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PlayStation Vita Japanese Launch Thread. "APOCALYPTIC!" says concerned Nuclear Muffin

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Alright, forgive me for asking this, but I haven't been following any of the doom and gloom talk at all.

Just why is it selling so poorly in Japan with the original PSP beating it in sales? Is it just the price? Like I said, I haven't been following it at all, but it still shocks me when I hear that in passing.

Software, but I think a big reason, and one that is being overlooked, is the lack of UMD support for the Vita.

They do have a transfer program, but you have to pay a silly amount per title and the transfer program itself is not widely supported, with only 262 titles being supported which is like less than half of the total software releases in Japan for the PSP.

So imagine you're a PSP owner, and Monster Hunter be damned, you want a Vita, but DD isn't that big in Japan to begin with, so not only are you socially predisposed to not be super hot on the idea, but 90% of your PSP library is physical media.

The Vita already costs much more than your PSP (that is still getting releases), and even forgetting for the moment that you need to buy an expensive proprietary memory card for the Vita to work sufficiently, now you also have to buy a BIG (16-32 gig?) memory card to store all of your PSP games on the Vita on top of paying to transfer each title.

That doesn't sound like a good proposition.
Here's the thing about launches. Unless your name is Apple or Kinect, your launch sucks. End of story.

Writing a system off now, or declaring it will overcome and rule the world, are both preposterous. We do not have nearly enough data to make that claim with any semblance of confidence. Anyone doing it is just guessing and it's likely coming from what they want to see as opposed to facts (considering the sheer lack of facts 3 weeks into this thing).


It means this:

Is this how to turn on the PS Vita?


I think I read that PSP demos won't work on the Vita but only full PSP games.
Not 100% sure though.

I can confirm that it's true. For example, I wanted to download the demo of FF Type-0, but nope :( In the PS Store, under the PSP category, only downloadable full versions are listed.
Caved in and bought mine.


Used 3G model for 24.8k yen. Sorry sone didn't give you +1 sale for this week but the deal was good.

Haven't touched it much since I'm resting and the vita doesn't like the adhoc Internet from my laptop.


I downloaded a bunch of PSP demos using both my UK and US accounts to test them out with my Vita... and I can't seem to transfer them from my PS3 to my Vita. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a limitation of the Vita?

I'm pondering whether or not to switch my Vita PSN account to my US one and just want to see what PSP games are available, pricing, etc.

Not even full games work, I tried it with a few I still had on my ps3 and the Vita doesn't detect any of them in content manager.


I can confirm that it's true. For example, I wanted to download the demo of FF Type-0, but nope :( In the PS Store, under the PSP category, only downloadable full versions are listed.

Not even full games work, I tried it with a few I still had on my ps3 and the Vita doesn't detect any of them in content manager.

Maybe it's an update that haven't been pushed out yet.

and myabe you are doing something different/wrong?


nods at old men
Not even full games work, I tried it with a few I still had on my ps3 and the Vita doesn't detect any of them in content manager.

Did you redownload those PSP games since the last update?
You have to to get the "new versions" that will transfer to PSP and Vita.


Did you redownload those PSP games since the last update?
You have to to get the "new versions" that will transfer to PSP and Vita.

Hmmm, does that go for any PSP titles or just the ones bought on a foreign store where the vita is already out? Got an EU copy of Oath in Felghana which I d/led whilst on fw 4.00.
It does not detect that either.
Well you can replace iPhone in that argument with iPod touch and the prices match up a bit more.

But I don't get why it's one or the other.
I love iOS gaming, my 3ds and I'm crazy hyped to get a vita.

because outside of serious mobile gamers and K-12 kids, most of us are going choose one or the other. I've pretty much chosen the phone at this point, as I rarely ride public transportation and I am never really in a place where I have so much free time ahead of me that I need to carry a dedicated gaming device with me everywhere I go. I fly a lot, but tend to either sleep or read on the plane. As such, all I really need is gaming in 5-10 minute increments. Enough to pass a little down time. If I didn't own a smartphone or had more free time while traveling, a Vita/3DS may be more interesting.
because outside of serious mobile gamers and K-12 kids, most of us are going choose one or the other. I've pretty much chosen the phone at this point, as I rarely ride public transportation and I am never really in a place where I have so much free time ahead of me that I need to carry a dedicated gaming device with me everywhere I go. I fly a lot, but tend to either sleep or read on the plane. As such, all I really need is gaming in 5-10 minute increments. Enough to pass a little down time. If I didn't own a smartphone or had more free time while traveling, a Vita/3DS may be more interesting.

Do you have any data showing that "most of you" are going to choose one or the other? Or are we just making stuff up to fit our narrative?

This thread is filled with people giving opinions as facts. It's madness.


reviewer likes Vita a lot... But I cant help to notice how games are now "most" $50, which is not true, only one game is $50. Most games are $39.95. Quite few good ones are $29.95 (Wipeout, HotShots, Modnation). Quite possibly there will be nice PSN discounts.

Also, I like how iPhone 4S is cheaper than Vita. Its not. It is $600. You are paying expensive monthly plan to get it "cheaper".

If you live in USA, it is $250 to get 4s with taxes and then $1320 over the next 2 years for phone, with mandatory data plan of 200 MB for $15/month, minimum.

So you are paying $1570 for iphone 4s. $250 for Vita.

I am not saying Vita is great, or cheap, or even recommended (not sure if i would buy it myself, ever), but do get the facts right.

Myself I am buying new phone, but I am going to get much lesser plan that will satisfy all of my phone needs and I will actually pay $350 for Iphone 4s or $500 for Galaxy Note or $100 for Neo V. And actually save like $1000 over buying IPHONE4s FOR FREE!!!! (here in eeurope).

I dont know why they keep comparing the Vita to the iPhone. They should use the iPod touch. It is $199 for the 8Gb one with no contract.


Software, but I think a big reason, and one that is being overlooked, is the lack of UMD support for the Vita.

They do have a transfer program, but you have to pay a silly amount per title and the transfer program itself is not widely supported, with only 262 titles being supported which is like less than half of the total software releases in Japan for the PSP.

So imagine you're a PSP owner, and Monster Hunter be damned, you want a Vita, but DD isn't that big in Japan to begin with, so not only are you socially predisposed to not be super hot on the idea, but 90% of your PSP library is physical media.

The Vita already costs much more than your PSP (that is still getting releases), and even forgetting for the moment that you need to buy an expensive proprietary memory card for the Vita to work sufficiently, now you also have to buy a BIG (16-32 gig?) memory card to store all of your Vita games and pay for transferring each title.

That doesn't sound like a good proposition.

That PSP doesn't turn into dust when you buy a Vita you know.

It is like saying "Hey Sony, I bought the digital copy of Monster Hunter. Now give me the UMD for free!"

If they made converting games free of charge, that would be cool. But they don't have to. Just think of how many games would be bought brand new to register and sell them back 15 minutes later.


because outside of serious mobile gamers and K-12 kids, most of us are going choose one or the other. I've pretty much chosen the phone at this point, as I rarely ride public transportation and I am never really in a place where I have so much free time ahead of me that I need to carry a dedicated gaming device with me everywhere I go. I fly a lot, but tend to either sleep or read on the plane. As such, all I really need is gaming in 5-10 minute increments. Enough to pass a little down time. If I didn't own a smartphone or had more free time while traveling, a Vita/3DS may be more interesting.

Phones don't have unlimited battery life. 2D Settlers of Catan crushes the battery on my Evo.


That PSP doesn't turn into dust when you buy a Vita you know.

It is like saying "Hey Sony, I bought the digital copy of Monster Hunter. Now give me the UMD for free!"

If they made converting games free of charge, that would be cool. But they don't have to. Just think of how many games would be bought brand new to register and sell them back 15 minutes later.

Of course not, but the point isn't 'well the PSP doesn't disappear' it's that consumers prefer a smooth transition to the successor product, the Vita doesn't have that and that's a barrier to entry for PSP owners that want to get a Vita.

They could have charged a certain amount based on bandwidth usage of the download if there is any, as long as the UMD was sent in/signed over/destroyed in some capacity? The solution isn't easy but the transfer program (that doesn't support half of the PSP games released in Japan) doesn't do much to fix the problem; add to that the high prices of the high capacity storage sticks that will be needed. It's ludicrous, especially for Japan, a place that isn't too hot on DD in the first place.

The PSP doesn't turn to dust but that has little baring on the Vita transition being difficult and unappealing to some customers and that is costing them sales.
Phones don't have unlimited battery life. 2D Settlers of Catan crushes the battery on my Evo.

PSV/3DS don't have unlimited battery life either. Android phones are known for bad battery life. Especially the first 4G phones.

I have no such issues with my iPhone 4. Maybe you should upgrade. You'll have a superior selection of games to choose from too.


Haven't touched it much since I'm resting and the vita doesn't like the adhoc Internet from my laptop.
You must be doing something wrong - I'm running Connectify and Vita has no problems connecting to my wifi hotspot.
PSV/3DS don't have unlimited battery life either. Android phones are known for bad battery life. Especially the first 4G phones.

I have no such issues with my iPhone 4. Maybe you should upgrade. You'll have a superior selection of games to choose from too.

Don't know what youre smoking, any real game on my 4s kills the battery.... Also superior selection is an opinion... But yea..... Buttons > touch screen .... Specially crappy virtual buttons.


ALMOST bought Minna no Golf today. Hype can be a terrible thing, since I really hate golf.


anyone bought any psp games off the hk store thinking of getting motorstorm or god of war do they look smoother?

also thinking of purchasing from the hk store umvc or blazeblue which has more of the english language in them?
You must be doing something wrong - I'm running Connectify and Vita has no problems connecting to my wifi hotspot.

I created an ad-hoc network using windows 7 setup.

The laptop is connected to the hotel LAN via cable and pumping Internet via wifi.

My iPad and iPhone can see it just fine.
Is this conectify software free?


Junior Member
How do I get to the recovery menu?

I was in NEAR and my HK vita froze.. now it just won't work.. Ive restrated 6 times now and it just freezes up when I first start up..
How do I get to the recovery menu?

I was in NEAR and my HK vita froze.. now it just won't work.. Ive restrated 6 times now and it just freezes up when I first start up..


Powering down during an update is never a good idea. However you might want to have a go at the PS Vita recovery menu, if you can reach it:

Recovery Menu:

Turn OFF your PS Vita (Press Power Button for 10 seconds)
Now press and hold “R” + Power + PS (PlayStation Button)
Now you’re in Recovery Menu (Mode)

Worth a shot, should look like:


still solid hardware, more about IGN's blatant hyperbole

I doubt you'd be able to find many people who could tell the difference between a 544p screen and a 720p one for one thing, and with the size of the screen and its pixel density relative to a HDTV screen it becomes further indiscernible to most people. Given the quality of the screen itself too, what does it even matter?
I'd bet if you didn't know better, and the screen was billed as 720p, you would believe it was HD.

If you're talking pure facts, sure it isn't, but relative to previous handheld experiences there's an argument to be made that it is, as people that own it in this thread could attest to. My view is, what difference does it make if you wouldn't know if someone told you, and if most of the games aren't even outputting at native res anyway.


I think he might just be referring to how "HD generation" games are now possible on handhelds. Kinda like how some people were saying Revelations has "HD assets"

And yeah, with a screen that size I'm not convinced there would be a noticeable difference. Doesn't really matter anyway.

...I need to stop lurking this thread or I actually am going to end up buying one of these at launch. brb comforting my wallet


Software, but I think a big reason, and one that is being overlooked, is the lack of UMD support for the Vita.

They do have a transfer program, but you have to pay a silly amount per title and the transfer program itself is not widely supported, with only 262 titles being supported which is like less than half of the total software releases in Japan for the PSP.

So imagine you're a PSP owner, and Monster Hunter be damned, you want a Vita, but DD isn't that big in Japan to begin with, so not only are you socially predisposed to not be super hot on the idea, but 90% of your PSP library is physical media.

The Vita already costs much more than your PSP (that is still getting releases), and even forgetting for the moment that you need to buy an expensive proprietary memory card for the Vita to work sufficiently, now you also have to buy a BIG (16-32 gig?) memory card to store all of your Vita games and pay for transferring each title.

That doesn't sound like a good proposition.

That is stupid but so Sony. I would have expected no less on Vita launch, i can access the whole PSP library that is already on PSN AND free backward compatible with PSP games i already bought.

Sony sticking to their old shit and so why Vita will fail, iOS gaming will just make it faster. Vita does not feels like an enabler machine, consumers dont feel empower by this technology.


I created an ad-hoc network using windows 7 setup.

The laptop is connected to the hotel LAN via cable and pumping Internet via wifi.

My iPad and iPhone can see it just fine.
Is this conectify software free?
It has a free version which is enough, at least for me. Using it with my iPhone and Vita with no problems.


did you have to 'reset' the card for trophies? Still no idea how you do that, couldn't find anything in any menu
I think all you have to do is to remove the game from XMB and insert it into another Vita. Not 100% sure, but there isn't possibly anything more you can do.


I think all you have to do is to remove the game from XMB and insert it into another Vita. Not 100% sure, but there isn't possibly anything more you can do.

sure, but they have all that talk about used games not having trophy support. Wonder if thats only for games that save on card?


Junior Member
My home network setup isn't friendly with regular old WPA so I need Vita for my WPA2 fix.

Fuck you, PSPGO. :(


Junior Member
sure, but they have all that talk about used games not having trophy support. Wonder if thats only for games that save on card?

Its for all games. You simply have to go into Edit mode on the bubble screen then delete it off the home screen. Pretty sure that deletes all info on the Memory Card + Cart.
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