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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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Don't think PewDiePie did anything wrong, people misspeak, seems he was genuine in knowing he slipped up, he probably shouldn't be using that word, but I don't think he was using it in a way meant to disparage any particular race.

Watch the follow up. He knew the shit was wrong but laughed it off. He said it casually. He says this more times in private I'm sure.

Don't defend it. This isn't his first "slip up"


Considering the headaches that many legitimate non-dirtbag content creators had to go through in dealing with abuse of the DMCA takedown system on YouTube, I am inclined to disagree with this particular method of action.

Then the DMCA takedown system should be better and youtube has doing everything it can to not give a shit, this is perhaps one of the first use of the DMCA system that is not an abuse, the DMCA system should be better to handle cases like this.


Don't think PewDiePie did anything wrong, people misspeak, seems he was genuine in knowing he slipped up, he probably shouldn't be using that word, but I don't think he was using it in a way meant to disparage any particular race.

..... come on.
Do you guys not realize that you are giving him more attention, helping his bottom line, further pushing hate speech and doing nothing to make good of this situation?

In some posts there's even more vile hatred thrown at him and even worse, a lot more people advocating censorship and thought policing.


Are you trolling right now?

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Don't think PewDiePie did anything wrong, people misspeak, seems he was genuine in knowing he slipped up, he probably shouldn't be using that word, but I don't think he was using it in a way meant to disparage any particular race.
A white guy saying nigger is inherently wrong. You don't "slip up" and accidentally say a word with such loaded history unless you're already used to saying it privately in moments of anger.
Do you guys not realize that you are giving him more attention, helping his bottom line, further pushing hate speech and doing nothing to make good of this situation?

In some posts there's even more vile hatred thrown at him and even worse, a lot more people advocating censorship and thought policing.


I like your tag.
Don't think PewDiePie did anything wrong, people misspeak, seems he was genuine in knowing he slipped up, he probably shouldn't be using that word, but I don't think he was using it in a way meant to disparage any particular race.

He repeated it a few minutes later when jokingly reading donations.


Don't think PewDiePie did anything wrong, people misspeak, seems he was genuine in knowing he slipped up, he probably shouldn't be using that word, but I don't think he was using it in a way meant to disparage any particular race.

you know when you're having a conversation with a bud and you just let out a racial slur


Don't think PewDiePie did anything wrong, people misspeak, seems he was genuine in knowing he slipped up, he probably shouldn't be using that word, but I don't think he was using it in a way meant to disparage any particular race.
Hahahaha OMG
Omni of the Smash Bros. community has made a video on PewDiePie's actions today. He's unsurprised by what he did, and explains why him casually using the n-word is not okay, especially as an insult.

Lurkers, juniors, consider giving it a watch.


If you think companies are being shady when they normally throw DMCA strikes at Lets Players but you're fine with it in this case, you're being a hypocrite.

The fair use / copyright infringement line has nothing to do with whether a person is racist or not.

I think this is my main issue with everyone in this thread, extrapolating the fact that the developers of Firewatch are within their rights to pull advertising and take down PewDiePie's Firewatch videos, and equating those rights to PewDiePie being a racist.


Do you guys not realize that you are giving him more attention, helping his bottom line, further pushing hate speech and doing nothing to make good of this situation?

In some posts there's even more vile hatred thrown at him and even worse, a lot more people advocating censorship and thought policing.


lol, it's this dude.

i'm sticking with my previous assumption about this guy:

this thread 100% happened because the OP threw homophobic slurs at random teammates in overwatch
Don't think PewDiePie did anything wrong, people misspeak, seems he was genuine in knowing he slipped up, he probably shouldn't be using that word, but I don't think he was using it in a way meant to disparage any particular race.

Hey said it TWICE. the second time under his breath and chuckling because someone donated with "Say N*****"

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Do you guys not realize that you are giving him more attention, helping his bottom line, further pushing hate speech and doing nothing to make good of this situation?

In some posts there's even more vile hatred thrown at him and even worse, a lot more people advocating censorship and thought policing.

"Guys stop thought policing, you're just as bad as the racists!1!"
Don't think PewDiePie did anything wrong, people misspeak, seems he was genuine in knowing he slipped up, he probably shouldn't be using that word, but I don't think he was using it in a way meant to disparage any particular race.

He didn't slip up. He immediately said he forgot he was streaming. It wasn't a slip of the tongue, it was him accidentally saying something he has no problem saying off camera, in front of a camera.

Fuck him.
Don't think PewDiePie did anything wrong, people misspeak, seems he was genuine in knowing he slipped up, he probably shouldn't be using that word, but I don't think he was using it in a way meant to disparage any particular race.

Cmon man. He didnt give a fuck about the slip up. He knows he is famous and can get away with it


I just read the YT comments... what is a "virtue signal"?
The alt-right don't believe that anyone would actually care about how other people feel. So when people act selflessly they accuse them of faking it for selfish reasons.

They never stop to explain what exactly is so bad about doing the right thing for the wrong reasons though. Just that it's inherently bad and that you're a bad person for not wallowing in shit like them.
I literally just saw someone on Twitter say that the N word isn't bad.
Also another "Then blacks shouldn't be allowed to call whites cracker!"


If you think companies are being shady when they normally throw DMCA strikes at Lets Players but you're fine with it in this case, you're being a hypocrite.

The fair use / copyright infringement line has nothing to do with whether a person is racist or not.

How am I a hypovrite? If a company doesn't want a racist ass hole promoting their game then i see no problem with it. Same with if a homophobe etc gets treated the same way. A company should have a right to not want a poisonous person promote their games. It isn't their fault the only way they can stop a person playing a game is by DMCA.

The only way you stop assholes like PDP is by hitting him in the wallet.


Do you guys not realize that you are giving him more attention, helping his bottom line, further pushing hate speech and doing nothing to make good of this situation?

In some posts there's even more vile hatred thrown at him and even worse, a lot more people advocating censorship and thought policing.


That is some tag you got there.
Don't think PewDiePie did anything wrong, people misspeak, seems he was genuine in knowing he slipped up, he probably shouldn't be using that word, but I don't think he was using it in a way meant to disparage any particular race.

Paint me a map where him saying "What a fucking nigger" being mad about someone else isn't racist or is him misspeaking?

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Same level of hate went to Palmer as well.

But mods abusing their powers here is nothing news worthy
It's wrong to hate racists?


Don't think PewDiePie did anything wrong, people misspeak, seems he was genuine in knowing he slipped up, he probably shouldn't be using that word, but I don't think he was using it in a way meant to disparage any particular race.

Hey bro, a little racist is slipping out. Tuck that shit back in mayne.


yes, that talented of a member
Forgive me as I'm in the hurricane region and don't know if this note got posted earlier or not (on mobile; connection going in and out). I had wanted to say the following:

I just don't understand where comments like this come from within people. I hear shit like this on a somewhat regular basis like Overwatch too.

I was playing competitive OW and one of my teammates yelled out the following after spotting that the team had a Pharah


Like, what? Where do you even have to be from to have made that association. What mind comes up with this.

After identifying myself as black on voice comms they (he was in a party of 2 or 3) were like "oh..." then that awkaward silence before attempting to laugh it off. His comfort zone was temporarially displaced by sudden embarrassment and shame as he thought he was protected by a team of permissive or like-minded white males as he usually is and was thrown off balance upon realization that he was not. I'm sure he continued the behavior in the games he played that followed.

This was months ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. Not all words are just words, young people.

Honestly, the lengths and creativity I see people go to in order to promote their feelings of racial superiority or otherwise outpace their insecurities at the expense of others never ceases to amaze. My disappointment is multiplied, however, by some of GAF deciding to die on a hill to defend him or the idea that what he said wasn't that bad or didn't know what he was saying.

All just very disappointing.

Just very disappointing.

I really hope people take your experience into consideration.

It seems so difficult for so many people to grasp any experience than their own.

To be so aggressively oblivious to soceio historical context of this word is truly a shame.


Don't think PewDiePie did anything wrong, people misspeak, seems he was genuine in knowing he slipped up, he probably shouldn't be using that word, but I don't think he was using it in a way meant to disparage any particular race.

lmao if he wasn't trying to disparage a race then maybe he shouldn't have used a racial slur.
I dont by the forgot streamin excuse even if it was a valid one. Dude has headphones on, a mic infront of him and gets donations every 5 seconds. His lame excuse basically tells you he says the word all the time
I'm surprised this isn't the first time. Or is it?

I don't follow his videos but from what I've seen and heard about him, that kind of language seems to be his brand of "humor."
I stopped talking on the mic altogether because trolls would hear my accent and just start making terrorist, Muslim, India/Apu, 9/11 jokes. It was too much. I know, people say just play with friends but it's just not always easy to find time to play with friends. Anyways, I quit playing Left 4 Dead 2 a while ago any way.

I used to play DOTA, the language used can sometimes be very vulgar and offensive. Certainly not a good look for the community.
I kind of wish PewDiePie did shit like this way more often; it's super helpful in bringing racist apologists and defenders out of the woodwork on GAF for prompt banning. You'd think they would catch on, but it is like moths to a flame...every damn time.


Don't think PewDiePie did anything wrong, people misspeak, seems he was genuine in knowing he slipped up, he probably shouldn't be using that word, but I don't think he was using it in a way meant to disparage any particular race.
I wish this was sarcasm.
But it certainly isn't.
Do you guys not realize that you are giving him more attention, helping his bottom line, further pushing hate speech and doing nothing to make good of this situation?

In some posts there's even more vile hatred thrown at him and even worse, a lot more people advocating censorship and thought policing.


How long ago was that ban?

Hatred, bigotry, and racism should be squashed. They are hard no's.


Twitter bots showing their ass. Black people speaking on it get it with "stop giving the word so much power" and "you are the real racist". Funny how folks only have an opinion on racism when it is tell POC to shut up
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