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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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All in all...stop defending his bullshit. He graduated from rape jokes to nazi/holicaust jokes to flirting with alt right rhetoric to dropping a racial slur while live. There's nothing to defend here. He is the most subscribed person on one of the biggest content platforms on the internet. He is super visible in what he does and he rightfully deserves to be criticized for it. Kids watch his shit and repeat these things to their friends. This incident is bigger than him as it affects the game streaming on YouTube as a whole. He is single handily making things harder for other users to monetize and make a living. It is already a problem for many streamers and this doesn't help.
Yep. He has been so blatant about his trajectory that it's hard to imagine anyone truly being shocked that Felix is like this. It's just shocking that he has become so careless

Anyway fuck Felix. He can burn


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Here's the thing about account suicides: they want attention. So when it happens, the best thing you can do for the thread, the forum, and us, is to not quote the damn thing three hundred times. We're watching. We don't have threads like this without someone watching. The gray names should tell you that.

Since we have no interest in feeding their ego or giving them a microphone to spout their racist bullshit, we routinely remove account suicide posts.

No one really cares that you decided not to visit GAF anymore. Go somewhere else. This is literally always our advice for someone who doesn't like it here. There are plenty of other forums out there that may fit your needs better. Feel free to join them and not come here. If you can't do it on your own, feel free to PM me for a permanent ban to help you master your need to return.

Just wanted to say thank you. You guys are what makes GAF great. I hope this thread can calm down.
Wow. That's a really bad look. Anyone with any sense can see that was the game getting through his public facing persona to the real person inside. Gross.

Like, I know that word exists, but it never comes up in my speech, it doesn't matter in private. It never even comes up in my internal monologue or thoughts. I assume for people like PewDiePie are thinking these things regularly and have to stop themselves from saying it out loud.

It's interesting how pubg is such an intense game that it can bring this out in people. You become so absorbed in the moment that the public persona fades away at times for the more base instincts.


why is this thread 51 pages? genuinely curious, are there that many who will go to bat for pdp or is it everyone replying to said batter?

It's filled with people who use the n-word but don't think they're racist so they have to justify that someone else who used the n-word isn't racist


Junior Member
Has PlayerUnknown said something about this? He was pretty vocal about his game publicity and what streamers do in his game so maybe he should take a look at this?
I'm curious to see how PewDiePie and his YouTube entourage push back against this.

They'll probably just wait for some news organization to report on it so they can use them as their "fake news" punching bag. "The media is just after me because they see me as a threat!"

Also it I skipped the middle part of the thread but it's still hilarious seeing people bring out these tired alt right talking points. "It's just a word! I'm sorry, why are you so afraid of different opinions?!"


Found a longer video (downloaded it just in case) having both instances of Pewdiepie saying the N word:
0:35 and 4:42

He doesn't apologise or have any remorse. He just doesn't care. Whoever that other dude is in the stream is just enabling him even more. These white privileged racist trolls who don't have to care about anything.


"Sometimes I forget that I'm livestreaming"

Yup, he says it in his private life all the time.


Here's the thing about account suicides: they want attention. So when it happens, the best thing you can do for the thread, the forum, and us, is to not quote the damn thing three hundred times. We're watching. We don't have threads like this without someone watching. The gray names should tell you that.

Since we have no interest in feeding their ego or giving them a microphone to spout their racist bullshit, we routinely remove account suicide posts.

No one really cares that you decided not to visit GAF anymore. Go somewhere else. This is literally always our advice for someone who doesn't like it here. There are plenty of other forums out there that may fit your needs better. Feel free to join them and not come here. If you can't do it on your own, feel free to PM me for a permanent ban to help you master your need to return.

You guys are doing good work. Thanks, Mods.
Really goes to show how different the Gaming and Off-topic sections are.

Must feel weird to be a right-winged GAF user. You don't even feel "safe" here with threads like this popping up. lol



The worst part is that he said "Fucking N*****" and just laughed it off like nothing had happened. White privilege at it's finest.


The defense force for this is so disgusting, especially in that reddit thread that got locked.


Hey racists.

"Everybody says it." "It's not a big deal." "Who cares." Those things only apply if you live surrounded by racists. People normally don't live around racists, so it is shocking for us to hear a popular Youtuber say the word so nonchalant.

Lol @ "everybody says it"


The line between "lack of empathy" and racism is really thin and honestly, it doesn't matter. If you can't have empathy regarding racial slurs like that you are complacent with this whole thing and it's not much better than those guys weilding torches.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Right and they are clearly not Euros. There are a lot of posts suggesting that it may be acceptable in Europe because they don't actually know. If they are Euros that don't know anything about their own country, I'd be mighty surprised.

I'm not saying that Euros don't or can't have their own racial issues as PDP clearly shows here but that the people saying that it's acceptable over there aren't actually in a position to know one way or the other.
There are plenty of posts from people not in the US.
Not going to defend him but youd be surprised how often this happens in Europe especially in countries with no black people. There is literally no understanding of the context, its just a word you hear in music and movies.

Is n***r that offensive??? I'm from EU and had to watch the video to know what n***r actual means...

I'm not that in into US culture... were does the word really come from? sounds like a variation of negro.

Fuck him, but as a non american I don't understand why black people is allowed to say it or it doesn't matter if they use it. Just don't say the word everyone.

I would actually contest that the pejorative aspect of the word is that well-known in European countries. The slavery association definitely was not common knowledge where I went to school in the north of the Netherlands. But even then, it still doesn't make the use of the word the way Pewdiepie does it anywhere near justifiable: his use is pejorative no matter the understanding of the full context: it was just racist.

Edit: To clarify a bit more, what I want to say is that in my experience, people from where I'm from are not at all always aware of the slavery association, and furthermore the extent to which the word is a denigrating slur is also not fully understood, at least in my generation (I'm 21 fyi), although it is often understood that the term itself refers to black people. People I've been to school with often didn't seem aware of the gravity of the term, and used it among each other (among white people to be specific) as a joking insult as well. Still a terrible case of (hardly ever excusable) ignorance and often worse, at least in the way Pewdiepie used it.

what not putting the same weight US citizens put in the world and having or not having racial tension have to do with each other exacly? ò_ò

i'0m from italy, and if someone uses the equivalent of the n-world here,it might at best rise an eyebrow or some particular militant people might ask you to use some more political correct terms,but no one would flip his shit like it would happen in the US..and it has nothing to do with Italy not having racists or racial tension,but it's about the word itself not having the same history that it has in the US

I'm not sure why he said "average racist" but average European person definitely doesn't understand how loaded that word is, especially if you're from poorer backgrounds and English isn't your native language. My mom says n-word when referring to black people and it's not intended as malicious.

A European in Europe using a word that largely has a historically negative connotation only in the United States. Americans don't hold a monopoly on language, they butcher all language to overly simplify things globally.

We don't study American history at school more than we do Chinese or Russian. Heck, most people struggle trying to remember anything at all about our own. And no swear word will ever have the same impact when it doesn't belong to your own language. More than that, most people will struggle to understand just how loaded just one word can be.

To put it another way, your average European racist isn't as knowledgeable as to go straight to "nigger" when trying to think of a racist slur in English.

Well it kind of is. From London to Moscow people use that word. Black people too. And looking at how its being thrown around among black people in America, no wonder people think its acceptable. PDP should know better and all his streams should be a scripted preformance.... ugh cant wait until the FCC gets control over streaming. Yes its wrong, no he should not have used it but its so common it will continue to be said on streams until its regulated. With regulation many other words will be banned and soon you cant see or say anything remotly offensive on a stream anymore.

To see where I'm coming from: in my native language, Dutch, the equivalent word "neger" lacks the same connotation as "nigger" does in English. Sure the Dutch kept slaves way back in the day so there's a similar history there, but it just so happens that the word (not the principle of racism or slavery) was normalised over the years and became a pretty inoffensive way to refer to someone with black skin. It's only recently that people have become more sensitive to the word again as we start to realise it's a very bad word in English, which is a language we all speak to some extent nowadays. But Dutch people, when speaking English, will still say "nigger" sometimes and have no idea how it comes across.


Neo Member
I feel like if this happened on TV, he would be fired. I don't get why things are different here. Whatever platform he was streaming on should ban him, ESPECIALLY given his large following.

Lots still treat celebrities on the internet as either anomalies or lesser than movies or TV. I agree the platform shouldn't matter, but the lack of oversight when he was under the Disney deal shows it's still a magical money making machine where video games go in one side and CONTENT out the other.
That's how the alt right radicalizes people. It's all trolling. It's all a joke. Mean SJW dictators won't let you have fun.

It's one of the alt-right's favorite techniques and it makes me sad to see how many people fall for it. "You can't call [prominent alt-right figure] a Neo-Nazi, they're just saying those things for shock value!"
Has PlayerUnknown said something about this? He was pretty vocal about his game publicity and what streamers do in his game so maybe he should take a look at this?

I think he should be banned and any accounts he uses should be banned. Until he makes some kind of publicly acceptable change or apology. I mean, people should be able to be forgiven, but this is kind of strike two for him.
What realistically could PU do other than publicly denounce what PDP said? I guess he could ban PDP's account, but that would open up a big ole can of worms that I don't know if PU wants to deal with, especially when they're about to launch on Xbox.
Found a longer video (downloaded it just in case) having both instances of Pewdiepie saying the N word:
0:35 and 4:42

He doesn't apologise or have any remorse. He just doesn't care. Whoever that other dude is in the stream is just enabling him even more. These white privileged racist trolls who don't have to care about anything.

He also doesnt care if he loses sponsorships

Dude is untouchable and surrounded by people who defend him.


A man that regularly makes "jokes" about Jewish people, as well as dressing as a Nazi and doing Hitler salutes is a racist...well I never.
All those people defending him in the previous thread, how you all feeling right about now?

Hopefully every advertiser in existence on YouTube dumps him - this man is the single most influential person in the lives of many 7-15 year olds.
This shit cannot be tolerated.


It's the fact that kids watch his stuff and even young adults. They are impressionable and will likely parrot and see his shit as normalised. YouTube need to boot him and all other streamers need to call him out and get the media on his back. Shame him and hound him out.


The most disturbing thing is the millions of kids who watch his shit just heard him say that like it's nothing.

And a couple of thema Will use it as Well now probably.


I also saw a post attacking GAF. Like really? GAF is a positive and very entertaining yet informative website. GAF doesn't support ignorance and hatred.
People get mad that GAF mods actually uphold standards of decency and they can't vomit out their casual racism with impunity like elsewhere on the net. It's what makes this a great place to post and also why it attracts so much hate, and I hope it never changes.
i don't think i've ever said a racial slur when angry. like ever.

is this the baseline for being a decent human being?

that being said

i've only used racial slurs in relation to my own race as a joke among other asians, otherwise never use them
It was a public stream with THE figure of power in the industry making controversy and showing toxic reactions, so...maybe? Probably I'm stretching it
I think it falls entirely to Twitch to do something. Language like that is bannable, but it depends how long they can ban him for

He should get perma'd, but could you imagine the shitfest that would ensue


I feel like I should be having a negative reaction to this, but honestly, after the whole "Death to Jews" nonsense, I don't even want to give this any more time than what it took to write this comment...


The European context doesn't matter because he knows is wrong and even comments on it (and fucking repeats it!).

I've known people who have no idea how strong the word is in the US and this isn't one of those cases. At all.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
He doesn't necessarily need to hate black people, but the insensitivity of using the word just says that he also doesn't have the empathy and doesn't care to listen why the word in question is frowned upon. Doesn't make it excusable, though.

Absolutely not.

He's a moron.

If he values the attention and following of his viewers, he should take a long look in the mirror and fully take himself to task, to at least try and have a positive impact on the kids' time that pay his bills.

That might be the only redeeming act I can see happening.

Not for his content, but for his person.
I think it falls entirely to Twitch to do something. Language like that is bannable, but it depends how long they can ban him for

He should get perma'd, but could you imagine the shitfest that would ensue

i think it'd be on par with iceposeidon being banned, so unending amounts of poo poo


Even though I've had very minimal exposure to Mr DiePie I have come to the conclusion that his incredible success has come at a terrible price with his very sanity eroding before our very eyes. This incident is part of a plan that he is now embarking on, a campaign of total self destruction.

This is just another step in his long thought out plan for total banishment from society allowing him to live in seclusion so he can spend all his money in anonymity.

Half joking


Who cares if he hates people of color or women or whatever in his heart of hearts? Why do people think that it's whether you "mean it" that defines whether you are a racist or a misogynist or a disgusting, hateful human being?


PewDiePie is an idiot and there's no room for debate. He may not care, but his actions hurt continuously hurt other people. People need to stop defending him because it's gross.


Junior Member
I think it falls entirely to Twitch to do something. Language like that is bannable, but it depends how long they can ban him for

He should get perma'd, but could you imagine the shitfest that would ensue

That's the thing, even this platforms can deny their services and goods beyond any explanation and terminate accounts if they want to, there will be a massive backlash against the platform and of course it will deliver into the free speech debate and so on.

The best thing is maybe give some culture of reading the terms and agreements contract when you are about to use an account?

Probably LegalGAF could give us more insight about this specific case and scenario
Who cares if he hates people of color or women or whatever in his heart of hearts? Why do people think that it's whether you "mean it" that defines whether you are a racist or a misogynist or a disgusting, hateful human being?

isn't it because they regularly spout racial slurs but have somehow did the mental gymnastics to convince themselves that no. they are not racist for saying n-r all the time.
So how did his twitch viewers react when he dropped the n word? It's probably already been mentioned in here but I don't have time to parse through 50-something pages lol
Who cares if he hates people of color or women or whatever in his heart of hearts? Why do people think that it's whether you "mean it" that defines whether you are a racist or a misogynist or a disgusting, hateful human being?

Yup. And the far-right has an intentional strategy of taking advantage of that mentality. Saying "it was just a joke bro, u triggered" while they radicalize more angry young white men.
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