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PlayStation 4 hits 20.2 million units sold worldwide (high sodium content warning)

Well, color me surprised, although Gamespot's builds did include OS and KB/M as well, with an additional cost of 72-101€. So, it would have cost 472-501€ in total.

I wager, that the parts Interceptor listed wouldn't fit the budget.

GPU is actually around the same ballpark (edit: mine, not the PS4, you are correct on that), not much stronger. The rest kinda fits the bill. As said i reused my Keyboard/Mouse. I give you the OS, but thats still a 15€ upgrade from free Dreamspark student version. Maybe i am just to old. 10-15 years ago Consoles were machines with dedicated chips who would outclass every PC for years and PCs were some grey boxes in the basement. Now we have Steam, streams or easy setups for living rooms and the consoles with standard midrange pc hardware. That´s where i lost my motivation to upgrade these and the exclusives just don´t speak to me on PS4.

This deosnt mean i hate consoles. On the contrary. I just don´t see the value for this specific product. It´s like a apple watch to me. Neat but i already have something like it.
Can someone give me perspective to how good the sales are ?

How did the ps3 and Xbox 360 do this time in? Is it doing better the Wii?

I'm also curious about if PS4 + XboxOne is doing better than PS3 + 360 this time in.



I wish our moderators would start banning people for bringing up PC in every single console thread that has NOTHING to do with PC. It's really tiresome.

Yes, a Cray is faster than a console. And you can build one in your garage using discarded household items, basically for free. We get it.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Can someone give me perspective to how good the sales are ?

How did the ps3 and Xbox 360 do this time in? Is it doing better the Wii?

I'm also curious about if PS4 + XboxOne is doing better than PS3 + 360 this time in.


PS4's sales pace thus far is eclipsed only by the Wii out of every console ever.

You don't make holiday level sales 2 months after the holidays are over, XB1 has basically flatlined back to almost 1/10th its holiday sales.

But in general XB1 has higher sales right now than PS3/360 as well although you have to be careful. MS's influence is very limited outside of its home territories unlike what we're seeing with Sony


I'd say it's a probability that we'll also see a price cut by either E3 or Gamescom. Historically, Sony has often revealed price cuts or slim models at Gamescom and, while I think it's a bit early for a PS4 Slim, 19/21 months is time enough for a price cut. If so, we could see sales numbers exponentially grow on top of our current predictions.
I wonder why people keep saying that the "ps4 has no games" or "no good game enough to buy one"
Yeah the games on the xbone or wii u are so great that they are flying off the shelves.
People also buy for 3rd party games. Hell I know people that only bought an xbone just for CoD and not for those "20/10" console seller exclusives that the xbone currently have.


GPU is actually around the same ballpark, not much stronger. The rest kinda fits the bill. As said i reused my Keyboard/Mouse. I give you the OS, but thats still a 15€ upgrade from free Dreamspark student version. Maybe i am just to old. 10-15 years ago Consoles were machines with dedicated chips who would outclass every PC for years and PCs were some grey boxes in the basement. Now we have Steam, streams or easy setups for living rooms and the consoles with standard midrange pc hardware. That´s where i lost my motivation to upgrade these and the exclusives just don´t speak to me on PS4.

This deosnt mean i hate consoles. On the contrary. I just don´t see the value for this specific product. It´s like a apple watch to me. Neat but i already have something like it.

It's fine to think that it shouldn't be selling as well as it is, but do you really not understand why it's selling?


Maybe i am just to old. 10-15 years ago Consoles were machines with dedicated chips who would outclass every PC for years and PCs were some grey boxes in the basement.

I think you just forget what the reality of PC/Console comparisons were years 10-15 years ago. Xbox 360 is approaching a decade old, and it was already outclassed by PCs at or just after launch. Same goes for the generation previous to that. Sure, you needed to spend $1000+ instead of $500-600 to get a better machine, but consoles never maintained their edge for long. Their selling point has always been ease of use and price.


GPU is actually around the same ballpark, not much stronger. The rest kinda fits the bill. As said i reused my Keyboard/Mouse. I give you the OS, but thats still a 15€ upgrade from free Dreamspark student version. Maybe i am just to old. 10-15 years ago Consoles were machines with dedicated chips who would outclass every PC for years and PCs were some grey boxes in the basement. Now we have Steam, streams or easy setups for living rooms and the consoles with standard midrange pc hardware. That´s where i lost my motivation to upgrade these and the exclusives just don´t speak to me on PS4.

This deosnt mean i hate consoles. On the contrary. I just don´t see the value for this specific product. It´s like a apple watch to me. Neat but i already have something like it.

The 400€ upgrade isn't the same as the entry price, which is the point I had a problem with. I don't think you can get a better PC build at that price point, unless you get discounts like the student price for the OS upgrade you mentioned. Win7 upgrade cost me somewhere along 50-70€, IIRC.

The PC prices have come down though, and the hardware probably lasts longer than it used to. I remember paying 400€ for the Radeon 9700 Pro, and it only took a couple of years before I had to make compromises with the visual settings, as the games were unplayable at a higher fidelity. That's why I was burned out of PC gaming, and even if the parts stay valid for longer nowadays, I don't think you will be playing all the games at high settings for the duration of the generation on a 400€ system.


I don't think you will be playing all the games at high settings for the duration of the generation on a 400€ system.

You most certainly won't. That said, being able to play on "high settings" is a terrible metric for value. Playing on console might be comparable to playing on high on PC now, but in 3-4 years, console settings will be low-medium on PC.


You most certainly won't. That said, being able to play on "high settings" is a terrible metric for value. Playing on console might be comparable to playing on high on PC now, but in 3-4 years, console settings will be low-medium on PC.

On a PC bought in 3-4 years yeah.

Comparing a $400 PC to a PS4 for th enext 5 years though?
Needs to maintain it with a steady stream of games otherwise this is just like Nintendo's bumps last year.

They have a nice stream of games lined up right now


That doesn't include the more niche releases (Senran Kagura, Disgaea 5, Hyperdimension Neptunia etc.) that'll help fill out the lineup even more


Are casuals buying the PS4 as well as the previous (very well treated by Sony)PS3 owners? It's just difficult for me personally to see what is so appealing about this console to be selling to the mass market. Nothing wrong with it selling great, congrats to Sony, I'm just not getting why.
An idea.

Three weeks

That looks like concept art.

I remember that song when I watched a Demon's Souls trailer back then.

But if we listen to the internet, Call of Duty would be one of the worst selling franchises of all time & Bayonetta is 15 million seller.
To be fair, if MW2 didn't have an negative impact on gaming and Infinity Ward was still on point, it might have been even.

If you're going to judge PS4 library you have to include all the CoDs, GTAs, Assassins Creeds, Dying Lights and Battlefields as well as all the digital and indie titles.
Dyling Light was just released. =/

And Halo:MCC? Still not working good, just FYI. Or does that not fit your argument? ;)

It can be picked up and played by anyone, and starts off easy enough, but it has a pretty steep learning curve later down the line and gets much harder fairly quickly. There are also none of the stabilisers you get with other racers, no race lines, tutorials, rewind modes, tuning options, additional assists or anything of the sort, and the AI is particularly aggressive as well. Gertsmann himself described the game as "the Dark Souls of racing games".
Is that's why it's called DriveClub?

share play with friends is awesome, Demo's arent needed when you can show your friend the game itself or let him play the game without needing to own it.
Is that a limited thing or a wide thing?

Still shocked Metal Gear isnt a Sony console exclusive anymore..
Kojima (or Konami) saw what was coming, thus Fox Engine was born.

PC talk in this thread is weird. I'm definitely a PC gamer, I have a 980 ffs, but I couldn't be happier that the ps4 is doing so well. It means devs will still bother creating games for that market, which then turn into ports for my platform of choice. It's a good thing all around, and very good for the industry. Anyone upset that consoles are still selling well needs to get laid.
Does it feel ok to keep calling most PC games "ports"?


GPU is actually around the same ballpark (edit: mine, not the PS4, you are correct on that), not much stronger. The rest kinda fits the bill. As said i reused my Keyboard/Mouse. I give you the OS, but thats still a 15€ upgrade from free Dreamspark student version. Maybe i am just to old. 10-15 years ago Consoles were machines with dedicated chips who would outclass every PC for years and PCs were some grey boxes in the basement. Now we have Steam, streams or easy setups for living rooms and the consoles with standard midrange pc hardware. That´s where i lost my motivation to upgrade these and the exclusives just don´t speak to me on PS4.

This deosnt mean i hate consoles. On the contrary. I just don´t see the value for this specific product. It´s like a apple watch to me. Neat but i already have something like it.

I think that never happened.
Congrats gaming. It looks like we aren't dead yet. I'm not taking a cheap shot at Sony but this news is only good news for the state of the hobby mostly. I don't understand where these analyst are getting this "consoles are dead" speech when he have record breaking numbers almost every week. Congrats overall and this only reinforces that there's ton of gamers who want the next big game. Sony got this.


Don't twist my words! Understand? I clearly explained to you what was broken, what's not! Online component was broken, not game itself. Take it how you want it.

Online is a major, core part of the game. You're acting like they're two separate things or some minor side part. It's funny how Sim City, Battlefield, Halo: MCC all had broken online and are considered broken but somehow Driveclub is not broken. So by your way on thinking Halo had a perfectly fine launch? lol ok. I like my PS4 and like Sony and think the PS4 has a lot of potential and a lot of good things so far but I'm not going to defend broken shit.


On a PC bought in 3-4 years yeah.

Comparing a $400 PC to a PS4 for th enext 5 years though?

PC parts are built to turn a profit while newer consoles are either sold at cost or at a loss. As such, the direct comparison is sort of dumb. It assumes that raw specs are all that matters (with no attention paid to hardware architecture) and that port optimizations will be perfect.

Also, no one really builds a $400 gaming PC if they wish to start gaming on PC. $600-700 is a more realistic start point, meaning consoles still have a price advantage if you don't factor in cheaper PC software (especially post launch).

That said, a $600-700 PC built today will outperform current consoles for the entire generation, provided you are playing at similar resolutions. My 2009 PC (which was around $700) continued to get 60FPS at 1080P (with much better textures/lighting) on last gen ports up to 2014, when PS3/360 were struggling to hit 30FPS at 720P. I wasn't playing on Ultra or Max anymore, but that's a moving target.


Great for Sony, it's a fantastic console and I don't regret the purchase one bit. I just wish Sony would get around to adding folders (or at least some way to organize the layout of the UI).
That doesn't include the more niche releases (Senran Kagura, Disgaea 5, Hyperdimension Neptunia etc.) that'll help fill out the lineup even more

It's a barrage of titles over the next few weeks only though. April onwards and it's back to being relatively barren till September 1st.

IMO, what's really most important is that these next few title-heavy weeks need to up the non-big-title week's baseline sales. PS4 needs to be able to sell itself healthily consistently based off its existing library, beyond waiting for the big-release-bumps.


I'm really eating crow with my pre-generation predictions now. I was totally a 'death of consoles is immanent' doom guy.. Boy was I wrong lol

Impressive numbers.


You most certainly won't. That said, being able to play on "high settings" is a terrible metric for value. Playing on console might be comparable to playing on high on PC now, but in 3-4 years, console settings will be low-medium on PC.

I can naturally only compare my own experiences, and I dunno how valid they're these days as I haven't really played on PC since 2006. Back then I had to tone down the settings quite a bit from UT2003 to UT2004, even when there was no huge visual difference between them apart from the size of the maps. Whereas on a console I could play a sequel to something like Uncharted just the same, even when it has a more noticeable visual improvement to its predecessor. And it ran at the same resolution, unlike the aforementioned UT2004 on my system back in the day.

There will be compromises made with the visual fidelity of the console versions down the line, but I think the late-gen games scale worse on the PC side when it comes to system requirements. Based on my past experiences, that is.


It's a barrage of titles over the next few weeks only though. April onwards and it's back to being relatively barren till September 1st.

IMO, what's really most important is that these next few title-heavy weeks need to up the non-big-title week's baseline sales. PS4 needs to be able to sell itself healthily consistently based off its existing library, beyond waiting for the big-release-bumps.

PS4 has enough heavy hitters in the future to eventually give it a viable base for console games in Japan. However, we're still looking at PS3 numbers at best.

Hardware sales in Japan are sort of irrelevant though. Games with a large western appeal (Metal Gear Solid, Street Fighter, etc) will remain on consoles regardless of Japanese performance. Niche Japanese games do fine with an install base of 2-3M (look at Vita). Japan is less than 10% of the worldwide console market now.
PS4 has enough heavy hitters in the future to eventually give it a viable base for console games in Japan. However, we're still looking at PS3 numbers at best.

Hardware sales in Japan are sort of irrelevant though. Games with a large western appeal (Metal Gear Solid, Street Fighter, etc) will remain on consoles regardless of Japanese performance. Niche Japanese games do fine with an install base of 2-3M (look at Vita). Japan is less than 10% of the worldwide console market now.

Hah. I'd say if PS4 could achieve 80% of PS3's LTD, that's already an achievement.
It's a barrage of titles over the next few weeks only though. April onwards and it's back to being relatively barren till September 1st.

IMO, what's really most important is that these next few title-heavy weeks need to up the non-big-title week's baseline sales. PS4 needs to be able to sell itself healthily consistently based off its existing library, beyond waiting for the big-release-bumps.

To be fair, that's true for the rest of the world. March is very much the new November.
I am just a 90% PC gamer with a little Nintendo here and there nowadays. It´s just a little surprising to a console selling this much in 2015. The times of dedicated hardware and exclusive software seem long gone. No more superpowered consoles, just something a 400€ PC from 2014 can beat easily and the same software i get for cheap on steam.
I guess it´s cool to own a Playstation again.




3 long weeks, but I still can't believe it's coming so soon.

It was only announced at E3! 9 months later and the game is coming out! That's how I like it.

I am just a 90% PC gamer with a little Nintendo here and there nowadays. It´s just a little surprising to a console selling this much in 2015. The times of dedicated hardware and exclusive software seem long gone. No more superpowered consoles, just something a 400€ PC from 2014 can beat easily and the same software i get for cheap on steam.
I guess it´s cool to own a Playstation again.

Maybe they wanted to play GTA5.
It's a barrage of titles over the next few weeks only though. April onwards and it's back to being relatively barren till September 1st.

IMO, what's really most important is that these next few title-heavy weeks need to up the non-big-title week's baseline sales. PS4 needs to be able to sell itself healthily consistently based off its existing library, beyond waiting for the big-release-bumps.

isn't that exactly what it's already doing?...

i mean, seriously: is there anyone who believes sony doesn't appreciate the fact that the more games it can offer, the better thing's'll get? sony's been doing game consoles for 20 years - longer than a number of posters here've been alive. i'm pretty sure they have something of an fundamental understanding of the business :) ...


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I'm really eating crow with my pre-generation predictions now. I was totally a 'death of consoles is immanent' doom guy.. Boy was I wrong lol

Impressive numbers.

I glad you admitted this. Nothing bad with being wrong sometimes.
I am just a 90% PC gamer with a little Nintendo here and there nowadays. It´s just a little surprising to a console selling this much in 2015. The times of dedicated hardware and exclusive software seem long gone. No more superpowered consoles, just something a 400€ PC from 2014 can beat easily and the same software i get for cheap on steam. I guess it´s cool to own a Playstation again.
Why? I don't understand...console gaming has been healthy for decades now, why should it be different? Consumers still enjoy the same stuff. No one I know that owns a PS4 bought it because "it's cool". They just want to play games...

I'm not sure what this picture is supposed to prove, other than the fact that there are warriors on both "sides". There's also a lot of double standards at play. If it's not about specs, why is that so often the focal point when console warriors "fight" each other? Because there's really no logic to such an argument. Just emotion.


Unconfirmed Member
Why? I don't understand...console gaming has been healthy for decades now, why should it be different? Consumers still enjoy the same stuff. No one I know that owns a PS4 bought it because "it's cool". They just want to play games...

You're talking to a brick wall.


Never underestimate the power of convenience - especially as you are getting older.

At 36 with wife and kid there is just no way I will get back into PC gaming.

Also: Why is this thread about PC vs. PS4 anyway?

Yeah, I'm with you on this one. I have a decent laptop as well as the consoles but everything just feels like a massive hassle compared to console gaming.
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