New Testament because all of it was done by the hands of men who had neither seen nor heard or met or prayed with Jesus peace be upon him.

Paul has the most influence of all of them and he himself was a bounty hunter of the early nazarians, until he saw a "dream" when he fell off of his horse. A Roman hunting Nazarians is not in my book of believable.

Muslims believe in the Gospel of Jesus not of mark, luke, john or paul. The original Gospel(Injeel) would have been just like the Qur'an and (torah to some extent) i.e only G-d talking to people directly remember the way G-d talked to Isrealites? The Qur'an is the same, Only G-d talking.

No jesus did this jesus did that, I saw jesus do this or so so.

How do you explain that in the Muslim view of the cross, someone completely innocent died in Jesus place, after God made him appear to be Jesus? Was not this a Substitutionary sacrifice?

No, because as I said earlier

Notice the words "Appear to them" it means either 2 things:

A: Reality was altered and they thought they had crucified someones while nothin happend ( hypnosis)
B: Judas was made to look like Jesus for his betrayal and he was crucified. i.e someone else.

Judas does not count in the ranks of innocents to me.


Septy said:
Prove this statement that women are forced to do this by the big bad "West", I hope that the proof is a little more convincing than mentioning some tv show.
An example of degration in my view:


lopaz said:
In the UK, an outwardly moderate senior preacher who would meet with the PM and call for tolerance and respect, was secretly filmed by channel 4 telling his cronies that their goal was to make Britain an Islamic state, and that beating women is fine. So yah, they oft do believe in trying to make other countries islamic states.

I already addressed that, go back a few pages.


Warrior300 said:

hmmm.... just "Friends"

That is just a stupid picture. It in no way proves that women in the "West" are forced to dress a certain way or become anorexic to get "noticed". Perhaps you should choose your words more carefully before making blanket statements.


Septy said:
That is just a stupid picture. It in no way proves that women in the "West" are forced to dress a certain way or become anorexic to get "noticed". Perhaps you should choose your words more carefully before making blanket statements.

Check the update :D


Warrior300 said:
Check the update :D

I know that you're joking around now, but surely it is understandable how people would take issue with your blanket statements. If I put forth a similar arguement that all Muslim women have to completely cover themselves (inlcuding the entirely of their face) to be considered pious, I would imagine that you would find it similarly offensive.


Warrior300 said:
I already addressed that, go back a few pages.

What page? This is like infinity pages. Not that I'm expecting much, most of your posts are making ridiculous logical fallacies, so yknow


While I agree that in the West women are looked down as "objects" in other parts of the world, I think you're a little aggressive in your "forced" statement, Warrior300. I mean, not every girl in the West does this. While it's a terrible example, not all muslims are those idiot suicide bombers who claim it as the jihad. Just because some people do one thing in a culture doesn't mean the culture as a whole os succumb to it.

Just my thoughts, but overall a good thread on Islam (though the not saying "God" is kinda weird, but hey I respect whatever you wish to not do :lol ).


lopaz said:
What page? This is like infinity pages. Not that I'm expecting much, most of your posts are making ridiculous logical fallacies, so yknow

Read before replying please, i keep answering the same questions over and over again.
Warrior300 said:

Shall I quote a picture of a post-action suicide bomb site to disprove your contentions that terrorists operating under the flag of Islam are misguided because that's basically what you're doing for your argument about Western girls.


Septy said:
I know that you're joking around now, but surely it is understandable how people would take issue with your blanket statements. If I put forth a similar arguement that all Muslim women have to completely cover themselves (inlcuding the entirely of their face) to be considered pious, I would imagine that you would find it similarly offensive.

95 % of western people already believe that because the media already portrays it that way.

It wouldn't really make a difference if you made that arguement.

And i kid you not.


Warrior300 said:
95 % of western people already believe that because the media already portrays it that way.

It wouldn't really make a difference if you made that arguement.

And i kid you not.

50% of people in Pakistan support al-quaeda. Where's the survey that found 95% of Western women are anorexic whorebags?


WickedAngel said:
Shall I quote a picture of a post-action suicide bomb site to disprove your contentions that terrorists operating under the flag of Islam are misguided because that's basically what you're doing for your argument about Western girls.

That picture would just prove that they're misguided.

Seriously, think before you post with blinded anger.


Warrior300 said:
95 % of western people already believe because the media already portrays it that way.

It wouldn't really make a difference if you made that arguement.

And i kid you not.

I don't really understand what you're saying. I'm asking you to back up these claims that you've made numerous times. My comparison was imperfect but it wasn't designed to be the focus of my post. Please prove or retract your blanket statements regarding women in the "West" .


Septy said:
I don't really understand what you're saying. I'm asking you to back up these claims that you've made numerous times. My comparison was imperfect but it wasn't designed to be the focus of my post. Please prove or retract your blanket statements regarding women in the "West" .

I was replying to this part of your post.

If I put forth a similar arguement that all Muslim women have to completely cover themselves (inlcuding the entirely of their face) to be considered pious, I would imagine that you would find it similarly offensive.
Warrior300 said:
That picture would just prove that they're misguided.

Seriously, think before you post with blinded anger.

You really deserve to be banned for this.

You basically came in here to troll and post inflammatory remarks about the West while operating under the guise of providing knowledge of your archaic and undesirable traditions.

I should have known better. You're hopelessly ignorant if you think that posting a picture of scantily clad women proves anything other than your inability to make a rational, coherent argument without making an ass of yourself.


Warrior300 said:
I was replying to this part of your post.

If I put forth a similar arguement that all Muslim women have to completely cover themselves (inlcuding the entirely of their face) to be considered pious, I would imagine that you would find it similarly offensive.

I understand that, but it was just a little comparison and it was designed to show you how utterly foolish it is to make these grand sweeping generalisations without clear and convincing evidence.


Septy said:
I understand that, but it was just a little comparison and it was designed to show you how utterly foolish it is to make these grand sweeping generalisations without clear and convincing evidence.
"Why, X is a ridiculous arguement, that's almost as stupid as me saying Y!!!"

"Hah, you are foolish, Y is clearly an incorrect arguement!"



lopaz said:
50% of people in Pakistan support al-quaeda. Where's the survey that found 95% of Western women are anorexic whorebags?

Wow, i was saying that 95 % of people living in the west think that that all Muslim women have to completely cover themselves and thats because of the media.

this is to the OP:

before certain and proven alterations of Paul and others had taken place.

is there documented proof the letters of Paul was altered? (i.e., inconsistencies in copied manuscripts to the original letters?)


Warrior300 said:
Wow, i was saying that 95 % of people living in the west think that that all Muslim women have to completely cover themselves and thats because of the media.




WickedAngel said:
You really deserve to be banned for this.

You basically came in here to troll and post inflammatory remarks about the West while operating under the guise of providing knowledge of your archaic and undesirable traditions.

I should have known better. You're hopelessly ignorant if you think that posting a picture of scantily clad women proves anything other than your inability to make a rational, coherent argument without making an ass of yourself.

You came in here with your eyes and ears closed, you're not looking for a civilised conversation. All you want to do is get a rise out of me and ruin the thread.

And nobody is gonna get banned, just leave if you dont like this thread.


Warrior300 said:
Firstly, my religion, the founder of it, the people, all of it has been prophecised in ALL other religions, I will show you tommorow Insha Allah ( G-d willing).

IN Hinduism
In Christianity
In Judaism etc.

All I will show you.

My religion is not something new, it is what all of them above used to be, before people made alterations to it and changed extremly and selfishly because of the hands of men who saw to seek power using the name of G-d.

How is this anywhere even near some kind of convincing evidence that your faith is right? Assume for a second that all the other religions are just man-made myths that became extremely organized and followed by many people, than Islam being prophesied in those other religions means absolutely nothing.

If you were raised with Christian parents, you'd certainly be Christian and on here singing the praises of Jesus. I think it's pretty ego-centric for people to assume that the faith they were raised with is THE faith and all others are corrupt and wrong. Maybe you are right and Islam is true, but damn, you are VERY lucky to have been born at this specific time in human history and in your specific part of the world where Islam is practiced.
Warrior300 said:
You came in here with your eyes and ears closed, you're not looking for a civilised conversation. All you want to do is get a rise out of me and ruin the thread.

And nobody is gonna get banned, just leave if you dont like this thread.

Says the guy who opened a thread of "understanding" my making blanket generalizations of the West and its women.

There is nothing civilized about making baseless statements and supporting them with hackneyed, half-assed logic based around a few pictures that you dug up via Google. You pass those pictures off as if all Western women actually wear that kind of clothing commonly. You do realize that mere seconds of searching would result in similar pictures of scantily clad Muslims, correct? Do you believe it would be intelligent to imply that the Muslim world was supportive and receptive of that kind of clothing just because of a few pictures that were dug up on the internet?

You state that Western women are forced to wear revealing clothing to appease men and do a pathetic job of supporting your argument with a few random pictures. How it is any less acceptable for me to state that Islam is a conduit for terrorism and support that statement with pictures of any one of the hundreds of suicide bombings that occur within nations that are primarily Islamic?


Is this thread a joke and you a joke character? lol, you don't even know anything about freedom.
In most western countries a woman can do whatever they want with their bodies. If a woman is half nude it is because she agreed with that. Nobody forces them to do that. Accept that. It's called freedom and it's damn good.


I have to agree with WickedAngel on this, Warrior300. Your initial argument was fine; trying to prove that they're forced to be this way by posting google picture searches is a really poor argument.

I can in my searches find Islamic and Arabic pornographic videos, or Arabic or Islamic females in slutty clothing, but you would not dare say it is sanctioned.

The west is FREE, and with freedom comes the ability to dress however you want, whether you approve or not. Some guys like it, some guys don't. Some females like it, some females don't. There is no way you can generalize billions of people as you are.

You are doing your thread poor service by continuing that line of fight.


Amir0x said:
I have to agree with WickedAngel on this, Warrior300. Your initial argument was fine; trying to prove that they're forced to be this way by posting google picture searches is a really poor argument.

I can in my searches find Islamic and Arabic pornographic videos, or Arabic or Islamic females in slutty clothing, but you would not dare say it is sanctioned.

The west is FREE, and with freedom comes the ability to dress however you want, whether you approve or not. Some guys like it, some guys don't. Some females like it, some females don't. There is no way you can generalize billions of people as you are.

You are doing your thread poor service by continuing that line of fight.

Firstly, I tried to put up a picture of what he asked for,he asked me for examples of women being degraded in my view I only put up a picture. Everything today has to be sold by showing a half naked body, how is this wrong?

Doesn't this happen 24/7 ?

Anyway, I'll try to stop this, thanks for making it clear to us. We aren't here to make flames rise we are here to get along.


Warrior300 said:
Firstly, I tried to put up a picture of what he asked for,he asked me for examples of women being degraded in my view I only put up a picture. Everything today has to be sold by showing a half naked body, how is this wrong?

Doesn't this happen 24/7 ?

Anyway, I'll try to stop this, thanks for making it clear to us. We aren't here to make flames rise we are here to get along.

What's so wrong with half naked bodies? Nudity rocks!

Ace 8095

Warrior300 said:
Firstly, I tried to put up a picture of what he asked for,he asked me for examples of women being degraded in my view I only put up a picture. Everything today has to be sold by showing a half naked body, how is this wrong?

Doesn't this happen 24/7 ?

Anyway, I'll try to stop this, thanks for making it clear to us. We aren't here to make flames rise we are here to get along.
Freedom happens 24/7


Artie said:
While I agree that in the West women are looked down as "objects" in other parts of the world, I think you're a little aggressive in your "forced" statement, Warrior300. I mean, not every girl in the West does this. While it's a terrible example, not all muslims are those idiot suicide bombers who claim it as the jihad. Just because some people do one thing in a culture doesn't mean the culture as a whole os succumb to it.

Just my thoughts, but overall a good thread on Islam (though the not saying "God" is kinda weird, but hey I respect whatever you wish to not do :lol ).

I never said it was the whole culture, doing so would be hypocriticle. However, where here is the norm, its not the norm in other countries.


Warrior300 said:
Firstly, I tried to put up a picture of what he asked for,he asked me for examples of women being degraded in my view I only put up a picture. Everything today has to be sold by showing a half naked body, how is this wrong?

Doesn't this happen 24/7 ?

Anyway, I'll try to stop this, thanks for making it clear to us. We aren't here to make flames rise we are here to get along.

To be direct, he asked for you to prove women in the west are FORCED to do this. They aren't forced, they chose to do it as adults in a free nation. So if your intention was to show an image that you feel shows females 'degraded' in your view, that's slightly different than what he was asking for you'd agree. Thus the vast misunderstanding at this point, if that is indeed what it is.

Now if your SIDE argument is that countries in the west have a deep undercurrent of degradation of females that runs concurrent to our societal freedoms, that's absolutely legitimate. There's nothing controversial about that statement at all. It is little doubt that objectifying females is a big problem in many Western countries. I just think it's basically impossible to make that argument without acknowledging how atrocious females are treated in most Islamic countries.

Yes, I'm only trying to be a referee in this thread. I know this is a sensitive subject. I am trying to make sure both sides do not feel violated.


Warrior300 said:
Firstly, I tried to put up a picture of what he asked for,he asked me for examples of women being degraded in my view I only put up a picture. Everything today has to be sold by showing a half naked body, how is this wrong?

Doesn't this happen 24/7 ?

Anyway, I'll try to stop this, thanks for making it clear to us. We aren't here to make flames rise we are here to get along.

No I didn't. I asked you how "Western" women were "forced" either to dress skantily or become an anorexic.


Fio said:
Is this thread a joke and you a joke character? lol, you don't even know anything about freedom.
In most western countries a woman can do whatever they want with their bodies. If a woman is half nude it is because she agreed with that. Nobody forces them to do that. Accept that. It's called freedom and it's damn good.

hmm.. I made 4 pages of perfect sense and when I was asked to show what I see as degrading by request then its an abmomination.


Amir0x said:
To be direct, he asked for you to prove women in the west are FORCED to do this. They aren't forced, they chose to do it as adults in a free nation. So if your intention was to show an image that you feel shows females 'degraded' in your view, that's slightly different than what he was asking for you'd agree. Thus the vast misunderstanding at this point, if that is indeed what it is.

Now if your SIDE argument is that countries in the west have a deep undercurrent of degradation of females that runs concurrent to our societal freedoms, that's absolutely legitimate. There's nothing controversial about that statement at all. It is little doubt that objectifying females is a big problem in many Western countries. I just think it's basically impossible to make that argument without acknowledging how atrocious it is for females are treated in most Islamic countries.

Yes, I'm only trying to be a referee in this thread. I know this is a sensitive subject. I am trying to make sure both sides do not feel violated.

I feel so violated ammy :(
Warrior300 said:
Firstly, I tried to put up a picture of what he asked for,he asked me for examples of women being degraded in my view I only put up a picture. Everything today has to be sold by showing a half naked body, how is this wrong?

Doesn't this happen 24/7 ?

Anyway, I'll try to stop this, thanks for making it clear to us. We aren't here to make flames rise we are here to get along.

No. You were asked to post examples of how women are forced to dress that way; instead, you posted pictures of women that dressed that way in a vain attempt to paint all Western women as self-loathing prostitutes who bow to the will of their male masters.

"Everything today has to be sold by showing a half naked body, how is this wrong?"

That's not wrong; it's true that sex sells. Unfortunately, you don't seem to grasp that those women weren't forced to dress that way and you also seem to fail to grasp that the same is true for men as well (Calvin Klein advertisements typically show men who, at the very least, are shirtless and flexing their perfectly formed chests and abdominal muscles).

You can make the argument that we're a more sexual society, which is a fair assessment, but you're lumping yourself in with the same category as the people who say "All Muslim people are terrorists!" when you try to assert that all Western women have to be scantily clad to be accepted.


Fio said:
Is this thread a joke and you a joke character? lol, you don't even know anything about freedom.
In most western countries a woman can do whatever they want with their bodies. If a woman is half nude it is because she agreed with that. Nobody forces them to do that. Accept that. It's called freedom and it's damn good.

What's so wrong with half naked bodies? Nudity rocks!

I could be wrong here about what Warrior300 is implying, but it's obvious that most women in the West don't dress like that. However, even in Arabic countries, you will find women that I feel are inappropriated dressed.

The issue isn't the number of women that do so, but it is societies' attitude towards those that do.

It is frowned upon over here and sometimes encouraged over there.

Sometimes these "freedoms" cause a great deal of sexual harassment. Staff are hired according to the amount of visible cleavage during interviews. Rape is a huge issue in the West, or that is at least what I hear.

I honestly don't know if I can blame Western women alone for dressing inappropriately since it is obvious that it is something that is glamorized by the media and encouraged by Western society, at least on GAF... *points at posts*
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