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Pachter Factor: Michael Pachter is back with his new show. (SIFTD games)


I really hope he's right on his first prediction
and the Scorpio costs 399. It just makes sense to me for it to be that way because as he says, "I think higher than that they're going to have problems."

I think he might be a little off on his second prediction, though. He just said
the previous week, I think it was, that Sony's MO for dropping price is 50 dollars except for the big first price drop for the PS3 and one with the PS2. I think a 200 base PS4 could happen though.

(edit: looks like two weeks prior @2:20ish in)

I have not watched the Ep yet, but Sony will make sure that the Pro is less than the Scorpio, Sony have the volume and also the components are cheaper than the Scorpio.

I know this is going off-topic, but I have a PS4 and a X1 and there is zero incentive for me to get a Pro or Scorpio, I would rather spend the money on games, I don't have a 4k TV and my 50" 3D plasma has plenty of life left in it yet, the Pro and Scorpio imo are only of interest to the high-end console players and people who don't own a PS4 or X1 and how many of the latter will want to spend the extra money when the games are the same, the value simply isn't there imo or the spec either.

Anyway I am looking forward to Pachter's views and comments.


Pachter Factor Episode 66: E3 2017 Pump-Up

It's E3 all the time as Pach answers questions about mainstream vs enthusiast coverage, publishers leaving the show, Nintendo's strategy, changes that are needed, and more!

Some good questions this week, I thought. I think the first and the second to last one were pretty interesting (first one about media outlets covering E3 and the second to last one about cost of press conferences).


Just saw the latest episode and am seriously considering boycotting future episodes. Pachter argues against net neutrality because he thinks companies that clog the internet should pay more. This guy says some really stupid shit sometimes.


Just saw the latest episode and am seriously considering boycotting future episodes. Pachter argues against net neutrality because he thinks companies that clog the internet should pay more. This guy says some really stupid shit sometimes.

Pinned by SIFTD Games
SIFTD Games 18 minutes ago
We argued with Pach about net neutrality for 20 minutes and he wouldn't budge. We tried.
Reply 4



I' mnot surprised with his what he had to say. he views everything from the corporation's point of view
like, he's wrong about everything he said, but I'm not surprised.

"heavy users" download two games per quarter. the hell does that even mean?


Just saw the latest episode and am seriously considering boycotting future episodes. Pachter argues against net neutrality because he thinks companies that clog the internet should pay more. This guy says some really stupid shit sometimes.

He went full tubes
What a shame

Other countries have neutral internet and is still ahead.
There is something else that's deeply wrong with the US infrastructure... and its not regulations


Just saw the latest episode and am seriously considering boycotting future episodes. Pachter argues against net neutrality because he thinks companies that clog the internet should pay more. This guy says some really stupid shit sometimes.

Pachter should pay us more for clogging E3 GAF with his bullshit predictions and backward opinions.


What's wrong with his examples? There's limited bandwidth and some companies are responsible for way more traffic per user than others.

Because technology has progressed, so you buy new equipment for the same price that can handle twice or three times the same bandwidth as the one you had before.

Prices per bit of bandwidth go down over time, and you can see it. We are getting charged in the US a lot of money for low speeds when everyone should have fiber if the ISPs had kept to the 1992 agreement to lay out fiber. But hey, gotta price gouge people.


What's wrong with his examples? There's limited bandwidth and some companies are responsible for way more traffic per user than others.

Sorry for the late reply, but I was mostly just making a joke referencing to the "series of tubes" senator from back in the day.

will edit in comments for new episode in a bit...

edit: Mr. Beer's been in my prayers, apparently he's had a hard time recovering from his heart attack.
Picturing Mr. Pachter doing research on what a "dick" is is just so hilarious to me.


Watching this now, seems this episode could be the last and the last we see of Pachter, SIFTD don't have the numbers and thus revenue to continue.

A real shame.

If it does collapse I hope some other company or site steps in, is this something somebody here under the GAF banner maybe could help with?

Off Topic, but I have mentioned before if it was viable for GAF to have some sort of media and/or industry representation, by that I mean verified members that would be able to get passes for events so they can report on for GAF.


Man, say whatever you want, but Patcher is an icon in the industry. Losing his show again would be a real blow :(


Watching this now, seems this episode could be the last and the last we see of Pachter, SIFTD don't have the numbers and thus revenue to continue.

A real shame.

If it does collapse I hope some other company or site steps in, is this something somebody here under the GAF banner maybe could help with?.
I have no idea why IGN or gameslice don't pick him up, he is a damn icon. With that said, I have no idea why this costs so much to make? Pardon my ignorance, seems like it would be something you could record on an iPhone with a tripod and email it in?? I just listen to pachter to be honest, I don't even watch the video, I'm in for the audio so the clips of video games while he talks is pretty meaningless to me.


Man, say whatever you want, but Patcher is an icon in the industry. Losing his show again would be a real blow :(
Hopefully someone else picks him up. His "predictions" aren't always accurate, but he gives very good insight on the market's perspective of the gaming industry.


Pachter Factor episode 71 is up

Pach explains why he thinks things might be tough for Xbox One X, if Spider-Man will remain a PS4 exclusive, if the Switch is the benefactor of great marketing, and shares his most-anticipated game of 2017 and one that might get delayed!

He brings up something I hadn't thought of, but I think is likely true
When the Xbox One X comes out during/near the "sale season" you could possibly get both an Xbox One and a PS4 bundled with games in Black Friday deals for near the same price

I'm still not sure how much that's going to hurt. I mean, I'm sure it's going to hurt, but I still think people who wanted an Xbox One X are the ones where the price isn't a deal breaker for them. The whole thing almost reminds me of the Elite controller, where it was aimed at a specific "small audience" but then the thing was hard to find for like... months. The Elite controller didn't have a direct competitor that was also cheaper, though.



When the Xbox One X comes out during/near the "sale season" you could possibly get both an Xbox One and a PS4 bundled with games in Black Friday deals for near the same price
well yeah... I got an PS4/XB1S/Uncharted4/ForzaH2/HaloMC/Halo5 for $500 last Black Friday.


So yeah, if SIFTD doesn't get around 1000 more paid subscribers, the site/show will likely be cancelled.

Details in Pachter Factor Episode 72, just released.

Pachter Factor Episode 72: Will Sony or Microsoft Copy Switch?

Pachter episodes are filmed in bulk periodically. The site had a big thread on GAF w/ constructive feedback, some appearances from Shane (the founder), a big official Twitch community meeting about what they should do, and apparently a Patreon is going to be started along with some other changes to help move the site in a more positive growth direction as an additional stream of revenue.

Though I'm sure they wouldn't say no to a bunch of new subscribers in the meantime.


I think EA should sell their less successful franchises as yearly DLC to start. If that catches fire, do it with FIFA, NHL, and Madden.



I don't care what fellow Gaffers think about Pach, I think his contribution is important enough to pay for the videos, do I agree with everything he says, no of course I don't, but his views and opinions are just as valid as everyone else's and more importantly he is looking as the industry from a different perspective, which is needed, in fact it is required.

If somebody doesn't agree with a view or opinion of another then don't just spew abuse, comment in a considered manor to get 'your' view/opinion across, this applies to everyone.

I don't know if I am saying something I shouldn't? but there is a #74.

If this is the end, then back to a previous post of mine;
If it does collapse I hope some other company or site steps in, is this something somebody here under the GAF banner maybe could help with?

Off Topic, but I have mentioned before if it was viable for GAF to have some sort of media and/or industry representation, by that I mean verified members that would be able to get passes for events so they can report on for GAF.


I don't care what fellow Gaffers think about Pach, I think his contribution is important enough to pay for the videos, do I agree with everything he says, no of course I don't, but his views and opinions are just as valid as everyone else's and more importantly he is looking as the industry from a different perspective, which is needed, in fact it is required.

If somebody doesn't agree with a view or opinion of another then don't just spew abuse, comment in a considered manor to get 'your' view/opinion across, this applies to everyone.

I don't know if I am saying something I shouldn't? but there is a #74.

If this is the end, then back to a previous post of mine;
Hmmm, none of this is directed at me, right? I've never commented in an abusive way towards Pach.

I love Pachter and the perspective he brings to his answers. I'm a big fan of the SIFTD site too, so I'm hoping the end isn't near and the marketing push and the move to Patreon and all the changes along with it mean that it, and Pachter, aren't going away.

I just don't see him doing the show as a "GAF publication" thingy. He said he's not going to do it unless someone comes to him at his house or his job to shoot it and if someone shows up at his door and says they're from GAF I'd imagine he'd just call the police.


Hmmm, none of this is directed at me, right? I've never commented in an abusive way towards Pach.

I love Pachter and the perspective he brings to his answers. I'm a big fan of the SIFTD site too, so I'm hoping the end isn't near and the marketing push and the move to Patreon and all the changes along with it mean that it, and Pachter, aren't going away.

I just don't see him doing the show as a "GAF publication" thingy. He said he's not going to do it unless someone comes to him at his house or his job to shoot it and if someone shows up at his door and says they're from GAF I'd imagine he'd just call the police.

No! (it was not directed towards you in any way at all) I apologize if my comment came across in that way, I have edited my comment above.
I quoted you because of the 'penultimate' comment, that is all.

My comment was in the broader and more general sense.

If somebody with filming and/or editing skills is nearby to Pach's home or workplace I am sure he would do it, maybe when the day arrives for premium GAF some of the funds could be directed in a way such as this, but this is not for this thread.


No! (it was not directed towards you in any way at all) I apologize if my comment came across in that way, I have edited my comment above.
I quoted you because of the 'penultimate' comment, that is all.

My comment was in the broader and more general sense.

If somebody with filming and/or editing skills is nearby to Pach's home or workplace I am sure he would do it, maybe when the day arrives for premium GAF some of the funds could be directed in a way such as this, but this is not for this thread.

Ah! I just wanted to make sure I haven't sounded like I was being shitty towards Herr Pach-Mania. (Oh! I see what you mean by "74" now lol. I thought that was another like "86" kind of thing. Yeah, I watched 74 earlier today).

There seems to be a... history between GAF and Pachter so I wouldn't bet on a collaboration, but man... that could be "interesting." Hopefully it doesn't come to that, though.

I think EA should sell their less successful franchises as yearly DLC to start. If that catches fire, do it with FIFA, NHL, and Madden.

I feel like if they went this way for a less successful franchise, they'd need to offer a lot of pieces of content to make sure whales (at least) buy a lot. Mr. Pachter says that EA's "addicted" to that 60 dollars a year from people, so they'd need to find another way for you to give them that money, even if it's a franchise that sells less, I'd imagine. I guess with a "less successful" IP they're not as attached to 60 dollars a year, maybe 60 dollars every 3 years, though.


i love pachter. such a different and unique take on this thing we love. and i'd absolutely give money to keep his show going as long as it wasnt going to siftd.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Sad to see this come to an end..I don't know if there are any other analyst that provides good insight in this format. I will still follow Pachter on twitter though


Sad to see this come to an end..I don't know if there are any other analyst that provides good insight in this format. I will still follow Pachter on twitter though

It appears that they're doing at least one mo 'gain/month.

They're actually taking questions now. I don't know if they're going to take questions from twitter this time, since they usually announce on Twitter to send questions too, but it doesn't look like they did that.


Not surprised it is over, only a handful of videos over the last year have gotten more than 10,000 views, last video barely cracked 5,000.

Absolute shame.


The Pach is BACK! (he didn't actually go away)

Pachter Factor Episode 75: Nintendo vs GameVice

Will Nintendo win its court case against GameVice? Pach’s impressions of Gamescom, Mass Effect Andromeda dropping its DLC, selling consoles at a loss, and more!

Info on how to get Pach loving in the future via Patreon (costs TBA).

Pach is here to stay for a little while longer it seems.



calling everyone with a 4K tv a moron. lol. pach is back
Yeah, that pissed me off. Everything original and new on Netflix is now 4K and has been for a year, fuck, The Defenders supports Dolby Vision! GOTG2 just came out on UHD Blu Ray and is now a standard definer.
The Pach is BACK! (he didn't actually go away)

Pachter Factor Episode 75: Nintendo vs GameVice

Will Nintendo win its court case against GameVice? Pach's impressions of Gamescom, Mass Effect Andromeda dropping its DLC, selling consoles at a loss, and more!

Info on how to get Pach loving in the future via Patreon (costs TBA).

Pach is here to stay for a little while longer it seems.


Yup, looks like he may be sticking around for a little while longer.

I find it interesting that Pacher wants an Xbox One X for PUBG. II have a feeling that he won't be the only one doing that.

LOL at his 4K TV comment.
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