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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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Sorry. I guess It's racist if it offends people. That's the line you have to draw.

Are you being obtuse on purpose? Go back and read 120 pages of this thread and see how dumb your post make you look.

Are you black? No? Then don't say it, no matter how cool your trying to be, or whatever reason your trying to justify saying it.


Boogie has always been obsessed with defending the middle ground, even when one does not exist. That's what he does.

Being moderate is never about meeting in the middle with the racist.

Being moderate is about encouraging discussion so we can have the opportunity to educate them.

If you just shut down the racist with pitchfork, they will just go back to their own "safe space". It just happened that the best way to get someone to listen to you is by listening to them first. It take a lot of patience and time to change a person's worldview. Public shaming someone changes nothing, it only fulfill your personal satisfaction.

Please note that what I said above does NOT apply to PDP, he is aware of the consequences, he deserves this outrage.


Oh no, no worries, I wasn't responding to what you said, I was responding to lirik's tweets. Sorry, maybe I trimmed the quote in a dumb way.

Oh, if thats the case then my bad dude. Thanks for clearing that up. No need to apologise.

new pewdiepie vid up


EDIT: seems to be a reupload of an old video

Did he upload this as a joke? As in ''hurr durr I had a stream fail''

At the start of that video he says 'you know im gonna slip up and end up on here some day' so I am guessing thats the point hes trying to put across... Okay.


I don't understand how we even got to this point with this guy. I don't watch any of his content but is this not the same guy that was making casual rape jokes years ago?

I wrote him off as trash right then.
They like that culture: movies, rap, actors.
I believe a Norwegian guy can not sing along a NWA song.

Like it enough to insult it? Also it's 'you like that culture' not 'they like that culture'. You've already admitted you like to throw it out in conversation too.

Is it really that hard to say hello to someone without using n*****?
What if Pew or a other white guy spit ''nigger'' ma nigger in a jovial way. Is that acceptable?

I really dig the ''Maaaa Nigger'' Denzel Wahsington line and sometimes use it to express my thankfullness to some friends I know.

Don't kill me.
As a black person that word will never be acceptable from him or anyone (including black people). That word Is synonymous with western world led Black genocide i will never accept it from him or anyone. That includes with the a as well.
Unbelievable..what the fuck..

Gaming has a reputation for a reason. Kids consume the opinions and learn the behavior of racists and low character douchebags like PDP, because that's who is popular and who shares the same interests. There's a feeling of belonging that is hard to break through. That's the power that these Youtubers have, and most of them are not equipped to properly handle that responsibility, to put it mildly.


What if Pew or a other white guy spit ''nigger'' ma nigger in a jovial way. Is that acceptable?

I really dig the ''Maaaa Nigger'' Denzel Wahsington line and sometimes use it to express my thankfullness to some friends I know.

Don't kill me.

Your little spoiler line doesn't make your post cute or any less fucking stupid.
I know I use the word "retarded" a lot when I get angry at video game things ("this boss is fucking retarded" and such). But like... that doesn't mean I hate retarded people. Not even in the slightest. But there was a time in my life when that word wasn't considered nearly as offensive as it is now. That said...


I do agree with this. But that's because I can't even imagine having that word come to mind when I get angry, so it's hard to imagine why anyone else would unless they use that word a lot. There's no defensible reason for that since in my lifetime, that's never been an acceptable word to use in any context.


If the word wasn't a part of your vocabulary, it wouldn't come so easily to your lips in a "heated" situation (playing a video game ffs)

I find it surprising that everybody doesn't have a "Are you sure you want to say that?" dialog box in their head when that word enters their mind. Even being black I'd still need to undo a couple of locks and peek past the door chain before being able to say it out loud in private in any context, not least saying it as an insult, which I struggle with supposedly non-racists having occasion or desire to do.


Gaming has a reputation for a reason. Kids consume the opinions and learn the behavior of racists and low character douchebags like PDP, because that's who is popular and who shares the same interests. There's a feeling of belonging that is hard to break through. That's the power that these Youtubers have, and most of them are not equipped to properly handle that responsibility, to put it mildly.

I know that's why he made anti semitism video's, what i said many times in this thread. Normalizing nazism..making it acceptable to say the holocaust did not happen, hitler was a good guy.


I don't understand how we even got to this point with this guy. I don't watch any of his content but is this not the same guy that was making casual rape jokes years ago?

I wrote him off as trash right then.
But, but...he's a "content creator"!
His screaming and yelling whilst playing computer games is so transformative and cutting-edge!
This is the future! The mainstream media is afraid of these revolutionary YouTubers!
I still don't even like the ga/er difference. It just gives people an excuse to throw around the vulgar phrase. I want it all abolished tbh.
Over time I've slowly removed the term completely from my vocabulary mostly because I got tired of the "how come you can say it but I can't???" excuse, as if co-opting a racial slur into a term of empowerment is some kind of reverse discrimination. It's really difficult actually to not get the impression that a lot of non-AA folks feel angry about not being able to use a term that they deem to be cool and hip or whatever. Maybe we should all blame Chappelle for making it seem like such a hilarious thing to say to people.

The bottom line is the intent behind any word or term is what's important and if you're not African American it's not something that you should ever say since there's not going to be an applicable non-offensive intent for using it.
As a black person that word will never be acceptable from him or anyone (including black people). That word Is synonymous with western world led Black genocide i will never accept it from him or anyone. That includes with the a as well.


I'm gonna die if I can't say it and I'm not smart enough to think other words!!!! Derp derp derp
kid with the glasses is so naive.

he was only sorry he got caught. not sorry for saying it.

Pretty much. If you guys haven't seen the Human Giant Illusionators sketch about racism.... I think Funny or Die has it. Hilarious and relevant to this situation. Too bad this is real life and kids actually care about the trash that spews out of this guys' mouth constantly.

Edit: Maybe or maybe not NSFW depending on your situation: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/612b2c2d0d/human-giant-illusionators-1-2-from-human-giant
I know I use the word "retarded" a lot when I get angry at video game things ("this boss is fucking retarded" and such). But like... that doesn't mean I hate retarded people. Not even in the slightest. But there was a time in my life when that word wasn't considered nearly as offensive as it is now. That said...

I do agree with this. But that's because I can't even imagine having that word come to mind when I get angry, so it's hard to imagine why anyone else would unless they use that word a lot. There's no defensible reason for that since in my lifetime, it's never been considered ok to use that word.

I hope you stop using it. You think there's a wider gap between just saying it and actually meaning it than there is. Just don't. It's very easy to not say things. Just gotta put in the effort.


It's pretty simple guys...

If you're black, you probably shouldn't say the n-word in most situations.
If you're not black, you definitely SHOULD NOT say the n-word in any situation.

It doesn't matter what company you're in. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. If you're saying the n-word, you're invoking a whole heck of a lot of ugly history of harm, oppression, and hate. If you're recreating and the n-word just comes flying out, that says more about you than I need to know to make a fair judgment on your character. It's not something people of high character just have slip in a moment of surprise.

Ploid 3.0


Hah I was watching this, listening to this. Yeah I had the same reaction when I heard him say it. Screw this guy. He has to be saying this in his unedited videos so much, how do you say it by mistake like that. I don't remember ever saying the word, any version of them. I have maybe heard it said by two old people in my family, one trying to teach us of what others think of us, and another a old cousin of my mom that I met for the first time last winter.
No, you can say what you want about TB but then you need to include Jim too, as they both say what Pewd said is inexcusable and in no way defensible while also being afraid it might damage their livelihood.

It's like your office job, one day someone say something incredibly dumb and now you all risk to be without pay.

Maybe TB shouldn't have helped foster toxicity with his actions during the height of Gamergate


I know I use the word "retarded" a lot when I get angry at video game things ("this boss is fucking retarded" and such). But like... that doesn't mean I hate retarded people. Not even in the slightest. But there was a time in my life when that word wasn't considered nearly as offensive as it is now. That said...

Stop using it.

Really, just stop. It's not hard. Replace it with 'douchebag' or 'assclown'. Or make up your own insult. I'm fond of 'douche bagel'.

Next time you slip up, just take a moment of reflection, apologize to whoever you're talking to, and make an attempt next time.

It will work, you'll feel better and you won't offend people.


I know I use the word "retarded" a lot when I get angry at video game things ("this boss is fucking retarded" and such).But like... that doesn't mean I hate retarded people. Not even in the slightest. But there was a time in my life when that word wasn't considered nearly as offensive as it is now. That said...

I do agree with this. But that's because I can't even imagine having that word come to mind when I get angry, so it's hard to imagine why anyone else would unless they use that word a lot. There's no defensible reason for that since in my lifetime, it's never been considered ok to use that word.

You should really stop doing that. Nobody cares if it was less offensive at some point in your life or if you hate mentally challenged people.

Say the boss is frustrating, hard, annoying, etc. Dont call it "retarded." That's a really, REALLY shitty thing to do. So fucked up.


If the word wasn't a part of your vocabulary, it wouldn't come so easily to your lips in a "heated" situation (playing a video game ffs)
Exactly. Like I said earlier, the n-word may not be as loaded in Sweden as in the US but any young person in Sweden are still well aware that you simply don't swear like this no matter the situation, we've been taught that in school and media over and over for at least 3 decades, those that still casually use the n word or other rasistic words are either older or have some rasistic thoughts as far as I'm concerned. He's 27 y.o, heated situation or not he really should know better. There is no excuse. He'll probably claim that he isn't a rasist and explain that his best friend is black or whatever but deep inside he's most likely still a rasist otherwise he wouldn't casually swear like that.


lol saw this on reddit:


This perfectly sums up some of the streamers currently weighing in to comment

Guy is a grown man, has millions of followers, some of them very young, and should know a LOT better than to talk like this. He deserves some severe repercussions IMO.


That kid really went to bat for his precious PewDiePie. He has a lot of growing to do.

I was a tiny bit baffled when talent was equated to 30 minutes of editing work, which is very likely just trimming clips and syncing sound and then hitting export.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.

Reading the thread where he wrote that tweet, I don't read the phrase "being caught in the middle" as referring to some sort of middle-ground opinion between "saying the n-word is ok" and "saying the n-word is not ok". Looks to me like he is referring to other streamers being "caught in the middle" of this DMCA situation, because the precedent of taking down a video using DMCA might lead to a slippery slope that could impact other people down the road for saying things that are not as unacceptable as the n-word, but still controversial.

I don't have a strong opinion on this DMCA issue, I haven't really spend much time thinking about it. I just read that tweet's thread, and I don't think that the the way most people here read that tweet makes sense in the context of that thread. Read it for yourself:



African American culture is not saying nigga. How many African American's have you or any of these people even interacted with?

Jesus fucking christ.

Not the guy you quoted, but I live in a country where there are hardly any black people (when I lived in the capital I saw maybe one person per month, and they were probably tourists), so most of what I know of "black culture" is from the american media and the internet, and it's mostly hip-hop, nigga and stuff like that. I know it's not a good representation, but you can't blame someone if they never interacted with an african american, and that's how they see them.


You should really stop doing that. Nobody cares if it was less offensive at some point in your life or if you hate mentally challenged people.

Say the boss is frustrating, hard, annoying, etc. Dont call it "retarded." That's a really, REALLY shitty thing to do. So fucked up.

I had a friend who said it all the time, who also had a very mentally challenged sibling. Baffled me so much why he used it that way, but I never said anything to him about it since, well, considering his family I didn't feel it was my place to remind him not to. :/


Just a couple of years ago diet racism was all the racists things people say short of using slurs. Now we're seeing these fuckwits defending the use of slurs. Like...what DO these people consider racist?

When you call them racist.

True Fire

I know I use the word "retarded" a lot when I get angry at video game things ("this boss is fucking retarded" and such). But like... that doesn't mean I hate retarded people. Not even in the slightest. But there was a time in my life when that word wasn't considered nearly as offensive as it is now. That said...

I do agree with this. But that's because I can't even imagine having that word come to mind when I get angry, so it's hard to imagine why anyone else would unless they use that word a lot. There's no defensible reason for that since in my lifetime, that's never been an acceptable word to use in any context.

You should really put the effort in changing up your vocabulary. People will respect you more and it'll help avoid awkward situations later on in life (look at PDP). And it's just the right thing to do.


Reading the thread where he wrote that tweet, I don't read the phrase "being caught in the middle" as referring to some sort of middle-ground opinion between "saying the n-word is ok" and "saying the n-word is not ok". Looks to me like he is referring to other streamers being "caught in the middle" of this DMCA situation, because the precedent of taking down a video using DMCA might lead to a slippery slope that could impact other people down the road for saying things that are not as unacceptable as the n-word, but still controversial.

I don't have a strong opinion on this DMCA issue, I haven't really spend much time thinking about it. I just read that tweet's thread, and I don't think that the the way most people here read that tweet makes sense in the context of that thread. Read it for yourself:


Besides some indie game being made by some radical right wing group, the scenario in his Twitter would most likely never happen. He's making up crazy hypotheticals to back up his weak arguments.
Not the guy you quoted, but I live in a country where there are hardly any black people (when I lived in the capital I saw maybe one person per month, and they were probably tourists), so most of what I know of "black culture" is from the american media and the internet, and it's mostly hip-hop, nigga and stuff like that. I know it's not a good representation, but you can't blame someone if they never interacted with an african american, and that's how they see them.

Ignorance =/= innocence, dude.


I had a friend who said it all the time, who also had a very mentally challenged sibling. Baffled me so much why he used it that way, but I never said anything to him about it since, well, considering his family I didn't feel it was my place to remind him not to. :/

Man, I just don't understand people and why they feel the need to use language like this. Don't they realize that by using these words they're actually doing less to illustrate their point than if they actually just articulated themselves?

Edit: nevermind, don't answer that. I already know the answer :/
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