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Orange is the New Black - Season 2 on Netflix - *Spoilers for all of S2*

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Just finished watching episode 11. All I know is that these flashbacks are starting to confuse me where we're at in the time-line and that I want that ugly, crazy Suzanne killed. She's like a pit bull thats been kicked in the head too many times but still knows that one trick "sick em!".

And i don't see why we need more of Alex. I thought we've gone over this over and over and over again throughout the show: she's a lying, manipulate bitch who clearly can't be trusted. Is Piper that weak willed by Alex's long hair and secretary glasses? I don't..


Just watched the last episode finally. Took me like a month to find the time to sit down with my wife and watch the last episode but it was really damn good. Glad V got what was coming to her. Can't wait for season 3

The only thing I didn't like this season was the Alex/Piper relationship. I hope it gets better because it looks like it's going to continue in season 3. I think I just don't like the actress Laura Prepon. I'm not sure why she was cast. The show could have done way better with no name actors. Didn't need Jason Biggs either.


And that's a wrap for season two.

Alright, so, characters and/or relationships that I'm sick and tired of:

*Piper and Alex.
*Crazy Eyes
*Daya and that supposed baby of hers
*Healy going back and forth with his love/hate relationship with certain inmates
*I was gonna say Vee but...
*Red, especially when she's talking in that villainous russian accent.

I probably got a lot more but that'll do for now..


I'm just now watching the Wire and its so weird seeing Pornstache without his pornstache. It took me a minute or two to figure out why he looked so familiar.
I powered through S1 and 2 in the last couple of weeks. It's an enjoyable show, but towards the end of S2 it sorta started to wear thin for me. It's hard to explain but something about how the characters seem sorta cheery despite being in prison, yet the show still tries to balance that with the kind of stuff you'd expect from a prison show (violence, drugs) doesn't really jive. It makes scenes like Red getting assaulted or Vi trying to act like a super hard kingpin hard to take seriously for me, I don't know.
Recent news and interviews:

- EW: Pornstache will not return for season 3 of 'Orange Is the New Black'
“I’m not taking part in the third season. I’m a member of a show called The Brink that’s going to be on HBO. It’s a half-hour comedy with Jack Black and Tim Robbins and me [as] the three leads. I’m really excited about it.”

He went on to say that he was never a series regular on OITNB, which he is on The Brink, so really, “it’s a no-brainer,” he said. “It was a better move for me as an actor.”

That being said, Schreiber does still love OITNB, and specifically its creator, Jenji Kohan. “I feel so grateful to Orange. Jenji obviously means a ton to me. I respect her to no end. I think she writes the best dialogue on TV right now. While season three is out of the picture, beyond that is open.”
- NY Mag: Orange Is the New Black’s Barbara Rosenblat on Playing Miss Rosa and Being ‘the Meryl Streep of Audiobooks’
- HitFix: Interview: 'Orange Is The New Black' star Uzo Aduba on Emmy hopes, Season 2 drama and more
- THR: Sisterhood and 'Soul-Saving Chicken' On Set (Video, Today Show)

Also, courtesy of Clickhole: Why Your Mother And I Are Getting Divorced As Explained By ‘Orange Is The New Black’ GIFs


My wife and I enjoyed S2 quite a bit, but I felt like there was a little slump about 3/4 of the way through. Thankfully it finished strong.

A few things I'd like to see in S3:

- Get rid of Alex. I don't like her character, and her story just isn't compelling
- Bring back a bit more of the humor from S1
- Tone down the Daya/baby stuff. Daya is probably my least favorite character
- Bring Piper back to the forefront. She disappeared in a lot of episodes.
- More flashbacks

I think the show has been on a good trajectory, but it seems to lose focus once in a while for 2-3 episodes in a row. The acting has remained solid, and the plot remains interesting.


My wife and I enjoyed S2 quite a bit, but I felt like there was a little slump about 3/4 of the way through. Thankfully it finished strong.

A few things I'd like to see in S3:

- Get rid of Alex. I don't like her character, and her story just isn't compelling
- Bring back a bit more of the humor from S1
- Tone down the Daya/baby stuff. Daya is probably my least favorite character
- Bring Piper back to the forefront. She disappeared in a lot of episodes.
- More flashbacks

I think the show has been on a good trajectory, but it seems to lose focus once in a while for 2-3 episodes in a row. The acting has remained solid, and the plot remains interesting.

I think that we should see the consequences of Alex testifying against her drug cartel boss in season 3, so that should make things interesting. It'll also provide an easy avenue for Piper to care about Alex again, even if she is stupid/weak-willed for seemingly wanting to be with her again at the end of the season 2. IMO the problem with bringing Piper to the forefront is that she's an uninteresting character unless she does something drastic (i.e. she thought she killed Dogget). Honestly though, I like it that way because it gives the other characters a chance to shine.

Agree with the Daya bit, it's just boring (especially now when there'll be nothing happening between Mendes and Bennett), and I'm getting sick of her character. What I thought was great about season 2 was the conflict between the different factions i.e. the white girls v the black girls and the hispanic girls being caught in the middle, I'd love to see more of that.


I'm glad this show is filled with so many amazing characters, because if season 2 had only centered on Piper, I would have quit watching. Her character is getting rather dull.
My wife and I enjoyed S2 quite a bit, but I felt like there was a little slump about 3/4 of the way through. Thankfully it finished strong.

A few things I'd like to see in S3:

- Get rid of Alex. I don't like her character, and her story just isn't compelling
- Bring back a bit more of the humor from S1
- Tone down the Daya/baby stuff. Daya is probably my least favorite character
- Bring Piper back to the forefront. She disappeared in a lot of episodes.
- More flashbacks

I think the show has been on a good trajectory, but it seems to lose focus once in a while for 2-3 episodes in a row. The acting has remained solid, and the plot remains interesting.

I agree with you on the Alex stuff. Can't stand her character. Also the Daya stuff. I guess I just don't buy her and Bennet's relationship. They don't really have any chemistry and the show hasn't had enough scenes with them to really hammer home this idea that they are in love, rather than the idea that they just fucked.
All I know is... that I want that ugly, crazy Suzanne killed. She's like a pit bull thats been kicked in the head too many times but still knows that one trick "sick em!".
I love Suzanne. I was seething watching Vi do to her what she did. I wanted Vi to have a worse death because of it, actually.


My wife and I enjoyed S2 quite a bit, but I felt like there was a little slump about 3/4 of the way through. Thankfully it finished strong.

A few things I'd like to see in S3:

- Get rid of Alex. I don't like her character, and her story just isn't compelling
- Bring back a bit more of the humor from S1
- Tone down the Daya/baby stuff. Daya is probably my least favorite character
- Bring Piper back to the forefront. She disappeared in a lot of episodes.
- More flashbacks

I think the show has been on a good trajectory, but it seems to lose focus once in a while for 2-3 episodes in a row. The acting has remained solid, and the plot remains interesting.

I am neutral on Alex though I think she's more interesting than Piper honestly. But I doubt you'll get your wish as she seems pretty integral to the story.

I think I'm the only one who likes Daya judging by this thread, heh. I like the security guard too. Personally I like watching her struggle on whether she wants to be honest about Pornstache or not. I do agree I wish they'd tone down her wanting her BF to go to prison. I can see her point about the kid should be able to know his dad honestly but I think she's being unreasonable and should realize that's the reality of the situation and it's not fair to want him to go to prison.

I'm glad they aren't focusing on Piper. She's kind of a bland character. I think it's on purpose though as really she's just there as an excuse to introduce us to the other characters.

I want more Pennseltucky :). I really liked her character even when she was being hatable (she was fun to hate). And I like how they've toned her down too though (though it's obvious because they want the new "villain" to shine).

IMO the problem with bringing Piper to the forefront is that she's an uninteresting character unless she does something drastic (i.e. she thought she killed Dogget). Honestly though, I like it that way because it gives the other characters a chance to shine.


What I thought was great about season 2 was the conflict between the different factions i.e. the white girls v the black girls and the hispanic girls being caught in the middle, I'd love to see more of that.

I can't agree. I liked it better when they got along and we were more focusing on each story and how they were human too. That was one thing I didn't like about Season 2, all the faction BS. I liked seeing them more get along and struggle together than turn into a hellhole of faction wars. It's the biggest reason why I hated Vee honestly cause the show made it painfully obvious she was the instigator of that.

I'm glad this show is filled with so many amazing characters, because if season 2 had only centered on Piper, I would have quit watching. Her character is getting rather dull.


I love Suzanne. I was seething watching Vi do to her what she did. I wanted Vi to have a worse death because of it, actually.

Yeah, another reason I hated Vee. She ruined Suzanne. Ok, technically the writers did. I hated how they did Suzanne in season 2. In Season 1 they really rounded her out and showed that she wasn't some steroetypic crazy person trope. They made her a real person and made her sympathetic. Only to throw it all away and turn her into typical crazy bulldog henchwoman in season 2. I really disliked that storyline. And I don't just blame Vee but bad story writing.

Honestly, I enjoyed season 2 but parts of it has me worried it's going to start being like Weeds where it gets annoying to watch cause they ruin the characters so they can create more drama. I liked Weeds best when you could like the characters. Not when she turned everyone into unlikable characters in order to find ways to add in more drama as the show went on. Honestly, I'm seeing hints of that in OitNB where she has to keep outdoing the drama every season and starts ruining characters in order to be able to do that.
Jenji Kohan has been very clear that Piper's primary purpose is to be a trojan horse.

She's ostensibly the main character, but she's really just there to get us middle-class white folks into prison.


That was one thing I didn't like about Season 2, all the faction BS. I liked seeing them more get along and struggle together than turn into a hellhole of faction wars. It's the biggest reason why I hated Vee honestly cause the show made it painfully obvious she was the instigator of that.

Would it really be prison if everyone got along in peace and harmony? If they make the show a flat out comedy, then people will criticize the show for "glorifying prison".

Would there be any suspense or character development if there weren't villians like Vee (Season 2) or Pennsatucky/Pornstache (Season 1) creating tension?

The point of this show is that prison needs to change these people. Their experiences in prison need to change them. They need to leave prison with a different perspective on life.

Prison can't just be some summer camp for friends to get together. Many of these people are dangerous and have a history of violence. Even Morello tied a homemade explosive device to a guy's car, and she's one of the nicer characters on the show.

Vee was a good character because it helped kill that "summer camp" vibe.

Even Jenji Kohan said she had to make season 2 darker than season 1 because it was feeling less like prison, and more like high school.


I know some people don't like Piper, but she had a lot of funny lines in season 2.

"He's a hit man? Oh I thought he was a rapist. I'm so relieved!"

I found her to be more enjoyable in Season 2 because Alex wasn't there for most of the season.

Piper is better when Alex and Larry aren't around.


Would it really be prison if everyone got along in peace and harmony? If they make the show a flat out comedy, then people will criticize the show for "glorifying prison".

Would there be any suspense or character development if there weren't villians like Vee (Season 2) or Pennsatucky/Pornstache (Season 1) creating tension?

And note season 1 they created tension without having the typical faction stuff going on (least not to the degree they had it on season 2). Season 2 felt like they just needed to up the drama so bringing in factions made it easy. Honestly, one reason I originally liked OitNB is because it showed these people's relationships with each other and not just the typical they all hate each other stuff. It made them likable while still showing they were
criminals. Turning them into people who just hate each group takes away from that and is kind of a cheap way out.

I guess I like it more for the individual character stories on how they got there and also seeing them actually acting like real people vs. caricatures of your standard prisoner trope.


In retrospect, it was good that they dialed back Piper. Still disappointed Vee went back to her home planet. I was probably a bit too harsh on the second season.

I hope by next season there is more distinction between flashbacks and the present. Perhaps they need to add the sound of cell doors closing (much in the same way LOST utilized the subtle sound of aircraft lifting off to let the viewer know when a flashback starts). While rewatching with a friend, I had to constantly tell her when a flashback started. At times, I hadn't even realized it myself.


And note season 1 they created tension without having the typical faction stuff going on (least not to the degree they had it on season 2). Season 2 felt like they just needed to up the drama so bringing in factions made it easy. Honestly, one reason I originally liked OitNB is because it showed these people's relationships with each other and not just the typical they all hate each other stuff. It made them likable while still showing they were
criminals. Turning them into people who just hate each group takes away from that and is kind of a cheap way out.

I guess I like it more for the individual character stories on how they got there and also seeing them actually acting like real people vs. caricatures of your standard prisoner trope.

The thing is, there were always hints of the faction stuff in Season 1.

In Season 1 - episode 1, Morello tells Piper, "We like to help out our own"...Piper questions this, and Morello responds, "It's tribal, not racist". Even among the white people, Pennsatucky had her own religious cult following of insane people. We saw all of this tribal/faction stuff among the blacks, latinos, whites during the WAC voting episode of season 1. And in episode 3 or 4 (of season 1), Piper is being sent to the black section of the prison. One of the inmates describes it as "the ghetto" because all of the blacks live there.

My point is that season 1 always hinted at the faction/tribal stuff. The only difference is that the faction stuff escalated into violence in season 2.


I think Vee helped strengthen everyone's friendship within the prison. Once they saw through Vee's bullshit, they all teamed up against her. Even Crazy Eyes seemed concerned about Red's condition in one scene.


I don't like Piper very much, it seemed like as the season went on I realized more and more that she might be one of the worst people in there besides V of course. This is only because at least V was obvious and fully aware of her own malice, where as Piper looked at herself as a victim when really she was no better than anyone else.

Morello is adorable. Crazy Eyes finally found someone who she felt understood her and gave her a worthy purpose only to realize it was all a ruse. I can completely understand why she delved fully into V's cause.

I get the feeling that Alex and Piper will somehow be together happily in the end even though I don't like the relationship one but due to how toxic it seems. Larry himself represents all the tropes of this current generation in terms of self-indulgence. He falls in love too quick, gives up too quick, and seems to imagine he is so progressive with his views on life, when obviously that is not the case. I don't mind him being around though.

It seems that Season 3 will Healy due to snap/breakdown at some point. I saw flashes of it in his therapy session and it does not appear as if his life will get any better, as long as he keeps feeling sorry for himself. Outside of sending people to the SHU, I'm not sure how it will manifest itself.


Just finally got around to watching this, having watched the last episode about 30 mins ago.

Few things:

1. Piper is definitely one of the most fucked up/ruthless women in the prison. The fact that she doesn't see it that way, makes it even better.
2. From the few post I read it seems I might be the odd man out but, I still love Alex. Alex and Piper's chemistry feels truly authentic. I really hope she is in more episodes next season.
3. Crazy Eyes and Morello are my two favorite non Piper/Alex prisoners. Can't wait to see how they de/evolve.
4. Is it just be or was the Nun's storyline rubbish and a bit of a throw away? It was the first flashback that left me disappointed and not caring.
5. I'm over all the baby shit. But the "Latin" faction needs more time on screen.

There was more that I wanted to say but I forgot. Regardless, great season and I regret waiting so long to watch it.


The other day, I read this post from another message board about the Piper character, and I thought it explained the Piper character extremely well. As Ravek pointed out above, the fact that Piper doesn't realize how ruthless she is, makes her an even more interesting character.

I just want to chime in here and say that OiTNB’s 1st season, when taken as a whole, has a pretty clear journey that it takes the viewer on w/r/t Piper so that by the end it’s a subversion of the middle class white girl wandering in a forest of otherness tropes. It assumes that the viewer will view Piper as a surrogate and uses this to cunning effect. Piper is overtly shown to be a monster by the end of season 1, and that monstrosity is meant to be back-read into the series as a whole. it’s kind of like how with GIRLS the pilot makes you think you’re supposed to have a certain level of sympathy for Hannah, but that’s just the show’s entry point, you have a completely different understanding of her by the end of the first season. The lost little middle class white girl schtick is part of Piper’s monstrousness. It helps if you keep in mind that her entire life pre prison is a lie, it’s a performance that she’s bought into, but because the show starts with that performance, it takes a while to develop the aspects of her that don’t fit into it (that this comes with developing the non-middle-class non-white and non-hetereosexual characters is no coincidence). The show is very much about lies (including delusions) performance and identity. And it performs as a fish out of water dramedy for the first half for a reason.

Part of what makes OITNB exciting is that it takes its viewer on this kind of arc which is– assuming you start with sympathy for Piper, as many clearly did– meant to be at least somewhat indicting of the audience. The Lost Middle Class White Girl schtick is revealed as a schtick by the end of season one, as part of Piper’s monstrosity, much as Hannah’s narcissism makes her a monster. Both shows go to some lengths to point this out by the end of their first seasons.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I think season one was better because season two was all over the place. It focused on everybody, but there was no real goal except at the last minute.

The characters are also less interesting since we already kinda know enough about them. Overall it was a disappointment even though it had some highlights here and there.


While rewatching with a friend, I had to constantly tell her when a flashback started. At times, I hadn't even realized it myself.

If they are not in prison, it's a flashback. If they're wearing normal clothes, it's a flashback.

I never had that problem at all during the season.


This season felt better and worse than season 1. I would have liked it more if it weren't for Daya/Guard storyline wasn't so godawful. Pennseltucky character felt wasted this season, she was just aimless not really doing much after how things were left off last season's ending, the whole having Pennseltucky and Piper hug to resolve things, felt disappointing. Piper's character being more in the background rather than being the main focus was an improvement. Hoping the story with Larry and what's her name (Piper's friend) is done and are no longer involve with the show. Hoping some of the other characters like Sophia get more focus next season, Sophia didn't do much this season either.


Just started watching this and I have been missing out. I'm watching The Chickening right now and the exchange between Red and Piper about catching the chicken was goddamn hilarious. I should have started this show sooner.


I powered through S1 and 2 in the last couple of weeks. It's an enjoyable show, but towards the end of S2 it sorta started to wear thin for me. It's hard to explain but something about how the characters seem sorta cheery despite being in prison, yet the show still tries to balance that with the kind of stuff you'd expect from a prison show (violence, drugs) doesn't really jive. It makes scenes like Red getting assaulted or Vi trying to act like a super hard kingpin hard to take seriously for me, I don't know.

Weeds had the same problem, trade mark Jenji Kohan. Moving from comedy to serious shit is always jarring.
So, I feel super fucking stupid because it's not like she's in heavy makeup or anything and I must have watched the entire series thrice by now, but Laundry Girl #2 is my middle/high school buddy.

NetFlix is quickly becoming the new home of Henry M. Gunn alumni.


So, I feel super fucking stupid because it's not like she's in heavy makeup or anything and I must have watched the entire series thrice by now, but Laundry Girl #2 is my middle/high school buddy.

NetFlix is quickly becoming the new home of Henry M. Gunn alumni.

Which one? dark haired tall one or the one trying to usurp penntusky?

thats cool either way, how didn't you notice? ha
Which one? dark haired tall one or the one trying to usurp penntusky?

thats cool either way, how didn't you notice? ha

Dark haired.

Because I was all "oh, that looks exactly like so and so", and then at my high school reunion my other friend said "that's because it is".


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I watched all the eps in a few days. Both seasons have a great lead-up to the finale, but before that the episodes can be kind of hit and miss. Decent show, but nothing spectacular either. Some thoughts

- Really tired of the Diaz & Bennett storyline. Please let this get the axe in s3 :/
- Favorite characters are Morello and Rosa. Also the 2 characters with the best flashbacks in s2. I'm so glad they gave Rosa her blaze of glory, incredible ending.
- Morello's flashback was one of the s2 highlights. The girl is batshit, but you love her either way.
- I don't see any reason for Larry & Polly to return in s3... but I have no doubt they will.
- The flashbacks were very weak in s1, but improved in s2. This is still the worst part of the show though. Often the arcs are just not interesting or well developed.
- The show is focusing less on Piper, which is a good thing. s3 has the potential to go even further in that direction, after what happened in the finale.

I was considering ditching the show midway s2, but the final eps redeemed it somewhat. I'll stick around for s3. I just want to watch the fall-out of that shit storm. It was Capullo's second day!


Finished the show in 1 week. It was pretty good. I think I liked it more than House of Cards.

The ending of season 2 felt great. Loved it.

Piper is alright.

But for some reason there was no favourite character for me. I kinda liked the Asian girl tho,

Wings 嫩翼翻せ

so it's not nice
Just finished (I know, I'm late, but I started in October with school in the way). I love how season 2 ended. I think my favorites so far are Rosa, Nicky, Poussey, and Soso. Piper is her usual, sometimes likeable, mostly annoying self. Can't wait until Season 3.


I binged the show starting on the last day of exams and finished in just over a week. It's a great show. It's like a drapery with the character development structure of Lost, and often a similar goal of emotional punch.


I think too much damage has been done to the black group of characters for me to start liking them again....

Except Poussey, she's great.

El Topo

I've enjoyed the show quite a bit, but the second season felt aimless and had an unfortunate pacing. Also I can't be the only one that doesn't give a fuck about Dayanara's plot, right?
Anyway, hopefully the show will have a better direction next season, although there were a few really nice moments this season, so even if not, it'll still be good I guess.
Just finished.

Was good. Not amazing but ya know.. not bad. Leaned into S1 stranghts and added a few things but didnt veer far from the formula in S1.

Was happy they went with a different direction witih Crazy Eyes. After seeing how people reacted to that character I was afraid they where going to really lean into her with S2 and milk that goofy side of hers dry. Instead she became Vee's mad dog and became all weird and menacing. Good idea. Dont know what they do with her for S3 but I wouldnt mind if she was pushed into the background.

The Vee / Red stuff lasted about as long as I could stand and I am glad they (hopefully) killed Vee off in the end.

The pregnancy stuff is indeed the worst part of the show. The actors involved are just so lifeless and the entire plot lacks any hook or urgency. Its been like that since S1

Morello. <33333333

Hope that lady guard who got fired comes back somehow. I liked her.

I didnt hate the Larry stuff as much as I did in S1 but now I just feel nothing towards him, that entire dumb storyline or really anything to do with Piper. It all just kind of went nowhere but I guess we are back to more Alex stuff again for S3 for some reason.

Also there need to cut down the opening titles because its really awkward to skip and its like a minute fucking long.
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