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Operation #DQWestVII3DS.

First of all, I'm sorry, I couldn't resist making a cheesy-pun outta the hashtag. With that outta the way,

I know these things can easily fall flat on their face and not really amount to much, but they can also end up making a huge difference. A lot of fans are frustrated, so why not take a few seconds to try and reach the people in charge directly and let our voices be heard? No harm in trying right?

I figured if we all tweet the following people, and give DQ7's remake an extra push in light of the recent comments SE made about DQ, maybe it'll nudge things in the right direction.

Here are the following people and accounts I think we need to target:

@Yuji Horii
@Square Enix USA
@Nintendo of America
@Square Enix

I've included Nintendo because:

A) They have a history with partering with SE when it comes to this franchise
B) Their hopeful involvement would deter SE from gravitating to a strictly Android/iOS release.

Just drop a line talking about wanting this game localized in English and #DQWestVII3DS & #OPDragonFall.

-- EDIT --


So here's a super simple, but (I think cute and fun) idea. Just as you record your progress in Adventure Logs in DQ games, I figured we Western fans should have a fan log. Nibel, I took the sweet ass picture you made, and made this:


Basically, each fan that receives this fan log, uses up a page drawing, writing, cutting and pasting, haiku-ing, etc. a message expressing our need for DQVII3DS to be released in the west. Take a pic of the page you created, and tweet it at the list above using hashtags #DQWestVII3DS & #FANLOG. Then, send the fan log to another member that PM's you their address. Rinse 'n repeat and so on & so forth. When the last page is filled up, we'll send it to SE. Should we need to, we can start a second fan log and send it to Nintendo.

I took the liberty of getting the ball rolling with a hasty doodle for the first page.


First person to PM me, I'll send you the fanlog via mail to your address tomorrow. Let's go nuts, and have fun with it guys! :D

(Of course, this doesn't mean we should stop sending out and retweeting regular #DQWestVII3DS tweets that don't involve the fan log.)
I think a big reason why DQVII still isn't out is because NoA is no longer localizing the titles -- likely because Square-Enix is no longer publishing them for Nintendo consoles in Japan exclusively, so it makes sense. There's no point in localizing something that doesn't have a future on your console. Why do it to promote the next DQ game on PS4 or android? It's not like there's a big sales payoff.


I think a big reason why DQVII still isn't out is because NoA is no longer localizing the titles -- likely because Square-Enix is no longer publishing them for Nintendo consoles in Japan exclusively, so it makes sense. There's no point in localizing something that doesn't have a future on your console. Why do it to promote the next DQ game on PS4 or android? It's not like there's a big sales payoff.

This makes a lot of sense to me.
Frankly, the only thing that will really convince SE is if the iOS ports (and a possible Rocket Slime 3DS localization) sell a lot.
I'll tweet all of those people, and send an email, right now. Things like this have worked before, and this is one game I truly want to get over

(And the Dragon Quest Monster remakes. Or at least the originals up on the 3DS VC ;_;)
Just sent an e-mail to Square-Enix USA. Will go on twitter too :)

I'll tweet all of those people, and send an email, right now. Things like this have worked before, and this is one game I truly want to get over

(And the Dragon Quest Monster remakes. Or at least the originals up on the 3DS VC ;_;)

Awesome, thanks guys! I can't imagine this game at least not churning up a profit if it's marketed properly. Fans are no doubt hungry for it.


I think it's sad that we need to organize ourselves to ask them to SELL A GAME FOR US.

It's Dragon fucking Quest, we are not asking for something bizare like, Captain Rainbow.


I may be frustrated, but I won't beg.
"I hereby inform you that should you choose to release Dragon Quest VII 3DS in the West, I'd gladly buy it. #DQWestVII3DS", how does that sound?


Unconfirmed Member
If that other topic is accurate and they are considering it, I'm not sure annoying tweet spam is a good idea. The best thing that sort of campaign is going to do is make them think about it, which they are, supposedly, already doing.


I sent a tweet to Nintendo of Europe and Square Enix of Europe with the hashtag, a long shot but it's our only shot.

All I want is this game then I can wave the series goodbye should Square Enix decide not to localize anymore games in the series.
I think it's sad that we need to organize ourselves to ask them to SELL A GAME FOR US.

Well when there aren't enough of you to warrant the costs of localization, marketing, etc I don't really think it is that sad when a company decides to pass.

Good luck on the operation and what not, but unless you can magically make a few hundred thousand people sudden start giving a crap about Dragon Quest I don't think you will accomplish much.
If that other topic is accurate and they are considering it, I'm not sure annoying tweet spam is a good idea. The best thing that sort of campaign is going to do is make them think about it, which they are, supposedly, already doing.

It's an interesting point, but I have to disagree. It's one of the few outlets we have, and it's shown to be successful at least some of the time in the past. Like all things that effect human behavior, nothing is gonna work 100% of the time, but I don't think it detracts from its validity as a tool for us.

Sweet. I should have thought to put a pic of previous DQ purchases as well. I'm sure that adds a least a little more weight!
I think a big reason why DQVII still isn't out is because NoA is no longer localizing the titles -- likely because Square-Enix is no longer publishing them for Nintendo consoles in Japan exclusively, so it makes sense. There's no point in localizing something that doesn't have a future on your console. Why do it to promote the next DQ game on PS4 or android? It's not like there's a big sales payoff.

Brand and fan investment. Doesn't need to see a return attached exclusively to itself.

Of course, this is the thing that UP UNTIL RECENTLY Nintendo had no clue about. It seems they've finally turned the corner.


These silly little "operations" aren't going to do anything.

Square-Enix has already passed over Dragon Quest VII.

Anyway, what is the pun in the hashtag..? I don't see it.


Didint Aeana already say this picture was falsely misleading?

It's misleading if you think that that's binders full of typed dialog. They're all full of drawings and the text is handwritten. I'd (once again) like to invite people to check out this translation of a little book that outlines Dragon Quest 6's development for some insight into the process and what's in the binders in that photo.

These silly little "operations" aren't going to do anything.

Square-Enix has already passed over Dragon Quest VII.

Anyway, what is the pun in the hashtag..? I don't see it.



Frankly, the only thing that will really convince SE is if the iOS ports (and a possible Rocket Slime 3DS localization) sell a lot.

These comments annoy me. Maybe there's some truth here, but why do people think they know what will "really convince Square Enix?" How do you know what will convince Square Enix? Frankly, you don't.

Taking into account this USgamer article that talks about the effect fan mail had on FF Type-0's localization, maybe letting SE know how much fans want to play DQVII isn't a silly thing to do.
I would LOVE to see the little rascals of today try to make it through Dragon Quest 1 (Dragon Warrior). They would melt at its difficulty.
Hmm makes me wonder, do you really think more children own iPads and iPhones than 3ds? Cause I'm pretty sure most of the kids playing on ios devices are playing minecraft anyway. I'm also pretty sure that these ports will cost less to make and sell more on ios then they ever would on 3ds or vita.

To address your point about difficultly, there essentially is none, whatsoever. The only penalty for dying is you lose half your money. You can grind your way through quite easily and If it's based off the remakes on snes or ps1 you can grind to max level in about 5 hours and store your cash in the vault. When I think of difficult retro games dragon warrior doesn't even cross my mind, game was easy as pie.
It's misleading if you think that that's binders full of typed dialog. They're all full of drawings and the text is handwritten. I'd (once again) like to invite people to check out this translation of a little book that outlines Dragon Quest 6's development for some insight into the process and what's in the binders in that photo.

Super cool link. Favorited in my bookmarks.

Also, yeah, it's easy to assume at a passing glance that those folders are full of blocks and blocks and blocks of text, so you bring up a good point.
I did my part. I want this game too.

I'm in! Operation Rainfall did work, after all, even if that's SE and not Ninty.

I feel like Operation Brave worked for Bravely Default. That said, I'm in!

Thanks guys. I really feel like efforts like these are, for the most part, as effective as we collectively make them out to be.

Never apologize for cheesy puns. This is Dragon Quest.

Amen to that!
I'm in as well. I feel like Square owes us one... or ten. I mean its a DQ main entry, not some spin off. Also earlier in the year they were like "wow bravely default sold well I guess the west does like JRPG's and we should change our strategies". Well here's a perfect opportunity.
On the one hand, if this takes off, it can make a huge difference

On the other hand, if it doesn't, then the ~30 tweets SE will get might only reinforce how they don't have a large audience

Still did my part, I want this to happen!
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