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Pachter - Wii HD next year ; Nintendo to go for 360 audience "after 2010"

boiled goose

good with gravy

michaelpachter said:
You're a jerk.

On September 6, 2005, it was inconceivable that WoW would be successful in China. No western game had ever attracted a huge following there. My "four million" estimate was all about penetration in the U.S. and Europe, and they're at 5.5 million now. Shoot me, jerk.

you said world in the quote though....

do you really think wiiHD would serve any purpose to nintendo? it would confuse developers, consumers, fracture the userbase, and be a mediocre upgrade.


Valtor said:
Next Wii will be called Wii Plus.

How could it not?

Wiimote --> Wii Motion Plus

Wii Fit --> Wii Fit Plus

Wii --> ...?

So there you go. I called it first!
I've been saying that the next Nintendo console will be called Wii+ since last year.

Of course I put forth a number of ideas, but still. ^_^


What's with all the smoke regarding Wii HD all of the sudden? I don't' remember as many stories about a potential Wii HD popping up in such a short time span as has happened lately.


Who gives a flip about speculating on Wii HD? Nintendo will inevitably push out an HD console, the unknowns are timing and backwards compatibility, neither of which are particularly interesting in the face of...

What the hell is Nintendo spending $370 million in R&D per year on?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
How long has Pachter been predicting Wii HD?

I don't doubt he'll eventually be right, but only due to sheer perseverance. =/


He speaks, and we freak
Neo C. said:
Michael (or do you prefer Mr. Pachter?), I just don't see the point in releasing a Wii HD in 2011. Is it a completely new console? Why should Nintendo do the first step? And if Wii HD is just a minimal upgrade: Why do they need to release it when the competition are going to release a next generation console in the time frame 2011-2013 anyway? Wouldn't Wii HD hinder Nintendo in releasing a next generation console?

I appreciate the respect, you can call me what you like.

I think that Nintendo sees the same thing I do: Sony has no intention of escalating the arms race and won't release a console till 2014 or 2015, and Microsoft is focused on expanding its audience to the entire family and adding greater Internet functionality to the 360. We'll get plenty of new SKUs (five each so far for PS3 and 360, compared to two and one in the last cycle), but it's unlikely we get a new CPU/GPU combination until there is a real technological advance that requires it.

Microsoft's decision to hold off Natal until it has publisher support speaks volumes. Without publisher support, how far would an Xbox 720 get?

So the point is, Nintendo sees that consumers are NOT yet embracing PS3 as the console of choice, and sees an opportunity to capture that market share in 2010 or 2011 by introducing a console that performs as well (game wise) as the PS3 or 360. If they can price the Wii Plus (I like that call, probably right) at $249 and cut the Wii to $149, they'll be positioned the way the PS3 should have been two years ago. They can exploit the opportunity created by an overengineered PS3, and capture market share that otherwise would have gone to Sony. Microsoft sees this, and Natal is an effort to keep the 360 relevant, while allowing Microsoft to stay on course with its IPTV strategy.

Nintendo will NOT lead the charge for the next generation. Their success with the Wii (based upon commodity components and old technology) is the basis of their next generation strategy, which is to let someone else introduce "bleeding edge" technology (as Sony did last cycle) and lose money, while Nintendo harvests the considerable profits available from serving the masses.

And AstroLad is my favorite poster. Missed you at our E3 party ;-(


Super Member
Evlar said:
Who gives a flip about speculating on Wii HD? Nintendo will inevitably push out an HD console, the unknowns are timing and backwards compatibility, neither of which are particularly interesting in the face of...

What the hell is Nintendo spending $370 million in R&D per year on?
Face Training 2: The Facening

infinityBCRT said:
If any of you were in Pachter's position you would have been dead wrong about the Wii's and PS3's performance. No one expected such a flip-flop of fortunes.

Anyway as long as Nintendo does some sort of DS->DSi like graduation for Wii->Wii HD (where they are still making Wii titles after the Wii HD release but will eventually shift to Wii HD exclusives).
I did, but complaining about how things are working in the industry (both in the past and future) is something only crazy fanboys do

As for the successors to Wii/DS it won't matter if they don't back it up with software (which is what they'll do, anyways)
If any of you were in Pachter's position you would have been dead wrong about the Wii's and PS3's performance. No one expected such a flip-flop of fortunes.

Anyway as long as Nintendo does some sort of DS->DSi like graduation for Wii->Wii HD (where they are still making Wii titles after the Wii HD release but will eventually shift to Wii HD exclusives in a few years) it makes sense to release a refresh. A lot of people *cough*giantbomb*cough* bought a DSi for no reason other than to buy a DSi.
Based on figures from Nintendo’s annual financial reports, the company is currently spending more than ten times as much on research and development as it was five years ago, and since the Wii was launched in 2006, R&D spending has more than tripled. While this could be attributed to any number of additional projects, the level of spending suggests that a large project is in the works. In 2003, Nintendo declared that $34 million was spent on R&D. This figure steadily climbed to $103 million in 2006 (the year that the Wii launched) and the following year bumped dramatically to $370 million. When asked to explain the escalated spending, Nintendo representatives were unable to provide comment.

This is convincing, but not so much that they're going to retire the Wii so much as upend the market again eventually?


Flachmatuch said:
Well in Hungarian we call this "explaining the school report", not "ownage". I can explain all my mistakes too, but it's still pathetic.

I don't see how it's pathetic at all.

doomed1 said:
no matter how many times you say it, Pachter, it won't make it true~

Well considering the next Wii console will be in HD, I guess I'm confused as to what you mean.
infinityBCRT said:
If any of you were in Pachter's position you would have been dead wrong about the Wii's and PS3's performance. No one expected such a flip-flop of fortunes.

So he's about on the level of the better forum posters, not reaching people with real insight like Sean Maelstrom for example :) Of course it's not very nice to call him names, but ffs, he's a celebrity, he's on bonus round and whatever, and that's what comes with it. What he says usually seems to be around the consensus of smarter forum posters imo.


amtentori said:
I would expect nintendo to try and push the bar on the graphics/power front beyond 360/ps3 next time around.

not being up to par on the specs cost them a lot of multiplat games and probably some exclusives.

the tech to do that should be pretty cheap by then.

what i hope to see the most though is a bood online infrastructure....

As much as I'd like to say this will all definitely happen, Nintendo makes its decisions first and foremost on what its designers have in mind - what sort of products (games) that they want to produce and what needs to be there to make those products happen. In some sense, Nintendo really doesn't consider 3rd parties very much when it comes to planning their hardware; it's a very internal process, at least as far as I can tell.

So the Wii Plus / Wii 2 / whatever will have what their designers want for the games they want to make. Nothing more, nothing less. If that include an online structure closer to what the competition offers, they might very well have it; if it doesn't, oh well.
TheBranca18 said:
I don't see how it's pathetic at all.

It's the "bububu" stuff. Listing the predictions he made that went against common opinion and turned out to be true would have worked a lot better. Explaining why you were wrong is too easy. It's not that he sometimes says things that don't come true, that's natural, but I'd like to see the predictions he made that he's proud of.


Everything is tsundere to me
Evlar said:
Who gives a flip about speculating on Wii HD? Nintendo will inevitably push out an HD console, the unknowns are timing and backwards compatibility, neither of which are particularly interesting in the face of...

What the hell is Nintendo spending $370 million in R&D per year on?
easy, their next console. but i have a feeling that Nintendo has the following attitude when it comes to their business: hope for the best, prepare for the worst. this means Nintendo is poised to release a new console at any time should they ever feel they need to. honestly though, they haven't even made their first price cut yet, so "when they need to" won't be for at least until 2011, in fact i would go so far as to say that they won't need one until 2015 or 2016 when the other console manufacturers will be releasing new product, and thus begins the interface war.
Evlar said:
What the hell is Nintendo spending $370 million in R&D per year on?


TheKingsCrown said:
This is convincing, but not so much that they're going to retire the Wii so much as upend the market again eventually?

Depends: Would they consider the Wii a potential threat to their next system in some regard? Its popularity might, in some ways, overshadow the release of whatever is next from them - though I can't fathom why that would happen. Wii + isn't going to sell for the exact same reasons the Wii has; that would be stupid and very narrow-minded from a company that has shown some real vision over the last several years. [Hello, Iwata]


Based on Iwata's comments, there will not be a Wii Plus whose only distinguishing quality from Wii is that it is in HD.

Satoru Iwata said:
If we have an opportunity to make a new console, it will probably support HD because it is now common throughout the world. However, as far as the Wii is concerned, we have not found a significant reason to make it HD-compatible at this time. What is the significant meaning to the users? I don’t think we should do it unless we find that reason. If we decide for other reasons to make new hardware, then HD is one of the things we would naturally add.

michaelpachter said:
I appreciate the respect, you can call me what you like.

I think that Nintendo sees the same thing I do: Sony has no intention of escalating the arms race and won't release a console till 2014 or 2015, and Microsoft is focused on expanding its audience to the entire family and adding greater Internet functionality to the 360. We'll get plenty of new SKUs (five each so far for PS3 and 360, compared to two and one in the last cycle), but it's unlikely we get a new CPU/GPU combination until there is a real technological advance that requires it.

Microsoft's decision to hold off Natal until it has publisher support speaks volumes. Without publisher support, how far would an Xbox 720 get?

So the point is, Nintendo sees that consumers are NOT yet embracing PS3 as the console of choice, and sees an opportunity to capture that market share in 2010 or 2011 by introducing a console that performs as well (game wise) as the PS3 or 360. If they can price the Wii Plus (I like that call, probably right) at $249 and cut the Wii to $149, they'll be positioned the way the PS3 should have been two years ago. They can exploit the opportunity created by an overengineered PS3, and capture market share that otherwise would have gone to Sony. Microsoft sees this, and Natal is an effort to keep the 360 relevant, while allowing Microsoft to stay on course with its IPTV strategy.

Nintendo will NOT lead the charge for the next generation. Their success with the Wii (based upon commodity components and old technology) is the basis of their next generation strategy, which is to let someone else introduce "bleeding edge" technology (as Sony did last cycle) and lose money, while Nintendo harvests the considerable profits available from serving the masses.

And AstroLad is my favorite poster. Missed you at our E3 party ;-(

I think you are predicting based on old paradigms. Nintendo doesnt care much for the PS3 audience. What they have done in the last years, and what they will probably keep doing is this. They will look at all the people that dont play videogames. Ask themselves why, and then cater to that audience.

Here is an example for the las couple of years.

Games are a waste of time, not with Brain Training.
Games are violent and for males, not with Nintendogs.
Games are pasive and make you fat, not with wii fit.
Games are for loners, not with wii sports and wii play..
Games are comples, not with the wiimote.

Examples for the next years?


michaelpachter said:
You're a jerk.

On September 6, 2005, it was inconceivable that WoW would be successful in China. No western game had ever attracted a huge following there. My "four million" estimate was all about penetration in the U.S. and Europe, and they're at 5.5 million now. Shoot me, jerk.

On December 1, 2006, PS3 had just launched, and it wasn't clear that it would be the disaster it had become. Kutaragi was responsible for 25% of Sony profits in the prior decade, and it was inconceivable to me that they would scapegoat him for pushing Blu-ray and the Cell processor. Admittedly, I was wrong. You're still a jerk.

On January 12, 2009, it was crystal clear that Sony had to cut price some time this year. I said "as early as April 1", and said "as much as by $100". So far, wrong, but you're still a jerk.

On May 4, 2005, none of us knew that the PS3 would be $599. I thought that it would be competitively priced, and misjudged the Wii. Also, I thought that Blu-ray would be more popular, as I expected more rapid penetration of HDTV. I was wrong on all three counts. BFD, you're still a jerk.

I'm really tired of the anonymous pissants on NeoGAF taking shots at my wrong predictions. I am quoted a lot because I'm credible, and that credibility is due to my thoughtful approach. If I chose to hedge everything, I'd never be wrong, but I'd never be right, either. If you don't like it, don't read it, but quit being such a jerk. It must have taken a lot of time away from your 8th grade homework to look up all of those quotes.

Sports journalists admit they are wrong when their predictions fail. You get all pissy when your predictions are scrutinized and judged for their merit. That doesn't equate to "credible" or manning up in my book. I invite you to convince me otherwise.

Plus, you know this is NeoGAF, where everyone is a snarky bastage. Everyone here is treated equally.................inconsiderately. Don't feel that you are being singled out.


michaelpachter said:
So the point is, Nintendo sees that consumers are NOT yet embracing PS3 as the console of choice

Yet? Where's that clown chart again...

michaelpachter said:
and sees an opportunity to capture that market share in 2010 or 2011 by introducing a console that performs as well (game wise) as the PS3 or 360. If they can price the Wii Plus (I like that call, probably right) at $249 and cut the Wii to $149, they'll be positioned the way the PS3 should have been two years ago.

I like this call, but I would suggest that if the two consoles are actively marketed simultaneously, there will have to be cross-compatibility (a la DS/DSi). And cross-compatibility implies more of a "fancy upscaling" model for "Wii Plus" than 360/PS3 capabilities, doesn't it?

nincompoop said:

People laugh about this, but there are so many interesting market potentials. What if it became an extension of family healthcare plans? Our health plan is IBX, and they're constantly promoting a "health coach" program where members can call nurses at a hotline with simple, routine health questions instead of visiting their doctor right away. IBX saves massive office visit costs, and members save copays and time. What if IBX and other providers had a relationship with nintendo, and certain data could be collected via the vitality sensor and shared? Suddenly the Wii serves an even more central role for the family.
michaelpachter said:
I appreciate the respect, you can call me what you like.

I think that Nintendo sees the same thing I do: Sony has no intention of escalating the arms race and won't release a console till 2014 or 2015, and Microsoft is focused on expanding its audience to the entire family and adding greater Internet functionality to the 360. We'll get plenty of new SKUs (five each so far for PS3 and 360, compared to two and one in the last cycle), but it's unlikely we get a new CPU/GPU combination until there is a real technological advance that requires it.

Microsoft's decision to hold off Natal until it has publisher support speaks volumes. Without publisher support, how far would an Xbox 720 get?

So the point is, Nintendo sees that consumers are NOT yet embracing PS3 as the console of choice, and sees an opportunity to capture that market share in 2010 or 2011 by introducing a console that performs as well (game wise) as the PS3 or 360. If they can price the Wii Plus (I like that call, probably right) at $249 and cut the Wii to $149, they'll be positioned the way the PS3 should have been two years ago. They can exploit the opportunity created by an overengineered PS3, and capture market share that otherwise would have gone to Sony. Microsoft sees this, and Natal is an effort to keep the 360 relevant, while allowing Microsoft to stay on course with its IPTV strategy.

Nintendo will NOT lead the charge for the next generation. Their success with the Wii (based upon commodity components and old technology) is the basis of their next generation strategy, which is to let someone else introduce "bleeding edge" technology (as Sony did last cycle) and lose money, while Nintendo harvests the considerable profits available from serving the masses.

And AstroLad is my favorite poster. Missed you at our E3 party ;-(

OH, you created an account too :D
The problem with the HD Wii theory is that it represents a massive misunderstanding of Nintendo's corporate strategy. Nintendo is attempting to disrupt the games industry by shifting the line of progress from increasing horse power to increasing interaction. Nintendo is creating a new generation of gamers (both the older expanded audience and children) whose concept of gaming revolves around physical interaction, or at least, ease of use. Look at Nintendo's best sellers; Wii Fit, Wii Sports, and Mario Kart. All of these games have crummier graphics than other games released by Nintendo! Why? Because Nintendo is trying to remove graphics as a metric for progress. In doing so, they remove many of their competitors greatest strengths (I speak of both manufacturers and third parties, ergo the lack of support).

This is why at the beginning of this generation, Nintendo said they would not be competing with Sony and Microsoft. Because they were going to remove the very paradigm on which Sony and Microsoft compete. And if they can convince an entirely new generation of gamers that graphics don't matter, but interface does, while simultaneously leading the industry in interface advancements...

You can see where they're going with this. Nintendo's rejection of high end graphics and pimping of motion controls is a very hostile competitive strategy. Sony and Microsoft have seen that threat and are attempting to follow Nintendo. With their new motion control devices; they are competing on the new paradigm that Nintendo has set. Ergo (concordantly, vis a vi), if every console improvement is based on motion control or physical interaction (Natal, Sony wand, motion plus, balance board, heart rate monitor), than Nintendo will always (not really, but they are for now) have home-court advantage.

Baring all that in mind, why the fuck would Nintendo make an HD Wii? Making an HD Wii would be going backwards for Nintendo. It would be going back to the days when improving graphics meant improving the experience, and it would be playing a game that Sony and Microsoft have already won. Nintendo has set up the chess board so that Sony and Microsoft are now at least one move behind, and are racing to catch up. Turning around and following your lagging competitors by doing what they already do best is not exactly a fucking masterstroke.
Wait, michaelpachter is a joke account, right? Or is Pachter actually 15 years old?

Though considering the accuracy of his predictions I guess that's about right...

Ranger X

infinityBCRT said:
If any of you were in Pachter's position you would have been dead wrong about the Wii's and PS3's performance. No one expected such a flip-flop of fortunes.

I strongly disagree. In my experiene i've seen many things coming and this one was expected as soon as I heard the price point of the PS3. Before the price point of the PS3 everything was looking fine for Sony though.



squicken said:
no upside

entertainment value?

David H Wong said:
Wait, michaelpachter is a joke account, right? Or is Pachter actually 15 years old?

Though considering the accuracy of his predictions I guess that's about right...

pachter takes time to post and interact with GAF. GAF calls him a 15 year old.

stay classy dude
Ranger X said:
I strongly disagree. In my experiene i've seen many things coming and this one was expected as soon as I heard the price point of the PS3. Before the price point of the PS3 everything was looking fine for Sony though.


I knew wii was going to do good when suddenly all my family and gf became in love with the concept.

I never expected it to do this good
Flachmatuch said:
What he says usually seems to be around the consensus of smarter forum posters imo.
And thats basically what his job description is. Hes not expected to by a physic gypsy or something :lol


at what point does an hd wii get them ports of all third party games? do they add a couple of buttons to the remote to facilitate this (which brings up other potential problems)? if they're genuinely interested in getting this audience, they need these (currently ps3/360) games ported, but the nunchuk/remote combo makes it inconvenient in many cases.

you've also got the demonstrably different demographic on wii, which is likely going to require a substantially higher installed base before these ports are going to hit similar sales. wii is getting lots of exclusive software, but there's a big image problem amongst the 360 crowd as well as non-insignificant developer reluctance to risk-take on the platform.
If the Wii Plus is just cross-compatible, and Wii Plus games are say in grey boxes rather than white, it could very feasibly work. Two consoles. At this point, they can afford to try and fail.


So, I am not in a position to judge whether they are a threat or not [Sony/Microsoft motion technology]. And they should bear in mind that over the next year Nintendo will not be standing still. We’re always at work on something new. I am actually looking forward to engaging in that sort of competition, because it gives our whole industry the chance to expand the gaming population.”

From Iwata himself. :D

kame-sennin said:
The problem with the HD Wii theory is that it represents a massive misunderstanding of Nintendo's corporate strategy. Nintendo is attempting to disrupt the games industry by shifting the line of progress from increasing horse power to increasing interaction. Nintendo is creating a new generation of gamers (both the older expanded audience and children) whose concept of gaming revolves around physical interaction, or at least, ease of use. Look at Nintendo's best sellers; Wii Fit, Wii Sports, and Mario Kart. All of these games have crummier graphics than other games released by Nintendo! Why? Because Nintendo is trying to remove graphics as a metric for progress. In doing so, they remove many of their competitors greatest strengths (I speak of both manufacturers and third parties, ergo the lack of support).

This is why at the beginning of this generation, Nintendo said they would not be competing with Sony and Microsoft. Because they were going to remove the very paradigm on which Sony and Microsoft compete. And if they can convince an entirely new generation of gamers that graphics don't matter, but interface does, while simultaneously leading the industry in interface advancements...

You can see where they're going with this. Nintendo's rejection of high end graphics and pimping of motion controls is a very hostile competitive strategy. Sony and Microsoft have seen that threat and are attempting to follow Nintendo. With their new motion control devices; they are competing on the new paradigm that Nintendo has set. Ergo (concordantly, vis a vi), if every console improvement is based on motion control or physical interaction (Natal, Sony wand, motion plus, balance board, heart rate monitor), than Nintendo will always (not really, but they are for now) have home-court advantage.

Baring all that in mind, why the fuck would Nintendo make an HD Wii? Making an HD Wii would be going backwards for Nintendo. It would be going back to the days when improving graphics meant improving the experience, and it would be playing a game that Sony and Microsoft have already won. Nintendo has set up the chess board so that Sony and Microsoft are now at least one move behind, and are racing to catch up. Turning around and following your lagging competitors by doing what they already do best is not exactly a fucking masterstroke.

Yep, although they're not trying to "remove" it, they just noticed that a lot of people (outside the "hardcore") don't care about it that much. They're focusing on features that demonstrably sell to the blue ocean, that's all. They need to do stuff that others don't, and not just imitate others to get a part of already saturated markets. If they can do it in a way that doesn't interfere with their basic strategy, or if the technology features really become important again, they'll react, but proactively they seem to focus on the non-traditional stuff, that most forum posters and analysts can't really predict :)
michaelpachter said:
In order to maintain their competitive advantage, Nintendo has to give the masses a reason to stay with their product instead of "upgrading" to a 360 or PS3. That reason is the Wii HD.

Mr. Pachter, my argument, and my interpretation of what Nintendo has said, is that they do want users to upgrade. But they want users to upgrade to more advanced motion controls, not more advanced graphics. Interface in Nintendo's new religion, and they are looking for converts. Making an HD Wii, to completely stretch out this bad metaphor, would be sacrilegious. I made a long, snooty post discussing this above. What's your take on that?

michaelpachter said:
The collective wisdom of Nintendo is greater than my own, and if I can see that it's in their best interest to upgrade to the 360 standard, they can probably see that as well.

Doesn't the market leader set the standard?
kame-sennin said:
Mr. Pachter, my argument, and my interpretation of what Nintendo has said, is that they do want users to upgrade. But they want users to upgrade to more advanced motion controls, not more advanced graphics. Interface in Nintendo's new religion, and they are looking for converts. Making an HD Wii, to completely stretch out this bad metaphor, would be sacrilegious. I made a long, snooty post discussing this above. What's your take on that?

They also have said that they want to cater new audiences.

For every ps360 gamer there are at least 2 nongamers.

Why try to cater an audience that is already taken care of , when there is at least twice the people not being served?
Starchasing said:
They also have said that they want to cater new audiences.

For every ps360 gamer there are at least 2 nongamers.

Why try to cater an audience that is already taken care of , when there is at least twice the people not being served?

What's interesting about that, is that Reggie came out and said they wanted the 360 gamer, but he got bashed for it. But if you look at what he said, he didn't say Nintendo would get the Halo fan by giving them more of what the 360 already provides (graphics, online), but that it was the unique interface that would present the Halo player with new value. So Nintendo wants the core, but they want the core on their own terms. More evidence that an HD Wii doesn't fit their strategy.


He speaks, and we freak
kame-sennin said:
Mr. Pachter, my argument, and my interpretation of what Nintendo has said, is that they do want users to upgrade. But they want users to upgrade to more advanced motion controls, not more advanced graphics. Interface in Nintendo's new religion, and they are looking for converts. Making an HD Wii, to completely stretch out this bad metaphor, would be sacrilegious. I made a long, snooty post discussing this above. What's your take on that?

Doesn't the market leader set the standard?

You're right about Nintendo being focused on interface, and no doubt there will be all sorts of new gadgets like Wii Motion Plus, Wii Vitality Sensor, Wii Fit and Wii knows what else by the time they launch a new console. But just like the Wii is similar in performance to the original Xbox (and an improvement over the GameCube), the next generation from Nintendo will come up to the commodity standard. They would be crazy not to upgrade, and if the other console manufacturers comply by not upgrading the CPU/GPU chipset, Nintendo would be able to convince publishers to port games (think GTA 5) to the Wii Plus.

By the way, Ralph Nader lost the election for Gore, and the world is a disaster because of his ego and the idiots who threw their votes away. You should really think about changing your avatar.
infinityBCRT said:
And thats basically what his job description is. Hes not expected to by a physic gypsy or something :lol

What I meant was quite a bit ruder (and maybe completely wrong of course)...imo he doesn't seem to really understand Nintendo's strategy and seems to look at it from a "system wars" perspective. He also seems to consider what Nintendo has been doing so far as just a diversion, something out of the ordinary, and he sounds as if he's expecting them to return to what Sony and MS are doing. That's just my impression though.


all of my posts are my avatar
Sorry but anyone that thinks Nintendo is capable(or willing to take the losses) of competing with Micrshaft or Sony on a raw technology\performance front is drinking the cool aid. The days of N64 and PS1 are long gone. From a networking perspective their years and billions of dollars behind Microsoft and even Sony in some aspects.

Franky I'm not sure if they need to, they can keep to what their doing(low tech casual) with Wii and still be profitable. NO reason to compete with Sony\Microsoft and no need for me to buy a 3rd console designed for the casual market which I have zero interest in.
kame-sennin said:
What's interesting about that, is that Reggie came out and said they wanted the 360 gamer, but he got bashed for it. But if you look at what he said, he didn't say Nintendo would get the Halo fan by giving them more of what the 360 already provides (graphics, online), but that it was the unique interface that would present the Halo player with new value. So Nintendo wants the core, but they want the core on their own terms. More evidence that an HD Wii doesn't fit their strategy.

Well he is just from marketing... he was trying to sell his pitch.

Thats why i just listen to iwata and miyamoto
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