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Opinion: Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most DISAPPOINTING games ever!

Venom Snake

I bought this game, now I'm waiting for them to patch it up while lowering my own expectations as much as possible. I don't know how many weeks or months it will take, but after what I've seen, I prefer to wait for a fairly complete product. I guess I'll have to play something else for now. :lollipop_pensive:
Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim ? You can wipe them out the second you see them or join them.
Villagers are building villages again after completing a contract and securing the area in Witcher 3?
Helping the Krogans (or not), and tons of other choice in Mass Effect saga ?
Helping the Mayor in Fable 1, mary her and get access to cool side quest ?

That's just some quick examples that comes to my mind, and there is a lot of others.
I was not expecting Cyberpunk to be the perfect game, but the released version has some flaw that are unacceptable, especially after all their broken promises (don't made me do a list, you know what I'm talking about)

You just listed simple binary choices. Join or not. Help or not.

You get to make these exact types of choices in Cyberpunk too. I haven't finished it yet but so far I'd say the choices you can make are more involved and have a larger impact on the game than any of the games you listed.

For example just based on your choices there are characters that can be erased/killed OR could even wind up as a romance.... just depends on your choices. Also the way certain missions play out, play out COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY based on your choices too. I don't want to be more specific just yet because of spoilers. But if you want me to be more specific I can using spoiler tags.
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Oh right. Sorry I was thinking of the ray tracing and crowd density that needs more powerful hardware but yeah you are right.
I actually (for a brief moment) was researching PC parts for this game these last 2 days so I can plan to build a nice gaming PC and give up PS5 this gen.
Issue is RTX 3080 and RTX 3090 is sold out everywhere.

If i end up building a rig for this game and other future titles, then I want to be able to crank everything up to max.
I feel ya. Game looks good already but ray tracing just makes it absolutely gorgeous, but i also don't think its a good time to upgrade (especially since my present PC is servicing me nicely for what i need)
I did some research on crowd density but it surprisingly didn't seem to be much of an issue, probably an option for people with weak CPUs. I think I'll probably just end up playing it on my current rig anyway, although i'm not buying the game until the bugs get fixed (and probably a decent sale)
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I’m going to wait 6 month or a few patches after next gen update. Definitely when it’s dropped in price too.

i have zero need to play this today or any time soon, my life will go on.
the game just sucks, I am forcing myself to finish because gameplay is mediocre, the main story is fucking boring with a writing teenage level, swear all the time to the point of being cringe and laughing, and the promised deep RPG systems and choices consequences its just not there, also side quest is just mediocre...
Wow. I'm amazed we can play the same game and have literally opposite views of each other on concrete things like these.
What is this, american politics?


Tag, you're it.
You just listed simple binary choices. Join or not. Help or not.

You get to make these exact types of choices in Cyberpunk too.

Choices that have an impact on the world, which is what CP 2077 miss completely.
This game was sell like a contender for THE BEST RPG of this generation, but it's not even close to be a real RPG. I'm lvl 50 reputation and what... nobody in this world give a shit about that. The world is dead, kill someone, drive 200 meters and everything is forgotten. All those things break the immersion.
I like Cyberpunk 2077 it's a good game, too bad it's just the shadow of what he could have been.
But I think I could argue endlessly with you, you have your opinion and I have mine and this wont change.


The thing I'm having difficulty with in Cyberpunk thus far is that i don't want to kill enemies, and that's caused me to reroll three times because i don't like the design of the characters i make. If i complete the tutorial i think it'll get better. Furthest i got so far was the slippery dip down the side of the building.
My issue is that if you look at GTA 5 Los Santos just feels more alive than Night City does with random dynamic events happening.

Also the way the wanted system works in CP is just weird I shot someone by accident in the desert and all of a sudden the NCPD just appeared out of nowhere.

Getting hunted down by the NCPD MAXTAC would have been amazing but nope we don't even have cop cars chasing you.

It seems they cut a lot of content from the game.
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Most dialogue options lead to the same conclusion. The variety of outcomes in the Witcher 3 is way higher than in Cyberpunk. Why do you have several dialogue options if it makes no difference at all. Things like that is what made Witcher 3 felt alive.
I play on hard. In some dialogs I have to be very careful nott to get killed (woodman or mr forest comes to mind)
Quests have very interesting branching options based on dialog.

I find dialogs in this game superb


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
The thing I'm having difficulty with in Cyberpunk thus far is that i don't want to kill enemies, and that's caused me to reroll three times because i don't like the design of the characters i make. If i complete the tutorial i think it'll get better. Furthest i got so far was the slippery dip down the side of the building.

so you don’t want to kill enemies in a game where the biggest core gameplay is about killing people with guns.




SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Well it's miles ahead and better than RDR2. I never played that game again after 4 hours. Here I have 25h in already
Absolute fucking truth. RDR2 is an incredible, polished, detail-rich game that is just not that fun to play. CP2077 has pulled me in with fun quests adj good writing and a world I actually want to be in.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Game has actual garbage AI and people are in here claiming GOTG lmao
The AI is bad. I mean the combat AI is fine I guess but like, cars and npcs and stuff are like literal set dressing.

Not sure Witcher 3 was any better in that regard, though. I dunno if people had realistic expectations.


so you don’t want to kill enemies in a game where the biggest core gameplay is about killing people with guns.
They said pacifist playthrough is possible, i have replayed Deus ex Human Revolution three or four times and two of those have achieved the pacifist playthrough... It's just how i like to roll. It shouldn't break my experience.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I'll wait until they patch in some AI
so you don’t want to kill enemies in a game where the biggest core gameplay is about killing people with guns.
I think he was expecting some kind of Deus Ex level desing where you can approach encounters in different ways, lile stealh here, hack there and all that, but... I think that's in the game, no?


The Witcher 3 was one of the most boring generic games ever made. Same with Red Dead 2. Basically playstation type interactive movies.


You must be very young and have never heard of Death Stranding.

ET is the winner of this contest, it killed the industry in the US.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
so you don’t want to kill enemies in a game where the biggest core gameplay is about killing people with guns.
I have been role-playing this one. Like factions that I have friends with like Tyger Claws, I go non-lethal, but I'll murk a Maelstrom or a scav in a second because fuck those guys. Stealth and hacking gameplay is pretty viable and often fun.


I don't know why but I expected a fully interactive city....

Is there much to do outside of missions??
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Gold Member
I'm loving the game right now. So much so, that I'm honestly trying to savor it...not trying to beat it too fast. I don't drink wine, but if I did...I'd sip it. I am playing on PC and the recent code editing to make Ryzen chips perform better has allowed me to use higher settings. Right now I'm playing Medium settings with some customization. Ryzen 5800x and 1070ti, 16GB of DDR4000 RAM. Right now I'm getting 75 fps...about 65 fps in the city. Badland run at about 80+

The Witcher 3 has great role playing elements but I think Cyberpunk has quality where it matters. The city feels lived in, the main quests are fantastic stories, the sidequests are hit and miss, but a lot of them have their own little side stories that I could see being expanded on. The worst part of the game is the inconsistency of character models. Some characters look hand drawn while other, less important characters look half baked. That does ruin some of the immersion for me but the Witcher 3 had similar cookie cutter npcs. The city is not as interactive as I hoped it would be. This is not GTA, which for me is fine. I rather they do nothing then have some stupid side game that no one cares about (see AC Valhalla drinking contests...kill me now).

I will say Cyberpunk does really have some "Wow" moments in there. I feel that there may be some actual replayability. Right now I'm doing a Solo stealth cyborg ninja build. High on Reflexes, Body and Cool, specced for single hit blade kills, stealth with cyberware focused on distraction and impairing the senses.

My next playthrough I'm going full cyberware with a focus on pistols...Maybe mimicking a Johnny Silverhand kinda build.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I'll wait until they patch in some AI

I think he was expecting some kind of Deus Ex level desing where you can approach encounters in different ways, lile stealh here, hack there and all that, but... I think that's in the game, no?

Yah that’s in the game. Stealth ascend a tower while hacking cctv and silent kill enemies in the way yesterday.

They said pacifist playthrough is possible, i have replayed Deus ex Human Revolution three or four times and two of those have achieved the pacifist playthrough... It's just how i like to roll. It shouldn't break my experience.

They likely refer to the stealth approach element then. You can stealth complete mission, but at times you’ll have to pull the trigger if you got caught or for storyline purpose.
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Agree GTA 5 A.I. & Physics are way better and it a 7 year plus old game originally design for the PS3 & 360 compare to 2077 imagine what GTA 6 A.I. & Physics will be like.

We should stop comparing it to gta5 because the AI and physics in that game sucks compared to its predecessor. It only looks good compared to a shit heap like Cyberpunk


Yah that’s in the game. Stealth ascend a tower while hacking cctv and silent kill enemies in the way yesterday.

They likely refer to the stealth approach element then. You can stealth complete mission, but at times you’ll have to pull the trigger if you got caught or for storyline purpose.
I've read stories which assure that that's not the case.. I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm sure I'll eventually play this game as a gunslinger, it's just I've been waiting 8 months to play it with perfect stealth so I'm giving that a red hot try~


Yah that’s in the game. Stealth ascend a tower while hacking cctv and silent kill enemies in the way yesterday.

They likely refer to the stealth approach element then. You can stealth complete mission, but at times you’ll have to pull the trigger if you got caught or for storyline purpose.
Actually you know what, saying gunslinger has awakened my inner Rolland and I'm gonna go reroll as a nomad right now


That won’t fix anything but the graphics and performance. At its core, Cyberpunk is a poor game with weird design choices

I love those PC gamers. "Play it on PC" like it would magically make the NPCs smarter or the police not teleport to you, or most of the side quests less basic.

Newsflash : outside of NPC density and performance / graphics, the game is exactly the same on every platform.

On next gen consoles, it looks and runs fine now by the way, since 1.04. One thing the game isn't given enough credit for is the 3D sound on PS5. It's the best implementation of 3D sound on PS5 until now. With Pulse headset, you really hear the exact place the sound or the words come from, like you could draw a line from your ear.

I kinda disagree with the OP. The game is actually great, it's just the open world part that isn't good. Just do the main quest and the side quests, they're really good.

But don't play it like you'd play GTA by spending your time in the open world without questing, otherwise yes, it kinda sucks.
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Which shows how bad PC gaming has become... putting aside the bugs, this just isn’t a particularly great game.

It’s not innovative or particularly interesting. The game mechanics are all stuff we’ve seen before and the world building is incomplete.

The AAA game standards on PC dropped considerably lower on recent years. Most great AAA games are exclusives these days, they're pretty rare now on PC from 3rd party devs (no really great AAA game anymore in a long time from EA / Ubi / Square / Valve or even Rockstar outside RDR 2, they probably became too costly to take a chance...) so any great AAA released on this platform is seen as something extraordinary. CDPR is the last real PC centric dev doing AAA games.

But to be fair, I still think it does the RPG part well. You really have multiple options for each situation and you must choose who you side with. I like this game a lot overall. The open world itself is bad obviously, outside of the buildings and the nice verticality. I like driving in it, but we need better NPC interactions and more interesting basic quests urgently. The biggest side quests are still good I think.
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The nicest person on this forum
Maybe.....just maybe instead of using the money to put celebrities on games, they could have used it make the game more polished......but that’s just me.


The nicest person on this forum
He is an original character? I'm assuming you mean voice acting.

Usually I agree, but this is the first time I've heard him in a game and I think he did an awesome job.
I actually don't mind voice acting but in games I want original character designs rather than celebrities faces.


Agree this is No Mans Sky 2020......but worse because Hello Games is a tiny group of developers compared to CDPR.

Even the PC version is lame regarding NPCs A.I. , the result of cheap quality control policy.


Returned to my apartment recently to do some crafting (even though you can craft anywhere), and I find myself staring outsight my window at the Night Sky and enjoying the view of Night City. I just have the urge to call up V's girlfriend Panam, or any of his friends he's made, and just hit up the town. Really wish I could do that. I remember how much I enjoyed doing that in GTA4. Calling up your GF or one of your buddies to do random shit in the city. Man there really isn't anything to do when you're not doing the story or side missions.
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