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PC gaming has won - True HD graphics for the masses


saunderez said:
And that's a world I'd be happy to live in being a former primarily PC gamer, turned primarily console gamer.

At the moment though, the elitism that comes from the PC side is ridiculous and it's understandable why console gamers fight back when terms like "console peasants" and "glorious pc master race" are thrown around not just in jest, but seriously.

I just think its less likely for the console gamers to recognize it as a joke than the PC gamers do. Frequent a PC thread and 95% of any of us participating own current gen consoles, AND a gaming PC. Its very clearly not the same however for most console gamers. They take offense to it, when its just really folks being silly. They toss out something stupid like "Bu..b...but you can use your 360 control and it works better than KB&M for racing titles" and then you've got a full blown hiss fit on both sides, with both sides in some way being responsible.

As for the elitism, well, whatever, all gen PS360 owners have shat from onhigh on the casual gamers playing their cooking mamas and carnival games. I think its just a little bitterness of the shoe being on the other foot.


Cipherr said:
I just think its less likely for the console gamers to recognize it as a joke than the PC gamers do. Frequent a PC thread and 95% of any of us participating own current gen consoles, AND a gaming PC.
Of course. I've been defending both console gaming and PC gaming in this very thread.

As for the elitism, well, whatever, all gen PS360 owners have shat from onhigh on the casual gamers playing their cooking mamas and carnival games. I think its just a little bitterness of the shoe being on the other foot.
That certainly seems to be the case. I guarantee there are plenty of Call of Duty players on Xbox 360 calling Kinect owners "fags" in their trademark way.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Lasthope106 said:
GTX 560 TI, DX11, 50+fps, Crysis 2



SneakyStephan said:
It's like I landed on gamefaqs right before nap time.
I'm pretty sure it's more like people discussing the comparative merits of console and PC gaming with a bit of humor and occasional dry wit.
Black_Stride said:

Enabling DX11 doesn't necessarily mean he's using the new texture pack or playing on the new gfx setting, does it? The new patch should optimize the old settings even further, If I'm remembering correctly.

I wouldn't know how much the new patch,texture and effects packs are pushing rigs, though. I just installed the stuff and it ran fine.

I also wonder why we care about "true HD" as if it wasn't an arbitrary definition to start with. I play at 1440x900 and I feel that's perfectly acceptable on my 19 inch monitor. I never felt the need to pay much more for what would likely offer very little visual benefit.

It really depends on the game for me, with some games there's a ceiling that seems to be hit with the level of detail that can be gained by raising to higher resolutions. Other games just don't look the same sub-1080p. Crysis 2 and Lara Croft & The Guardian of Light come to mind.

Played Lara Croft on a friends computer at first, then when I went home and ran it at 1080 it looked staggeringly better.
Seriously they could do it, if the WiiU is really suposed to be more powerful than a ps3, I'm sure it would be capable of upscaling Wii games just like Dolphin can. Well, I'll stick with Dolphin for a long time, it works great and it can only improves with time. =D
Dolphni does not upscale, it re-renders at a higher resolution, among other things.
theoretically it may be possible, but in order to run games bug free each need to be tested manually for bugs, compatiblity, etc; in practice, it is almost impossible to make sure the whole library work smoothly using this type of software dependant simulation, it will cost a lot too. Dolphin doesn't support every game and not all games it support, only some of them in fact, are 5 star compatible.

Wii U will most probably rely on hardware backward compatbility for total Wii support.


Fredrik said:
It's still too expensive, too loud, too much hassle to get the controls as I want
Well, that's better than it being impossible to get the controls I want. For first-person games, I want mouse and keyboard or something with equal fidelity. I find myself unable to use analog sticks to control someone in first person with any sort of precision, no matter how much I try.


Well if games like uncharted, gow, gran turismo, yakuza, halo, bayonetta an so on were on PC I'd be a PC gamer only too.
Fact is I'm mainly a console gamer despite having a gaming pc (i5@3.7+6970) because of that.
Of course if it's a multiplatform game (consoles+pc), I'll get it on Pc no question.

And I agree, the condescending attitude some have towards "consoles players" has to stop, it's just embarrassing...


Stallion Free said:
The truth hurts, doesn't it?
Bending the truth doesn't make PC gaming any better. I still can't play PS3 exlusives on a PC no matter how awesome it is, meaning being PC only is fail.


Valnen said:
Bending the truth doesn't make PC gaming any better. I still can't play PS3 exlusives on a PC no matter how awesome it is, meaning being PC only is fail.
It depends on whether or not those exclusives entice you enough to purchase a system. I want to play MLB The Show, but it is the only game I want to play. I have not purchased a PS3 because I cannot justify the expense for one game. While I think it would be great to be able to play that game, I do not lose sleep over it.


PC Gaming: Winning since forever.

If you prefer shitty graphics quality and a average fps of under 30, that's cool. I won't judge you. You play that and I'll be over here enjoying my true HD visuals and high fps.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get my golden mane of hair brushed by three blonde beauties.


Unconfirmed Member
wutwutwut said:
Well, that's better than it being impossible to get the controls I want. For first-person games, I want mouse and keyboard or something with equal fidelity. I find myself unable to use analog sticks to control someone in first person with any sort of precision, no matter how much I try.

There are adapters that enable using mouse and keyboard on both PS3 and Xbox 360. They're not official, they're not perfect.

When I tried getting my various controllers to work on most of my PC games, I had to start looking a things like Joy2key, Bluesoleil, etc. I don't think this side of PC gaming is particularly more free or flexible than on a console anymore.

The M.O.B

Since this thread seems to be going in circles, I will leave my few facts below.

* If you have at least $500 dollars to spare and love games then you have no excuse to not have a gaming PC.

1. Having only one of any of the systems is no bueno. That would mean your missing out on great games that are solely on the other platforms.

2. Only owning consoles but not having a PC is also not good as you will obviously be missing out on all the games that are PC only.

3. PC has the greatest range of control methods. It doesn't have every control method, but it has the most options hands down.

4. If you are a graphics whore and want the best graphics possible, you do not purchase a console because it is a fact that you won't find the best there (This does not mean the graphics are bad on consoles fyi). If you care about playing AAA games at the highest possible resolutions then you also choose PC, there is no substitute.

5. Comfy couch excuse has been obsolete for years.

6. Building and maintaining a PC is not hard. There is a crap ton of Youtube vidoes out there that explain exactly what to do and what to look out for. If you can watch videos, you can build a computer.

7. Enjoy your new PC



ramine said:
There are adapters that enable using mouse and keyboard on both PS3 and Xbox 360. They're not official, they're not perfect.
It is hard to map mouse movement, where (assuming no acceleration and accounting for hitting the edge) the input exactly determines the angle you're looking at, to an analog stick, where the input determines the change in (derivative of) the angle you're looking at. For instance, in my experience, a lot of console games have a substantial amount of input lag, but since the game's effectively integrating the position of the analog stick over time, the lag can be smoothed out. With a mouse, you're the one determining how fast you move, so input lag is a lot more noticeable. Only in games built from the ground up with the expectation of using a mouse can I really use a mouse.

When I tried getting my various controllers to work on most of my PC games, I had to start looking a things like Joy2key, Bluesoleil, etc. I don't think this side of PC gaming is particularly more free or flexible than on a console anymore.
Most of my PC games just work with a controller...
Valnen said:
Bending the truth doesn't make PC gaming any better. I still can't play PS3 exlusives on a PC no matter how awesome it is, meaning being PC only is fail.

Man you had better have a copy of Bayonetta (not even exlusive, but lets just assume consoles for the moment), a ratchet n clank game, valkrya chronicles, warhawk and play metal gear online if you are going to pretend people are fools for not having a ps3.

And it still has nothing to do with the topic at all, people are explaining why you'd probably want a pc if you knew anything about it, not why you don't want a ps3.


Wow, this thread.

Naturally everything comes to preference, and I (and you shouldn't) have a problem with anyone's preference. What isn't cool though, is being ignorant towards other's enjoyments. I've seen someone say that PC's can't do HD graphics just because he hadn't had "HD!!!" marketing shoved down his throat. That ain't fly, man.

If you like ease of use, great. Good for you! If tech enthusiasts such as myself have no need for ease of use and know first hand how to fix 90% of problems, good for me. Doesn't mean I need to belittle other people's choices.

It's rather jarring, however, that people praise PS3/360 for their ease of use but then look harshly upon even more simple devices, like the Wii/iOS devices (not so much on this board, but yeah..) It reminds me of people when driving; anyone faster than them is insane and deserves to crash and anyone slower is decrepit, old and should have their license removed. Their spot on the ladder is the right one, and everyone else is wrong.

These kind of threads always revolved around people spewing false statements about the PC, for reasons other than they don't want to look outside their comfort zone. Do some reading before making yourself look stupid. An increase of power comes at a decrease in openness or ease of use. It's not my place to tell you what set of ideals to choose. Don't do the same to me.


SneakyStephan said:
And it still has nothing to do with the topic at all, people are explaining why you'd probably want a pc if you knew anything about it, not why you don't want a ps3.
That's not what everyone's doing.
Valnen said:
That's not what everyone's doing.
Reasonable people and the OP are, and why would you dignify the posts of anyone else.

Noone is going to argue here that bayonetta sucks because it's not on pc, or that you shouldn't want to play it.
Plenty of reasons to want a pc though, almost too many to count.

And then comes all the bollox spewing where people make up the 'it's more expensive than console gaming' or the crazy reg editing etc just because they heard those words being mentioned in a pc thread once.
And then there are also the trolls, and people trolling the trolls.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
The PS3 game I've truely come to love graphicly is Motorstorm Apocalypse. 1080p resolution and AA really goes a long way. Even further than graphical detail for me. Here's hoping that Sony's standard for PS4 will be 1080p and good AA. Framerate is secondary to that, as in I'd prefer a solid 30 with the above mentioned than a solid 60 without them.


Pai Pai Master said:
PC gaming: Bringing you HD Remakes of current-gen console games.
The whole concept of HD remakes is funny to me. PC versions automatically allow you to up the quality of current and older games as technology progresses. I recently played Max Payne 1 in beyond-HD with sick anti-aliasing, and those textures are to die for. The game looks quite nice even nowadays.

And check out these screenshots of Max Payne 2 (not my screenshots). You better not compare these to the console versions of the game...

Salacious Crumb

Junior Member
amdnv said:
The whole concept of HD remakes is funny to me. PC versions automatically allow you to up the quality of current and older games as technology progresses. I recently played Max Payne 1 in beyond-HD with sick anti-aliasing, and those textures are to die for. The game looks quite nice even nowadays.

And check out these screenshots of Max Payne 2 (not my screenshots). You better not compare these to the console versions of the game...

Bad example there. Max Payne 1 and 2 are two games that desperately need some sort of remake or patch, just to add proper widescreen support (>.<)
amdnv said:
The whole concept of HD remakes is funny to me. PC versions automatically allow you to up the quality of current and older games as technology progresses. I recently played Max Payne 1 in beyond-HD with sick anti-aliasing, and those textures are to die for. The game looks quite nice even nowadays.

And check out these screenshots of Max Payne 2 (not my screenshots). You better not compare these to the console versions of the game...
Yeah, but it runs at 60 frames/second! It just isn't as cinematic as the console versions! I'm sorry, but PC gaming is a failure! Go buy a ColecoVision or something.
amdnv said:
The whole concept of HD remakes is funny to me. PC versions automatically allow you to up the quality of current and older games as technology progresses.

That, plus most PS2-era PC games are automatically compatible with newer hardware and software. There's no need to buy them a second time to even be able to launch them..

But I suppose PC games have angular graphics and sharp knees, so..


Salacious Crumb said:
Bad example there. Max Payne 1 and 2 are two games that desperately need some sort of remake or patch, just to add proper widescreen support (>.<)
Nonsense. Just play it in 4:3. Do you want a remake of The Shining because it's 4:3?


amdnv said:
Nonsense. Just play it in 4:3. Do you want a remake of The Shining because it's 4:3?
Wait a minute, there are 4:3 fanboys? Why would you not want to play any game in proper 16:9?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Max Payne forever never having a widescreen hack created will forever make me sad. Of all games that need widescreen, Max Payne is at the top of the list.
I think this thread is as good as any to post this: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-07-08-rein-pc-gaming-has-shot-by-consoles

Epic says they hope the next-gen consoles will be as powerful as the high end PCs of today, or the midrange PCs of 1-1.5 year from now.

"We hope the console manufactures look at that and go, jeez, if we aim for that in our next consoles we'll be competitive with what you'll be able to do on a PC in a year, year and half from now. A reasonably priced PC - obviously you can do it on an expensive PC already."


Tenks said:
I have a 3.2 Ghz i7 and a GTX295 w/ 10 GB of RAM. I play SC2 on Low settings. Where is your God now?
You make me sick.

angular graphics said:
I think this thread is as good as any to post this: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-07-08-rein-pc-gaming-has-shot-by-consoles

Epic says they hope the next-gen consoles will be as powerful as the high end PCs of today, or the midrange PCs of 1-1.5 year from now.
Yet they still won't release Gears 3 on PC.


mt1200 said:
But .. but.. you know its true, i'm not denying the fact that most
or every
multiplat plays better on PC, i'm saying that some people dont want to spend time trying to make games run smooth.
Download Steam. Search for game. Buy. Install. Play.

Congrats, you are now running a game smoothly.


Mr_Brit said:
Wait a minute, there are 4:3 fanboys? Why would you not want to play any game in proper 16:9?
Actually, I'd like to play certain games in 2.35:1. But I can't, because developers only deem this appropriate for cutscenes and trailers.
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