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Playstation Vita western launch thread | It only does everything, everywhere.

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I'll have a NEAR thread later tonight so we can all swap Game Goods. :D

Cool ! Might want to include step-by-step screenshot instructions on how to use it. Just the basic Near locator feature to get the ball rolling. That app can be confusing sometimes.

I held off my 3G activation until next week so that I can play with more people.

Unfortunately it still messes up... guess I should take it back then?

Yes !

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Question: I want to be able to charge this thing at work and not carry a cord with me. What do I buy? Do the official AC adapters not come with the USB-vita cable!?
I got the Usb->Vita cable. You can charge it by plugging the usb into a computer and the proprietary connector to Vita. That same cable you plug into the adapter when you want to charge it that way.
Can anyone comment to the online features of UMvC3? Is it smooth over a decent connection, interface and matchmaking easy and intuitive? Latency, frame-rates, etc...


Hi guys. What is the best US version of Monster Hunter? I've never played the games and was thinking of picking one up for the Vita. Any of the US games have online component and whats the difference with the Japanese versions (3rd Portable)?


Wanna see what's inside?


Color-coded screws (Step 18)? This is awesome.


Rayman on Vita is amazing.

Looks at least as nice at my 55" plasma. Controls better than my Xbox 360's poor d-pad.

My game of the launch so far.

Question: I want to be able to charge this thing at work and not carry a cord with me. What do I buy? Do the official AC adapters not come with the USB-vita cable!?
Skip the AC adapter if you have a lot if high power USB chargers lying around. You just need the USB cable, which does not come with the AC adapter.

I mentioned earlier that the Vita charges fine with the HP Touchpad charger.


Can anyone comment to the online features of UMvC3? Is it smooth over a decent connection, interface and matchmaking easy and intuitive? Latency, frame-rates, etc...

I only played one game, but it was 5 bars and felt really good. Matchmaking seemed the same as the console version for ranked. Didn't try a player match.


Well, I stayed up entirely too late playing around with my Vita. The FEB case still stinks, but I am guessing that the smell will fade with time. My wife says it smells like a wet dog with burnt fur. I don't know how to describe the odor, but it's, uh, unpleasant. It's strong too.

I just heard the most amazing retort to this, and I just HAVE to share it. It's so wrong, but yet so right.

"Do you expect a coffin to smell nice when there's been a corpse in it?"

I'm still laughing. :(


I am just trying out near. It seems a nice feature. I found few people nearby with Vita lol

EDIT: does all the users showing up in near a Vita user?
BigBig Studios is closing down, no chance of a sweet ass Pursuit Force for the Vita =/

I just heard the most amazing retort to this, and I just HAVE to share it. It's so wrong, but yet so right.

"Do you expect a coffin to smell nice when there's been a corpse in it?"

I'm still laughing. :(

Hahahah =(


You can play demos on any account correct? So I can make a PSN Japanese account, download the demo, factory reset Vita, and play the demo on my US account?

Actually I haven't tried it, but from what I heard, it depends on the demo. There are demos that are region locked apparently.


I am just trying out near. It seems a nice feature. I found few people nearby with Vita lol

EDIT: does all the users showing up in near a Vita user?

There is probably an upper limit. Otherwise the screen will become too cluttered. Hard to select the avatars individually.


I just heard the most amazing retort to this, and I just HAVE to share it. It's so wrong, but yet so right.

"Do you expect a coffin to smell nice when there's been a corpse in it?"

I'm still laughing. :(

still laughing here too (and Ive had a vita since Jap Launch and love it)

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Don't let crappy reviews scare you. I have this preordered as well and I bet it's good enough for its price.

I couldn't care less for reviews.

Oh I won't, I live by the rule that a 7/10 is still a good game, but might have flaws. If you canceled every game that got less than 8.5 you'd miss out on a few gems. I've already got it ordered from overseas anyway, hopefully is in transit before release.


There is probably an upper limit. Otherwise the screen will become too cluttered. Hard to select the avatars individually.

oh my question meant that the ones that show up are all vita users, right? Not PS3 or PSP accounts? (I suppose it can't be possible to show those, but)
Hey guys, like the 3DS, is it better to just keep the Vita in sleep mode when not in use? I powered it off last night, but I'd like to know if there's any benefit at all to doing that.

I guess the optimum thing would be to keep it in a cradle in sleep mode, but it would get pretty dusty...
Is there any way to tell if my profile is logged in or not? I played a bunch of U:GA yesterday at work but when I got home and went to check my Vita trophies none of the trophies I unlocked show up. I dont have internet at work, but I do at home and all the trophies that I have unlocked at home show up.
Well after getting my FEB yesterday I figured I would share my intial thoughts/impressions of the device in a review of the different components/features of the system: <wall of text incoming>

The hardware on this thing, as has been mentioned numerous times, is great. The overall device is solid, but extremely light. It feels really well built and put together. The sticks/buttons on the device also have nice "click" and responsivness. I really enjoy having the analog sticks that are more true to a conventional controller, and haven't come across any situations as of yet where I have struggeld to use them (note: This included playing the sniper section of the Uncharted demo). I can see the device being a magnet for fingerprints, and will have a screen protector on the front of the device once my HORI one arrives, but until now I have the official Sony one on the back (which needed to be slightly altered/cut to fit on the device). I haven't tried anything out with the rear touch panel, and honestly, the jury is still out on my thoughts on that until something interesting comes out that uses it. However, the front touchscreen was extremely responsive and I never felt like I was unable to do what I wanted it to do. I think the combination of using an iPhone/iPad over the past year really made using the touchscreen for just about everything. Very intuitive. The battery life may become an issue for people such as myself that use the Vita at home, as this may lead to tendencies of longer game sessions. Especially if you use it for other things (web browser, music, store, friends, etc.) I did not fully test out the battery though. The screen is very gorgeous. It has quick response times and great viewing angles with rich colors. I was very impressed with the screen.

I was very impressed with the OS. This is not only based upon my tempered expectations, but what I feel like for Sony is their best OS created yet. The different "screens/spaces" for the device are easy to navigate and move around (they behave like rearranging iphone/ipad icons would work). The ability to multi-task on the fly is great. I can jump out of a game, message someone, check trophies, add a friend, etc. and then jump right back into the game. However, the multi-tasking is not perfect. The inability to use the web browser while having a game paused in the background is something that annoyed me several times. I'm really not sure why this limitation is imposed. The customization of all the screens is also nice, especially thanks to some of the pictures that have been put up in the wallpaper screen here on GAF.

PSN Integration
I think that PSN is well integrated for the most part. Download speeds seem good and patching is quick. Group messaging is nice. However, I do have a list of minor annoyances.

  • I wish tophies could be viewed on my PS3 - with the tight integration with the PS3 experience it seems like an oversight
  • I wish that my PS3 friends could see what I'm doing on my Vita (I'm nearly 100% sure they can't)
  • I wish the messaging and friends apps didn't require you to switch between the two
  • My biggest complaint here is that the system does not always keep you online - Again, this is not a very large annoyance at this point, as the system connects back to PSN quickly. However, I could see this becoming more annoying in the future. I understand that they want to reduce the amount of time you are using the WiFi/3G in order to increase battery life, but I should have the options as the user to dictate my usage. Also, another thing annoyance is how some items that are not displayed on the store, actually work on the Vita (example: Killzone Liberation). I can only install it by first downloading it on my PS3. Not a huge deal, but not nearly ideal
  • I wish that everything I could play on my Vita could be seen on the Vita version of the PSN store -- there are numerous titles that you need to install from your PS3

Installed software
Near is interesting, but not completely intuitive what is going on or how it is doing/calculating what it is doing. I will say though that I'm intrigued with its use.

Content Manager
The Content manager is actually very easy to use with the PlayStation 3. Just plug in your device into the PS3, it recognizes it, and you copy over either "Applications" or media-related items such as music, videos, or photos. The transfer speeds from an item on the PS3 placed onto the Vita seemed fast

Remote Play
Remote Play is interesting, as it's not entirely sure what games will/won't work. Pixel Junk Shooter and FFVI worked for me, but other PSN titles did not. This is one of my biggest annoyances with the system is not exactly knowing what will and won't work. And, I'm sure, that Sony doesn't actually know either (which is why I don't know). Also, the quality of the video image is not really all that great. Kinda grainy

Seemed to work easy enough. It runs off the Google Maps service. Easy to make bookmarks for locations. Will be more useful for those using the GPS functionality (which I did not test, as I was always on my home's wirless interent connection)

Web Broswer
The web browser seemed extremely functional, and displayed the full version of GAF without any difficutlies. I did not have a lot of time to mess around with it (only really used it for GAF and ESPN.com), but when I went to ESPN.com it automatically recognized the Vita as a mobile device and switched me over to the mobile version of their website. I could have multiple pages open and could switch between them easily and quickly. I have to say, I'm very impressed from what I initially expected

(missing Apps)
I REALLY REALLY want to see more iOS stuff get over here, and fast. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Reeder, Photobucket, Words With Friends, and for heavens sake an email client. I mean with all these things I could use Vita for everything (except calls obviously, lol).

Launch titles

Wipeout 2048
The visuals on this game really floored me. I felt as though I was playing a PS3-type experience in the palm of my hands, which is what I want. The load times were a little rough, but after what I experienced with the demo unit I played pre-launch, they are very bearable and don't stop me from playing the game. I can't imagine playing it with any other control method than "Wipeout". It really exceeded my expectations.

Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
- I have not had a chance to play this yet

Uncharted: Golden Abyss demo
My copy of Uncharted will not come in until Friday or so, and I decided to download the demo. The shooting was not difficult for me really at all, like others had mentioned. I can definitely see the gyro aiming being very useful as well. The grahpics were very good. You could see though, if you looked for it, the places they had to make a compromise for the Vita version of Uncharted (which is understandable considering the level of quality the graphics are on the PS3 Uncharted games)

I see the Vita fitting into two distinct categories. How I view, and how the market will/may.

The Vita (for me)
Personally, I am in the honeymoon stage with the Vita right now. The device is great, and while it has some annoying "launchy" issues, I feel as though they can be easily resolved. I can see myself using the device on a regular basis. --- oh yeah, the FEB case smells like a shoe box! (not farts!)

The Vita (in the market)
Now, for the other side of the coin...Not everyone is me I realize. I think the Vita will have difficulty gaining traction in all honesty. I think the admission of the ability of the Vita to make phone calls is glaring, and will hold it back tremendously. The people with dedicated handhelds 7 years ago when the PSP launched, and the people today are split up very differently. The cheaper mobile market has grabbed a lot of those people who, before, only used a dedicated handheld because there was no mobile gaming space available to them on their phone. I really don't see those people ever coming back to handhelds. And at a higher price tag than the 3DS (who the Vita has positioned itself directly against it seems) it's tough to see people choosing Vita over 3DS (I'm talking mainstreamers) when the 3DS has the Nintendo franchises on it. I really think Sony needs to focus on securing/infusing 3rd party supprot into the Vita. --- Also make it a phone in 1 or 2 years.


The Amiga Brotherhood
And at a higher price tag than the 3DS (who the Vita has positioned itself directly against it seems) it's tough to see people choosing Vita over 3DS (I'm talking mainstreamers) when the 3DS has the Nintendo franchises on it. I really think Sony needs to focus on securing/infusing 3rd party supprot into the Vita. --- Also make it a phone in 1 or 2 years.

Maybe fully featured franchises like CoD, Madden, FIFA etc could combat that though?
Looks great! Only downside I saw is one review on Amazon noted if you sit it down with any kind of light force on the hinges it pops open, any truth to that?

I plan to buy this case.

I had no issues with the hinge. Maybe a faulty one?

As for the customs, it has a front and back Little Deviants and a front and back Wipeout inserts. I'm seriously wondering if they used the playgear pocket size for these, cause it is just about the same size. I'll test that shortly, download a playgear pocket template and try to make an insert.

Edit - Actually whoever said about not putting the rubber inserts back in after changing out the artwork might be right. I did make sure I pushed those things back in as much as possible.


I set a wallpaper as the start screen, I don't like it - how can I return to whatever the default was? I'm going through the settings but can't find anything too obvious here for it


Now, for the other side of the coin...Not everyone is me I realize. I think the Vita will have difficulty gaining traction in all honesty. I think the admission of the ability of the Vita to make phone calls is glaring, and will hold it back tremendously. The people with dedicated handhelds 7 years ago when the PSP launched, and the people today are split up very differently. The cheaper mobile market has grabbed a lot of those people who, before, only used a dedicated handheld because there was no mobile gaming space available to them on their phone. I really don't see those people ever coming back to handhelds. And at a higher price tag than the 3DS (who the Vita has positioned itself directly against it seems) it's tough to see people choosing Vita over 3DS (I'm talking mainstreamers) when the 3DS has the Nintendo franchises on it. I really think Sony needs to focus on securing/infusing 3rd party supprot into the Vita. --- Also make it a phone in 1 or 2 years.

i dont' think calling is a must for 3g vita, but allowing instant messaging services like whatsapp, viver, gtalk, chaton or messenger would give the system a boost as a multipurpose device. They also should add more video codecs.
Are cases of stuck / dead pixels with the Vita very rare? I've searched the last few pages and not seen any mention other than 1 comment.
I hope this is the case.


Are cases of stuck / dead pixels with the Vita very rare? I've searched the last few pages and not seen any mention other than 1 comment.
I hope this is the case.

I don't think I've ever heard of OLED displays having stuck/dead pixels. At least never on
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