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Pachter - Wii HD next year ; Nintendo to go for 360 audience "after 2010"

EDIT - added Pachter's Podium article.

Story courtesy of Gameindustry.biz.
Project Natal to launch as Wii HD spoiler - analyst

Microsoft's motion control technology Project Natal is most likely to be introduced as a spoiler to dampen the launch of an expected high definition upgrade to Nintendo's Wii console.

That's according to Michael Pachter, analyst for Wedbush Morgan, who doesn't believe the new Microsoft tech is likely to launch until after 2010 and only with significant third-party support.

"We think that Project Natal is intended less as a game control scheme than it is as an easy-to-use dashboard control scheme, and we do not expect the device to be launched at retail until it has sufficient third party game support to justify a majority of the installed base to purchase it (we estimate 30 third party games would be sufficient)," wrote Pachter in a note following last week's E3 conference.

"We do not see Project Natal as a Wii killer; rather, we think that Microsoft intends to introduce it at the same time as the launch of the Wii HD, and hopes to hold off Nintendo’s plans to encroach on Xbox 360 turf after 2010."

Project Natal incorporates motion control, voice and camera recognition, and was shown at E3 not only with basic game prototypes, but also as a demo with users interacting with an AI character.

But Pachter pointed to more integration of online services with Xbox Live as the company's most significant unveiling last week, as it adds Netflix, Facebook, Twitter and Last.fm to the console's offerings.

"We were most impressed by the company’s clear enunciation of its strategy to turn the Xbox 360 into an internet and media hub for the living room, and we believe that the most momentous news of the press conference was the opening up of the Xbox Live dashboard to the internet.

"Among Microsoft’s many announcements, the company unveiled its intention to allow interaction with the Netflix website, to allow free streaming of FM radio through Last.fm, and to allow Xbox Live members to access Facebook and Twitter through the Xbox Live dashboard.

"These announcements demonstrate the power of Xbox Live as a web browser, and signal an intention to convert the 30 million plus installed Xbox 360 base before Apple TV can gain a foothold in the media hub market," he said.
His sales predictions for NPD are usually close, but in terms of grand industy moves such as these I'm wondering what evidence/info Mr Pachter is basing the predictions on.

What does GAF think, are we really a mere year between us and the Wii HD?

EDIT - New article

Pachter's Podium: PS3 Price Cut, iPhone 3G S, and a Sincere Apology
Posted June 11, 2009 by James Brightman

Today on IndustryGamers we're happy to introduce a new monthly column with everyone's favorite video game industry analyst: Wedbush Morgan's Michael Pachter. Each month we will send him five questions to answer regarding top industry news and events – we will gladly listen to your suggestions for questions as well (send them to james@industrygamers.com) but we can't promise all will make the final cut.

In this first ever edition of “Pachter's Podium,” the analyst discusses big E3 games, PS3 pricing, Nintendo and the hardcore audience, and he makes a sincere apology regarding previous statements he made on GameTrailers' Bonus Round show.

IG: Based on what you saw at E3, which game will have the biggest impact this year? How many copies do you estimate it will sell?

MP: I think Modern Warfare 2 will be the biggest selling game, and Wii Motion Plus the best selling overall item that we saw at E3. Other games will do well, but likely not as well as MW2. I thought that Assassin's Creed 2 and Avatar both looked great, but they will be hard pressed to sell as many copies as the 10 million that MW2 will likely sell (6 million U.S., 4 million rest of world).

IG: Rumors are flying that Sony will cut the PS3's price this August before Madden ships. Can they do this without seriously hurting SCE's profitability?

MP: Sony signaled a price cut when they upped their PS3 shipment forecast to 13 million this year, compared to around 10 million each of the last two years. They are not likely to sell 30% more units without a price cut. The question is not whether, but when, and by how much. They can cut by $100 and perhaps see a spike of 30%, or can cut by a lower amount with bundles. I think that their decision will be based upon profits, so I think that they favor a smaller cut (likely $50) with a bundle of Sony first party games (which cost only $1 - 2 each). Look for $349 and a Killzone bundle in October, instead of a Madden cut in August. Their profits will suffer by the amount of the cut multiplied by the number of units sold, so probably 6 - 7 million units at $50, or around $300 - 350 million. They will not make this decision lightly.

IG: Do you feel Nintendo did enough at E3 to finally appease the hardcore crowd? Does it even matter? Do they really need the hardcore?

MP: I think that Nintendo did a great job with all of their constituents. They announced three hardcore games for the Wii (two Mario and a Metroid), and a handful of hardcore games for the DS. They also announced a lot of casual content. Overall, it was a great lineup, but the hardcore fans never seem to get enough from Nintendo. I don't think that it matters if they "need" the hardcore; what matters is that they want to be the console of choice for "everybody", and that includes the hardcore. Nintendo is all-inclusive, and they understand their base customer is hardcore.

IG: What potential do you see in the new iPhone 3G S, which features faster processing for applications, including games? How will this impact the industry?

MP: I see little, if any, impact from the iPhone 3GS. Games are pretty simple, and do nothing to cannibalize DS game sales. If anything, the iPhone expands the market for games by introducing new consumers to the experience.

IG: Are retailers going to pullback on PSP since it's going all digital with PSP Go? How much will this hurt them?

MP: I doubt that retailers will pull back on PSP. The PSP Go HELPS retailers at the outset, as the price point is higher ($249) and there will be a lot of replacement business. Over the long run, it will hurt them because of the elimination of packaged products, but you've never seen retailers refuse to carry iPods (all digital) or TVs (all digital), so why does the gaming press think retailers will revolt against the PSP Go?

Pachter also supplied us with this exclusive apology:

As long as you're giving me a forum, may I please beg your indulgence for a statement? I sincerely regret the choice of words in my response to Geoff Keighley's question in last week's Bonus Round, where I said that Sony is "ripping off" the consumer by pricing the PSP Go at $249.99. I made a poor choice of words, and I do NOT think that Sony is doing anything nefarious in choosing their pricing strategy. The company has the right to price its products at a point that they think is competitive, and has no obligation to sell products at lower than a competitive price. They have been subsidizing purchases of the PS3 since launch, to the tune of 22 million sold at a loss of $100 or more apiece (on average), so if they are able to make a profit on the PSP Go, more power to them. They are pricing at a point that positions the PSP Go competitively with the iPod Touch, and the PSP Go arguably has much more value than the Apple product. Notwithstanding my view that the price point is too high to generate more than a few million units sold, I really think my comment was unfair, and would appreciate your allowing me to clear the air on IndustryGamers.com.

EDIT #2 - A summary of what has happened in this Epic Thread:



Wii HD wont happen for ages, if ever. Pachter (or whatever "analyst" is flavour of the month) have predicted WiiHD at the last 3 E3s and been wrong every time. Why listen to them now?


So wrong.

I can appreciate his sales predictions but some of his other theories are out there.
He dears predict though.

Yes Boss!

I've said all along that Natal IS the 720 and there will be a complete rebrand as they intend to capture a large share of Nintendo's new audience. 2010 will likely see fireworks. But that is coming from MS's side. Nintendo has little interest in the 360 audience and they will do their own thing.


if a 'browser' that only opens facebook and twitter is 'impressive'? Is he aware of the fully functional browsers in teh Wii/PS3??


I don't really get this speculation, they aren't talking about a 'real' Wii 2 at all, more like a Wii with an added HDMI port and that wouldn't change anything. Also, Nintendo would've waited with the Wii Motion Plus to sell this new system.

Nintendo's strategy for next year is already set in stone:
Early 2010 - Super Mario Galaxy 2
Mid 2010 - Metroid: Other M / Wii Vitality thing
Late 2010 - Zelda
Kogepan said:
if a 'browser' that only opens facebook and twitter is 'impressive'? Is he aware of the fully functional browsers in teh Wii/PS3??

The fact that it's fully integrated into the dashboard as opposed to just throwing a web browser into the console and that's it is a significant departure from that approach.

Can you use a joystick to browse twitter or Facebook in the same way that you'd be able to in the 360? Scroll through friends the same way without clicking?

How does browsing work on the the Wii and PS3 anyway? (Genuinely curious.) Just use the stick as a "mouse" and a button to click?

I can see why people who want a 360 browser wouldn't be satisfied, but personally speaking, they've nailed the two main functions I'd ever be compelled to use while gaming. I'm very curious to see the extent of the functionality, and whether I can twitter by just bringing up the dashboard midgame.

That would be really amazing.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
BenjaminBirdie said:
How does browsing work on the the Wii and PS3 anyway? (Genuinely curious.) Just use the stick as a "mouse" and a button to click?
There's this thing called the Wii Remote...


[Nintex] said:
I don't really get this speculation, they aren't talking about a 'real' Wii 2 at all, more like a Wii with an added HDMI port and that wouldn't change anything. Also, Nintendo would've waited with the Wii Motion Plus to sell this new system.

Nintendo's strategy for next year is already set in stone:
Early 2010 - Super Mario Galaxy 2
Mid 2010 - Metroid: Other M / Wii Vitality thing
Late 2010 - Zelda
What would be the point of Nintendo sticking an HDMI port in the Wii? Its not going to magically make the games output 720p and there isn't nearly enough power in the box as is for developers to start sacrificing resources to bump up the resolution.

It'd be a marginally more convenient way of plugging it into a modern high end TV and thats about it, but the actual results would be no different from just using component.

Yes Boss!

BenjaminBirdie said:

Obvs. I mean is it integrated into the controls? Like, you know, waggle left and go a page back?

Nah, it is pretty nice, especially after the update. You use the trigger button which puts up a vector and you can drag around.

Browsers on the HD consoles will be much better once motion/pointer control is added. It should be pretty graceful with the sony solution.


Yes Boss! said:
I've said all along that Natal IS the 720 and there will be a complete rebrand as they intend to capture a large share of Nintendo's new audience. 2010 will likely see fireworks. But that is coming from MS's side. Nintendo has little interest in the 360 audience and they will do their own thing.

But but but Reggie wants the Halo audience.

Yes Boss!

Linkified said:
But but but Reggie wants the Halo audience.

That is crazy speak! You think he pulls the strings? He just does what Japan says. I kinda expect Nintendo to throw another curve ball as Natal 720 gets near release...so they can leverage their massive brand loyalty. And Wii will have a userbase approaching 100 million in the next 18 months.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
If they're going to release a WiiHD, expect it to be basically the same, plus HDMI output and MotionPlus already embedded in the controller.
All three manufacturers seem willing to extend this generation, by adding functionalities to current consoles instead of rushing to release new platforms, so it's not this unlikely.

BenjaminBirdie said:

Obvs. I mean is it integrated into the controls? Like, you know, waggle left and go a page back?
There's this thing called IR pointer on the Wii remote...

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
BenjaminBirdie said:

Obvs. I mean is it integrated into the controls? Like, you know, waggle left and go a page back?
The remote has a camera that allows the pointer in the browser to be controlled like a mouse. Click A to simulate a left click. Waggle is not used in the browser at all.

Edit, sorry if I came off smug, but it's frustrating to think that the Wii is only about waggle, when the camera/IR in the remote is far more important to gaming.


I think we'll probably see a Wii redesign next year. The console is on it's way down from it's insane peak and, based on the DS, Nintendo seem happier to redesign rather than cut prices.

I can see a Wii with the GameCube compatibility removed, Motion Plus as standard, more onboard storage, expanded multimedia capabilities and some sort of HD capability. I'm thinking more along the lines of decent upscaling of existing 480p content via HDMI. Nothing major, nothing to split the userbase, just something to freshen the product line.

The DSi gives us decent clues as to where Nintendo are likely heading.
Stop torturing us with the Wii HD Patcher, our eyes will continue to bleed from the shitty SD visuals until the next Nintendo console. And then Nintendo will still lack whatever new feature(s?) that will be mandatory then.
To win most the 360 crowd nintendo needs a different online infrastructure to support online games like Halo 3

they could do that

Thye need games like halo 3

according to Miyamoto he could do that

The only ones they cant win right now are the graphic whores


Yes Boss! said:
That is crazy speak! You think he pulls the strings? He just does what Japan says. I kinda expect Nintendo to throw another curve ball as Natal 720 gets near release...so they can leverage their massive brand loyalty. And Wii will have a userbase approaching 100 million in the next 18 months.

Oh I know the real master is Iwata, thats probably why when the casual stuff sells crazy amounts in europe they release disaster,etc.

But Reggie said that he wants the Halo crowd to buy Wii, so he may simply passing on what the consumer wants.


Wii HD in 2011 (or 2012). It will be a major upgrade in hardware, like that from GameBoy to Game Boy Advance. Thus, Wii HD will not merely be an HD-Wii, meaning a Wii with HD output, but more like a Wii 2 or Super Wii. Should be at least on par with Xbox 360.

New Wii due by 2011
By John - September 30, 2008

What They Play has heard from multiple sources in the game development and publishing community that Nintendo is currently showing early presentations of its next home console hardware. Apparently set to hit the market “by 2011” the new device is said to be the true “next generation” Nintendo console, and far more than a simple refresh of the current hardware. Unlike previous console transitions from Nintendo, the new system will be presented as a true successor to the Wii, and is being dubbed by those that have seen the presentation as “Wii HD.” There is no indication if this will be its eventual name, but the nature of the transition has been characterized as similar to “the shift from Game Boy to Game Boy Advance,” where familiar, key elements were left intact while the core hardware was made more powerful. It is expected by all those that we have spoken to on the subject that the new device will retain the Wii name in part.

While our sources are reluctant to be too specific about “Wii HD,” they have been able to divulge some (albeit predictable) generalizations. High definition visuals are assured, as is a greater emphasis on digitally distributed and backwardly compatible content, indicating that the new system will feature some form of local storage medium such as a hard drive or large flash memory solution. It has also been indicated that Nintendo’s emphasis is again on what the consumer will hold in their hands and interact with, rather than the “console” itself.

Nintendo has proven it can be extremely successful by leveraging processor technology that is not on the bleeding edge, and be more profitable and more innovative as a result. In a 2006 interview with Business Week, Nintendo visionary Shigeru Miyamoto stated, “The consensus [at Nintendo] was that power isn't everything for a console. Too many powerful consoles can't coexist. It's like having only ferocious dinosaurs. They might fight and hasten their own extinction.” Based on our conversations about “Wii HD” this attitude would seem to still prevail.

But why should you believe this? Everything stated so far could easily have been the result of educated guesswork or speculation. While a Nintendo representative provided the expected response that, “Nintendo does not comment on speculation or rumor,” there is additional evidence, outside this commentary, to suggest that something is going on.

In 2003, Nintendo declared that $34 million was spent on R&D. This figure steadily climbed to $103 million in 2006 and the following year bumped dramatically to $370 million.

Based on figures from Nintendo’s annual financial reports, the company is currently spending more than ten times as much on research and development as it was five years ago, and since the Wii was launched in 2006, R&D spending has more than tripled. While this could be attributed to any number of additional projects, the level of spending suggests that a large project is in the works. In 2003, Nintendo declared that $34 million was spent on R&D. This figure steadily climbed to $103 million in 2006 (the year that the Wii launched) and the following year bumped dramatically to $370 million. When asked to explain the escalated spending, Nintendo representatives were unable to provide comment.

The current Wii hardware is based upon processors and graphics technology supplied by IBM and AMD. These two companies have a joint development agreement together, which is described by AMD as being focused “on delivering a range of integrated platforms to serve key markets, including … gaming and media computing.”

The joint development agreement between IBM and AMD expires on December 31, 2011 but “may be extended further by the mutual agreement of the parties.” This suggests that Nintendo will be leveraging research and development from the partnership in time to ensure that it’s new hardware will be compatible with the Wii’s current “Hollywood” and “Broadway” processors. As Microsoft learned in the transition from Xbox to Xbox 360, switching hardware vendors can make running older games on a new system a much more difficult proposition.

The dramatic bump in spending at Nintendo may also be reflective of Nintendo’s work on a rumored new DS, said to feature a camera and music player. Iterating on the DS in 2009 would certainly shake up the market, though given the incredible monthly sales of the device it hardly needs reinvigorating for the time being. When the Nintendo DS was launched in 2004, the worldwide installed base of the Game Boy Advance was 53 million (on top of the Game Boy’s incredibly huge 118 million.) So far, 80 million Nintendo DS units have been sold worldwide, and demand shows no sign of slowing.

It is unlikely that any official acknowledgement of Nintendo’s new hardware will come until at least 2009, however company president Satoru Iwata will be delivering his annual fall presentation this Wednesday.



Neo C. said:
Worse than the Wii HD prediction are the people who actually believe in it.


I mean seriously, do people listen to anything they say from Nintendo? You would have to be fucking crazy to imagine an HD Wii would be coming anytime soon, given the current sales and software plan for the Wii...

*edit: After 2010. Reading fail. Okay, that's a bit more ambiguous. I could see holidays 2011.

Yes Boss!

Cheez-It said:
*edit: After 2010. Reading fail. Okay, that's a bit more ambiguous. I could see holidays 2011.

2011 seems about right. The Gamecube tech will have been used for ten years by then.


Yes Boss! said:
2011 seems about right. The Gamecube tech will have been used for ten years by then.


GameCube tech will have been used for 10 years, and be about 12 years old, given that it was developed in the late 1990s.

Yes Boss!

camineet said:

GameCube tech will have been used for 10 years, and be about 12 years old, given that it was developed in the late 1990s.

Yeah, and they will then release tech entirely new that they can scale for the next ten years. Look for a version of Broadway to further extend its life in an upcoming Nintendo handheld.

Pretty exciting prospect since Nintendo will probably have most third-parties itching to not only port PS360 software but also be in bed with Nintendo from the get go.


Also, what would the demand for a Wii HD look like? I mean sure, there's a lot of people who would buy one but I imagine there'd be an equal amount, if not more, of "non-hardcore" people that just wouldn't be interested in buying a new console for the limited amount of gaming they do.

The Wii was a huge novelty for a lot of people, with Wii sports and Wii Fit and all that crap. And while these people may be interested in buying sequels for these types of games would they really shell out for a new console to get better graphics? I doubt it, or at lest they would be in a minority.

edit: Though at some point they would have to release a new console anyway, I guess.
They will release another console only when they run out of ideas for accesories...

So next year they will be introducing wii vitality sensor...

another year of good sales


so make it 2 years until they announce anything

Yes Boss!

Wired said:
The Wii was a huge novelty for a lot of people, with Wii sports and Wii Fit and all that crap. And while these people may be interested in buying sequels for these types of games would they really shell out for a new console to get better graphics? I doubt it, or at lest they would be in a minority.

Well, common sense says that they are going to market a new experience (just like DS, then Wii). That is why the WiiHD terminology is silly. There is going to be some heavy competition from Sony and MS in the next three years. Expect them to offer something completely new.


Wired said:
Also, what would the demand for a Wii HD look like? I mean sure, there's a lot of people who would buy one but I imagine there'd be an equal amount, if not more, of "non-hardcore" people that just wouldn't be interested in buying a new console for the limited amount of gaming they do.

The Wii was a huge novelty for a lot of people, with Wii sports and Wii Fit and all that crap. And while these people may be interested in buying sequels for these types of games would they really shell out for a new console to get better graphics? I doubt it, or at lest they would be in a minority.

edit: Though at some point they would have to release a new console anyway, I guess.

All depends on marketing which Nintendo can do very well when they want too. Truth is a WiiHD could probably easily come in at the 250 dollar mark and have specs between the 360 and PS3.

Kill the Wii and only sell WiiHD and every new Wii sold is HD and the Hardcore will upgrade to WiiHD pretty much automatically so its just a matter of winning the casuals over.


I'd buy one. Miyamoto has already commented on the wii's power, so even if its just 720p and the extra power is only ever used for one mario game and one zelda game I'd still buy it


My dream for Wii HD would be for a console that can play Mario, Zelda and Metroid games in both High Definition 1080p,60fps and with "CGI" like real-time in-game graphics.

Given where AMD is with upcoming DX11 GPU dies that are very small (apparently 180 mm square) Nintendo could get 2+ orders of magnitude upgrade (at least 100x if not more) over the current GCN/Wii graphics, at very reasonable cost.


camineet said:
My dream for Wii HD would be for a console that can play Mario, Zelda and Metroid games in both High Definition 1080p,60fps and with "CGI" like real-time in-game graphics.

Given where AMD is with upcoming DX11 GPU dies that are very small (apparently 180 mm square) Nintendo could get 2+ orders of magnitude upgrade (at least 100x if not more) over the current GCN/Wii graphics, at very reasonable cost.

Wouldn't programmable hardware shaders be a bigger jump in graphics for them than any incremental increase in power?
Nintendo will wait until 2011, there's no point in releasing a new console next year. Unless there's some kind of HD envy over at Nintendo. :lol

I wonder what Microsoft and Sony would do if Nintendo blind side them and release a console that's a true next gen leap over the PS3/360 in 2011. Wouldn't that make sense? Force the competition to react and possibly kill off their old consoles prematurely.


camineet said:
My dream for Wii HD would be for a console that can play Mario, Zelda and Metroid games in both High Definition 1080p,60fps and with "CGI" like real-time in-game graphics.

Given where AMD is with upcoming DX11 GPU dies that are very small (apparently 180 mm square) Nintendo could get 2+ orders of magnitude upgrade (at least 100x if not more) over the current GCN/Wii graphics, at very reasonable cost.

If anything the Wii HD would be using their version opengl to program the graphics. Plus then it could play off the fact all your old wii software works aswell - to try and get the casuals to rebuy.


Dabanton said:
Nintendo is all about simplicity,no need for a Wii HD at this time.

Would be a very silly move.

Kind of what i think... the gamecube was the first try at getting simplicity done right

they succeeded with the wii... i would have thought they would expand and push the wii as much as possible before they would introduce anything else, even the motion + is a small gamble in terms of confusing average joe dirt, soccer mums, grandparents, and the uninformed public.

I'd love wii HD but honestly, how many developers would succed with it? They're just coming to grips with using the wiimote now... let alone trying to attract the mainstream on the wii. Nintendo would shoot themselves in the foot by doing anything completely new before the wii's momentum has slowed down... but yeah maybe they are starting to develop now and might announce something later, 'after 2010' could of course mean the end of 2011.

agrajag said:
Add ons? Nintendon't what Sega does.


I think people underestimate Nintendo when it comes to forward thinking. Dont forget Nintendo patented with Inphase a Holographic Storage drive and Reader. The Drive capacity comes in 300GB,800GB and 1.6TB.

The year after the Wii launch Nintendo spent 370 Million Dollars on R&D. In 2006 They spent roughly 100 million. They are spending a fortune on R&D this time around compared to the Pre Wii period where even in 2003 the R&D budget was only 34 million.

Yes Boss!

Call me crazy, but I've also thought for some time that a good chunk of that R&D is going towards a new product, one entirely unrelated to the handheld or console space. Like, an attempt to introduce a new profit center. Something unrelated to a TV screen.


Junior Member
laserbeam said:
I think people underestimate Nintendo when it comes to forward thinking. Dont forget Nintendo patented with Inphase a Holographic Storage drive and Reader. The Drive capacity comes in 300GB,800GB and 1.6TB.

The year after the Wii launch Nintendo spent 370 Million Dollars on R&D. In 2006 They spent roughly 100 million. They are spending a fortune on R&D this time around compared to the Pre Wii period where even in 2003 the R&D budget was only 34 million.
I think they just want to stay ahead of the game on 2 fronts. The transition to the next generation will be critical. Maybe Iwata has learned you can't just take your time against 2 aggressive competitors. They'll have to lead and that has been a problem with them in the past: N64 took too long and had the wrong storage, GCN took too long and didn't have the support, Wii got lucky MS can't lead themselves but I wouldn't give MS another pass. They have nailed their base and barring price and RROD, they would be in a better position. Nintendo needs to be ready by 2011 for launch. Anytime longer is just gravy but you can't expect MS and Sony to suffer w/o either one trying to push the start date on next gen. And Ninty has to be ready for the successor of DS. They have to push 2 new products in the next few years while innovating in motion tech, casual gaming, against 2 massive companies. I can see why they are spending so much.
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