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Phil Spencer "We are actually the better owner of any game ip than any other publisher on the Planet" "Engagement is our oxygen"


GAF's Pleasant Genius
George Costanza Seinfeld GIF

George Costanza, the spirit guide we deserve.
This must be a fucking joke email surely? Halo is doing nothing at the moment, same with Gears, Fable is years away and Bethesda/Zenimax IPs are all dormant. Forza is doing really well but I haven’t seen much else with regard to existing IP.

Where the fuck is Doom, Dishonored, Fallout and the other IPs you have purchased?



Everyone thought Phil was a good gamer dude who just couldn't punch his brand through.

Turns out he's the industry's most pompous ass. More than a decade of his arrogant leadership has resulted in Xbox being further behind than Don Mattrick ever put them.
Hit the nail on the head!
Oh my sides are splitting with laughter. That Phil Spencer sure is a funny guy. Almost as funny as Don Mattrick. Remember him?


We can say what we want and we will like more or less his figure, but definitely the plan of P. Spencer with XBOX could not / canT be more ambitious.

Imagine that a few years ago here was announced the plan of MS to abandon XBOX and consoles and it turns out that at that time is when more ambition to grow had.

Personally I think he has failed to execute the plan, especially in regards to his plan with XSeries X / S, but I can perfectly understand the fans of XBOX who believe that Phil is the best thing that has happened to XBOX because hardly another substitute could have been so ambitious and, in fact, without today's XBOX it would surely not exist.



These prices are probably why they are desperate for a race to the bottom.

As long companies like sony continue sticking to not putting big AAA games day one on their service and has that market share advantage, third parties will be asking for a huge price for there games on gamepass day one. Then add in valve and nintendo who don't really have a sub service like gamepass publishers won't want to devalue their games further.


I hate the words these execs use. Instead of saying "we want more people playing our games" they say "we need to drive engagement". Instead of saying "video games" they say "content". I hate this cold, almost non-human way of speaking about things. For them, people are just "metrics" that "engage" with "content". Just cogs in the revenue wheel.

Also, a side rant. I hate the use of the word "transparency" these days. The traditional word is "honesty". We want people and organisations to be honest, not "transparent". I don't know why "transparency" has become the buzzword these days. Maybe it's because the word "honesty" is too much of a moral word and corporations don't like to bind themselves to moral words...
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
These leaks legit make me want to sell my Xbox. I want no part supporting this disgusting future they're planning.

Fucking subscription garbage. Bunch of Kumbaya play everything everywhere nonsense. Consolidation. No compete. No ambition. Shit ass exclusives. All digital garbage. Cloud based trash. Buying Nintendo. Buying Activision. Buying Bethesda. Buying Warner Brothers. Poor studio management. 1 proper exclusive every 2-3 years.

Fuck you
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Honestly, Microsoft should really reconsider having Phil Spencer as the head of Xbox at this point.

Probably the best thing they could do outside of shipping good games and convincing more folks that Gamepass actually matters. Hopefully the latter would come it time, but they seriously need a changing of the guard right now.
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