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Overwatch |OT9| There is no Cow Hero

Zen Aku

I don't think it's so much that people have to adjust tactics, but that the tactics they have to adjust to are shitty for the game.

You literally have to keep one person on the point at all times in that scenario, or someone can blink to the point and win it outright without ever fighting.

So the intricacies of a defense on 2CP are shot. Hanamura, for example, that has so many entry points but so many forced fights in chokes, either gets boiled down to a 6v5 or the fight only occurs on the point itself. It becomes a prolonged game of waiting for the attackers to stack their ults in either case.
Yeah I was playing on Eichenwald yesterday and we did a shit job on offense. Only captured 3.5% of point A. So on defense I told the guys that we need to play on point at all time to prevent capture. We ran Rein, Winston, Mercy, Soldier, Symmetra, and Torb on the point.

Eventually we lost that when their Roadhog ulted and push us off the point but for a long while that strat work. They couldn't even get on the point. Whenever they come in we just wipe them, 3 people would chase to make sure they're staggered and 1 person would remain on point. It was a good strat.


Not saying this is you, but I fucking hate seeing a zen just shooting orbs and neglecting people who need healing. Used to play with a guy who was awesome as dps with zen but literally never threw out healing.

There's a bit of that but I always try to have somebody with a harmony orb. It usually only gets to be a problem if there's a Pharah who nobody else wants to address and it is up to me.
It would be nice if this fucking game could just once - JUST ONCE - pair me up with winning teams. I'd take just two consecutive wins and I'd be happy. This god damn game is so demoralizing tho and just bums me out.

Defeat - defeat - defeat - defeat - VICTORY - defeat.
It would be nice if this fucking game could just once - JUST ONCE - pair me up with winning teams. I'd take just two consecutive wins and I'd be happy. This god damn game is so demoralizing tho and just bums me out.

Defeat - defeat - defeat - defeat - VICTORY - defeat.

Yeah it sucks, it almost makes me want to play QP until I actually play QP and realize how good I have it in CP. lol
Ah fuck QP. *Volume off / Favorite podcast on / Play passive* I'm only playing for the loot boxes anyway.

Yeah it sucks, it almost makes me want to play QP until I actually play QP and realize how good I have it in CP. lol

I really should go back to comp. I just don't like playing solo queue :(


I started this game off playing D.Va when it launched, but then realized I was pretty good at healing.

I usually play Mercy or Lucio, trying to learn Ana on the side.

It really bothers me that I suck at D.Va, anyone play her a lot and can give me tips? I'm generally not good with characters that require fast movement (like Tracer and Sombra).
Yeah it sucks, it almost makes me want to play QP until I actually play QP and realize how good I have it in CP. lol
Ah fuck QP. *Volume off / Favorite podcast on / Play passive* I'm only playing for the loot boxes anyway.

I really should go back to comp. I just don't like playing solo queue :(
Haha, not even loot box bribery can make me go back to QP/arcade, the misery is just not worth it.


I think Zen's healing potential is vastly underrated.

This is my average healing with each support in Competitive this season





Zen is not that much behind the rest, even if some of it comes from his Ult. I'm still getting about 8k healing average just from the Harmony Orb alone.

That Lucio healing is looking a bit high.


How easily can you click the side buttons?
Does the mouse sit comfortably in your hand (I seem to be way more picky about this than other people...)?
Can you even hit the button beneath the wheel in a heated moment?
How easily does the wheel click down?
Is there a wireless version? :p

You're definitely not.

Check out Rocket Ninja Jump. Has pretty in depth reviews for a lot of current mice out there.
I don't know what algarythem they use to determine this shit but Overwatch has become synonymous with bad feeling and constant failure for me. There's a couple of moments of triumph and exhilaration. But it's few and far between.

Sorry for whining so much, it's just very frustrating.
I don't know what algarythem they use to determine this shit but Overwatch has become synonymous with bad feeling and constant failure for me. There's a couple of moments of triumph and exhilaration. But it's few and far between.

Sorry for whining so much, it's just very frustrating.
Nah don't fret, it can be pretty demoralizing. The game kind of funnels itself around a lot of stompy experiences, so a lot of losses can be more thant just losses, they're crushing.
I don't know what algarythem they use to determine this shit but Overwatch has become synonymous with bad feeling and constant failure for me. There's a couple of moments of triumph and exhilaration. But it's few and far between.

Sorry for whining so much, it's just very frustrating.

Try not to take it so seriously. It's a game with silly cartoon characters, just have fun with it! Embrace your inner Jeff Kaplan.
Yesterday on Anubis I was getting Lucio ult basically every single fight. Did they change the charge rate or something? He does more damage and fires faster, but I don't feel like that should be enough for such a drastic difference.


I don't know what algarythem they use to determine this shit but Overwatch has become synonymous with bad feeling and constant failure for me. There's a couple of moments of triumph and exhilaration. But it's few and far between.

Sorry for whining so much, it's just very frustrating.

I know the feeling. I'm 101 and constantly get matched with 400-700s every match, if not it's obvious smurfs.

Speaking of which fuck The dude with the PSN Slaymetra I played yesterday. It put me with a group of 3 rookie 10-20s against him and his friends. Worst match ever.


Yesterday on Anubis I was getting Lucio ult basically every single fight. Did they change the charge rate or something? He does more damage and fires faster, but I don't feel like that should be enough for such a drastic difference.

His healing aura buff means if you stick with your group you're gonna' be healing way more than before + more damage output = way faster ult charge.

I anticipate his ult charge'll get adjusted.


You think playing with level 600s they would know to fight on the point.

You would think.

You really shouldn't expect players with a lot of hours in the game to be good. I've seen gold borders who get placed around silver/low gold. You'd expect someone at level 1200+ to be good enough at the game to be in masters or something.


You really shouldn't expect players with a lot of hours in the game to be good. I've seen gold borders who get placed around silver/low gold. You'd expect someone at level 1200+ to be good enough at the game to be in masters or something.

I don't fully expect them to be good but I sure as hell expect them to know enough about the game to know that XD


The RNG is not kind to me this event. 12 boxes thus far and I've gotten only one epic highlight...which was a duplicate of a non-event highlight. Everything else has been blues and whites :(


The RNG is not kind to me this event. 12 boxes thus far and I've gotten only one epic highlight...which was a duplicate of a non-event highlight. Everything else has been blues and whites :(

I'm 20 boxes in, only epic I've gotten so far have been Reins skin, everything else has been blue or white, pretty ridiculous
It would be nice if this fucking game could just once - JUST ONCE - pair me up with winning teams. I'd take just two consecutive wins and I'd be happy. This god damn game is so demoralizing tho and just bums me out.

Defeat - defeat - defeat - defeat - VICTORY - defeat.

I really do think the game pairs you up with other losers when losing and other winners when winning.


Mercy Winston combo is so good, really wish more Mercies focused Winstons. Turns the tide of a battle so much when he can pick off a few DPS.


Apparently, you can stand in front of the power-plant entrance, and none of the enemy forces (on the payload route) will spawn.

It will make getting those achievements a lot easier, that's for sure.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Mercy Winston combo is so good, really wish more Mercies focused Winstons. Turns the tide of a battle so much when he can pick off a few DPS.

no thanks, babysitting mercy as winston sucsk

would much rather have zen sphere on me and discord on the enemy or ana
Been playing a bunch of Mccree lately, really enjoying it. Surprising that a new skin would make me wanna play him.
Same thing happened to me and I'm doing really well with him but I'm constantly on losing teams. My team is barely competent, the loses would be a bit easier to take if it wasn't just landslide loses. I don't understand how the matchingmaking is this bad:/

Really makes me not wanna play but I want to cause it can be fun but to lose 90% isn't.
I started this game off playing D.Va when it launched, but then realized I was pretty good at healing.

I usually play Mercy or Lucio, trying to learn Ana on the side.

It really bothers me that I suck at D.Va, anyone play her a lot and can give me tips? I'm generally not good with characters that require fast movement (like Tracer and Sombra).
Think of her as a tank version of Tracer. Constant harassment by getting in with your flight, shoot em up, use defense matrix when they start focusing on you, then fly away once your ability is recharged. Wait a moment until you see the enemies focusing elsewhere when they think your DVa left, then repeat the harassment.

If you're using her to stick with your team, be sure to use defense matrix in front of teammates that are attacking or need cover to stay alive.

Also try to be conscious of your surroundings when retreating; have a getaway route in mind so you can have cover if you lose your mech.


Finally won a legendary Uprising game with the original Overwatch cast but the achievement didn't unlock for me. I think it is because I died at the same time as when the last Orissa went down. Also in Discord news. We now have 100 members in the v2 channel!

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
Is there a reason why every Uprising game I play there's someone who leaves after defending the payload? Not even on Hard difficulty, so it can't be the achievement.


no thanks, babysitting mercy as winston sucsk

would much rather have zen sphere on me and discord on the enemy or ana

Whaaaat? Zen is awesome to have but those discords usually lose track after a few seconds. Mercy gets those pocket boosts. When I play Winston I just stay with the group, get a pick and have Mercy hopefully floof to me then jump right back to my team.

60% of the time it works 100% of the time.
Is there a reason why every Uprising game I play there's someone who leaves after defending the payload? Not even on Hard difficulty, so it can't be the achievement.
I just got a new router to resolve this, but my old router had a % chance of dropping a connection any time I transitioned zones in a game. In Overwatch, it OFTEN dropped right after the payload blew up. I think the game is doing something that my router had trouble with, and maybe that's the case with others as well.


Whaaaat? Zen is awesome to have but those discords usually lose track after a few seconds. Mercy gets those pocket boosts. When I play Winston I just stay with the group, get a pick and have Mercy hopefully floof to me then jump right back to my team.

60% of the time it works 100% of the time.
Zen is better in comps with Winston. It's dangerous for mercy to dive with Winston and discord is better than mercy boost since everyone can focus their damage on one person rather than one person having more damage to the enemy.
Just a reminder.


It will be Saturday 4/22/17 - 6pm Central

Also please join the Overwatch GAF discord... it will be great to communicate between the two teams. Everyone should be in the new group on PS4 already.

Invite link for discord is here: https://discord.gg/sKXtwgt


Just had a match on Hanamura where our attack on second point lasted for about 2 minutes before we capped it. I had 2 Rez's, our Lucio had 2 Sound Barriers, our Pharah had 2 Missile Barrages, our Genji said he had 3 Dragonblades. The enemy team rage quit, so we gave one of the guys who stayed the Rapid Discord achievement for free.

Zen is better in comps with Winston. It's dangerous for mercy to dive with Winston and discord is better than mercy boost since everyone can focus their damage on one person rather than one person having more damage to the enemy.

Mercy boost is still pretty good when Winston is zapping multiple people. It also charges his ult faster than Discord.

Zen is better, but I don't mind diving in with Winstons as Mercy.
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