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''Oh, Yay, Another Mario Game.'' Step up to Playstation 2/20

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And my point still stands: This marketing is for 12 year olds. I am officially no longer in Sony's demographic.

I'll be buying my ps4 ironically I guess.


Both Sony and Nintendo have 3 games rated 95 or above on metacritic. All 3 of Sony's are from different series'

Now fight!

Nintendo has 9 games on wii that did 10 million plus. 3 of them are mario titles. I guess that answers why nintendo is doing it. People are buying mario. If people stop buying mario nintendo will stop making them


He was talking shit so he had to pay for it.

No one is checking for Nintendo games anymore. Whenever you hear the word Mario mentioned, it's usually by some pimple faced, duck mouth losers.


I agree completely.

The Real Abed

"Oh, Yay, Another Killzone Game."

"Oh, Yay, Another God of War Game."

"Oh, Yay, Another Uncharted Game."

Works both ways, unfortunately. I want new IP's from everyone, please.
And I'd rather play any and every new Mario game than any of these franchises. Your move Sony. Sorry. No pun intended. I literally did not Kinect that coming. Ugh, that one didn't work.

Also did not know this thread was on page 13. lol


"Oh no they Dint!" , but seriously wheres the new Mario at? I love me some Mario, that plumber is a true bad ass.


"Oh yay, another game that doesnt sell anywhere near wat Mario does"

Fun jibs tho, hopefullly theres a " oh yay pay 60 dollars for p2p and netflix"


Demon's Souls and 3D Dot Heroes were from (ahem) From Software. WipeOut goes back to the original PSX.

And is the last one Valkyria Chronicles? Because that's Sega.

Plus, Nintendo has its share of new games. (Not all of the above on the Sony list are full priced retail, either.)

ico came out beyond the 10 year threshold too. and then there's the question of where you draw the line of 'made by sony.' skip, for instance, usually just makes games for nintendo things, but nintendo doesn't own skip.

that list is missing some titles though, like gravity rush
Off the top of my head
Wario Ware
Dillon's Rolling Western
Rhythm Heaven
Brain Training
Art Academy
Wii Series

Also probably soon Xenoblade (assuming X is a sequel)

I didn't look this up, so I'm probably missing a lot, but there you go.

so wario ware doesn't contain mario characters? you're sure about that?

Regardless, this is a pretty piss poor list compared to the sony first and second party original IP.


I'll go with it... Sony has made more new ip's than both Nintendo and Xbox combined.... Ok maybe not :) but I'm sure they have made more.


He was talking shit so he had to pay for it.

No one is checking for Nintendo games anymore. Whenever you hear the word Mario mentioned, it's usually by some pimple faced, duck mouth losers.


Enjoy your future endeavours. Maybe in purgatory you'll be forced to play The Getaway for eternity.


the games selling well on nintendo platforms doesn't prove that nintendo fans are more likely to try out other kart racers?


It doesn't mean they're willing to admit that they're-

A. Better than Mario Kart

B. Do certain things better

C. Wish Mario Kart borrowed certain elements from that game.

In other words. Because they tried it, doesn't mean they can be impartial or indifferent in judging the game.


I think all of those games are garbage (honestly)
I still love a lot of the other sony franchises though, just think that list isn't going to help convince any skeptics.
They are popular but a lot of garbage is popular :p

Rustlegorrila picture here, don't be mad because I didn't enjoy any of these games.
Personally i wouldnt use the term garbage, because then it can sound like the games are also objectively bad (that they are full of bugs and glitches etc.). The developers put much time and effort behind this games. I know you just mean it as a phrase to say that you dont enjoy the games though, but i just had to mention it :)

But yeah, someone not enjoying certain games shouldnt be any problem. That is as subjective as it gets. It is kinda like certain types of food, either you like it or not :) So it is hard to convince skeptics in these cases because their taste might be completely different. Hopefully they will at least try it for themself and see if they enjoy the games or not though, if they have any interest in doing that.

Demon's Souls and 3D Dot Heroes were from (ahem) From Software. WipeOut goes back to the original PSX.

And is the last one Valkyria Chronicles? Because that's Sega.

Plus, Nintendo has its share of new games. (Not all of the above on the Sony list are full priced retail, either.)
Demon Souls is a IP funded and owned by Sony, so it counts as a first party (that is why the made Dark Souls that went multiplatform and not Demon Souls 2). Kinda like The Wonderfull 101 for WiiU. It is funded by Nintendo, but developed by Platinum Games. I'm pretty sure that Nintendo owns the The Wonderful 101 IP, so it goes as a 1st party IP.


Sorry. You're completely right, Nintendo takes 0 sales from sony and vice versa. Why I'm sure if the PS1 hadn't launched the N64 would have had the exact same sales. Same goes for the gamecube vs PS2 and Wii vs PS3 (particularly towards the end of this last generation.
Frankly you're just wrong.

That makes no fucking sense. Sony EXPANDED THE GAMING POPULATION and brought in more people to play game types and genres that are completely out of Nintendo's core competencies. Did you see Sony pumping up and promoting Crash Bandicoot, instead of Gran Turismo, God of War, Final Fantasy, Killzone, etc etc? Of course not.

Likewise, Nintendo was busy pumping up Mario, Wii Fit, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Mario Kart, etc. Completely out of Sony's core competencies.

They are not rivals, they are really not much of a threat to one another at all. Completely different markets, completely different demographics, completely different product design, completely different product positioning, completely different, period.

Microsoft and Sony go hardcore after each other for the same AAA budget market and the same core gamer demographic. That's the war, that's the battle. Iwata wasn't bullshitting when he talked about "The Nintendo Difference". That's the whole point.
I don't really consider Quantic Dream games to be games. It's a hard position to defend.

and how about naughty dog? because The Last of Us is not a quantic dream game.

so...your turn is to post a THIRD party game in response to first party efforts- and I suppose the point of that is to show a game the wii couldn't run in it's wildest dreams runs with a poor framerate on ps3? you sure showed that guy.
Crash Team Racing > other kart racers
Damn right, the only ones who think mario kart is up to snuff are the people who didn't play CTR and therefore have no frame of reference. Tied up man staring at shadows on cave wall all his life thinking it's the world syndrome.
Truth bomb.

I don't get how. The series has average gameplay. I mean, average isn't bad, it just means "like everybody else". It doesn't do anything to distinguish itself from the competition other than have nice graphics and good writing. As for God of War, go into any action game thread. It just isn't up to par with the competition.
Thank you, GoW is poop gameplay wise compared to greats like devil may cry, ninja gaiden and bayonetta.
People thinking gow can compare to those again must lack a frame of reference by not having played them.

Uncharted is poop compared to binary domain which in turn is poop compared to every PROPER shooter ever made on pc.
I never had to force myself to finish a game as hard as I had to with uncharted 2.
I was bored out of my MIND by the tibet part.

serious mode off, troll mode on : Uncharted? more like unCHOREted :p

edit: I see the gifs have started :p Bah that's when these threads get boring.


yes it is. if you were to show me three screenshots at a glance, i'd be hard-pressed to tell you which came second or last. but like i said, it's not a bad thing. it's just the nature of sequels and how series work.

IF you are going to judge the differences between games based on three separate 'screenshots'...you have a bigger problem in your hands. It's even worse considering you remove visual differences from the equation lol Comparing screens but no difference other than visual differences? You don't say

Listen, I get it. Seeing people say meh same mario shit for the 100th time etc gets old. Doesn't mean you need to use hyperbole on other franchises. You won't be any different from them
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