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"PlayStation Rewards" Program Announced (US)

Oni Jazar

Exclusive opportunities to enter into sweepstakes is the biggest load of bull dookie that's ever been pinched off.

Yo dawg, I get a chance for a chance to win?
krae_man said:
I hope they make qualifying purchases retroactive. I've bought a crap load of PSN games, SCEA published games, and Sony Hardware:lol

Also hold off on complaining about how crappy the rewards are. That blog post provides basically no information. Wait for them to announce the worthless rewards that make NOA Club Nintendo look godly and then start complaining.:lol
Will it be retro-active?

Chris Hagedorn | October 27th, 2010 at 8:56 am
Sorry, it’s not retro-active.


In its initial launch tomorrow (Oct. 28th), PlayStation Rewards will be an invitation-only beta to all eligible PlayStation Plus and Gamer Advisory Panel (GAP) members. We’re kicking things off as a beta so that we can get feedback from our most loyal fans in order to make it the best possible rewards program it can be. It’s also worth noting that during the beta phase, the program will be focused on PlayStation 3 owners, but we hope to include PSP users as well not too far down the road. Oh, and one more thing: PlayStation Rewards will be free – there is no fee to join!

Hey Sony.

Screw you!
jett said:
Hey Sony.

Screw you!

In its initial launch tomorrow (Oct. 28th), PlayStation Rewards will be an invitation-only beta to all eligible PlayStation Plus and Gamer Advisory Panel (GAP) members. We’re kicking things off as a beta so that we can get feedback from our most loyal fans in order to make it the best possible rewards program it can be. It’s also worth noting that during the beta phase, the program will be focused on PlayStation 3 owners, but we hope to include PSP users as well not too far down the road. Oh, and one more thing: PlayStation Rewards will be free – there is no fee to join!

Like already said, the beta focused on Plus people and (Free) GAP members.


Oni Jazar said:
Exclusive opportunities to enter into sweepstakes is the biggest load of bull dookie that's ever been pinched off.

Yo dawg, I get a chance for a chance to win?
But you can get a sweet avatar emblem! The best part is letting your friends know you participate in Sony e-raffles.

Whatever. Brought to you by the same people who already sell a monthly mystery grab bag.


alr1ghtstart said:
sweet, avatars and themes. Just what I wanted.

Eh, it's free though, so it's cool.
Plus exclusive merchandise not found any where else? Didn't I see a trip to E3 in there? Do folks intentionally skip over stuff in here?
Uh...how do we exactly get invited to this?

Sit here and cross our fingers we'll get an invite email? Like all the other betas I didn't get invited to? How do you join "GAP"?


RavenFox said:
Plus exclusive merchandise not found any where else? Didn't I see a trip to E3 in there? Do folks intentionally skip over stuff in here?
Do YOU intentionally skip over stuff? Like the fact that those are giveaways and not actually rewards? The vast, vast, vast majority of people who take part in this will never get a trip or merchandise. (And it's not a trip to E3 anyway.)


RavenFox said:
Plus exclusive merchandise not found any where else? Didn't I see a trip to E3 in there? Do folks intentionally skip over stuff in here?
Guess what; you're not going to win the trip to CES, and virtual e-wards are garbage. At least Nintendo gives you actual, *tangible* stuff. This is just nonsense. It's literally nothing more than a raffle to win worthless avatar stuff. Until they flesh-out more substantive prizes, this is pretty weak.


Why is everyone complaining about themes and avatars when you guys are totally ignoring the fact that they are giving away Home items for free. Home items.
lawblob said:
Guess what; you're not going to win the trip to E3, and virtual e-wards are garbage. At least Nintendo gives you actual, tangible stuff. This is just nonsense. It's literally a raffle to win worthless avatar stuff. Until they flesh-out more substantive prizes, this is pretty weak.

Sony: We hear you guys and we're considering other great things in the near future. Please keep checking back!


lawblob said:
Guess what; you're not going to win the trip to CES, and virtual e-wards are garbage. At least Nintendo gives you actual, *tangible* stuff. This is just nonsense. It's literally nothing more than a raffle to win worthless avatar stuff. Until they flesh-out more substantive prizes, this is pretty weak.
Pretty sure the avatars and themes aren't part of the raffles.
When I read the title, I hoped that they would offer you exclusive shit or discounts for unlocking certain Trophy-levels.

Now that would be cool.

This just sucks. And I'm in Europe anyway.
magicaltrevor said:
When I read the title, I hoped that they would offer you exclusive shit or discounts for unlocking certain Trophy-levels.

Now that would be cool.

This just sucks. And I'm in Europe anyway.
well they said other regions are showing interest. and i'm sure that Europe's PlayStation Reward will actually be real rewards if they had one.

SCEA just doesn't get it.


Not being retroactive sucks.. Sounds like a decent plan. I benefit because I spend. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it pans out.
I hope that if this makes it over to the EU, we'll have things like Playstation T-shirts, gaming accessories, hats, holiday themed items etc in it.
darkjedi187 said:
Free hat? way back when I joined I got a binder and cd holder.
I didn't get anything at all. My friend who also got into GAP around the same time got a free hat and a Killzone Liberation demo disc.

Obviously, I was pissed at the time. I wanted free stuff too.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
TheSeks said:
And watch me get passed over even though I just got their stupid newsletters yesterday.

Even though I've been part of GAP for years now.

Really, the only good thing here is the giveaways. Maybe if they gave beta access (LOL PLUS ONLY) or games out (LOL EXPLOIT SERVEYS), it'd be more worthwhile. But how many people besides like... me... that only uses it for five minutes... is going to use/want the Home stuff?

I haven't gotten a GAP related email since Uncharted 2 beta, what have you gotten lately?


Sony could have strived for somethting cool like being better then Club Nintendo. Instead they strived to be as good as something useless like icoke.


erotic butter maelstrom
I guess it's better than no rewards program, but without any worthwhile awards it seems pretty pointless. Themes and avatards just don't do it for me, especially when I already have the Flower dynamic theme which makes every other theme shit in comparison.


Great to see Sony leading the way here .

It really makes sense to offer stuff to your best customers this way.
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