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Official Virtua Fighter 5 Thread


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Bebpo said:
I dunno, I think Lei is the most button-mashy character in the game. That's allllll my friend played when he first started VF because you could mash your way through the stances and be doing reversals and mixing up moves like crazy to confuse your opponent.

I'd also qualify Brad as entry-level.

But like I said, from my first opinion on the two new characters I could see them being both "beginner" and "expert".

Lei and Brad are entry-level? What the hell, stop talking about fighting games, especially VF, seriously. If you can't see that they're at the very least intermediate you don't have any place talking about VF.

gutter: I'd consider Eileen an intermediate character, IMO. She's got her easy strings but she requires quite a lot of effort to win matches.


Ravenn17 said:
Stick impressions ASAP please. :D

The Fighting Stick 3 is ok. I can pull off all the moves in the game I've tried (save Akira's knee but that's just me) with it whenever I want and it feels accurate and fun like using an arcade stick should.

But the stick is kinda not solid feeling and the buttons are a bit mushy. It works, but using a better stick just feels nicer on the hands.

If you have the DoA stick for X360 it's basically identical.


Reno said:
Lei and Brad are entry-level? What the hell, stop talking about fighting games, especially VF, seriously. If you can't see that they're at the very least intermediate you don't have any place talking about VF.

gutter: I'd consider Eileen an intermediate character, IMO. She's got her easy strings but she requires quite a lot of effort to win matches.

A character can be intermediate and entry-level at the same time. Lei has a lot too him as does Brad but if both can be picked up by anyone new to the game and played decently after a few weeks...I would count them as entry level characters. Lei moreso than Brad.

All I know is that my friend does not play fighting games at all and he picked up Lei amazingly fast and used him as his first major VF character. He was a Lei/Pai combo.
It's games like this that make me wish my friends near me were worthy gamers who I could challenge often.

There all playing nintendo wii's :( (thats not in an offensive term, they are playing wii's!)


loves Arcade Sticks

I don't know if this will help, it was probably posted here already by Reno... but here's the latest Japanese ranking.(I think it's from the Arcadia Tougeki Spirits Vol. 4)...

S: Shun, Pai
A: Vanessa, Eileen, Kage, Lei Fei
B: Brad, Wolf, Lau, Jacky
C: Akira, Goh
D: Lion, Sarah, Aoi
E: Jeffry, El Blaze

I'm currently using Lion as he was my main in VF4 and EVO... but I plan on moving onto Wolf once I get a grasp of the system.

I'm trying to build a good/serious community of VF players in my area(San Diego, CA)... not that casual shit, we doin' this hardcore son...

But yea...


flinging feces ---->
MarkMan said:

I don't know if this will help, it was probably posted here already by Reno... but here's the latest Japanese ranking.(I think it's from the Arcadia Tougeki Spirits Vol. 4)...

Does anyone here know what "Goh" means in Farsi (language of Iran)? :lol


MarkMan said:

I don't know if this will help, it was probably posted here already by Reno... but here's the latest Japanese ranking.(I think it's from the Arcadia Tougeki Spirits Vol. 4)...

I'm currently using Lion as he was my main in VF4 and EVO... but I plan on moving onto Wolf once I get a grasp of the system.

I'm trying to build a good/serious community of VF players in my area(San Diego, CA)... not that casual shit, we doin' this hardcore son...

But yea...

Hmm, yeah I can see how some of those rankings would fall in place. Surprised El Blaze is so low, from first impressions he seemed like he had excellent mobility and speed like Pai/Eileen and had a decent amount of options so as to not be predictable. Hmm...


Fixed my camera by twisting and cracking the focus lens back into place. Seems to be working ok again! Phew.








It's hard to take pictures because the game moves too fast :( If you notice I usually take pictures of games when they're NOT MOVING :p Otherwise I get double images or blur.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Bebpo said:
A character can be intermediate and entry-level at the same time. Lei has a lot too him as does Brad but if both can be picked up by anyone new to the game and played decently after a few weeks...I would count them as entry level characters. Lei moreso than Brad.

All I know is that my friend does not play fighting games at all and he picked up Lei amazingly fast and used him as his first major VF character. He was a Lei/Pai combo.

Problem is that I don't know anyone who would consider Lei or Brad an intermediate character. Most Japanese players who play either character are dedicated Lei or Brad players, same with Vanessa. Most people consider guys like Lion an intermediate character, and he's not nearly as complex as Lei or Brad, so no, Lei and Brad are not entry-level.


loves Arcade Sticks
Hi Reno.

How's the Osaka VF scene?

I know the Tekken scene is the home to the beasts of Japan.


Reno said:
Problem is that I don't know anyone who would consider Lei or Brad an intermediate character. Most Japanese players who play either character are dedicated Lei or Brad players, same with Vanessa. Most people considering guys like Lion an intermediate character, and he's not nearly as complex as Lei or Brad, so no, Lei and Brad are not entry-level.

Alright fine.

I don't read the message boards or talk with the expert players. I don't read their strategies and comments about tiers and what not. I've just been playing VF since VF1 and seriously since VF2 and then sorta casual on VF3 and serious again for VF4/Evo. I just comment on how the game/characters feel to me upon first impressions. I doubt I'd do anything special in a real tournament, but I could still beat the Japanese guys at the big city arcades at times when I was in Japan and have them peek around the corner of the machine to see who beat them and start going to their friends "GAIJIN!?!!" :p So I'd like to think I'm at least a decent player who can talk about the gameplay aspects.


Bebpo said:
Alright fine.

I don't read the message boards or talk with the expert players. I don't read their strategies and comments about tiers and what not. I've just been playing VF since VF1 and seriously since VF2 and then sorta casual on VF3 and serious again for VF4/Evo. I just comment on how the game/characters feel to me upon first impressions. I doubt I'd do anything special in a real tournament, but I could still beat the Japanese guys at the big city arcades at times when I was in Japan and have them peek around the corner of the machine to see who beat them and start going to their friends "GAIJIN!?!!" :p So I'd like to think I'm at least a decent player who can talk about the gameplay aspects.
I don't know. I just started playing Evo like a week ago and it seemed like Brad is a pretty easy guy to pick up. Granted, the only character I tried before him was Vanessa, who's a doozy, and I've only tried playing maybe half of the characters.


USD said:
I don't know. I just started playing Evo like a week ago and it seemed like Brad is a pretty easy guy to pick up. Granted, the only character I tried before him was Vanessa, who's a doozy, and I've only tried playing maybe half of the characters.

Speaking of Vanessa, I can't play her for the life of me. Even though I have no idea how to play Lei either, at least with him I know enough about his moves from fighting against him for years. But I don't use Vanessa, nor does anyone I know, so she's my complete weakness.


isamu said:
Hmm, I dunno guys...I'm getting cold feet on this game. After reading a few impressions and the FAQ over at VF.net, it seems this is only Virtua Fighter 4.5. How else does this differ from 4 other than higher resolution and a few more items to collect? Seems the meat of the game is basically the same...Kumite=Quest mode, only now you can choose any arcade you want. Meh, I liked it the way it was in Evo where you had to work your way up to get to the baddest arcade in town.

Plus, this is a real bummer:

No tutorial in training mode? That blows.

And of course, lack of *ANY* online support whatsoever is simply inexcusable in this day and age. They could've at least let you download replays and support leader boards and player ghosts. Guaranteed this will be supported in the 360 version.

Bebpo, strider and Drhone you guys seem to be enjoying the game a lot...but honestly now...how long do you see yourselves firing up VF5 just to play by against the AI?


Like all/any fighting games, the best way to enjoy the game is to play with people similar to your level in a competitive environment. If you are buying this game with the intent to only play the computer... ok then that is probably not the best of ideas, although it still can be fun.

Regarding the game being VF 4.5. This is a rather complicated dispute which doesn't really apply to most gamers, and here is why. The people who think VF5 is only a minor upgrade are people who have played at least VF4 EVO and VF4 FT literally to death, enough to know it inside out and can tell you the frames for most moves of the top of their head. These people are not in the majority like you or most people on this forum. It's true that when you compare VF5 and VF4 FT on the surface (which 99% of western gamers have never seen or played), it may seem like there are not too much difference aside from graphics. You have most of the VF4 systems intact, you have mostly the same movelist, etc.

But if you really get to the details of the game, there is a huge fundamental difference in the way the game is played from a strategic stand point. I know that there are a lot of Japanese VF players who didn't like the direction that VF5 took, and they bitch about the game not being balanced enough. I know where they are coming from based on my knowledge about the series, but I think it's simply a matter of adjustment and taste. There are definitely still people who enjoy the game, but VF5 is appealing to a different crowd. VF5 is somewhat slower and more methodical, and I think it's a change for the better. If you are going from VF4 evo to VF5, the change to the game is tremendous simply based on the movelist. While it may not be the VF5 that Japanese players had in mind, for western gamers, this is a proper step up from VF4 and VF4 evo, and it offers much much more gameplay (it's really overwhelming for me even) compared to previous iterations.

While it's true that VF5 doesn't have tutorial mode from evo, you have to remember that VF5 is a new game, and players haven't even fully exploited all the nuances of the game system. In fact, Japanese players are just now starting to understand how Offensive Movement works and how to use it. It's only logical that no tutorial mode is offered for VF5 knowing that Evo for PS2 came out years after all the knowledge collected from VF4 arcade, VF4 for PS2, and VF4 evo in the arcade. Still, there are now tons of resources from western players in the works for people to learn VF5. If I look back on VF4 days, the amount of knowledge was minuscule compared to the stuff that's available today, and will be coming for VF5.

Honestly, I see myself playing this game for years to come with all the people I have here in my area. You will understand why the fans love this series once you sit down with a group of people, and everyone is trying their hardest to stay on the controller. You will never want to stop playing and never want to stop getting better at the game. I wish that I can somehow translate the feeling into words, but this game is like LSD/Crack, and we are junkies in need of a fix. It's the only game that I still get a rush by playing, and I don't see myself stopping the habit anytime soon.


loves Arcade Sticks
Srider said:
Honestly, I see myself playing this game for years to come with all the people I have here in my area. You will understand why the fans love this series once you sit down with a group of people, and everyone is trying their hardest to stay on the controller. You will never want to stop playing and never want to stop getting better at the game. I wish that I can somehow translate the feeling into words, but this game is like LSD/Crack, and we are junkies in need of a fix. It's the only game that I still get a rush by playing, and I don't see myself stopping the habit anytime soon.


I wouldn't be playing any fighting games if it weren't for the people around me.


Srider said:
Honestly, I see myself playing this game for years to come with all the people I have here in my area. You will understand why the fans love this series once you sit down with a group of people, and everyone is trying their hardest to stay on the controller. You will never want to stop playing and never want to stop getting better at the game. I wish that I can somehow translate the feeling into words, but this game is like LSD/Crack, and we are junkies in need of a fix. It's the only game that I still get a rush by playing, and I don't see myself stopping the habit anytime soon.


Me & a friend played VF4 PS2 10 hours a week for a YEAR STRAIGHT. And then when Evo came out we played that for SIX MONTHS STRAIGHT at 10 hours a week again. VF5 will hopefully re-ignite good times for another 6-12 months straight :D

The items add to this as well. Any time a treasure box match appeared the fights were 10x as intense as usual. We loooooved decking out our characters and that was the ultimate goal and the reason to want to win each match.



Do you agree with me in saying that pictures simply don't do this game justice? The game looks so much better seeing it in real life compared to all the direct feed shots that are out there.


Srider said:

Do you agree with me in saying that pictures simply don't do this game justice? The game looks so much better seeing it in real life compared to all the direct feed shots that are out there.

Definitely. VF has always been a game about animation and fluidity. I remember going through Aoi's reversals in VF4 training mode and being OMG! at one after another. The HDR lighting and shadowing doesn't show up as well in pictures too. When I first equipped my bow & arrows I had one it was like "oh, I think this was in VF4", but then when I put it on and saw the self-shadowing reflect from my character's arm over the bow it was like "Wow, items are going to look really cool this time around"!


Isamu said:
And of course, lack of *ANY* online support whatsoever is simply inexcusable in this day and age. They could've at least let you download replays and support leader boards and player ghosts. Guaranteed this will be supported in the 360 version.

Here's hoping that the X360 guys push online matchmaking. I keep hearing is a time-based fighter, as opposed to a tap-based fighter like DoA, thus way more hindered by latency. Then try explaining how a mode like instagib for the UT-series works perfectly online. When I play DoA with my friends, I get a hiccup in 2 of the 30 fights. Not perfect, but it's forgivable.

I know that fighters are meant to be played with friends, but my friends are slowly moving away from videogames. Hell, I only own one controller for the X360. VF5 online would open up so much for me. If it will be VF5 offline, I don't know if I'll still buy it. Vs AI can only last so long.


Bebpo said:
Definitely. VF has always been a game about animation and fluidity. I remember going through Aoi's reversals in VF4 training mode and being OMG! at one after another. The HDR lighting and shadowing doesn't show up as well in pictures too. When I first equipped my bow & arrows I had one it was like "oh, I think this was in VF4", but then when I put it on and saw the self-shadowing reflect from my character's arm over the bow it was like "Wow, items are going to look really cool this time around"!

Funny you say that Bebpo, I've been going through Evo again and since Aoi's one of my characters I went through training mode to try and capture her reversals - stills boggles my mind and shows I've got a way to go... can't wait for VF5 (sigh). Have fun with the game :D


Dina said:
Here's hoping that the X360 guys push online matchmaking. I keep hearing is a time-based fighter, as opposed to a tap-based fighter like DoA, thus way more hindered by latency. Then try explaining how a mode like instagib for the UT-series works perfectly online. When I play DoA with my friends, I get a hiccup in 2 of the 30 fights. Not perfect, but it's forgivable.

I know that fighters are meant to be played with friends, but my friends are slowly moving away from videogames. Hell, I only own one controller for the X360. VF5 online would open up so much for me. If it will be VF5 offline, I don't know if I'll still buy it. Vs AI can only last so long.

Sorry, but it won´t happen. Forget about it.


I got this game today from play asia and I can say that without a doubt the game does not output 1080P.

It uses the new hack of 960X1080P scaled to 1080P internally. The end result is actually worse than 720P in terms of aliasing. I have gone back to using 720P to play the game on my sony 40x panel.

lets hope devs don't make any more games with this crap version of 1080P instead of a proper 1080P frame buffer.

You can find more information about the scaling hack here:
This game does certainly have more of an appeal than VF4 Evo did for me. Being a semi-casual player of the VF series, I was pretty excited to try it out when I went to Tokyo for the very first time. Number 1, no pics do it justice, this game is a visual orgy. Number 2, this game has enough changes from Evo to make it very refreshing, just like thinking more about my attacks over the previous incarnations. Needless to say, it made me want to buy a PS3 to play the game over and over again because it's that good (although I am torn between getting it now versus waiting for the 360 port). ;_;


rugal said:
I got this game today from play asia and I can say that without a doubt the game does not output 1080P.

It uses the new hack of 960X1080P scaled to 1080P internally. The end result is actually worse than 720P in terms of aliasing. I have gone back to using 720P to play the game on my sony 40x panel.

lets hope devs don't make any more games with this crap version of 1080P instead of a proper 1080P frame buffer.

You can find more information about the scaling hack here:

Reading beyond3d doesn't make you an expert.

VF5 is a port of the arcade version which is designed to run in 720p. Did you really expect the game to be in true 1080p when the game actually tries to display 720p even on a 1080p capable setup?

Please stop talking about 1080p in the case of VF5, and if scaling up to 1080p is crap, expect a lot of crap for next gen.


loves Arcade Sticks
FedEX is the way to go... got mine under 24 hours from when I received my shipment notice... Hong Kong to San Diego, CA.


rugal said:
I got this game today from play asia and I can say that without a doubt the game does not output 1080P.

It uses the new hack of 960X1080P scaled to 1080P internally. The end result is actually worse than 720P in terms of aliasing. I have gone back to using 720P to play the game on my sony 40x panel.

lets hope devs don't make any more games with this crap version of 1080P instead of a proper 1080P frame buffer.

You can find more information about the scaling hack here:
Does this guy have a clue or just a first-post junior? That article says it's from January and VF5 is out in Feb. Can anyone with a 1080p set confirm?


Fed Ex service is stellar, for those of you fortunate enough of being able to use Play-Asia for PS3 games (no luck for me), go for it.


Gaijin To Ronin said:
Sorry, but it won´t happen. Forget about it.

Who knows how persuasive MS can be. VF5 online vs VF5 offline would be a huge pull for the 360.

I'm not holding my horses or anything, but I can always hope :)


The Inside Track
Bebpo said:
It's hard to take pictures because the game moves too fast :( If you notice I usually take pictures of games when they're NOT MOVING :p Otherwise I get double images or blur.
Don't you have a way to freeze the image on your TV?


Dina said:
Who knows how persuasive MS can be. VF5 online vs VF5 offline would be a huge pull for the 360.

I'm not holding my horses or anything, but I can always hope :)
Carry on hoping a useless thing,MS got better things to do than begging a online VF5.
I shipped with FedEx just for the saturday shipping. That and the fact that they're always faster shipping things to me than UPS.
Gah...My order still says processing but the two items have been checked. I guess they are waiting for FedEX to pick it up...God I've got to get off of this comp because I keep checking it every 10 mins and its driving me nuts...


Blimblim said:
Don't you have a way to freeze the image on your TV?

Do you mean pause the game? When you pause a whole bunch of menus come up covering the pictures.

If you mean have the TV itself pause the image....TV's can do that!?! I've never heard of it ^^;


I think Playasia have been inundated with stick orders as well, my order has moved to ship on or before 22nd Feb now, yesterday it was instock and lead time now 5-15days :(

My telly can pause the image but it splits it (sony x 46") prefered my old 3LCD for that as it froze the whole screen (but then it just froze and died :lol ), just be patient and whinge at NCSX if you must for not getting my 1080p pics as my order isnt on its way yet :D


Bebpo said:
If you mean have the TV itself pause the image....TV's can do that!?! I've never heard of it ^^;

a lot of TVs nowadays have a button on the remote to freeze the image on the screen, at least LCDs



Dazzyman said:
I think Playasia have been inundated with stick orders as well, my order has moved to ship on or before 22nd Feb now, yesterday it was instock and lead time now 5-15days :(

My telly can pause the image but it splits it (sony x 46") prefered my old 3LCD for that as it froze the whole screen (but then it just froze and died :lol ), just be patient and whinge at NCSX if you must for not getting my 1080p pics as my order isnt on its way yet :D

Hmm...mine still have Feb 8th, but no check like the other guys and P-A didn't do a daily news thing last night saying they got the sticks in. Must've only gotten a few.


I actually have a "freeze" button after all!

But it splits the screen in half twinview-style with the paused image on the right and I can't see anyway to make the paused image fullscreen :|


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Manp said:
a lot of TVs nowadays have a button on the remote to freeze the image on the screen, at least LCDs

I hate the way my TV handles that function. It allows you to freeze, but it splits it up into two images (one is the still image while the other is the live feed). No way to do a full screen freeze.

But it splits the screen in half twinview-style with the paused image on the right and I can't see anyway to make the paused image fullscreen :|
Heh, seems we have the same issue.


Professional Monk
My order is saying ship on the 8th, and since the game is in cant cancel or break up the order damn you virtua stick! damn youuu!


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Bebpo said:
I actually have a "freeze" button after all!

But it splits the screen in half twinview-style with the paused image on the right and I can't see anyway to make the paused image fullscreen :|

Hey bedpo

I see in your pics that the "PRESS START TO PLAY" message is barely visible on the upper side of the screen. I've noticed that too with my copy of the game, albeit it's not that terrible (you can actually read that. It's just a little bit out of the screen).
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