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Opinion: Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most DISAPPOINTING games ever!


Returned to my apartment recently to do some crafting (even though you can craft anywhere), and I find myself staring outsight my window at the Night Sky and enjoying the view of Night City. I just have the urge to call up V's girlfriend Panam, or any of his friends he's made, and just hit up the town. Really wish I could do that. I remember how much I enjoyed doing that in GTA4. Calling up your GF or one of your buddies to do random shit in the city. Man there really isn't anything to do when you're not doing the story or side missions.
"Hey V? Its your cousin! Lets go cyberbowling."
no thanks
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Agree GTA 5 A.I. & Physics are way better and it a 7 year plus old game originally design for the PS3 & 360 compare to 2077 imagine what GTA 6 A.I. & Physics will be like.

Oh, I like this game! GTA 5 is better than Cyberpunk because YouTube video. Ok, let me try:

GTAIV is better than GTA 5 because YouTube video.

GTA San Andreas is better than GTA IV because YouTube video.

GTA Vice CIty is better than GTA San Andreas because YouTube video.

So, GTA Vice City is better than Cyberpunk 2077. And, if we continue along this route, using the power of logical transference, the original GTA on PS1 is also better than Cyberpunk 2077. And that doesn't consider logical gates that create branches, such as Saints Row 2 being better than GTA San Andreas, which means Saints Row 2 is better than GTAV and thus better than Cyberpunk 2077, but Saints Row 3 is better than Saints Row 2, which means Saints Row 3 is also better than Cyberpunk 2077. Hmmm, this is going to get complicated. Can you do a flow chart showing how transference moves down through all the various games where we have YouTube videos showing which one is objectively superior? In theory, we should be able to arrive at the objective best game ever - which is obviously not Cyberpunk 2077, and probably Pong or PacMan. Thanks!
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If this generation has taught me anything it is that I have absolutely no idea what constitutes a 'good' game. I thoroughly enjoyed RDR2 and Control and think that they are some of the best story driven games I have played in the last couple of years. I am having a blast with CP77 yet I'm once again confronted with the fact that the Internet has branded it barely above shit tier. I hoped that my taste is a tad more refined than that but I guess I have to face up to the fact that I'm nothing but a filthy casual.
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Returned to my apartment recently to do some crafting (even though you can craft anywhere), and I find myself staring outsight my window at the Night Sky and enjoying the view of Night City. I just have the urge to call up V's girlfriend Panam, or any of his friends he's made, and just hit up the town. Really wish I could do that. I remember how much I enjoyed doing that in GTA4. Calling up your GF or one of your buddies to do random shit in the city. Man there really isn't anything to do when you're not doing the story or side missions.
This right here. Night City might just be favorite city in an open world game but I wish there was more things to just do in the open world. There is all this hedonism and foul stuff going on and you can partake in very little of it. The story is great but let us live a little outside of it.


Much of the hype came from fans and insiders. Also any reviewer who legitimately played before launch and left out the bad to protect their reviewer status deserves more flack than cdpr.


If this generation has taught me anything it is that I have absolutely no idea what constitutes a 'good' game. I thoroughly enjoyed RDR2 and Control and think that they are some of the best story driven games I have played in the last couple of years. I am having a blast with CP77 yet I'm once again confronted with the fact that the Internet has branded it barely above shit tear. I hoped that my taste is a tad more refined than that but I guess I have to face up to the fact that I'm nothing but a filthy casual.
A good portion of the gaming community is pretty much Comic Guy from The Simpsons on steroid but in this case there are legitimate issues and I love the game.



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I really want to like the game. So far, I'm slightly enjoying the story but that's about it.
I'm so far pretty disappointed...I've been hyped for this game since what like almost 10 years ago since they teased it. This game REALLY needed a few more months. Probably would've been best for a summer 2021 release.

It's incredibly glitchy, crashes often, AI is pretty bad, the graphics are not impressive whatsoever, I find driving HORRIBLE, shooting is meh and I'm also not overly impressed with the main protagonist V.

Anyways, I feel like at its core its a good game. Its nothing spectacular but I can see the promise that it had but is riddled with messiness due to rush and crunch.

This is coming from someone who adored Witcher 3. I'm playing on the PS5 btw.
This game desperately needs a huge patch which could solve many of its problems and issues. Needs to happen ASAP.
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Much of the hype came from fans and insiders. Also any reviewer who legitimately played before launch and left out the bad to protect their reviewer status deserves more flack than cdpr.

Also the fact that The Witcher 3 was an immensely successful and beloved game. But I think the world, the characters, the quest design, the main story, and the music really carried that game. Pretty much those things listed apply to CP77, but I think the reason they're not carrying the game as much as they did for TW3, is because CP77 is a much more Open World type game than TW3 was. Not to mention all the things the devs said would be in the game that weren't.


I'm truly enjoying the game after playing all weekend on Series X. I love the style, the setting, and all the cyberpunk tropes and trappings they've used to make side quests fun and interesting.

I'm really looking forward to the next gen patch. I wish it were here sooner, but since it's not, I'm already wondering how they might be able to innovate with DLC. I'm sure flying cars are out of the question...


Also the fact that The Witcher 3 was an immensely successful and beloved game. But I think the world, the characters, the quest design, the main story, and the music really carried that game. Pretty much those things listed apply to CP77, but I think the reason they're not carrying the game as much as they did for TW3, is because CP77 is a much more Open World type game than TW3 was. Not to mention all the things the devs said would be in the game that weren't.

One counter argument is I can't think of many companies in any industry that don't over promise and under delivers. It is human nature for employees to have grand ideas and then some of them don't pan out or just aren't feasible with time and budget constraints.


A good portion of the gaming community is pretty much Comic Guy from The Simpsons on steroid but in this case there are legitimate issues and I love the game.
There are certainly some issues that plague the game. Particularly the beginning felt clunky and it took me some time to settle into the world. However it is a quite enjoyable and memorable experience that hasn't been hampered by any game breaking bugs so far - at least in my experience, that is. It may not be the citizen kane of the gaming world but I really dig the atmosphere.


One counter argument is I can't think of many companies in any industry that don't over promise and under delivers. It is human nature for employees to have grand ideas and then some of them don't pan out or just aren't feasible with time and budget constraints.

My hope is that a lot of the things they did promise get added later. I can forgive the bugs and the bad Police AI. Those things over time can get fixed or at least improved upon. But what really sucks for me is that when you're not doing Main Story or Side MIssions, there's nothing to do in Night City. The game was sold to me as basically a Cyberpunk Simulator. An Open World RPG where you create a character and live in a Cyberpunk setting, where you make the right friends, rise to the top, and fuck around in this amazing world. That's what this game really should've been. Don't get me wrong, for what it is, it's a really good game. But it's not what it was hyped up to be, or promised.

For what the game is, there are certainly things they can do to improve it, and I have no doubt they will. Maybe they'll improve on it so much, that one day we'll accept it for what it is, and recognize it as something that became great by it's own merits. But it's never going to be what was advertised all those years ago.

One thing this game has proven, is that the gaming community is starved for a game like that. There's clearly an audience for a futuristic GTA-type Open World game.
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Gold Member
It seems you have an issue with the game performance, not the content. Maybe consider playing it on a PC or wait for the optimization patches? Content wise, I think the consensus is that its a pretty amazing game.


The Cyberpunk setting is vastly more appealing to me than a fantasy one so I can't be a good judge of whether this is better than Witcher 3 or not.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
It's actually has better RPG experience than Witcher 3 .
Yeah, Witcher 3 exceeeded expectations and Cyberpunk fell short of expectations but that has nothing to do with Cyberpunk not being as good.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Man, I thought I was pretty hyped, but bugs aside, it's pretty much as I expected. I'm actually enjoying the characters and story a lot more than I anticipated. I kind of went in expecting them all to be over-the-top and ridiculous.


Not the most disappointing, but not even the best game in this style.

As of now, Deus Ex Human Revolution is way better
Cyberpunk has an amazing setting and look but it has PS2 GTA gameplay, especially the AI
The one thing I wanted most out of next gen open world games was to have diverse NPC AI in the open world.
There should be NPC's doing all sorts of things in groups and individually. It's this behavior patterns that make open world games feel alive.
I won't mind graphics that stay on the level of Red Dead 2 but add next gen type of interactivity and immersion in the open world by way of advanced NPC's and wildlife systems.

As for Cyberpunk: I have not played it long enough to be able to say if its NPC AI is any good. I remain cautiously optimistic for this game even though the devs fucked us over. I'm willing to forgive and move on.
As I said many times before, there is a good game somewhere in there hiding under all those bugs and performances issues.
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I'm loving the game! Easily my favourite game this year. I havent finished it and seems like there is still a lot of content for me to discover so i cant make up my mind entirely yet but not many games come close to being as good as this so i doubt my opinion will change much at least in a negative way.

does the game have some issues? Yeah of course! Show me a game that is perfect. People had severely unrealistic expectations for this game. There were posts about how people wanted THIS feature or to be able to do THAT...the thing was CDPR never said or even hinted at a lot of the stuff people were expecting. It's not a life sim. It's not GTA.

all i wanted out of it was a great RPG with interesting story and a huge map to explore. That's exactly what i got. I think a lot of the hate the game is getting is because it sucks on consoles. If you ignore that then the game is fantastic. Of course there will be bugs on a game this size at launch but if you saw how CDPR treated The Witcher 3 you'd know that this would be sorted out soon enough. Shit they didnt just fix bugs but changed a lot of the game with new features. Go watch videos of Witcher 3 from May 2015 and compare it to gameplay from late 2016.

the game will be fixed and improved. Dont like it? Get a refund (not that i think you should be entitled to one) and go buy something else. Come back in a year or so....if you want. Mean while i'll keep playing my GOTY and having a load of fun!


I think a lot of the hate the game is getting is because it sucks on consoles. If you ignore that then the game is fantastic.

It shouldn't be ignored when the majority of the sales and marketing are directed towards console players. That's the bulk of their customer base.

Honesty is the best policy.
Oh, I like this game! GTA 5 is better than Cyberpunk because YouTube video. Ok, let me try:

GTAIV is better than GTA 5 because YouTube video.

GTA San Andreas is better than GTA IV because YouTube video.

GTA Vice CIty is better than GTA San Andreas because YouTube video.

So, GTA Vice City is better than Cyberpunk 2077. And, if we continue along this route, using the power of logical transference, the original GTA on PS1 is also better than Cyberpunk 2077. And that doesn't consider logical gates that create branches, such as Saints Row 2 being better than GTA San Andreas, which means Saints Row 2 is better than GTAV and thus better than Cyberpunk 2077, but Saints Row 3 is better than Saints Row 2, which means Saints Row 3 is also better than Cyberpunk 2077. Hmmm, this is going to get complicated. Can you do a flow chart showing how transference moves down through all the various games where we have YouTube videos showing which one is objectively superior? In theory, we should be able to arrive at the objective best game ever - which is obviously not Cyberpunk 2077, and probably Pong or PacMan. Thanks!

A.I. & Physics in GTA 5 is better than Cyberpunk no matter what you say the video proves it better facts are facts all this CDPR defending & that they can do no wrong need to stop they have destroy their own reputation from now going forward anything they say or show will be meet with an eyeroll until proven otherwise.
You need a quantum computer to play the game the way it's meant to be played. You need big money.
There's a solution though: Sell crack, but that's not safe nor easy solution and definitely not advisable.

I'm running it on my cousin's laptop at a locked 1080p/60fps at high settings, it's a Lenovo he stole from the senior care facility he was fired from for stealing.


A.I. & Physics in GTA 5 is better than Cyberpunk no matter what you say the video proves it better facts are facts all this CDPR defending & that they can do no wrong need to stop they have destroy their own reputation from now going forward anything they say or show will be meet with an eyeroll until proven otherwise.
I can just quote my post again if all you're going to do is repeat yourself over and over? And, please consider adding punctuation so your posts are a little easier to read.
I remember reading and watching videos on youtube pointing out you could interact with people on the streets and have conversations with everyday people... You get one quick liner and that's it..
that was just one thing out of many that never made it.... I finished the game, it's not the game i was believed it would be..

Prove to us you beat the game.

Show us a screenshot of your playtime.

Because I'm sitting at 55 hours and I'm still not finished with the game.
I can just quote my post again if all you're going to do is repeat yourself over and over? And, please consider adding punctuation so your posts are a little easier to read.
Your comparing GTA 5 to past GTA games wile im comparing the A.I. & Physics in GTA 5 to Cyberpunk since Cyberpunk wants to be a GTA 5 clone with more RPG elements.

Ev1L AuRoN

To anyone playing in the last gen consoles I can definitely agree the game is a great disappointment. As for me playing on PC, is my GOTY easily and one of the best games I played in this generation. 60 hours in, having a blast.

Ev1L AuRoN

A.I. & Physics in GTA 5 is better than Cyberpunk no matter what you say the video proves it better facts are facts all this CDPR defending & that they can do no wrong need to stop they have destroy their own reputation from now going forward anything they say or show will be meet with an eyeroll until proven otherwise.
Cyberpunk is a Role Playing Game, more akin to games like Fallout. There is a lot of things that Cyberpunk does better than GTA, and other things GTA is better, they are different games with different goals.

The Fartist

Gold Member
40 hours in here, it's surpassed my expectations, a truly amazing experience, I'm on a PS5 here so can only imagine how much better playing on PC makes it.

Unpopular opinion but I like it more than The Witcher 3 just for it's setting and combat.
Yeah, it's a slow burn for me. I play it a couple of hours every night since it launched, so I'm savoring every minute of it. I'll double dip on PS5 when I get my hands on one, it should be about as good as it is on PC now once the next-gen patch is released. I need to enjoy this on my couch. I've hooked up my rig to my TV with a DualShock 4, it's just not quite right.
No, just play it on XSX. It looks and runs so great on XSX.
no issues so far and absolutely beautiful. By far the best looking open world game on any console.
I dropped the game tentatively because too many great games came out for me too fool with one plagued with bugs. Hopefully it's in better shape come the summer drought.
I think what grinds people gears is that this is not the GOTY everybody expected nor is it a piece of shit. The real issue here is that we are all gamers here in the forum and I'm wiling to bet the main issue we see with the game is the untapped potential. Even if you are loving the game I bet your mind (as mine did) gets filled with possibilities and then none of them are possible.

The curse of this game is having such an awesome world crafted filled with untapped potential.
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This is the advert they are spamming all over the Internet RIGHT NOW! go on reddit on any gaming board and this thing will pop up to try and sell you the game.

They marketed this and still market this as the greatest GTA game to not be called GTA. Nothing in this trailer happens in game, this literally never happens, its one huge con.

The only diffrence with the reddit version is it then trys to sell you it on xbox...

tbh you're a fucking casual if you didn't know this was an RPG.

you literally know very little about whats going in gaming if you didn't think this was going to be an RPG. I'm surprised these people are even posting on a forum about games no less.

CDPR has had demonstrations, did you not watch them? are you that much of a casual that you only watch tv spots? in those demonstrations they've explicitly said it was an RPG.

some of youneed to really admit you're casual...just say it.
10 hours? did you get to Act 2 yet?

the game gets into its stride a bit later on. Including the RPG elements when you can start spending perk points, and upgrading your body parts.

not to mention the gig quests that are the question marks and exclamation point arent just filler people! they are very side missions/quests that help build your character a ton.

the more I play this game, the more fucking confident I am in it. and the more confident I am that you motherfuckers were trying to steer me in the wrong direction lol now i got a bone to pick, because you guys are having people think this game is bad....
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