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PoliGAF 2017 |OT4| The leaks are coming from inside the white house

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"When you lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things—Comey, Russia—you blame yourself,” Schumer told The Washington Post. “So what did we do wrong? People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump. And still believe that.”


Lmao, Schumer out here.
Of course you celebrate this and take away the wrong meaning.
So what changed in the last 48 hours that is making the GOP force a vote on health care on Tuesday? I'm confused here. This thing was dead last week. Did that depressing democratic voter turnout report play a role here? I've been out of the loop and am genuinely seeking what the issue is.
Because they are literally going to keep playing this game of "make it seem like we failed only to try again and tire the opposition out" until they physically run out of time to pass something under budget.
Get this. What if, regardless if it was a deciding factor (it was, but not the sole one, no), campaign collusion and resulting obstruction were punishable crimes?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
They can't even pass the bill with 50 votes anymore, they're not voting on anything Tuesday. The only thing that changed in the last 48 hours was the parliamentary ruling like 75% of the bill doesn't qualify for reconciliation.

Interesting. Collins said today she was sure they were voting on Tuesday but just didn't know on what form of the bill. Wonder what they'll put up?

Because they are literally going to keep playing this game of "make it seem like we failed only to try again and tire the opposition out" until they physically run out of time to pass something under budget.

Perhaps. I guess I don't see the political benefit here.
So what changed in the last 48 hours that is making the GOP force a vote on health care on Tuesday? I'm confused here. This thing was dead last week. Did that depressing democratic voter turnout report play a role here? I've been out of the loop and am genuinely seeking what the issue is.

I don't think they can do a tax plan without it, and have nothing to do in reserve.


What if -- get this -- what if the reality of the current situation (the collapse of American democracy and the rise an unchecked authoritarian) is not in fact a singularly describable issue where we have to pick one of: Hillary's incompetence and messaging, Russian interference, Democratic infighting, voter suppression, campaign financing and corruption, gerrymandering, social justice, social justice backlash, Literally All White People, both-sides ism in responsible media, the equally eye-rolling and sinister cynicism of conservative media, and/or depressed voter turnout slash disconnected publics?

Like, maybe talking about one of these doesn't mean all of the others aren't relevant? Crazy, I know. Every time I see one person dismissing Russia because Hillary, dismissing Bernie because voter turnout, dismissing Fox News because both sides-ism, dismissing X because of Y and on and on ... I dunno. Democracy dies with every one of these stupid little arguments.

And none of this bullshit started with either Hillary, or Bernie, or Russia, or Trump.

(i firmly believe if you address any one of the above in whole or in part Hillary is probably president today.)

Good post except for the part where you set up "social justice" alongside "literally Nazis everywhere" like we could've chosen either and it would be fine


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Rand says he will vote to proceed if there is a vote for "clean repeal."
Scaramucci on WH leakers: "They're going to get fired"

"Tomorrow I'm going to have a staff meeting. And it's going to be a very binary thing. I'm not going to make any prejudgments about anybody on that staff. If they want to stay on the staff, they're going to stop leaking," Scaramucci, the new White House communications director, said Sunday on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"If you're going to keep leaking, I'm going to fire everybody. It's just very binary," he said.

Firing everybody. That would be interesting.
Yeah no.

That will go to Obama. It is because of Obamacare that we were even put on the path that Americans now actually believe that healthcare should be a right.

Possibly. How the healthcare will be debate will be settled is going to be determined by, assuming the good case scenario, we gain control of the House, become a majority in the Senate, get Democratic President, and who they are.

While Democrats in general believe we should all be covered it is split on how it should be done. Many of the Democrats are not going to support single payer without a detailed plan. You can't pass the bill without them. It might be far easier for them to agree settle on some form of fix for ACA and expanding medicare and medicaid. However, plenty of progressives will think it does not go far enough.
"But he's such a smooth talker, the press will love him, he might turn things around, here comes the pivot!"

This administration will always fuck things up.

Then they'll hire more dumb people to fuck things up more.
Yeah no.

That will go to Obama. It is because of Obamacare that we were even put on the path that Americans now actually believe that healthcare should be a right.

While true, Sanders is one of the unsung heroes behind Obamacare. He pushed for increased funding for Federal Health Community Centers which helps people that Obamacare fails. He's also one of the major proponents which gives states the options to create Single payer, public options, etc.

The law is a lot of his doing.


While true, Sanders is one of the unsung heroes behind Obamacare. He pushed for increased funding for Federal Health Community Centers which helps people that Obamacare fails. He's also one of the major proponents which gives states the options to create Single payer, public options, etc.

The law is a lot of his doing.

This is wrong. Sorry, not trying to bash Bernie here, but if I'm not down for Republicans trying to undermine the legacy of the first Black president, I sure as shit ain't down for this.

Bernie Sanders is not the hidden genius behind Obamacare. That legislation was years in the making and included dozens of significant amendments from members of the Senate and House. Pointing to Sanders' individual contribution to say that the law is "a lot of his doing" is some bullshit.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
He's been saying that, but that won't happen unless that's the one strategy McConnell decides on.

He hasnt changed. He wants a repeal only vote that won't get the votes to pass but that he is on record voting for.

I know. Just posting because he reiterated his stance on CNN.
Clinton failed because the GOP base was galvanized, swing election, 30 years of smearing, critical campaign mistakes, and interference. Oh, and sexism. Got more votes however.

Bernie failed because he straight up failed to garner the older black vote. Montrously failed.

Both facts.

Out of the two, I'm hedging my bet on the dems getting a fresher candidate that can provide a better message over a progressive candidate figuring out how to get that black vote.

One has happened before, the latter barely even gets acknowledged by those privotal in progressive movements.

Besides black progressives.... If they really matter in the greater movement.

Yeah, I am very bitter about how hard headed notable progressives, who legit have the keys to a better America, fuck this up.



Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said Sunday that the Senate will vote this week on a motion to proceed on a healthcare bill passed by the House of Representatives.

During an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” host John Dickerson asked Barrasso which legislation the upper chamber will come up for a vote.

“Well, it's a vote, a motion to proceed to the bill that passed the House,” Barrasso said.
“That then comes to the Senate, and then we can vote, once we get on that bill, to amend it in various ways. And lots of members have different ideas on how it should be best amended to replace what is really a failing Obama healthcare plan.”

Barrasso's comments come after the Senate’s repeal-only plan, which would have repealed ObamaCare and replaced it later, collapsed last week in the upper chamber.


contribute something
Possibly. How the healthcare will be debate will be settled is going to be determined by, assuming the good case scenario, we gain control of the House, become a majority in the Senate, get Democratic President, and who they are.

While Democrats in general believe we should all be covered it is split on how it should be done. Many of the Democrats are not going to support single payer without a detailed plan. You can't pass the bill without them. It might be far easier for them to agree settle on some form of fix for ACA and expanding medicare and medicaid. However, plenty of progressives will think it does not go far enough.

I think Medicare for All has snowballed into something that's impossible to prevent, and more conservative Dem officials will eventually accept this. Actually socialized healthcare, like the British or Cuban system, is a real possibility but not yet on the horizon.


The idea that single payer is "inevitable" is fucking ridiculous.

The only reason that people push for Single Payer so fucking much over UHC in general is because when people look at Europe, they only look at the UK, because we speak and write in the same language.


Professional Schmuck
The idea that single payer is "inevitable" is fucking ridiculous.

The only reason that people push for Single Payer so fucking much over UHC in general is because when people look at Europe, they only look at the UK, because we speak and write in the same language.

Inevitable in the sense that gay marriage was inevitable in 2004. It's not that it's super obvious and the only way things can turn out, it's that you mix demographics and a confluence of outsized parties with only one solution that eventually makes sense and it starts looking inevitable.


Inevitable in the sense that gay marriage was inevitable in 2004. It's not that it's super obvious and the only way things can turn out, it's that you mix demographics and a confluence of outsized parties with only one solution that eventually makes sense and it starts looking inevitable.
It's not the solution that only makes sense. It 's actually the solution that makes the least sense given the current state of the US Health Insurance market.

If you are going to get to Single Payer, it's via a Public Option where private insurers pull out of the market leaving it as a de facto single payer situation. But that would take a very long time to occur and is not a guarantee.
Trump at 50-47 in Arkansas.


February: 60-35
April: 53-39
July: 50-47
I wonder if states like Arkansas, West Virginia, Louisiana etc will have a come to Jesus moment with Trump. I feel they've been pretty insulated from their decision to go full GOP in the last few years because Democrats still controlled the state legislature, or Obama was able to block the GOP agenda, or shit like that. Now they have no way of blocking Trump and it is in large part these states' fault.

Not enough to start winning, but maybe pick off a congressional seat or two.
This is wrong. Sorry, not trying to bash Bernie here, but if I'm not down for Republicans trying to undermine the legacy of the first Black president, I sure as shit ain't down for this.

Bernie Sanders is not the hidden genius behind Obamacare. That legislation was years in the making and included dozens of significant amendments from members of the Senate and House. Pointing to Sanders' individual contribution to say that the law is "a lot of his doing" is some bullshit.

Yeah years in the making by notable people like Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman, and John Chafee.

I didn't say he was the hidden genius. I said he was "one" of the unsung heroes. Federal Health Community Centers are places where many poor people go to get health care. Subsidies and Medicaid Expansion doesn't help everyone. It's a huge provision. And providing a path for states to get to single-payer sets the foundation for true healthcare reform. The current subsidy/exchange system is a stop-gap.
So why the option?

Edit: as in, given the serious nature, why give them the option not to testify under oath

The oath is more of a theatrical element for public hearings. The penalties are the same either way. A maximum of 5 years in prison. It's something that the Committee can give to Jr. and Manafort. Anything that encourages them to talk seems like a good idea, especially when the penalties for lying remain the same. I really do think that Grassley and Feinstein are playing good cop/bad cop here.

Preet agrees:

Preet Bharara Retweeted ChuckGrassley
This is true. And presumably witnesses will be advised that lying is a crime. It's how FBI and federal prosecutors conduct interviews too.
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