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Penny Arcade Kickstarter


Zuh? They already have a bunch of money, they don't need any of this. It has to be a statement on Kickstarter.
HERP DERP (This is Tycho)


http://penny-arcade.com/2012/06/29 - Promotes two Kickstarters
http://penny-arcade.com/2012/06/04 - Promotes a Kickstarter
http://penny-arcade.com/2012/05/25 - "I do have a Kickstarter problem"

Penny Arcade's Actual Statement on Kickstarter said:
I think that I could elaborate in a very robust way on my reasoning for backing any specific project; it would run the gamut from “flights of fancy” to “social pressure” to any other damn thing. At a very low level, though, somewhere in my brain’s ineffable primality, I hate it - hate it - when cool ideas, or people who have cool ideas, are unable to realize them because they haven’t collected enough green pieces of paper. That’s the White Trash in me coming out; I’ve talked about him before. Get me mad enough, and you’ll hear him: the way he snaps off a trailing G, the way his teeth make a tongue prison. But that variant has a deep loathing for the undulations of class which serve primarily to strangle the real. I very nearly typed that entire sentence in all caps; there he goes again.

The long and the short of it is that I’ve never has a methodology whereby three clicks can obviate some measure of this fucking stupid-ass crap.

http://penny-arcade.com/2012/05/11 - Promotes a Kickstarter
http://penny-arcade.com/2012/05/08 - "I was sort of bummed when the Kickstarter succeeded because I loved going back for updates and seeing what people were building."
http://penny-arcade.com/2012/05/04 - "Despite not wanting to be the Kickfather, it seems like it keeps happening. Not every time I want it to, of course: it’s not actually something I have control over."
http://penny-arcade.com/2012/05/02 - "Still on my Kickstarter thing, and there’s a couple really, really successful ones we need to take a look at: Zombicide and Ogre: Designer’s Edition."
http://penny-arcade.com/2012/04/25 - Promotes a Kickstarter
http://penny-arcade.com/2012/04/13 - Promotes a Kickstarter

PA Report Feature on a Kickstarter

Do I need to go further? Sit down and eat your crow.


The ads don't really bother me, but I hate subscriber crap, paypalls and etc. I like their idea about a totally add free, no nagging for me to subscribe website. I'll pitch in a buck.

The lower end rewards are a bit lame considering. The tweet ones are funny but should have had something actually decent with them as well.


benevolent sexism
A lot of posts in here are making it sound like if one is a fan of Penny Arcade then one simply has no free will to decide not to contribute to this KS. That might be even slightly reasonable if they were threatening that PA would change should they not meet their funding goal, but they aren't. They say outright that nothing will change if this KS fails.

Are fans of anything being exploited when they pay money to support said thing?


What happens if you raise more than your ask?

Anything beyond the final stretch goal we'll credit toward next year's fundraiser.

Wait they want a million dollars for a -year-?


Zuh? They already have a bunch of money, they don't need any of this. It has to be a statement on Kickstarter.

Honestly, it's their comic strip come to life


I guess technically the kickstarter on the strip isn't dishonest or misleading either.

Even the rewards are similar. Motherfucker.


I do wonder if, after a certain point, the excess Kickstarter money would just be dumped into Child's Play. They can't spend it all on expansion unless they think they can crowdsource at least that much next year.

Edit: duh, read the Q&A. Still think they could donate some of it.

I forgot about CP. The fact that they run a charity makes this cash grab all the more pathetic, if they are for real, that is. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that is a big joke.


Wait they want a million dollars for a -year-?

Well they have a decent amount of people working there who will need salaries, health insurance, etc plus site bandwidth and other costs. It's not that surprising of an amount.

I don't plan to contribute, but I also don't mind ads. That's the trade off for free content.
The $2000 tier would be less of a ripoff if it were some kind of all-access pass to PAX instead of a regular pass. On the other hand, it already looks like someone has paid for not having to deal with two (or more) shows that sell out in minutes of tickets going on sale for the next five years.



I thought Gabe and Tycho were rich as fuck.

They are, they just want to be richer without the contractual attachments to their marketing partners I guess.

I don't know why anyone would be upset about this.

They clearly said Penny Arcade is doing fine and the content won't change if they don't reach their goal.

Even if they are rolling in the dough, this campaign is entirely optional.

The thing is, they will reach their goal. They know they will because they have a rabid fanbase who will throw them money when asked, even if they get nothing in return. I think they are kind of exploiting both that fanbase, and a site that has a whole different purpose than this i.e. get other projects that really really can't get done without support. Maybe exploiting is the wrong word as this is optional, but certainly unneeded in the first place.

I don't know, this rubs me the wrong way. There's no reason they need to do this. I'm sure there are other ways of running ad-free if they really wanted. Heck, their massive conventions and side projects should already allow them to do that, I think. I think they shouldn't even be using kickstarter for this, but I'm also sure those folks are already counting the money and don't mind at all either.



The $2000 tier would be less of a ripoff if it were some kind of all-access pass to PAX instead of a regular pass. On the other hand, it already looks like someone has paid for not having to deal with two (or more) shows that sell out in minutes of tickets going on sale for the next five years.

cheaper than eBay I guess since you get all lower tier rewards.
Well they have a decent amount of people working there who will need salaries, health insurance, etc plus site bandwidth and other costs. It's not that surprising of an amount.

I don't plan to contribute, but I also don't mind ads. That's the trade off for free content.

Why do they need to employ people to make webcomics.

It can't be that hard to draw three pictures a week


Some of those are hilarious.

I wonder what Fahlauer and Jeff will be doing there if they stop selling ads for a year (they sell the ads), maybe arranging the sponsorship for the conventions? I know Jeff produced PA:E3.


Y'know, they could have handled this properly. At least have some decent merchandise to go with these rewards. Do they know how shallow they look when many of the rewards are based on how famous they are?


benevolent sexism
Why do they need to employ people to make webcomics.

It can't be that hard to draw three pictures a week

Now you're questioning the way they want to build and structure their business? You'd have a point if they were asking for money they couldn't get otherwise. Obviously, don't run a business you can't sustain. But they can, and they have, and now they want to explore a different funding model. If you find it an indecent proposal, then all you have to do is not contribute and nothing changes.
This is really weird. Some of those pledges feel like they're taking the piss, which I guess speaks to the fact that they're aware the whole thing is just kind of crazy.. But sure, why not experiment with the idea, it doesn't particularly bother me one way or the other.


Why do they need to employ people to make webcomics.

It can't be that hard to draw three pictures a week

They do a bit more than that now. They run a store with a decent sized warehouse of items, do book deals, run a charity, run multiple conventions, plus license out to stuff like card games and video games plus other stuff I'm probably forgetting.

Now you're questioning the way they want to build and structure their business? You'd have a point if they were asking for money they couldn't get otherwise. Obviously, don't run a business you can't sustain. But they can, and they have, and now they want to explore a different funding model. If you find it an indecent proposal, then all you have to do is not contribute and nothing changes.

Also this.


woah, I always thought kickstarters closed as soon as the goal is reached, now knowing better this looks so much sleazier


I am not one of those people who have a problem with advertisements, so I'm not going to chip in for this KS.

Nevertheless, I wish them well. It sounds like they'd be able to make some big improvements on the site and its content should enough support be garnered.


Zuh? They already have a bunch of money, they don't need any of this. It has to be a statement on Kickstarter.

Honestly, it's their comic strip come to life


I guess technically the kickstarter on the strip isn't dishonest or misleading either.

Should be in the OP, this is what they're doing. A dumb joke ("Kickstart my bank account! lol") snowballed, and they convinced themselves it would be a worthwhile experiment. Start writing some Kickstarter jokes, ask questions like "what is a retweet worth?" and "wouldn't it be great to just be paid in a lump sum every year?" and now that it's live, they kind of look like scumbags who want to fire their ad people and not honestly reward their backers to me.

Again, Giant Bomb - $50 a year, no ads + a ton of other stuff. And not just the banner ad at the top of the screen either. No experiments about the value of a fan's money, just a business proposition.


two of those things make lots of money

Indeed they do, the ads are the pillar the rest of the stuff were funded on (it was Khoo's first business model he implemented). PAX and Childs Play may only pay for themselves in the long run, the ads are all profit.

Getting rid of that funding must be daunting but I think they want the site to be ad free.


I don't see any problem. It's exactly the same as adding an ad-free subscription option to their site. The only difference is that they won't do ads for some users, instead going for all or nothing.


The problem is that the ads on Penny Arcade don't bother me, especially since some of them have special Gabe-drawn art on them, so they even fit the site... And they don't really need our help to be honest.

I'm really conflicted about this. Still, nothing will change for me.


So other than occasionally seeing their comics here and there, I don't really know what the big deal on PA is.

Someone briefly fill me in? Thanks.


If this is legit, eff these guys. If this isn't legit, and is some statement on kickstarter, then really eff these guys.

And I like these guys. And kickstarter, but c'mon.
is this really that hard to get? they ask the fans if they want to pay for the site and have it ad free. if not its okay. if they want thats great.


Well they have a decent amount of people working there who will need salaries, health insurance, etc plus site bandwidth and other costs. It's not that surprising of an amount.

I don't plan to contribute, but I also don't mind ads. That's the trade off for free content.

kickstarter has gone from supporting small teams working on interesting projects to paying everyone's salaries at mid sized organizations

welp, think it's run its course


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Zuh? They already have a bunch of money, they don't need any of this. It has to be a statement on Kickstarter.

You seem to have intimate details about Mike and Gabe's personal finances.. care to share?

..or do you think they are rollin' in the cashola just because?

250k to replace ad revenue sounds reasonable to me, and spread over quite a few employees and both are married with kids.. that ain't getting rich money.

They don't make money off Child's Play. PAX might make them money, who knows.. doubtful though it's getting them rich.. it's a pretty huge undertaking and a huge time sink.

I don't read PA all that much anymore, but I've been a reader for years. I've never really seen them through all my years to be the types to completely take advantage of their fans.


Gold Member
It reminds me of the Republique Kickstarter - "we can get funding for our game, we just don't want to sign over the IP."

Kickstarter has millions of dollars flowing through it. Of course it's going to be exploited outside of its original purpose. I am sure the scammers are right around the corner.
I think people misunderstand the concept of kickstarter. Hint: it's not "here's our idea, fund it or we'll kill your whole family"

Not every idea or project is going to follow the "dying/starving dev team desperately wanting to make a legitimate sequel to a PC game that was popular 10 years ago" narrative.

They need money to run the site. Ad revenue is an important source but limits them creatively and might annoy some people. They want to kick ads without going broke themselves. Thus, kickstarter: the crowd funding site that doesn't threaten to kill your whole family if you don't want to pay. And with this one, you either benefit from other people's contributions or the kickstarter fails and nothing changes.

how is that bad/evil


kickstarter has gone from supporting small teams working on interesting projects to paying everyone's salaries at mid sized organizations

welp, think it's run its course

Eh, I suppose we shall see. I wouldn't be shocked in the slightest to see this thing get funded beyond its goal. I'm interested in what they content they would put out without having to spend time on advertising/ad sales/etc
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