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PC gaming will never be taken seriously until it fixes the bs


It can be annoying yeah...but that's simply the price you pay for all of the positives. Its like owning a Bmw.

I get if some people don't want to deal with it...but for many its worth it. Some even like Fucking around in files and shit...like a mechanic to get it running better.


I fucking love spending time making my crosshair pin point perfect in CS GO, I'd spend hours making binds to make me 1 percent more efficient in RtcW. I live for this shit.
The cost of great graphics and performance is both time and money. If you think it's not worth it, then don't go for it. Or get a mid-tier PC, that has plenty of advantages as well.


Isn't customizing and tinkering to your best interests THE point of PC gaming ?

Also, what game made you download a missing .dll file ? That never happened to me.

the point that most people never seem to grasp.

The main reason I went to PC was because I enjoyed setting my own controls. On consoles you're forced to whatever the developer says it is. That can either be one universal option or two options (that are inflated to four because of the lefty switch) and that's pretty much it.

I'll gladly deal with "headaches" like editing ini files and driver updates if it means I have full customization of how I want to play. If there's something that annoys me in a game, chances are with a little editing I can remove it. I haven't played a modern FPS on PC but there's probably a way to remove the jelly from your screen when you get shot.

I fucking love spending time making my crosshair pin point perfect in CS GO, I'd spend hours making binds to make me 1 percent more efficient in RtcW. I live for this shit.

lmao I thought I was the only one who did this. whenever I watch people stream on twitch, they usually just rock the presets with a few small changes. I spent like an hour doing my first crosshair

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Luckily, there's a platform for people like that.

It's called iphone.

Easy, simple, one button controls even a cat can use, no options to speak of, no installations that can fuck up, no HDDs to replace, no save bugs, no fridge management, just play.

Perfect, really.

Wait, too dumbed down for you? Graphics not good enough? The games don't have the depth you require to engage and have fun with your hobby?

Well, now you know how it feels. Standards are relative.

I like this post.


When shit hits the fan on consoles though (which might happen more rarely, but does happen), you can't do anything about it. Your 80 hour Skyrim save on PS3 will never work well, and you can't fix or replace the component in your RROD 360 which is broken.

That, to me, is far more frustrating than anything I can improve, no matter how strenuous the process.

Fair enough

I dont know a single person in my life who has ever bought a console or handheld game that flat out did not work, or required any kind of tinkering, or crashed constantly. And ive been playing consoles since 89. The closest was blowing into NES cartridges to make them work. I am sure we can find a person who bought a game and the cartridge/disc was faulty in some way, but that does not happen often, ive never seen it or heard about it. The ratio between a console game having issues and a PC game having issues is staggering in my experience.

Look i am not here to tell you that consoles are better, because they are not, if the best circumstances on a PC are going up against the best circumstances on a console. The PC wins, there is no point in even arguing against that.

At its best, PC gaming is the best. How can it not be? 1080p, 60fps, tons of options, ability to play on your TV, use any controller as long as the game supports it (and even if it does not through Xpadder and all sorts of programs).

At its worst, PC gaming is also the worst. How can it not be? When games flat out do not work and require you tinker with all sorts of issues.

I dont care about the car analogies or "work", this is a product meant for entertainment. And when it fails at that with various issues, it fails harder than any other platform out there. Its more frustrating and bothersome than anything else. There is no arguing against people spending money on something that does not work/stops working/has issues. Not everyone wants to "work on their rig", these are games we are talking about, supposed entertainment products

Consoles have never been the best, especially not in recent time, but they have also never been the worst either.


Trucker Sexologist
I've been primarily a pc gamer for about three years now, and while it was awesome in the beginning to be able to play games at 1080p/60 frames a second. My tolerance for the level of bullshit I have to put up with has about run its course. It's not the price of entry, the mouse and keyboard, or playing games at a desk; those issues have already been addressed and largely fixed. It's the constant pc tinkering and general clunkyness that keeps people from pc gaming.

Disabling a keyboard driver to get a game to work, editing ini files and replacing .dll files on a regular basis, certain settings like DX11 or physx breaking a game, windows updates interfering with your game in the middle of a session, limiting certain games to two cores so they don't crash every 10 minutes, poor optimization, games being broken at launch, shitty 3rd party drm, and a whole bunch of other crap that is still common place and shouldn't be tolerated.


I truly hope Steam os addresses to fix these issues, otherwise pc gaming will always be a shadow to consoles in terms of public awareness and publisher recognition. I say this as a core pc gamer, and I'm sure I'll get plenty of people playing dumb and telling me how wrong I am, but until people start to really address this and voice concerns, pc gaming will never be something that's taken seriously.
I'm no stranger to PC game issues, but I would argue that things like that are the exception these days rather than the norm. A lot of stuff is just plug and play now. But there will never be a one size fits all solution, because the problem is due to all the different PC configurations. People that care more about convenience than choice or flexibility can try a standard Steam box configuration, but they might be better served by consoles anyway.

Also, that's begging the question, because it assumes that PC gaming isn't being taken seriously now because of those issues. But PC PC gaming is a massive business already. The problems aren't so great that they scared everyone away.

Dr Dogg

I agree, the focus on PC being only for ultra top-end gaming detracts a bit from some strengths of the platform.

I think a lot of people get caught up on this though. Some people seam to forget that Indies frequently sell better on the PC platform regardless of OS. Also that some of these guys wouldn't even get a chance to get their game out the door if it wasn't for an open platform. It's not all about the bleeding edge.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
You know what to do

format c: /y

that always used to do the trick
Those issues sound like a pain. For me was enough to not go back to PC gaming after I spent like 3 hours looking for drivers to be able to play Dota 2 beta.


Ah... but that's the beauty of it. PC's are so overwhelming at first because they give you the opportunity to mess with everything. That means that you have a lot of opportunities to fix problems by tweaking settings, but also a lot more opportunities to mess things up yourself if you don't quite know what you're doing. The best you can do is just keep an older, secondary rig that you can use to check whether changing something has the desired effect.

Oh, and backups. Always keep a backup at hand in case you can't reverse whatever went wrong.


Yeah, its fucking infuriating sometimes.
Last night I couldn't connect to Steam on my laptop, tried everything so don't you armchair fucks tell me what I should have done.

Moved steam files, reinstalled, restored folders one by one till I got my games and files back. Took 3 hours, just to play Fez.
Loved playing BioShock and Tomb Raider in HD/1080p, but I'm done with this horseshit for a couple of years.

What did I fucking SAY?
Of course I tried all that shit, everything, including rebuilding the windows route map via netsh.
Don't try to make out that Steam is trouble-free. it fucking isn't.

My PC is a dual-SLI beast.
You know what I hate? That I can't say what 2 cards I have, because I'll get some limp-dick telling me to upgrade here. Even though I've played a huge amount of cross-gen games in glorious 1080p this year.

Master race arrogance, its much worse than console-peasant wars.

Christ, calm down.


I stopped taking this thread seriously as soon as you said you've been PC gaming for only 3 years.

Try creating a custom boot.ini and fiddling around with IRQ ports just to get your sound or CD-ROM working properly. This stuff is so easy now my little brother has been using a PC as his primary platform since he was 12.

He has autism. (yes I am serious)

I am 11 years older than him so I don't live at home and am not there to support him with his PC, and he has NEVER run into a problem he couldn't figure out for himself.

Dario ff

I think a lot of people get caught up on this though. Some people seam to forget that Indies frequently sell better on the PC platform regardless of OS. Also that some of these guys wouldn't even get a chance to get their game out the door if it wasn't for an open platform. It's not all about the bleeding edge.
You don't really have to go to indies for that, the fact that the most popular games on the platform are MOBAs and MMOs should be pretty telling of that. Those things will run on anything.


Junior Member
I've been primarily a pc gamer for about three years now, and while it was awesome in the beginning to be able to play games at 1080p/60 frames a second. My tolerance for the level of bullshit I have to put up with has about run its course. It's not the price of entry, the mouse and keyboard, or playing games at a desk; those issues have already been addressed and largely fixed. It's the constant pc tinkering and general clunkyness that keeps people from pc gaming.

Disabling a keyboard driver to get a game to work, editing ini files and replacing .dll files on a regular basis, certain settings like DX11 or physx breaking a game, windows updates interfering with your game in the middle of a session, limiting certain games to two cores so they don't crash every 10 minutes, poor optimization, games being broken at launch, shitty 3rd party drm, and a whole bunch of other crap that is still common place and shouldn't be tolerated.

I just now reached my breaking point after not being able to progress in Arkham City due to constant crashes during the Mr. Freeze fight. I tried just about every fix I can think of: disable rivatuner-nope, disable D3Doverider-nope, evga precision-nope, restore all default nvida values- nope, update and restore drivers-nope, disable DX11 and physx- nope, and the list goes on and on ad nauesum for about an hour before I just decided to say fuck it, I'm not putting up with this anymore. There goes my money and about 6+ hours worth of play time down the drain. The time I spend to play games shouldn't be taken up with me pulling my hair out just to get a game to function properly, or just work for that matter.

And don't think I'm just being ignorant to the share of issues that plague consoles as well, but at least the only example of a console game I can think of that just flat out refuses to work is Skyrim for the ps3. Spending time to "fix" pc games and deal with the bs is a regular thing for me These issues have really made it hard to decide whether or not I should upgrade, or go ahead with consoles for next gen and for-go the extra bells and whistles with pc gaming.

I truly hope Steam os addresses to fix these issues, otherwise pc gaming will always be a shadow to consoles in terms of public awareness and publisher recognition. I say this as a core pc gamer, and I'm sure I'll get plenty of people playing dumb and telling me how wrong I am, but until people start to really address this and voice concerns, pc gaming will never be something that's taken seriously.

I understand your frustration..even as a long time PC gamer like me...it sometimes takes it's toll on me when i am not in the mood to thinker. I think about those new to the PC platform gaming environment and feel utterly SAD for them!! Because they are in for one hellish ride. You really need to have a firm grip on troubleshooting to be able to enjoy PC gaming.

Having been a PC gamer for almost as long as I've played video games, the things you complain about are what makes PC gaming fun to me. The extra effort for the perfect gaming experience is exciting and well worth it.

I love tinkering.
I agree..for the most part as long as i am in the mood for it...i LOVE tinkering with ini files,etc..even troubleshooting leads to me furthering optimizing a game..it's one of those things you either love it or hate it.
Steam Machine will solve all. I think people are forgetting you'll be able to build your own steam machine

Thats total nonsense - there will still be the same problems with steam machine boxes lol..its just a regular PC but its a "pre-built" PC which can be had now ...steam machine is NOT going to do much for the PC gaming environment besides that steam OS might catch on..but the odds of it doing so are still slim imho. Everyone keeps waving this stupid steam machine flag like its going to be the Holy Grail or something lol...my goodness!! I been a PC gamer for over 20 years...been there done that and this is not the first time I've seen such things


I think the last time I actually had to "tinker" to get a game to work was in 2011 at the release of The Witcher 2. The game had some issues with AMD drivers. After a quick Google search and changing a single driver setting, the game was working perfectly.

2 years without a single issue. Hell, I even seem to have avoid all of the problems people had with Rome 2 at launch.


I love PC gaming yet I hate tinkering, but I sometimes feel lost without the option to do so. I would love to throw some AA at GTA V.


Or you could have googled the problem, showing you needed to go into Nvidia Control Panel and uncheck the "steroscopic 3D" box. I had the same 'issue' and it was as easy as right-click desktop>nvidia control panel.

Mark me as one of those annoying people who almost never have PC issues. Had a few DirectX crashes with BF3 (and BF4), but those seem to be out of my control.

I knew someone would give a smart ass reply like this. Do you feel better now. I am aware of this, that is one of two possible solutions, however i wanted to download 8.1 drivers anyway.
Also lmao, you are still proving my point either way, there are issues you need to look up and/or solve yourself.

Dario ff

MOBAs and CounterStrike run on many configs, MMOs not so much. Those can be real beasts.
Yeah, I haven't kept up much with the MMO scene lately, some of that stuff looks really heavy lately (like Guild Wars 2). I was mostly referring to WoW, since I think I've played that thing on so much different hardware by now.

Those gigantic PVP wars in GW2 look frightening. :)


formerly sane
Convenience is the real master race. I'm glad people enjoy things they like but I don't like bullshit. Good night and good luck.

Funny cause the mess console games create and force you to exist with is equally bullshit as much as most issues people bitch about pc games have.

You just happen to prefer one set of problems to the other. Don't need luck just a little bit of awareness and paitence.


I've been a PC gamer since I started gaming. Honestly, I don't have that many problems regularly as the OP describes, especially not in the last 7-8 years. On the other hand, if I do happen to tweak a config file or mess around with drivers or whatever, its so easy and second nature I hardly consider it a problem anyway. Never does that eat up hours of my time, more like a few minutes.

I can appreciate the OPs sentiment, and its good that consoles exist which typically don't have those issues. Options are good. Not every platform has to be or should be for everyone. I'm happy with PC gaming staying as flexible as it is, being taken seriously is not a concern for me at all.


After I updated my WiiU two days ago, it now takes over ten minutes to go from the WiiU startup logo to the menu and I can't do anything. If I try to play a game it just goes to black and hangs. Now I have to send the piece of shit back to Nintendo and wait several weeks.
"Plug and Play" my ass.

Anecdotes, how do they work?


Been PC gaming for 20-odd years now, and honestly minus the odd hardware related BSOD or overbearing AV product, I've never had any major problems since Windows XP was released.

It sounds like the OP has installed some tweaking utilities (rivatuner etc.) and misconfigured something.

PC gaming is not 'hard' - there hasn't been an issue I've come across that can't fix with common sense, Google or a mix of the two. Hardware is child's play to assemble these days and most drivers install automatically. The only thing I update on a regular basis would be graphics drivers, and those install over top of the old ones and don't even require a reboot anymore.


Lol what are you talking about? The last five years in PC gaming I rarely have to tinker in order to play pc games. Most of it just works fine out of the box. It just more that games are unfinished and patches are needed for optimization. But I almost never have to deal with .ini or .dll files. If you have so many problems, I think you may do something wrong.
It doesn't reach 'not taking PC gaming seriously' levels but the current reliance PC gaming has on Windows really undercuts it for me. There is promise for change with that, with a growing focus on development for Linux.


You're going to get a lot of PC gaf here disagreeing and mentioning how they've never had any issues.

No you will not see many of those, don't exaggerate. However, you will find a lot of people playing games straight out of the box on PC these days without having to tinker all day long unless it's their choice to do so. And with that said, it is actually quite fun to do optional "modding". ..But of course Steamworks has automated that process as well now..

So I don't know what to tell you. I just made a clean Windows 8.1 install a couple of weeks ago, and my Steam games seems to be working straight out of the box. I installed no drivers manually, my 360 controller included. So.. Yes I guess, I and many others really do not have any issues. Although of course I buy proper quality standard components and piece together my own computers. When it comes to ready-built PCs (Compaq was a NIGHTMARE back in the days..) it might not always be as straight forward, of course. But that's really not a "PC Gaming" issue.


Your premise is wrong: PC gaming is already taken seriously :)

Look at the amount of people playing Dota 2, LoL, World of Tanks, AAA games, facebook games, etc etc etc.


Junior Member
I'm baffled with the amount of "lol I love tinkering!" replies.

Really? You love when you have to google for solutions when a game crashes or just simply refuses to work? Like when you feel like playing a game and your PC goes "NOT TODAY." and instead of playing the game you're trying to fix issues. Yeah, it's such a blast >.>

Customization and freedom are both great and not what the topic's about. Sure, shit going wrong is the price we pay for these things and if for you it's a bargain than fair enough.

But unless when you click a game icon you secretly hope that shit's gonna break and you'll get to "tinker" instead of playing then nope, you don't love the things OP hates.


Convenience is the real master race. I'm glad people enjoy things they like but I don't like bullshit. Good night and good luck.
Convenience is great for casual enjoyment.
Customization and power is great for enthusiasts.

How blessed we are to have platforms which cater to all tastes.

I've been a PC gamer since I started gaming. Honestly, I don't have that many problems regularly as the OP describes, especially not in the last 7-8 years. On the other hand, if I do happen to tweak a config file or mess around with drivers or whatever, its so easy and second nature I hardly consider it a problem anyway. Never does that eat up hours of my time, more like a few minutes.

I can appreciate the OPs sentiment, and its good that consoles exist which typically don't have those issues. Options are good. Not every platform has to be or should be for everyone. I'm happy with PC gaming staying as flexible as it is, being taken seriously is not a concern for me at all.


In the back of my mind I always wonder whether people are running into this many problems don't know about proper PC maintenance. Keeping your computer virus free, reformatting once a year, updating drivers on a regular basis. These things aren't very difficult to do and I have never run into problems running a game.

The biggest issue I've ever had was with Arkham Asylum, but that was purely a GFWL issue. Took a little tinkering with the 'My Documents' location and it worked itself out.

And now, GFWL is dead



Are my friends and I the only people who dont have these issues? We buy a game and we run it. If we tinker, its because we want it to run/play better than intended.

No, you aren't.

I rarely run into any problems with my PCs. My PC boots faster, games load faster, I get higher FPS, and they look better than any console out there. I don't spend endless hours tweaking (unless I want to) settings, installing drivers, or crashing either. I set the shit the first time the game runs and I don't have to ever mess with it again.

The funny part is, half of the complaints about PC gaming are things that are completely unnecessary for people to do. If you don't like editing .ini files, tweaking settings, etc. just don't do it. Consoles don't even give you the option, just load up the PC game and it will detect settings and run it...it will still look better than the console equivalent without playing with settings or editing files, those are optional.

Consoles are easier for people to half-ass their way into. You buy a system, ignore it until a game you want to play comes out, and then you turn it on, put disk in and then it automatically updates everything that you would otherwise be too lazy to do on your own. You get what you put in with the PC, a half-assed effort will get you half-assed results. If you keep up to date on hardware and software, the vast majority of problems go away on their own. It's not a hassle for people who put a little bit of time and money into it, if you aren't one of those people, buy a console. I love both, they both have their advantages, but I prefer my PC. It's certainly not the struggle that people in this thread are making it out to be and if it that much of a struggle for someone they have no business playing on a PC anyway because they are clearly doing it wrong.

My PC is a dual-SLI beast.
You know what I hate? That I can't say what 2 cards I have, because I'll get some limp-dick telling me to upgrade here. Even though I've played a huge amount of cross-gen games in glorious 1080p this year.

Master race arrogance, its much worse than console-peasant wars.


If your computer is really a "dual-SLI beast" no one is going to tell you to upgrade. The fact that you call it that and yet are too embarrassed to tell people what cards they are pretty much tells me it's NOT a beast and you know it.


I've been primarily a pc gamer for about three years now, and while it was awesome in the beginning to be able to play games at 1080p/60 frames a second. My tolerance for the level of bullshit I have to put up with has about run its course. It's not the price of entry, the mouse and keyboard, or playing games at a desk; those issues have already been addressed and largely fixed. It's the constant pc tinkering and general clunkyness that keeps people from pc gaming.

Disabling a keyboard driver to get a game to work, editing ini files and replacing .dll files on a regular basis, certain settings like DX11 or physx breaking a game, windows updates interfering with your game in the middle of a session, limiting certain games to two cores so they don't crash every 10 minutes, poor optimization, games being broken at launch, shitty 3rd party drm, and a whole bunch of other crap that is still common place and shouldn't be tolerated.

I just now reached my breaking point after not being able to progress in Arkham City due to constant crashes during the Mr. Freeze fight. I tried just about every fix I can think of: disable rivatuner-nope, disable D3Doverider-nope, evga precision-nope, restore all default nvida values- nope, update and restore drivers-nope, disable DX11 and physx- nope, and the list goes on and on ad nauesum for about an hour before I just decided to say fuck it, I'm not putting up with this anymore. There goes my money and about 6+ hours worth of play time down the drain. The time I spend to play games shouldn't be taken up with me pulling my hair out just to get a game to function properly, or just work for that matter.

I too have been a PC gamer for only around 3 years now and before that I was strictly a console gamer. I have indeed encountered many of the problems you listed. I am not trying to say these problems dont exist but to present them as regular occuring, in my experience is a huge misrepresentation overall; I would say it is far less than 1 in 10 games in general that have these sorts of problems. Looking at my Steam list, out of the 400 games in my Steam library, I have encountered this kind of problem with MAYBE a dozen or so games, give or take a few.
I am not constantly tinkering. And I play ALOT of games. It is maybe once a month or less I encounter some problem or something that needs extensive configuting/updating.

Moreover, there has yet to be a problem I havent found a solution to, usually in only a couple of minutes of googling. There have only been a couple of occasions that have taken longer to find a fix.

If there is a problem usually a combination of google, Steam forums, and youtube gets me a fix relatively quickly.


Customization and freedom are both great and not what the topic's about.
They are intrinsically linked though. Customization and freedom of choice are what make it impossible to guarantee that all PC games run perfectly on all PC HW/SW configurations, all the time.


Been PC gaming for 20 years, it's not as hard as people make out it is. Yes, you occasionally have to update a driver, force vsync or edit an .ini file but I think the results more than outweigh the effort.

Also, at least I know what resolution and frame rate my BF4 and CoD: Ghosts (and all other games) are going to run at.... :p


My PC is a dual-SLI beast.
You know what I hate? That I can't say what 2 cards I have, because I'll get some limp-dick telling me to upgrade here. Even though I've played a huge amount of cross-gen games in glorious 1080p this year.

Master race arrogance, its much worse than console-peasant wars.

No sane person will ever tell you to upgrade. Honestly you can go into this generation with just about any mid-range card from the last several years.

Chasing maximum settings is, frankly, insane.


Junior Member
They are intrinsically linked though. Customization and freedom of choice are what make it impossible to guarantee that all PC games run perfectly on all PC HW/SW configurations, all the time.

Yeah, maybe that's why I wrote this exact thing right in the next sentence of my post.

Customization and freedom are both great and not what the topic's about. Sure, shit going wrong is the price we pay for these things and if for you it's a bargain than fair enough.


Yeah. Can't even remember the last time I've had to do anything at all to run a game. To tweak it to my tastes - yes, constantly. To simply run it - well, I guess I was having some problems running Doom 2 on a 1 MB RAM machine, had to write a separate autoexec.bat for this... This was in 1994. After that there were some problems with DRMed games in Vista but that's more or less all.


If you don't like to mess with configurations, performance, rig builds... it's simply that you are not a pc gamer, consoles exist to solve those "problems", for the people that don't want to play with those things. Just introduce the disk and play.
If you're tinkering more than a few times it cause you want too for the most part. I love tinkering for a lot of things but it's not all that necessary or that common in the course of a week and even less if you consider months or a year. Also a couple of years ago isn't the same as now. Windows 7 and 8 done right are a much different experience than vista or xp could ever give you.

Honestly I think my bad experience was likely due to the games I tried running at first

The original Crysis and Kotor

Crysis I got up and running after half an hour or so and was very good

It was Kotor on Windows 7, gave so much damn hassle that it was easier for me to install a dual boot with XP and run it from there (older game obviously)

Suffice to say that is not the average game install and optimization etc.

I've been meaning to build a new gaming pc and try again but haven't gotten around to it


Yeah, maybe that's why I wrote this exact thing right in the next sentence of my post.
Yes, but if you acknowledge that this thread is about issues introduced due to them, why do you think the thread should not also be about them?


Trucker Sexologist
Yeah, maybe that's why I wrote this exact thing right in the next sentence of my post.
The configuration related problems won't go away unless the hardware is no longer customizable. Ignoring reality won't lead to a better discussion.
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