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Ono trying to keep Darkstalkers to stay not dead.

Ono is a likeable person, but i don't want him to work on Darkstalkers, he's clearly not the right person for that.

If someone really had to work on that project... Niitsuma and Neo_G ?

But imo, the game should stay dead.


If they ever make a new one, I want Red Arremer in it.



If Darkstalkers really does come back to life, 2 things worry me

1. Current Capcom working on this
2. Learning Darkstalkers is SO HARD
I always felt like Darkstalkers was the height of Capcom's art style and character design in 2D fighters. I was never that good at it, but it was always so enjoyable to play. The series really doesn't deserve to wither on the vine, but I'm skeptical that Capcom could pull off the aesthetic appeal of Darkstalkers with 3D assets, especially with the small budget they'd likely be given.


Junior Member
How many copies would they expect for the next game to be sold when even SFV didn't sell? They should try saving SFV for the time being to be honest.


I still think Street Fighter V was created out of the corpse of a cancelled Darkstalkers game, which of course is the perfect way for that series to end up.

V-trigger is a hell of a lot like Dark Force from VSav. V-Trigger, VAMPIRE TRIGGER. Follow the money.

I mean it's obvious Nash was born out of an early Viktor model


So now Ono is trying to revive Onimusha AND DarkStalkers but no Dino Crisis?

Jawmuncher! Jawmuncher! Post if you're okay!


Much as I'd like it, a new DS with the same production values & direction as SFIV/V would probably flop hard in the mainstream market. Anecdotal, but DS never got nearly as much attention as SF or the Marvel games in arcades. I'm afraid not enough people simply know about, much less remember the series.

Unlike with SF, I think the only way a new DS (or even Rival Schools) could succeed is if they cultivate & cater to a hardcore fanbase composed of both competitive and collector fans alike. Similar to the approaches taken by SNK, ASW, and even their own Basara team.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
One thing a lot of people seem to miss here.

One of the major aspects Vampire games have is their cartoonish nature. Simply turning them 3D and making them look like Killer Instinct or Mortal Kombat is completely missing the point. Yeah sure they may be horrific, and gore and blood do pop out, but at the same time, all of their reactions toward those attacks are pretty much mimicking that of typical cartoon antics. Helps that they were based from Universal Studios monsters originally.

So simply transitioning them to 3D won't be enough. They have to carry over the cartoonish nature depicted in the DS games.


One thing a lot of people seem to miss here.

One of the major aspects Vampire games have is their cartoonish nature. Simply turning them 3D and making them look like Killer Instinct or Mortal Kombat is completely missing the point. Yeah sure they may be horrific, and gore and blood do pop out, but at the same time, all of their reactions toward those attacks are pretty much mimicking that of typical cartoon antics. Helps that they were based from Universal Studios monsters originally.

So simply transitioning them to 3D won't be enough. They have to carry over the cartoonish nature depicted in the DS games.

They could absolutely work.
I mean, look at Dhalsim's animations from SFV, and imagine something even more cartoony.


They'd need a fake 2D style like Xrd. Not the same art direction, but the same style. Darkstalkers characters would look like shit in 3D.


They'd need a fake 2D style like Xrd. Not the same art direction, but the same style. Darkstalkers characters would look like shit in 3D.

They looked okay in Marvel 3. Just use some of that SFV tech to add a sense of momentum & kinetic energy to the animations.

Though I agree that ASW should license out whatever amazing black magic UE3 tech to the highest bidders. I'd love to see more games adopt that look.


One thing a lot of people seem to miss here.

One of the major aspects Vampire games have is their cartoonish nature. Simply turning them 3D and making them look like Killer Instinct or Mortal Kombat is completely missing the point. Yeah sure they may be horrific, and gore and blood do pop out, but at the same time, all of their reactions toward those attacks are pretty much mimicking that of typical cartoon antics. Helps that they were based from Universal Studios monsters originally.

So simply transitioning them to 3D won't be enough. They have to carry over the cartoonish nature depicted in the DS games.
Agreed. Citing Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct is off the mark here, those games really aren't much like Darkstalkers bar having blood and monsters. Like I said in an earlier post Guilty Gear, BlazBlue and Skullgirls are closer to the Darkstalkers vibe with crazy cartoony specials and characters.

Darkstalkers in the GG Xrd engine is the dream.


I wonder which character would fit in the SFV cast as a guest character hmm.

-> Add popular DS character to SF
-> Announce new DS game a while later


They looked okay in Marvel 3. Just use some of that SFV tech to add a sense of momentum & kinetic energy to the animations.

Though I agree that ASW should license out whatever amazing black magic UE3 tech to the highest bidders. I'd love to see more games adopt that look.

Eh, I think Marvel 3 looks pretty bad in general. ASW engine isn't black magic, more like A TON of work for every single move to achieve that 2D look. It also negates some of the advantages of using 3D, like being able to easily add costumes and cosmetic items, so I think not many devs will follow ASW on this path. Hopefully someone does, we need more games like Xrd.
He's been intermittently flying the DS flag for years hasn't he? What about the less than stellar launch of SFV makes him think now is the time to hawk this idea again to Capcom?

I have to say I don't undetstand Capcom's attitude to SF, it's one of their biggest named franchises, SF4 revitalized the genre last gen and sold tons yet they still treat it like a red-headed stepchild. What does SF (and ergo it's spinoffs-ish like Dark Stalkers) have to do in order for Capcom to take it seriously? Don't they have the perfect multiple-player, long haul, DLC-ready type of game they always wanted here? I don't understand why they don't put their weight behind it.


He's been intermittently flying the DS flag for years hasn't he? What about the less than stellar launch of SFV makes him think now is the time to hawk this idea again to Capcom?

I have to say I don't undetstand Capcom's attitude to SF, it's one of their biggest named franchises, SF4 revitalized the genre last gen and sold tons yet they still treat it like a red-headed stepchild. What does SF (and ergo it's spinoffs-ish like Dark Stalkers) have to do in order for Capcom to take it seriously? Don't they have the perfect multiple-player, long haul, DLC-ready type of game they always wanted here? I don't understand why they don't put their weight behind it.
I suspect its that big company mindset of if its its not going to sell millions and millions and make crazy profits then its not worth doing at all. Its the only explanation I can think of as to why Capcom are so reluctant with these games. I can't see the ASW fighters selling the numbers most Capcom fighters would and yet they find a way to keep pumping them out.


He's been intermittently flying the DS flag for years hasn't he? What about the less than stellar launch of SFV makes him think now is the time to hawk this idea again to Capcom?

I have to say I don't undetstand Capcom's attitude to SF, it's one of their biggest named franchises, SF4 revitalized the genre last gen and sold tons yet they still treat it like a red-headed stepchild. What does SF (and ergo it's spinoffs-ish like Dark Stalkers) have to do in order for Capcom to take it seriously? Don't they have the perfect multiple-player, long haul, DLC-ready type of game they always wanted here? I don't understand why they don't put their weight behind it.

I don't think Ono's pitching it now. Just that he's still working at it.

As for SF's treatment, I think that SFxTekken and (maybe) Capcom not being in great financial shape are probably why (I keep hearing the latter, not sure if it's true or not though)

At least it's better than Namco's baffling treatment of the Soul Calibur series as of recent.

Hyun Sai

Well, botchering SFV launch by making it a niche product catering to the hardcores is the way to win Capcom executives, Ono.

If Darkstalkers really does come back to life, 2 things worry me

1. Current Capcom working on this
2. Learning Darkstalkers is SO HARD

not really, the game has pretty simple chains.

but the series can stay dead after all the fuck ups capcom has made with their modern fighting games aside from the ports.


I can only hope that all the overblown criticism and negative word of mouth seen in Amazon, Steam and Metacritic user reviews of SFV won't actually ruin the chances of a new Darkstalkers ever happening - and that is coming from someone who complained quite a bit here on Gaf about SFV after purchasing it. Sigh...

Not to get too far off-topic, but even when I get that many people are pissed at Capcom (like I am) for skipping out on certain modes etc. in SFV, I really don't get how so many of these critical consumers seem to have developed such a strong "fuck Crapcom!" attitude that they'd sooner watch the SF series - and as such any chances for other Capcom fighting games - die than remain hopeful for improvements to a game in which the actual core fighting mechanics and character designs are fantastic.

I'm actually started to get worried that the SF series might not recover from this backlash, let alone that Capcom will ever greenlight any other fighting games like DS ever again as a direct result of that. Yes, part of that fault lies at Capcom from partly misreading their audience (or for thinking they can get away with a more barebones game at release; to put it more negatively) but even with that error in mind I'm finding it hard to justify all those overly negative user reviews and the resulting lacklustre sales so far, especially if they will have bigger ramifications for future Capcom fighting games in general.
Agreed. Citing Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct is off the mark here, those games really aren't much like Darkstalkers bar having blood and monsters. Like I said in an earlier post Guilty Gear, BlazBlue and Skullgirls are closer to the Darkstalkers vibe with crazy cartoony specials and characters.

Darkstalkers in the GG Xrd engine is the dream.

I share this dream, but also have it play more nightwarriors than vampire saviour in terms of sound impact It felt a bit muted in stalkers 3 imo.


Quit playing games with my heart Ono.

The midnight bliss / roster size problem has an easy solution; you just launch with female expys as playable characters from the get go. It's not like female vampires werewolves and zombies are a new concept, or that succubi dont have incubi counterparts

I wonder which character would fit in the SFV cast as a guest character hmm.

Boring ass Donovan would fit right in; hes there hunting for the mythical brazilian beast man called Blanka, bam there's your lore.
SFV's failure so far was completely self-inflicted. It would have done great if wasn't rushed out.

It is, I agree, but I'm thinking that the market is just too saturated with high quality one-on-one fighters and Capcom may have mistaken FGC hype and heavy user boredom of SF IV for thinking everyone, including the more important casual market, was ready to support another new mainline installment as well as the previous game so soon. SF IV picked things up for the genre, but this isn't the heyday of fighters or consoles, either. Add the rightfully-deserved negativity of releasing a thinner full-priced product than any previous SF sequel or any of its current rivals and you've got a tough sell even for the mighty SF. Though it was a major get for Sony, Capcom gambled away potential Xbox and Ninty sales by locking the V series up for the generation like Namco did with Soul Calibur 3 on the PS2. Hindsight, I know, but I'm thinking Capcom management chose to accelerate the production of a still-in-progress SF V to make the quarter when they should have stayed the course, not taken the Sony money, released the game in 2017 in better and more complete condition and competitive shape, and put it on everything, including on all three major consoles. That would have done more to ensure success and longevity for the franchise instead of what's going on now, but whatever.

A relatively niche series like Darkstalkers has no chance when the newest SF is going to struggle until they can reintroduce it in better than skeletal shape post-current DLC plan. If Ono is serious about giving DS a shot at new life, they should be porting Resurrection for current platforms to build awareness, but then an arcade legend like Capcom shouldn't be leaving their legacy IP to rot when it's safe to reissue emulations or recent gen ports on digital stores every gen. I mean, we're long past the point where it should be a question about whether there should be a regularly updated virtual arcade platform, like their past-gen Arcade Cabinet or MS'/Krome's Game Room for all of their IPs. Money on the table while there is a slice of users who will pay for classics most emulate for nothing now.


They 'd better do something with all those fantastic beat 'm alls that never saw the light on anything but arcade...

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
They looked okay in Marvel 3. Just use some of that SFV tech to add a sense of momentum & kinetic energy to the animations.

Though I agree that ASW should license out whatever amazing black magic UE3 tech to the highest bidders. I'd love to see more games adopt that look.

The problem with MvC3's look is that it doesn't have the cartoonish nature. Even SF4 managed to pull that off but it's so limited.

I mean, you never see Morrigan in 3D with this look.


They could absolutely work.
I mean, look at Dhalsim's animations from SFV, and imagine something even more cartoony.
I guess, I've seen IV and V's "close up :O" face, but I feel it's not enough for DS.

I mean, can you see them make 3D models like this?



Watch as an F2P (ala Killer Instinct)
Darkstalkers game gets announced during E3, which came about because Ono took some of the development time on SF5 to it instead :p
I never played Darkstalkers, but I think it looks more interesting than Street Fighter personally. Never have been a big fan of the character design in Street Fighter even though the mechanics in the game is pretty good.


The problem with MvC3's look is that it doesn't have the cartoonish nature. Even SF4 managed to pull that off but it's so limited.

I can't put my finger exactly on why - maybe the lighting? - but I always thought Morrigan looked better in Tatsunoko versus Capcom than she did in MvC3.
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